

55 Uppsatser om Divergent - Sida 2 av 4

Förbättringsarbete på monteringsbana

In this project we have used the theory of analytical mechanics to derive equations of motion for complex mechanical systems in order to study their behaviour over time. Even if the theory provides powerful tools to tackle tough problems which would be very hard to solve by methods of Newtonian mechanics, you are still relatively limited without running any computer simulations. One realises that in a faster rate it will be an incredibly difficult task to find an analytical solution when the degrees of freedom increases. Even if one would succeed to derive the equations, one still has to solve them to get the information of the systems behavior. Of experience one knows that the equations in general are nonlinear and hence must be integrated numericaly.

Matematisk kreativitet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur man kan mäta matematisk kreativitet på olika sätt och att jämföra den matematiska kreativiteten mellan olika åldrar och mellan könen. 142 elever från åk 6, åk 8 och åk 1 i gymnasiet gjorde två test, test A och test B. Resultaten från test A visade att eleverna i stor omfattning saknar den kreativitet som behövs för att inte fortsätta att använda samma strategi när den inte är optimal längre. I detta test visade pojkarna bättre resultat än flickorna. När det i test B gällde att komma på många rätta lösningar var det deltagarna från åk 8 som visade större kreativitet än de övriga deltagarna i detta test.

Analytisk mekanik med datoralgebra

In this project we have used the theory of analytical mechanics to derive equations of motion for complex mechanical systems in order to study their behaviour over time. Even if the theory provides powerful tools to tackle tough problems which would be very hard to solve by methods of Newtonian mechanics, you are still relatively limited without running any computer simulations. One realises that in a faster rate it will be an incredibly difficult task to find an analytical solution when the degrees of freedom increases. Even if one would succeed to derive the equations, one still has to solve them to get the information of the systems behavior. Of experience one knows that the equations in general are nonlinear and hence must be integrated numericaly.

Mobbning i skolan : En studie om omfattningen av mobbning riktad mot funktionshindrade och orsaken till detta

Bullying in schools is a big social problem in today?s society and it affects the children exposed in a very negative way. The aim of my paper is to find out if there is a group of students who gets bullied by other students more often than others. I want to study if children with functional disabilities get more bullied than children without functional disabilities and,if this is the case ? why is it so?My questions are:Are children with functional disabilities particularly exposed to bullying?How is bullying prevented?In order to get my results I have made three qualitative interviews and analyzed two debate articles concerning bullying of the disabled.

Lärmiljöer och lärare - En studie av hur lärares undervisningsfilosofi präglar arbetet och elevers lärande vid en Musikskola

Title: Teaching environment and teachers. A study of how music education philosophies influence instrumental teaching and learning at a community music school. Question of the research: Which Music philosophical ideas can be traced in the instrumental teaching of a community music school? Two teachers and their students have been videotaped. Data from the tapes and from interviews with the teachers and students have been analyzed by means of a category system, which grew out of the theoretical overview.

En psykometrisk utvärdering av det arbetspsykologiska testet Predicting Job Performance

Ett psykologiskt test används främst inom utbildningssammanhang och kliniska sammanhang, men även inom rekrytering, urval och organisationsutveckling. Det finns idag ett flertal personlighets- och begåvningstest som mäter olika aspekter som kan vara relevanta för en organisation. Predicting Job Performance, PJP, som har sin utgångspunkt i femfaktormodellen, är utvecklat av Psykologiförlaget AB och består av två delar som mäter olika dimensioner av personlighet och begåvning. I denna studie har psykometriska beräkningar utförts för att utvärdera instrumentets reliabilitet samt validitet, främst genom test-retest-metoden. Undersökningsdeltagare var 49 psykologistudenter vid Stockholms Universitet.

Språka om normer : En undersökning av normer om genus i läroböcker i spanska steg 3 för gymnasiet

The aim of this study is to examine the existence of norms in three Spanish textbooks intended for upper secondary school in Sweden. One category of norms, gender norms, is selected for analysis. The focus of the analysis is on how gender norms are represented in the textbooks. The concept of gender also includes - in addition to the relation between man och woman - ethnicity, sexuality and disability. The three analysed textbooks are Caminando 3, Vistas 3 and El Sur paso 3.

Nyckeln till visning - En kvantitativ studie av att sälja och bli såld på detaljbilder

Previous research in the field of consumer marketing has confirmed the positive effects of divergence on advertising efficiency. Despite the coherent evidence, some industries lag in the adoption of these findings, one of which is the Swedish real estate market. Divergence has not been elaborately investigated within said context and this paper addresses the need of actionable insights for housing advertising. Starting with the proven success of housing firm Fantastic Frank who work with detail photos in contrast to the common wide angle, this paper examines theoretical implications of detail photos' characteristics. Besides being Divergent, detail photos are also ambiguous which renders access to effects related to visual perception.

Den gudomliggjorda människan :  En analys av E.W. Kenyons lära om tro och perfekt hälsa

This essay analyzes the doctrines of the revival preacher E.W. Kenyon (1867-1948), such as perfect health, faith and positive thinking. Two of his late works from 1941 and 1942 is analyzed and contextualized referring to the contemporary New Thought movement, Christian revival movements and religious pragmatism in America during the late 19th century continued into the 20th century. Kenyon?s anthropology, his soteriology and epistemology is showed to be pneumocentric in a way that can be compared with the New Thought movement, but also has connections to Christian revival theology and Christian mysticism.

"Mer bio än bibliotek" : Klassifikation och medieuppställning i det senmoderna samhället

This case study examines the new media presentation system in Alby public library. The aim is to explore if the contemporary Zeitgeist, wich according to the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, could be described as liquid modernity, has affected how the system was formed. The purpose is to find out how that would affect users and staff of public libaries of the contemporary. Interviews were conducted with the library staff, and plans and documents concerning the media presentation system was examined.The empirical part of this thesis starts with a study of the process that resulted in the new presentation system while the second part examines the system as such. I discovered that both the media presentation system, and the process which preceded it, contained aspects that could be traced to liquid modernity.

The Mortality of Euthansia in the Light of the Catholic Church's Teaching

The question of euthanasia has kept pre-occupying and agitating the minds of thinkers, sweeping the globe, pummelling pedagogy, assailing assumptions, and bludgeoning biases. Both the moralist, ethicist, theologian, psychologist, educationist, anthropologist, politician, physician, patient as well as the common man in the street are interested in it. This pervading interest simply arises out of the fact that euthanasia involves the question of life, and life is something that is a common denominator to all men.The controversy hinges on the fact that, there are Divergent views on the moral question of euthanasia. While some would unflinchingly opt for euthanasia others would prefer to oppose it to the best of their strength, yet others will remain agnostic about it. But the issue here remains: is euthanasia in any way morally justified? Has human life an intrinsic value? Or is human life valuable only when it is healthy? Are we the ones who decide when to die? Has the physician any right to either assist or terminate the life of the patient simply on account of suffering? Has the patient any right to end his/her life? Are there some conditions in which euthanasia could be allowed? Is suffering meaningless?The topic of my project is: THE MORALITY OF EUTHANASIA IN THE LIGHT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH?S TEACHING.

Hur kan ledare påverka kreativitet inom ramen av ett kontrollsystem

Under den senaste tiden har ett stort intresse vigts åt förhållandet mellan kreativitet ochkontroll. Forskning inom området påvisar motstridiga resultat, somliga påstår att kreativitetkan hämmas av kontroll, medan andra hävdar att kontroll kan främja kreativitet. Från ettstyrningsperspektiv är det viktigt att förstå vad ledare kan göra för att påverka kreativiteten,men ledarens roll i denna kontext är relativt outforskad. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utforskahur ledare kan påverka anställdas kreativitet inom ramen av ett kontrollsystem. En kvalitativundersökning utfördes på ett företag där de anställda förväntades vara kreativa ochframbringa nya tekniska lösningar på problem som kunder efterfrågade.

Om yttrandefrihet : Gymnasieelevers tankar om rättigheter, ansvar och begränsningar kring yttrandefriheten

This essay focuses on different aspects of the concept of freedom of speech. The purpose is to examine the opinions and thoughts that upper secondary school students have on rights, responsibilities and limitations when it comes to freedom of speech, and to investigate theirschool experiences of the mentioned freedom. Focus groups have been used as method and two group interviews have been conducted, one at a vocational and the other at an academic upper secondary school. Overall, nine students from the third grade participated in the interviews.The essay's results show that the students believe that everyone in society should have theright to be heard, whether you have extreme or Divergent opinions. The interviewed studentsexpresses that all people have great responsibility for their opinions, however that, opinionsdiffer on how to interpret the concept of responsibility.

Att dömas eller bedömas

Syftet med studien var att undersöka försvarsmaktlärares uppfattning omrelationen mellan kursernas examinationsform och faktorer som har med destuderandes lärande att göra. Studien hade dessutom som syfte att undersöka omdet finns några betydande skillnader i uppfattning mellan skolor med olikakaraktär i form av generalist- eller specialistinriktning på utbildningen.Konstruktionen av empirisk data har möjliggjorts genom att vi har intervjuatlärare från två olika skolor, dels Militärhögskolan i Halmstad (MHS H) delsFörsvarsmaktens tekniska skola (FMTS).För att kunna tolka vårt resultat har vi använt oss av två referensramar. Det ärMarton och Booth teoretiska referensram om lärandet samt Biggs teorier omkonstruktiv gruppering av de faktorer som främjar lärandet. Resultatet pekar påatt det är av betydelse för de studerandes lärande att lärarna gör medvetna val föratt examinationen skall vara ett stöd i lärandet och inte enbart enkontrollfunktion. Vidare kan vi konstatera att det inte föreligger några skillnaderi uppfattning om examinationens vikt för lärandet utan skillnaden ligger iuppfattning om i vilken grad man faktiskt har möjlighet att realisera sina planermed hänsyn taget till de ramfaktorer som styr planeringen av den genomfördautbildningen..

Ungdomskulturer på institution : kan personalen påverka?

The purpose of the study was, with initial position from two particular youth homes, to survey the staff?s experiences regarding different youth cultures that might occur at the institutions and how they react to them. The question formulations were as follows: What kind of youth cultures might occur at the institution and how are they being expressed, according to some of the staff members? How do the same staff members, individually, see their role and prospect to influence the type of youth culture that is developing on the institution? Earlier research in the field were used as theoretical starting positions as well as the concepts of ?looking-glass self?, ?the generalized other? and ?the overtaking of roles? in the symbolic-interactionism. Qualitative research interviews were carried through with three of the employees at the two youth homes and the results of the study evinced that both positive and negative youth cul-tures develops at both of the institutions, concluding the fact that youths affect each other both ways.

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