

864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 53 av 58

Energianalys av hygieniseringssystem : jämförelse av befintlig pastörisering med integrerad termofil hygienisering på Kungsängens gårds biogasanläggning i Uppsala

The biogas plant Kungsängens gård, owned by Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB, produces biogas and biomanure from organic household waste, food processing waste and slaughterhouse waste. In year 2012, 4.4 million Nm3 of biogas were produced from 25 200 tons of waste. Before digestion all substrate is sanitized by one hour?s pasteurization at 70°C in order to kill pathogens. Another method, integrated thermophilic sanitation (ITS), is of interest in order to decrease the energy demand.

Planering av vägupprustning med hjälp av GIS och optimering : en fallstudie på Holmen Skog

The objective of this thesis was to develop a method for the planning of road upgrading at Holmen Skog, a Swedish forest company. A critical issue for creating such plans is to identify roads that are suitable to upgrade to a standard that can handle heavy traffic during spring thaw, since spring thaw is a bottle neck for transporting timber. The method was tested in a case study at a district. The work consisted of two parts. The first was to retrieve and prepare geographical data for the roads.

Skogen Brun : ett nedslag i västsvensk skogshistoria

After the last is age there was a long period when there was no shortage of forest for peoples needs. People living in Sweden could use the forest resources at their will. Around 4000 years BC the inhabitants of southern Sweden started to use the agricultural system and people become more stationary. The farms were located together in groups and together they formed a social association, the village. Successively the population grew and in some areas the forest started to become a finite resource.

Kvalitetsarbete i grotskotning

This study was carried out at the request of the Swedish forest company Sveaskog which is an important producer of logging residues (branches and tops) intended for energy production. The company wanted to increase the average dry content to 60 percent in their delivered logging residues. At the time when this study was initiated, the dry content in the chipped logging residues originating from the Bergslagen district was at 52 percent. The aim of the study was to find out how windrows of logging residues could be arranged in order to help obtain desired properties such as increased dry content. Sveaskog had developed a system for evaluation of windrows and a standardized form was utilized to describe different properties of the windrows.

Strategisk och taktisk planering samt länken där emellan : analys av planeringsprocessens genomförande vid SCA Skog

To effectively manage a forest resource for both economic and other values good planning is required. The problem is complex since you want to know which forest to cut and when. Often a hierarchical planning structure is applied, including strategic (long-term), tactical, (medium-term) and operational level. Today SCA Forest is one of few forestry companies in the northern Sweden with an integrated forest wood supply and industry. The goals of the company are to supply their own industries with wood and to manage the resources of the forest through a long-term perspective with satisfactory profitability.

Lövängen i nordöstra Skåne :

The purpose of this paper is to study how the wooded hay meadow of the forest district of northeastern Scania is preserved today, and what local history it has, to thereby achieve a better understanding of the dynamics of the landscape and the complex of problems involved in keeping a historical element of the cultural landscape alive. To accomplish this, literature concerning the subject has been studied, experts have been consulted and an example, the old farm Sporrakulla in Östra Göinge municipality, has been studied. The paper states that the wooded hay meadow constitutes an important part of the history of northeastern Scania, where it provided leaf fodder and hay for the farmers keeping cattle. Today, however, only a few wooded hay meadows remain. One of these is the studied example at Sporrakulla, where juridical protection like Natura 2000 and financial support of maintenance like miljöersättningar make sure that the wooded hay meadow will remain.

Projekt Sunbaker : Utveckling av en solugn för bakning, en fältstudie i Namibia

Namibia, southern Africa, suffers from an energy shortage and is therefore facing severalchallenging problems. The use of firewood as fuel for cooking is common in the whole countryand has negative consequences for health and the environment. This work have focused ondeveloping a solar baking oven, calledSunbaker, adapted for Namibian families needs forbaking. The development was based on classic solar cooking limitations, specific needs forNamibia and to have a feasible manufacturability.The project started with a theoretical study in Sweden where different solar cookers, informationregarding Namibia, technical aspects and end user aspects were studied. To assess the need for asolar baking oven aMinor Field Study took place in Namibia during eight weeks in July toSeptember 2009 and resulted in a product design specification.


Changes in the climate and the environment are largely consequences of human influences. Resources are given to teach adults about the environment. However, there are problems in focusing on adults because it is difficult to influence people when they already have created a lifestyle. We have instead chosen to focus on teaching children about changes in the climate and the consequences of this.Many of the toys available on the market today encourage children to consume. Luxury cars and dolls with hundreds of accessories are often made of materials that has have a negative effect on the environment.Another problem we often encountered during the year is the declining interest in technology and science.

Landskapskaraktärsanalys som verktyg för hållbar byutveckling - exemplet Flädie

There are numerous questions to be asked when your task is to plan a small community?s future development. Is it possible to suggest something new and modern? What considerations should be taken concerning the existing situation? What is an appropriate size for the new development? Where is it possible to build and what is the most appropriate method to use?In this master´s thesis I have tried to develop and describe a working-process where I execute a complete landscape character analysis for the whole community in question to get the answers to where and how it would be most appropriate to develop a village like Flädie without destroying its current character.Flädie is a typical small village in the countryside of Skåne, Sweden. It is strongly effected by the expansive and urban region it?s located in but is still rural in character.

En islamofobs manifest? En psykobiografisk analys av Anders Behring Breivik, 2083 A European Declaration of Independence och händelserna i Oslo och på Utøya den 22 juli 2011

On July 22, 2011 a bomb detonated in the government building in central Oslo in Norway and eight persons died. Later that day, 69 people, most of them youths, were shot down and killed on the island of Utøya by a uniformed Norwegian man.The purpose of this study is to analyse Anders Behring Breivik's personality and explain why he became a killer. I have used a Psychobiographical narrative method, which serves to describe the mind of a human being, linking the mind to motives, scripts, unconscious ideas and personality.My primary sources are Breivik?s Manifest: 2083 A European Declaration of Independence and the inter-views with his father and stepfather, together with the Psychiatric Reports which were submitted to the District Court of Oslo. I have analysed in what way Breivik?s childhood influenced his behavior as an adult.

Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is one of the leading causes of acute encephalitis in humans. The virus is spread by mosquitoes, mainly belonging to the Culex species. The main reservoirs are considered to be birds and pigs, with pigs constituting the most important reservoir in regard to human infection. During the last few decades the production of pork has increased significantly in Vietnam. With 90% of pigs being kept in households owning 10 pigs or less, pigs are widely spread across most parts of the country.

Distriktssköterskors upplevelser av vardaglig stress i arbetslivet

Introduktion: Stress i arbetslivet har ökat i samhället och undersökningar visar att arbetsrelaterad stress är vanligare hos dem som arbetar med människor exempelvis inom hälso- och sjukvården. Tidigare forskning pekar på att det finns många olika stressfaktorer i arbetet som orsakar stress hos sjuksköterskor och distriktssköterskor. Att kunna hantera stress genom att använda sig av egna strategier kan bidra till att minska den. Distriktssköterskors yrke innefattar ett brett kompetensområde där många olika arbetsuppgifter inkluderas. Förutom att vårda och hjälpa patienter på olika sätt har hon eller han också ett ansvar att styra, organisera och förbättra arbetet inom det egna arbetsområdet.

Medling i dispositiva tvistemål : En kritisk utvärdering av det svenska systemet

This paper is a critical evaluation of the Swedish system with special mediation. The district court has the opportunity, in cases that are amenable to out-of-court settlements, to refer the dispute to special mediation. However, this is extremely rare, even though the legislature expressed a desire to increase the use of alternative dispute resolution. In 2011, a series of measures were taken to increase the use of mediation and strengthen mediation attractiveness. What effect can be inferred from these actions today, over three years after their introduction? This study analyses the main reasons offered for why mediation is not used more, and what should be done to increase the use of mediation.

Ombyggnation till passivhus

Energy issues are constantly increasing attention in today's society. People's impact on Earth isentered in more contexts. Many discussions are about how the entire social structure needs to bestreamlined in order to achieve sustainability. The residential and service sector accounts for 39 % oftoday's total energy consumption in Sweden and the increasing electricity prices have made buyersmore interested in energy issues.There are many buildings in need of refurbishment today, including all the apartments that werebuilt in the 1970s to reduce the housing shortage at the time. 650 000 apartments of one millionapartments were built during the so-called the one million program and is currently in need ofrefurbishment.

Utredning av värmesystem i Boliden AB:s anläggning vid Tara-gruvan

Sommaren 2009 besökte WSP en anläggning i anslutning till Taragruvan i Navan, Irland. Syftet av deras besök var att se över ventilationssystemet som var föråldrat. I och med besöket insåg besiktaren att även deras värmesystem var i behov av en uppdatering och den uppgiften resulterade till detta examensarbete. Det övergripande syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur ett nutida värmesystem kan byggas upp och förbättra inomhusklimatet jämfört med ett äldre system. Uppgiften i arbetet består av att ta fram ett förslag på utformningen av ett nytt system som tar hänsyn till effektbehov och dagens klimatkrav. Utredningen hänvisar en anläggning som används till omklädningsrum för gruvarbetarna samt kontorslokaler. Där är inomhusmiljön bristande, speciellt i omklädningsrummet där temperaturen och den relativa fukthalten är över rekommenderande värden.

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