

3757 Uppsatser om Dominant company - Sida 32 av 251

Investeringsbedömningstekniker i praktiken: En fallstudie om Divisionen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how theoretical investment appraisal techniques are applied in an investment driven company, regarding investments in fixed assets. The aim is also to investigate on what grounds the choices of techniques are justified, and what consequences these choices have on the overall investment appraisal. The study is designed as a case study of Divisionen, a production unit of a market leading company in Sweden, which is kept anonymous in this thesis. The empirical data consists of interviews with company employees and internal documents, including decision support for seven approved investment projects. The interviewees were chosen based on their role in the investment decision making process.

Tredjepartslogistik ur ett sakrättsligt perspektiv

It has become fairly common for a company to outsource one or several of its logistic activities to a party separate from the business of the company itself. Since the original agreement usually involves two parties, the seller and the buyer, the logistics company is called the third party. The relationship between the outsourcing company and the third party varies in form and in depth but can sometimes be very close, almost to be considered a joint venture. When the co-operation between the two parties includes more than just one separate logistic service and the third party adapts its business to a certain extent to his principals needs, it constitutes third party logistics. If the logistics company, or a party employed by it, becomes insolvent when having the entrusted goods in his possession questions may arise concerning the right to the property.

Vem har rätt till rättigheter? : En kritisk diskursanalys av regeringens migrationspolitik

This bachelor thesis is titled Who has Right to Rights ? a Critical Discourse Analysis of the Swedish Government?s Migration Politics and is written by Sofia Lindqvist within the discipline of International Relations.The thesis takes its departure in the paradox that irregular migrants in Sweden are given different rights depending on which state institution they face. Through its collaboration with the Environmental party, the Swedish government has made it possible for irregular migrants to access extended health care. At the same time, one of the main goals of the current migration policy is to make deportations more effective. This essay aims to explore if the Swedish migration policies are compatible with universal human rights standards.

Säkerhetsklassificering av IT-system på Fläkt Woods AB

This report presents a method for modelling a computer system from a security perspective. The questions that are going to be treated are:? What defines a secure system and how does the company relate to these factors?? What are the threats today based on hardware/software, human factors and company routines/policies?? What measures should be taken for the organisation to reach a higher level of security for their systems?? How do we develop a method for classification of security and what components should it contain?? What changes are reasonable and necessary with the respect to the company?s resources?The report has been done through interviews and analysis of existing systems on Fla?kt Woods AB. From analysis of material, the aspects judged relevant to the subject and to the company?s needs, have been compiled to a document.

Introduktion av Open Source som arbetssätt

In early January 2010 the authors participated in a meeting with the chief engineer for a company in which a central part is manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCB). At this meeting it emerged that the machinery and production methods have changed substantially since the early 1990's. The spreadsheet for preliminary production time calculations by the company is today based on conditions from almost 20 years ago. The company has over the years been trying to adjust the spreadsheet template. The result of these adjustments has filled it with historical residue, something which makes the template difficult and time consuming when the primary user tries to handle it.The purpose of this study was to help the company increase its accuracy in the representation of the production times for the different PCB-based products by developing a new costing model based on an already existing but inadequate spreadsheet template. The company also expressed the wish that the new costing model would be less time consuming to work with.The methods used to achieve the goal are interviewing, participatory observations and meetings with relevant persons. The data obtained were analyzed using the theory on PCB production and visualization of data.

E-marketing - ett modernt kommunikationsverktyg : En studie som presenterar alternativa marknadsföringsåtgärder

Background: The use of digital marketing channels during the last years has increased significantly, especially the use of marketing on the Internet. Hence the communication chart of marketing has been redrawn. The technological development has had a major impact on the marketing discipline. The integration of information technology and marketing has resulted in the emergence of a new field, namely e-marketing. Hence the need for further research is desirable.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine alternative marketing procedures that a company can apply to increase the digital awareness and manage their customer relationships.Theoretical framework: Theories regarding digital marketing cycle, SEO and customer relationship.Method: This research is based on data collected through a primary semi-structured interview with a company active in the corporate information industry which also provides a RFQ service.

Koncernchefens : Rättsliga ställning och interna skadeståndsansvar

At first glance, the group CEO's (koncernchefens) legal position looks easy. It is the CEO?s responsibility to lead and make decisions on matters which affect the entire group, all while defending the company?s best interests. However, when one looks closely at how the Companies Act (Aktiebolagslagen) regulates how a company should organize itself, as well as the options available to manage the group, one rea-lizes that simply appointing a group CEO does not necessarily make the company compatible with the Companies Act. A group CEO threatens to reduce both the Board and CEO's legal administrative districts which are not in accordance with legal and commercial principles.In order to introduce a group CEO it requires a detailed investigation of the group's legal relationships.

Värderingar, ansvar och affärer : En fallstudie om hur Löfbergs Lilas värderingar påverkar företagets CSR-arbete och affärer

AbstractThis master thesis is a hermeneutic inspired case study of how the value base regarding the environmental and social responsibility in the Swedish coffee company Löfbergs Lila AB is affecting the company's business. A thesis inspired by hermeneutics means that it is based on two ideas, the one of interaction between entirety and partitions and the one of interpretation (Alvesson & Sköldberg 1994). This cause that the emphasis is on how the reality is interpreted and that it never can be seen as completely objective.The case study was conducted during the spring semester of 2010 at Karlstad's University and consists of both empirical and theoretical material collected during this time. The empirical material in this thesis includes, among other things, interviews with four representatives of Löfbergs Lila AB, written material from the company regarding its work related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), some information about the coffee industry as a whole and different certifications for "ethical? coffee that exists on the Swedish market.The basic idea with CSR as a business strategy is that it can be financially beneficial for companies to take a social and environmental responsibility outside of the company (Vogel 2005).

PR och marknadsföring inom sociala medier : En studie kring riskerna att vara social i sociala medier

Social media provides a new position of power to the single individual within PR and marketing campaigns. When a company uses social media as a communication tool in their PR and marketing practice, they have to adapt themselves after the customers' needs and the new communication structure within social media. Communication in social medi is different from traditional media, which is more one-way communicative and visual in its interaction, rather than the digital media that are more two-way communicative av viral through dialogue. If a company creates PR and marketing campaigns within social media without adjusting to the new rules of communication through dialogue, and instead try to apply traditional one-way communication to their social campaigns, they put themselves and their brands in risk of public humiliation and loss of customers; the speed of the viral dialogue over social media can spread bad news fast, and with the newfound power of the single individual, the impliacations can thus be devastating for a company and its brand. If an organization does not respond and take part of the criticism that may be directed at them through the customers' comments, the negative dialogue among clients and the public within social media can quickly create a hazard enviorment for a company and its brand to be seen in. The public within these social media platforms are more independent and continuously conversing with each other on a local an global scale.

Handbok för nyanställda utan lantbrukserfarenhet som bokför lantbruksföretag i LRF Konsult AB :

LRF Konsult AB is a Swedish company with over 135 offices. During the time 2006-01-01 to 2008-06-16, 397 persons were recruited. New people will continue to be employed and because of that a need for consistant information for the recruits has been noted. The essay question is what a handbook should include to guide a newly recruited person. The newly recruited person that is referred to works at LRF Konsult AB with farming companies. The answer to the question is that it depends on the needs the employee has.

Granskning av kvalitetssäkringsarbetet vid en ICC-profilbaserad trycksaksproduktion

To make your company change from a conventional workflow to an ICC-based workflow you need tomake investments in time and money. On the other hand you get your reward in terms of a stable andquality safe production. To choose this way of adjusting your company to new routines requires accuracyas well as a great deal of commitment. It is not only about having the right equipment. There area lot of factors that affect the quality of production.Our ambition with this report is to bring out the importance of general thinking when it comes toICC-profiling and to discuss on which basis printing profiles should be created.

Den multifasetterade innovationsprocessen som framgångsfaktor i ett innovativt företag : Ett undersökande case i Serendipityformen

This is a graduation project in Innovation Management, which seeks to enlighten new theories within the major subject ? the multi?faceted innovation process.The reader is hereby invited to an insight in the more complex perspectives of these types of theories than what has previously been explained in simplified ways.We have conducted research on a company within the cleantech market; Cellkraft AB. The company develops and produces fuel cells amongst other products, which have emerged during their research and development in the fuel cell technology. Cellkraft works in a high?tech frontline market where innovation is key.

Affären Astoria Cinemas: Om en biografkedjas korta levnad

In May 2005 the Swedish cinema chain Astoria Cinemas is founded and in July two years later the company goes bankrupt. In this thesis Astoria Cinemas is used as an example to illustrate the conditions for a culture-producing company in a commercial market. The purpose of the thesis is to discuss the strategies for cultural production that has been used by the actors involved in the Swedish cinema market, and also to discuss the structural environment on that market. It is a qualitative study based on interviews and documentation. A few conclusions are possible to draw from the empirical material, one is that Astoria Cinemas? management did not agree on the company?s business strategy and therefore might have acted strategically inconsistent.

Individuellt lärande - i en sjundeklass

Jag har under min tid som lärare funderat över hur man ska anpassa undervisningen i ett klassrum för alla de individuella behov som ryms där. För att finna ett lämpligt svar på ovanstående fundering, så beslutade jag mig för att ta reda på vilka olika lärstilar som finns. Därefter undersökte jag vilken som är min egen lärstil som pedagog. Nästa steg var att göra en analys av elevernas stilar i en klass, i det här fallet den som jag är handledare för. Slutligen ville jag, med hjälp av tidigare forskning och litteratur, undersöka hur kunskaper om min egen samt elevernas olika stilar kunde utnyttjas för att undervisa på ett mer individanpassat sätt.

Mundekulla : En studie om det personliga företagets konferensverksamhet

The purpose of this essay is to review Mundekulla, which is a small, relatively newly established Swedish company operating in the field of conferences. Today they are serving ecological and environmental friendly food to their customers and we choose to investigate if this is a successful concept by asking the customer?s opinions. Our task is to analyze and understand how this company can develop a stronger concept regarding their conference area. This essay will also focus on trends and how the ever changing world can affect Mundekulla in the future.

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