

280 Uppsatser om Dogs - Sida 15 av 19

Finns det ett samband mellan ökad mjölkproduktion och mastit?

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Magomvridning :

The purpose of the study was to review the current veterinary literature regarding gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) considering pathophysiology and treatment, and to evaluate the operative technique (incisional gastropexy) used during the years 2005 and 2006 at the University Animal Hospital (Universitetsdjursjukhuset), SLU, Uppsala, Sweden. GDV has a complicated pathophysiology which foremost effects the circulatory system. Progress is often acute and it is not unusual that patients are affected with shock. The initial treatment targets to alleviate the shock by fluid therapy and decompression of the stomach. There is a high risk of recurrence in the long term perspective unless the stomach is surgically fixated by gastropexy. The study describes two different techniques for gastropexy; incisional gastropexy, and funduspexy. Long term complications were rare among the patients that were treated surgically, while about half out of the eighteen Dogs that undergo surgery do experience complications of various severity in the short term..

Nötkreatur som övernattar på slakteri : effekter på beteende vid drivning och bedövning

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Tillvänjning av labradorer att skritta och trava på löpband :

The aim of this study was to determine a method to habituate treadmill-naive Labrador Retrievers to walk and trot on a treadmill. 17 Labradors was equipped with reflective markers glued to the skin. Their motions were captured with six 240 Hz infra-red cameras as they walked and trotted on a treadmill three times a day for two days. Also the heart-rate was recorded. We then used QTM and custom built software to analyze the measurements.

Profylaktiska åtgärder för kaniner

Rabbits, Oryctolagos cuniculus, rapidly increases as pets. During the right circumstances, rabbits are friendly, social and playful. A rabbit who shows an abnormal behavior should always be examined by a veterinary, though there is almost always a medical problem. This essay is a result of a literature studie with the aim to find the prophylactic measures that may give pet rabbits a more healthy life. Rabbits have got a lot of common health problems, including dental, skin and gastrointestinal problems.

Undersökning av global epigenetisk metyleringsstatus hos juvertumörer på hund :

Mammary tumors are the most frequent type of tumors in bitches in Sweden. Many studies have been published concerning mammary tumors, but there is still much to be learned about this disease. One has, since some time ago, had the knowledge that addition to or removal of methyl groups to genes can inhibit or activate gene-expression. Methylation and demethylation is a normal phenomenon in the body and it is essential for the development and survival of the individual. The risk of developing a tumor disease is increased if the global methylationstatus is changed; if oncogenes demethylates (activates) or if tumor suppressor genes methylates (inactivates). In the human medicine one has seen that there are differences in methylationstatus between different tumors. In this study tumor and normal tissue from ten Dogs were examined with regard to methylationstatus.

Ökat kompetensutnyttjande - en nyckel till att öka det ideella engagemanget i en brukshundklubb?

The basic intention of this study is founded on an ambition to make change within the competing activity at ?Svenska Brukshundklubbens Halmstadavdelning? (SBK Halmstad). This is a local association for owners of working Dogs, where I am one of the members. A problem in engage a larger number of voluntarily working members in the association has been established and discussed over several years. My premier aim was to make the members award of different perspectives of the problem.

Meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus hos häst : zoonotisk smittspridning, riskfaktorer och förebyggande åtgärder

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Malignt melanom hos hund

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Rehabiliteringsmetoder för häst och hund :

Today, many veterinary hospitals offer rehabilitation as a service. We think that this is an interesting subject and therefore we want to find out what rehabilitation methods that are available in Sweden for Dogs and horses. We want to give animal nurses and other persons who have animals as an occupation an survey that shortly describes how the methods are performed, what physical effect they have in the body and to give examples in what conditions they are used. To find out what rehabilitation methods that are available we sent out two different questionnaires, one to hospitals/clinics for small animals and one to hospitals/clinics for horses and other companies that works with rehabilitation of horses. The information about the methods described in our project we have found in literature and on the Internet.

Hundägares och kattägares relation till sitt djur :

The relationship between the pet and it's owner is a very important and interesting issue. Unfortunately there is not so much research on this and in addition to that Swedish veterinarian education does not put much emphasis on pet's role in society or their pattern of behaviour nor treatment. This thesis is based on an opinion poll that 20 dog owners and 20 cat owners contributed. The main purpose of the thesis was to compare the relationships that the pet (dog or cat) and its owner can have. The issues such as the pet owner's attitude to his/her pet, how the pet owner percieves and interprets the signals from the animal, and what they think about the natural behaviours and needs that their pets (might) have. The results show that dog- and cat owners are people who generally love animals, that they used to have even other animal species in the past, but when it comes to choice between a new dog or a new cat they choose the one that they previously have had and that they are used to. Most of a dog owners choose the dog to be their pet because of the company while the majority of a cat owners choose cat because cats are independent and they are used to cats.

Förskrivning av antibiotika till hund vid veterinärhögskolan i Nantes, Frankrike :

The purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate the prescription of antibiotics to Dogs at the small animal clinic at Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Nantes, France. The purpose was also to compare the possible prescription patterns in France with those seen in a similar study by Petersson (2003) at the small animal clinic at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Antibiotics are very important in veterinary medicine and are used both to treat infections and to prevent them. The use of antibiotics however is not without complications and the risk of developing antimicrobial resistance is of most concern. Resistance has been shown to exist against all currently known antibiotics and potentially all pathogenic bacteria could develop resistance to one or more antibiotics. This study analysed the case records for all Dogs presented to the small animal clinic at Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Nantes, France during October 2001 and March 2002 to identify patients which were treated with systemic antibiotics. For these cases the antibiotic used, classified according to the ATCvet system, and the indication for use was noted. A total of 292 cases (146 per month) resulted in administration of systemic antibiotics.

Informationssäkerhet inom grafiska företag

The study shows the current need for security solutions concerning work with information in different areas.Investigations will show important solutions for printers? needs to meet the increasingly harder demands forfast and safe digital communications. Important factors to be analyzed in the investigations are: access todifferent types of information, workers authority of information, access to the data base register internallyand externally, production solutions for an effective fault detection and data base solutions fororders and distribution.Planned and unplanned stops result in a standard of value in interruptions. Internal data bases areprotected by so-called ?Fire Walls?, ?Watch Dogs? and Virtual Private Networks.

Populärkultur - ett redskap för samspel och lärande

How do we perceive literature? In our times computer games and Internet have made us grow more comfortable to the usage of non linear storylines. But how does this apply to printed literature?In this essay, called ?From a to b through d h and o. Non linear storytelling in our time? I have focused on nonlinear literature from different time periods and I have studied novels such as James Joyce?s Ulysses as well as works by William S.

Flanksnitt som alternativ till linea-albasnitt vid ovariohysterektomi av tik :

In Sweden, the most common way to castrate a bitch is by midline approach. In this study, flank and midline approaches are compared in order to evaluate incision by the flank as an alternative technique for ovariohysterectomy in the bitch. The study was performed on strayDogs in the central part of Thailand under field conditions. 32 bitches were included in the study. The castration technique was by flank and midline approach, alternating with every other bitch.

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