864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 54 av 58
Förekomst & kostnad av kapsprickor i stormaskadad skog
The aim for this study where to investigate the frequency of cutting cracks in saw timber harvested in the storm-damaged forests in regions where the storms Hilde and Ivar hit. The idea for this work came from one of the region?s biggest actors, SCA Skog and Jämtlands district. The purpose where to find out how big proportion of the saw timber that contains cutting cracks, their financial cost in lost wood value and also give advice and suggestions on how to work against the frequency of cutting cracks.
For the field-study some guidelines where used to make sure that the samples were taken under the same conditions, they were:
? The field-study must be performed under harvesting of storm-felled forest, which are horizontal/inclined trunks.
? The averaged sized tree will make it possible to harvest saw timber.
? The trunks can?t be root cut.
A methodology called in Swedish ?Trissmetoden? was used because it is the most frequent used methodology in earlier performed studies and the only one that can be used I field.
Under the field-study data were collected from 570 saw timber logs, 30 logs from each one of the tested harvesters.
Miljösystemanalys av alternativa avloppssystem i ett urbant område ?Svartvattensystem : Skogaberg ? Ett pilotprojekt i Göteborg
Starting point to this Paper is the idea and wish to adapt the society and its different activities to a recycle society. A building area in Göteborg is planned and investigated for such adaptation. In the district named Skogaberg, about 130 households totally are planned from what 20 are blocks of flats. The idea with this project is to constitute an alternative sewage system, a Blackwater system, were the fractions of most nutrients and least pollution are separated, taken care of and utilised. The aim is to get a market and use the nutrients of the organic waste from the household in agriculture use.
Towards sustainable rye cultivation : soil carbon and yield modelling for crop rotations with rye
Using the Introductory Carbon Balance Model, ICBM, five different crop rotations with rye
1. Rye-Ley-Ley-Rye-Beans-Rye
2. Rye-Rye-Rapeseed-Rapeseed
3. Rye-Ley-Ley-Rye-Potatoes-Rye
4. Rye-Rye-Potatoes-Wheat
5. Rye-Rye-Potatoes-Beans-Wheat-Rye-Potatoes-Rapeseed
were tested theoretically in four different cultivation scenarios
? Straw left on the field, biogas digestate added as fertilizer. Labelled ?+straw+BD?.
? Straw left on the field, only synthetic fertilizer. Labelled ?+straw-BD?.
? Straw harvested, biogas digestate added as fertilizer.
Utbrändhet och Copingstrategier hos Sjuksköterskor och Distriktsköterskor inom Hemsjukvården
Att arbeta som sjuksköterska/distriktssköterska (SSK/DSK) innebär arbetsuppgifter som varierar mycket. Denna arbetsmiljö kan vara väldigt krävande och kan påverka SSK/DSK på ett negativt sätt vilket kan leda till fysisk och psykisk påverkan. Copingstrategier är hur personer hanterar krävande situationer, utan effektiva copingstrategier finns risk att personen drabbas av utbrändhet. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva graden av skattad utbrändhet och vilka copingstrategier SSK/DSK använder sig av i sitt arbete inom hemsjukvården (HSV). Studien undersökte också om det fanns några skillnader gällande grad av utbrändhet och förekomst av copingstrategier beroende på vilket län SSK/DSK arbetade i samt om det fanns samband mellan copingstrategier och grad av utbrändhet hos SSK/DSK.
Mätning av partikelmassa i avgaser från en dieselmotor
This master thesis was a continuation of a previous study in the diesel exhaust characterization, which is part of the academical work embedded in the EMIR-1 project. The main objective of this thesis work was to finish the installation and make the proper modifications of the particulate mass measuring system located in one of the engine test cells at KTH, in order to be able to measure the mass of the particles from the exhaust of diesel engines.This experiment requires a diluted flow sample from the exhaust that should be sent to the device that makes possible the measurement of particle mass, called TEOM. In the first stage of this project, the objective was to study and make the proper modifications in the existing KTH diluter because there were several problems to obtain a constant dilution ratio from it during tests.This modifications were made and it resulted in a great improvement in the maximum inlet and outlet flow that this diluter can handle. Therefore another modification is proposed for controlling the inlet exhaust flow so it will be possible to regulate the dilution ratio and make it constant along a wide range of engine loads and speeds.The second and most important stage was to make particulate mass measurements possible by analyzing the frequency signal from the TEOM device. The idea was to obtain the frequency of oscillation from the tapered element in the TEOM, and therefore with the proper correlations, be able to predict the particulate mass concentration in the exhaust flow from the engine.An electrical problem in the TEOM circuit was detected and corrected, so the signal that carries the frequency from the TEOM can be analyzed properly.
?Att man pratar med dom om hur dom vill dö? ? en kvalitativ studie om distriktssköterskans erfarenheter av att vårda den äldre patienten i livets slut
Bakgrund: Alla patienter oavsett diagnos skall tillförsäkras en palliativ vård i livets slut på lika villkor över hela landet. Forskning visar att den äldre patienten inte alltid ges möjlighet att ta del av denna typ av vård. Det finns en tydlig trend mot att äldre människor i större utsträckning kommer att vårdas i sitt hem till livets slut. För distriktssköterskan innebär detta att ställas inför nya utmaningar i sin profession för att kunna ge dessa patienter palliativ vård. Den äldre människan i livets slut genomgår en transition.
Distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors erfarenheter om och reflektioner av arbetsmiljön i kommunaliserad hemsjukvård - En intervjustudie
Sammanfattning (MB och AA)Distriktssköterskor och sjuksköterskor arbetar med varierande arbetsuppgifter och inom olika verksamheter bland annat med hemsjukvård. Patientens hem blir en arbetsplats, som på olika sätt kan påverka arbetsmiljön. Syftet med studien var att beskriva erfarenheter om och upplevelser av arbetsmiljön i kommunaliserad hemsjukvård hos distriktssköterskor/sjuksköterskor med kort respektive lång yrkeserfarenhet. En empirisk studie med deskriptiv design och kvalitativ ansats gjordes. Fem deltagare med kort yrkeserfarenhet intervjuades samt sex deltagare med lång yrkeserfarenhet.
Sjuksköterskors och distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med FaR® och motiverande samtal för att öka patienters fysiska aktivitet
Bakgrund - Sjuksköterskor och distriktssköterskor har en viktig funktion i det hälsofrämjande arbetet och därför är det viktigt att få veta och ta del av deras erfarenheter om hur de upplever att arbeta med att få patienter till att bli mer fysiskt aktiva.Syfte ? Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors och distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att med stöd av FaR® och motiverande samtal motivera patienter att öka sin fysiska aktivitet.Metod - Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer som utgick från en frågeguide användes. Data analyserade med en manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. En sjuksköterska och sju distriktssköterskor ingår i studien.Resultat ? Resultatet visas i fyra kategorier och femton underkategorier.
"Gävlemodellen" : ? Födseln av en unik "bildbyrå" tillhörande två konkurrerande tidningar i Gävle
The role of the professional photographer is ever changing. The changes take place as the Swedish media industry itself, due to fluctuations in the economy, is forced to change. As the demand for printed news wane, the advertisers seek out other media and free newsprint & the internet take over large portions of the market, the newspaper industry is forced to cut issues and make drastic changes to stay in business. This changes directly affects the way news bureaus are organised and inevitably changes the working conditions of their employees. The two competing newspapers ?Arbetarbladet? and Gefle Dagblad? in the Gävle district were affected by this kind of change in quite a unique way.
En energistudie av Grinstad kyrka : Kartläggning av dagens energitillstånd och förslag till energibesparingsåtgärder
Våra kyrkor är en viktig del av samhället, och är en kulturskatt som måste vårdas. Kyrkorna använder dock väldigt mycket energi till uppvärmning varje år. Detta beror på att de flesta av dem är gamla och att energieffektivitet ej varit en prioriterad fråga i deras verksamhet. Grinstad kyrka är en kyrka med hög energianvändning som trots att den endast är uppvärmd vid förrättningar använder lika mycket energi som två medelvillor. Kyrkan är från 1200-talet, är byggd i tegel och värms idag upp av en oljepanna i ett vattenburet system samt några elradiatorer.
Metod för användning av Geografiska Informations System vid långsiktig vägplanering : en studie genomförd på Sveaskogs marker i Norrbotten
The forest industry is one of the most important industry branches in Sweden. Since the demand of high precision wood deliveries has increased, the demand on a well constructed forest road net also has increased. A good road net gives the wood-supplier competition advantages and also increases its service level towards its customers, lumber-mills and pulp-mills. In some parts of Norrbotten, the road net is still insufficient and not yet built out enough, and that is why it is important to know how to act and where to improve the road net in these areas.
The purpose of this thesis was to create a work-model for long term road planning in areas with no road net or a not yet complete road net. The model has been created in an ArcGis environment, where a long chain of tools has been tied together with the program ?Model builder?.
Passivhus - lönsamt eller ej? : En jämförelse mellan ett passivhus och ett konventionellt hus
As a result of increased energy prices more and more energy-efficient homes are coveted. An energy-efficient alternative is passive houses, which is characterized by an extremely well insulated building envelope that recovers the heat without the use of radiators or under floor heating. But a passive house requires a higher investment cost than a conventional building project, since it will require more construction materials, training of construction workers, greater land area, and long construction period. But the lower operating cost expects to pay back the higher cost of investment. We therefore question how profitable a passive house is in relation to houses built according to modern conventional building techniques.The aim of our study is to investigate the viability of passive houses compared to conventional houses.
Strategier på en dynamisk marknad - en analys av skånska gardencenters och handelsträdgårdar :
Garden center and market gardens are a growing trade, undergoing great changes with new
actors and purchasing habits. The interest in gardens and plants is steadily increasing, official
statistics show an increase of garden plants and flower consumption, of an annual 3 per cent.
Garden centers and market gardens are in great need of development to be able to tackle the
prevailing competition, and maintain a steady growth. Many companies are heading for a
generation shift and are founding it difficult to find and employ younger managers. The aim
of this report is to examine different strategies of garden centers and market gardens through
the manager/ owner?s views and opinions about competition, growth and success.
Gallringsprioritering av contortabestånd :
Extensive planting of the tree species lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) during the 1970s and 80s has resulted in large areas now being available for commercial thinning. However, the varying quality of the stands creates a problem. The purpose of this study was to investigate, at the Torsby district of the Stora Enso forest company, how well the present computer records of the stands correspond to reality and determine which stands are, from a qualitative perspective, suited for timber production. Finding variables that indicate better stands would give Stora Enso the possibility of selecting qualitative stands which are more profitable to thin.
The study included 32 stands containing at least 70 % Pinus contorta.
En analys av SCA Skog AB's metod för egenuppföljning av gallringar :
A high quality is highly requested in today?s thinnings, since these are the base for continued value development of the forests. Thinning quality often means a minimization of damages on soil, stems and roots during the cutting. One way to reach a high quality is to set up goals that will be followed up after the cutting is made. Self-checking gives information of the machine drivers work and guarantees the customers a good quality of work.