

864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 52 av 58

Distriktssköterskornas erfarenheter av att arbeta med urininkontinens bland äldre i hemsjukvården : ? en intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Urininkontinens är ett stort folkhälsoproblem bland äldre och upplevs som genant. Då många äldre har hemsjukvård är detta ett vanligt problem som distriktssköterskan kommer i kontakt med. Distriktssköterskorna upplever att tyngdpunkten i hemsjukvården ligger på att skriva ut inkontinensskydd och inte på att göra grundliga utredningar.Syfte: Var att belysa distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med urininkontinens bland äldre i hemsjukvården.Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor genomfördes. Via ett bekvämlighetsurval valdes åtta distriktsköterskor ut att delta. Analysen genomfördes enligt Graneheim's och Lundman's manifesta innehållsanalys.Resultat: Fyra kategorier framkom; att hitta och förstå problemet, att ge rätt inkontinenshjälpmedel, ekonomi och förbrukning samt samarbetet med hemtjänsten.

Polisens kunskap ? allmänhetens trygghet En utvärdering av polisområde Älvsborgs trygghetsmätning

Aim is to investigate from a criminological perspective how the safety questionnaire in Älvsborg police district can be improved theoretically and methodologically, in order for the questionnaire to effectively measure criminal victimisation, concern about crime, safety and confidence in the police.1. What should a good questionnaire contain?- Which methodological problems are related to measuring criminal victimisation, concern about crime and confidence in the police?- Which criminological theories are interesting in this context and how can questions be designed from these theories?2. How will the themes now represented in the questionnaire be measured in the best possible way? Are there any reasons to remove, The material consists of questions from the safety questionnaire, the total analysis report and individual reports for the local authorities, as well the results and technical information from Mind Research.

Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of Babesia bigemina in Uganda : wildlife-livestock interface at and around LMNP

Ticks and the diseases they transmit are of major importance throughout the world. In Uganda, cattle are the most important livestock from an economic point of view. Livestock keepers fear bi-directional transmission of tick-borne pathogens between their livestock and wild animals. This cross-sectional study was conducted to establish and compare the sero-prevalence of the tick-borne pathogen Babesia bigemina among randomly selected Ankole Long-horned cattle and European crossbred cattle on 30 farms in Kiruhura district, in two sub-counties near Lake Mburo National Park in South-western Uganda. Half of the farms were situated in close proximity to the park and thereby housed cattle with more frequent wildlife-livestock interface (Sanga), whereas the other half had less frequent contact (Kikatsi).

Kvinnans rättigheter i rätten : Om våldtäktsdefinitionen i svensk sexualbrottslagstiftning

During the past 10 years Sweden has updated its penal code for sexual crimes twice. Despite this few are convicted for the crime of rape in Sweden. As the majority of perpetrators being male, this is a problem concerning women?s rights to respect for their bodies and personal integrity. A possible explanation, and this study?s point of departure is a potential discrepancy between the intention of the law and the interpretation of the same as the Swedish legal system rests on a foundation of legal positivism.

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av telefonrådgivning på en hälsocentral

Bakgrund: Telefonrådgivning är en stor del av distriktssköterskans arbete på en hälsocentral. Arbetet innebär att bedöma, hänvisa, ge råd och stöd, samt utföra omvårdnad. Distriktssköterskan måste anpassa sitt arbete och sina beslut efter ekonomiska, tekniska, organisatoriska och vetenskapliga aspekter.Syfte: Syftet var att belysa distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med telefonrådgivning på en hälsocentral.Metod: En kvalitativ deskriptiv metod användes. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tio distriktssköterskor från sex olika hälsocentraler. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys.Resultat: Vid analysen framkom sex huvudkategorier; ett professionellt bemötande är viktigt för patienterna, organisation och struktur är avgörande för arbetet, arbetsmiljön påverkar arbetet på olika sätt, kollegialt samarbete på arbetsplatsen är betydelsefullt, några områden kan förbättras, svårigheter och utmaningar finns i arbetet.

Smak och konsistens hos ost : en litteraturstudie kring årstiderna och fodrets inverkan

To enjoy the richness of the grazing cows and high yield during the summers, even during the winter, cheese has been the way to store milk for thousands of years. Nowadays yield is high all year around and the cheese production is possible during all seasons. The aim of this paper is to investi-gate how and why the seasons influence taste and texture of pressed and ripened cheese. Milk is composed of proteins, fat, lactose and water but contains also a lot of vitamins. The quality of milk is very important for the final constitution of cheese.

Arenastaden ? En jämförande studie om attraktiva områden för kontor

This thesis has been conducted at Volvo Bussar ABunder a period of ten weeks. Within the organizationVolvo, the work is conducted with leaders and teamson every level; from production to top management.They have three tasks, besides executing their dailywork, they are expected to actively work on improvingtheir individual work as well as themselves as persons.The two latter are future value adding activities for theorganization. When doing so, however, it has beennoticed that they often lose the grasp of their dailywork. The question that consequently arises is whythis happens. Is it because of lack of time or it isbecause the co-workers do not have the competenceand simply do not know how they are to execute thethree tasks? Or, is it because the motivation to executethe three tasks is not enough? With this in regard, thestatement of issues for this bachelor thesis were thefollowing: how can the conditions for leaders and theteam be improved, in order for them to execute thesethree tasks.To find out why the execution of these threeassigments did not always succeed, the decision wastaken to conduct a survey and interview study in reallife and at the plants.

Energianalys av hygieniseringssystem : jämförelse av befintlig pastörisering med integrerad termofil hygienisering på Kungsängens gårds biogasanläggning i Uppsala

The biogas plant Kungsängens gård, owned by Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB, produces biogas and biomanure from organic household waste, food processing waste and slaughterhouse waste. In year 2012, 4.4 million Nm3 of biogas were produced from 25 200 tons of waste. Before digestion all substrate is sanitized by pasteurization at 70°C in order to kill pathogens. Another method, integrated thermophilic sanitation (ITS), is of interest in order to decrease the energy demand. The method implies that the substrate is sanitized during ten hours in the digestion chamber, where the temperature is 52°C.

Hållbar stadsutveckling ? studier av Malmö och Prag

There are numerous questions to be asked when your task is to plan a small community?s future development. Is it possible to suggest something new and modern? What considerations should be taken concerning the existing situation? What is an appropriate size for the new development? Where is it possible to build and what is the most appropriate method to use?In this master´s thesis I have tried to develop and describe a working-process where I execute a complete landscape character analysis for the whole community in question to get the answers to where and how it would be most appropriate to develop a village like Flädie without destroying its current character.Flädie is a typical small village in the countryside of Skåne, Sweden. It is strongly effected by the expansive and urban region it?s located in but is still rural in character.

Innebandytränarens egenskaper och beteende : En studie av innebandytränares och -spelares syn på ledarskapet inom dam- och herrlag på avancerad breddnivå

AbstractThe main purpose of this study is to examine which essential traits floorball coaches for men?s and women?s team require. One issue was to see if there was any distinction between which leader traits and behaviors the players and the coaches regarded as essential. Another issue was to see if the coaches? behaviors differed whether he was coaching men or women.

Utvärdering av EFFA-Västers föräldraprogram för föräldrar med barn i åldern 2-4 år. : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie med fokus på programinnehåll, effekter samt implementering.

AN EVALUATION OF EFFA-VÄSTERS PARENT PROGRAMME FOR PARENTS WITH CHILDREN 2-4 YEARS- A qualitative and quantitative research focused on content, effects and implementationAuthors: Fritz, Jesper & Johansson, LinaSupervisor: Koutakis, NikolausÖrebro UniversityAcademy of Law, psychology and social workSocial Work ProgramSocial Work 41-60 pointsC-essay, 15 pointsAutumn term 2008AbstractThis study is written on commission by The Unit for prevention which is a part of the Social welfare Services in the district of Örebro. The social work practice carried out by the unit is based on universal prevention, which includes providing parent programmes. The aim in this study is to describe and evaluate the EFFA-Väster parent programme, which has been compiled by social workers working at the unit, with regard to the content, effects and implementation of the program. The study is based on a non-experimental inquiry of an experimental group which has been subjected to a pre- and post test. Further, observations has been made of every program session to examine whether the program is implemented in accordance with the intention and how the program is received by the participants.

Distriktssköterskans upplevelse av mötet med flyktingar i glesbygd : En intervjustudie

INTRODUKTION Sverige tar emot en stor andel flyktingar och flera kommer till glesbygd. Ett bra mottagande är avgörande för flyktingarnas hälsa. De har rätt till hälsoundersökning, akut sjukvård samt sjukvård som inte kan vänta. Kulturella skillnader innebär utmaningar för vården och distriktssköterskorna som möter flyktingarna.SYFTE Syftet med studien var att undersöka distriktssköterskors upplevelser av faktorer som påverkar mötet med flyktingar på hälsocentraler utan specifik flyktingmottagning i glesbygd.METOD Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ design. Åtta distriktssköterskor med erfarenhet av flyktingmottagande i glesbygd valdes ut och intervjuades.

Livscykelanalys av flerbostadshus ? energieffektiviseringsåtgärder för minskade koldioxidutsläpp

The importance of energy- and environmental issues has increased, and the work towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions plays a major part. The European Union has set up goals for the membership countries to work towards this to happen. The carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden have been reduced the last few years, but there is still a lot to do. About 30 per cent of Sweden?s carbon dioxide emissions generate from energy usage related to housing, this is why the housing sector is of interest to examine.

Organisationen, ledaren, individen: vem ansvarar för hälsan? En kvalitativ studie om det hälsofrämjande och ohälsoförebyggande personalarbetet i Malmö stads stadsdelar.

The purpose of this study was to examine health promotion and ill-health prevention in the workplaces of the City District Committees in the City of Malmö. More specifically, we wanted to find what types of health problems there were and what kinds of strategies were applied to prevent them. Furthermore, the aim was to examine whether the leaders of the City of Malmö saw any effects of the strategies in use and if so, which. Finally, the intention was to compare our empirical results to previous research in the field of health promotion and ill-health prevention in workplaces. We conducted a qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with five leaders in different levels, two personnel secretaries, two employees assigned to improve the health of the personnel in the City Districts, and one safety representative.

Ett resecentrums betydelse för en stadskärna . : En studie om Kramfors resecentrums funktion och relation till den urbana omgivningen, samt upplevelsen av denna

The purpose of this study is to shed light on and describe Kramfors travel centers function and relationship to the surrounding urban environment, and how this core is experienced by residents and visitors. To do this, the use of the travel center, its relationship to Kramfors city center and the perception of it, as well as possible improvement areas has been studied.This has been examined using a quantitative method by designing a questionnaire and the usage of a research strategy through the implementation of a small-scale survey. Within this a cluster sampling was applied.The result shows that Kramfors travel centers is primarily used for traveling and is used most frequently by the visitors within the study. It is also shown that residents 'primary reason for traveling from the travel center is friends and family, followed by shopping, and that the visitors' primary motive for traveling is friends and family as well, followed by work. The mode of transportation between the travel center and destinations are mainly walking, while the mode of transport between homes and the travel center proves to be the car.

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