

1483 Uppsatser om Digital plćnbok - Sida 25 av 99

Digitala fotogrammetriska arbetsstationer för skoglig flygbildstolkning :

SCA Skog has taken the initiative to this Master?s thesis. Today SCA Skog has a great need to update their informtion on young forest stands across large areas. Traditional field inventory methods for updating stand databases are expensive and time consuming. However, the inventory could be made more efficient if stand boundaries and stand characteristics are derived from aerial photographs.

Simulated Annealing : implementering mot integrerade analoga kretsar

Today electronics becomes more and more complex and to keep low costs and power consumption, both digital and analog parts are implemented on the same chip. The degree of automization for the digital parts have increased fast and is high, but for the analog parts this has not come through. This have created a big gap between the degrees of automization for the two parts and makes the analog parts the bottleneck in electronics develop. Research is ongoing at Electronics systems group at Linköping University target the increase of design automization for analog circuits. An optimizationbased approach for device sizing is developed and for this a good optimization method is needed which can find good solutions and meet the specification parameters.

Att erbjuda nyheter pÄ surfplattor i framtiden : En marknadsanalys av nyhetstidningars digitala nÀrvaro i surfplattor

Denna studie av den digitala marknaden för svensk dagspress Àr ett examensarbete utfört Ät kvÀllstidningen Expressen. Undersökningen syftar till att utreda den strukturella marknadssituationen för svensk dagspress och dess förutsÀttningar rörande framtida nÀrvaro i surfplattan. Via intervjuer med branschexperter söks tolkningar om lÀsartrender och behov i surfplattan, paketeringsstrategi och behovet av personifierade nyhetsflöden. Undersökningen och dess tolkningar understöds av en inledande litteraturstudie vilken behandlar den svenska dagstidningsmarknaden, dess digitala transformation och tekniska förutsÀttningar gÀllande surfplattan och rapporterade konsumenttrender.Studien visar bl.a. att den svenska dagstidningsmarknaden Àr utsatt för en hög intern konkurrens vilket stÀller höga omstÀllningskrav pÄ bolagen i en digital era.

UtvÀrdering av höjdosÀkerheten i digitala höjdmodeller framstÀllda fotogrammetriskt med UAS

Digitala ytmodeller (Digital Surface Model ? DSM) anvÀnds ofta i geodetiskt sammanhang. DSM har lÀnge skapats bland annat med hjÀlp av fotogrammetri dÀr flygbilder har tagits med traditionella flygningar. Intresset tilltar nu för att framstÀlla DSM med hjÀlp av obemannade flygfarkoster, sÄ kallade UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System). Den största fördelen med UAS Àr att det gÄr snabbt och enkelt att fÄ den lilla flygfarkosten upp i luften för att ta flygbilder och framstÀlla DSM kostnadseffektivt.Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vilken höjdosÀkerhet som kan uppnÄs i DSM som framstÀllts genom fotogrammetri med UAS.

Att skapa en digital samling: En kvalitativ studie kring de socialpolitiska faktorerna som rör KB:s val att inte anvÀnda DIGSAM i sin digitala verksamhet

This thesis purpose is to investigate the sociopolitical factors and causes that led to why KB chose not to use the criteria and guidelines for their digitization activities are described in DIGSAM. To do this I focused on three research questions;- What factors (internal / external) led to the decision not to use the criteria guidelines for digitization, which is described in the policy document DIGSAM and what arguments and opinions formed the basis for the decision.- What is the Library's digitization activities, the factors, criteria and guidelines governing activity in the current situation? - Will KB's choice not to use DIGSAM as a whole in their digitization activities affect national library's role as a beacon for the Swedish libraries digital work? In what way and why? In order to answer these questions I interviewed three of KB:s librarians who had extensive knowledge of digitization and DIGSAM. I chose to also use a pilotstudy that was conducted at KB in the of spring 2010. The idea was to use this material as a basis to build on.As a theoretical framework, I chose to use a socio-political theory of Ingrid Mason.

Vetenskaplig publicering i förÀndring ? En fallstudie av en svensk högskolas implementering av ett öppet digitalt arkiv

Since the beginning of the 21st century the Open Access-movement, which advocates free online distribution of scholarly information, has gained momentum. Authors can provide Open Access to their work in two main ways: by depositing a copy of their research output in an e-print archive and by publishing in Open Access journals. During the past few years, universities and other research institutions throughout the world have established institutional repositories to manage, preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of the university/research institution. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to describe the implementation of an institutional repository at the Swedish University College of BorÄs.

Kan mobila webbsidor fungera intuitivt som en mobil applikation? : En rapport om hur man bygger och optimerar en mobil webbsida som en mobil applikation

Denna rapport kommer att behandla processen i skapandet av RADA som Àr en applikation dÀr anvÀndare kan dela idéer. RADA Àr ett uppdrag av Acne Digital som jag har tillÀgnat 3 mÄnaders praktik. MÄlet med RADA Àr att medarbetarna som jobbar pÄ Acne Digital ska pÄ en snabbt och interaktivt sÀtt kunna dela idéer och bilder. Rapporten beskriver hur arbetet gick till frÄn koncept, design och utveckling till en fÀrdig slutprodukt. Jag kommer att undersöka skillnaderna mellan olika tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt nÀr det gÀller utveckling och design för webbaserade applikationer och sÄ kallade native applikationer, som slÀpps pÄ App Store eller Google play.

UtvÀrdering av digital flygbildstolkning & automatisk bestÄndsindelning för det praktiska skogsbruket :

To be able to plan different treatments, accurate data is required. The collection of data is often expensive and that?s why the aim is to lower the inventory costs without loosing the accuracy of the data. Holmen Skog has in its strive to lower the costs, decided to evaluate two different methods for forest delineation, computer aided forest delineation and digital stereo view. This study?s purpose is to evaluate these two methods in regard to usability for a beginner and how good the delineation gets.

Dialogens betydelse för företag : Hur företag bör agera och upptrÀda nÀr de marknadsför sig i sociala medier

The purpose of my study is to give a good picture of what social media really is and how companies can make use of it, in their marketing strategy. It gets more important for every day that companies fully understand how social media works and how to act in the new digital channels. To be an updated marketer today, you need to fully understand social media and how it can be implemented in the company marketing strategy. This study gives you a snapshot over todays situation in the area of social media marketing.I have interviewed four different persons, who I believe have a great competence and are highly qualified for this kind of study. All of the interviewed persons work with social media marketing at a daily basis.

Erfarenhetsöverföring inom markarenan med stöd av simulatorteknik. : En studie av StriSimPC.

One of the main tasks of the Swedish Armed Forces over the past few years has been International assignments, which increased the importance of the Lessons Learned process. Methods of simulator training with computers have become more frequent and the technical ability to collect digital data from sensors has been developed as well. This work demonstrates how the experience of Lessons Learned can be communicated with the computer simulator StriSimPC and how modern technology in future support experiences from the Lessons Learned process at the tactical level in the Army.Currently knowledge sharing consists of several processes and strategies in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by written reports, oral presentations and different practical exercises.This case study shows the functions of the simulator StriSimPC, methods of training and how it is used today. The study also describes the future opportunities, where digital metadata acquired from the modern combat vehicles could contribute sharing of experience in the Lessons Learned process.The summarized conclusions indicate that StriSimPC can combine the two strategies for personalization and codification of knowledge transfer to reach a higher level of learning.

SpelvÀrlden som informativt grafiskt grÀnssnitt : En studie om hur spelvÀrldens visuella uttryck hjÀlper ovana spelare att förstÄ mÄl och regler

The diegetic game world places high demands on how it is designed. It is common that game developers wants to create a deeper player immersion and some developers believe to achieve this by integrating HUD elements into the game world. To find out how digital games can rely on the design of the game world, we performed user studies on beginners who have very limited experience of playing digital games. By observing the beginners, we could discern the visual aspects in the diegesis that helps players understand the game rules and objectives because the beginners won`t make their choices based on previous gaming experiences. If players encounter a variety of difficulties to understand the rules of a game, then it will less likely be a successful game.

Kvalitetsarbete i fritidshemmen - en framgÄngsfaktor

AbstractDigital media in general and social media in particular are becoming more and more important to businesses across the globe. It is an effective way to reach out to consumers and establish a good relationship with existing customers. Most companies today use digital media in order to market themselves and to establish good public relations. A lot of those companies have also realized the enormous marketing capabilities that social media provides. However, in spite of the plethora of possibilities that comes with social media it can also, in some cases, hinder the companies ? success.

Frihet under ansvar eller sann och opÄverkad kunskap ? TrovÀrdighet hos kÀllor och hur den bedöms av tvÄ anvÀndargrupper.

This essay is investigating what type of sources we trust, depending on how the information in these sources is created and provided. To exemplify, the sources Wikipedia and Nationalencyklopedin (the Swedish National Encyclopedia) were used, each one representing different approaches. The first is a representation of the collective intelligence, where anyone can contribute with their knowledge to the public ? freedom under responsibility. The latter represents peer-reviewed knowledge, desirable enough to have people paying for it? true and unaffected.Based on theories of source criticism, collective intelligence, expertise and the different generations of digital natives and digital immigrants, two focus groups were conducted and analysed.

The fit of all-ceramic crowns produced using different digital impression systems

Syfte: Att jÀmföra marginell och intern passform pÄ kronor framstÀllda genom fyra olika digitala avtryckssystem med kronor framstÀllda genom konventionell avtrycksteknik, som kontrollgrupp. Metod: Femtio helkeramiska kronor framstÀlldes frÄn 50 standardiserade provkroppar, som delades in i fem grupper, dÀr varje grupp representerade ett avtryckssystem. Varje krona cementerades pÄ sin respektive provkropp och sektionerades till fyra segment. Den marginella och interna passformen mÀttes i 8 fördefinierade punkter. Totalt 1567 mÀtningar utfördes, analyserades och jÀmfördes. Resultat: (1) GÀllande marginell spalt kunde inga signifikanta skillnader hittas dÄ kontrollgruppen jÀmfördes med vart och ett av de digitala systemen. (2) Lava? hade mindre marginala spalter Àn CERECŸ och iTeroŸ, (3) CEREC och Lava hade mindre spalter i chamfern jÀmfört med iTero och kontroll, (4) E4DŸ visade mindre spalter Àn CEREC i mÀtpunkter 4-8 och CEREC visade en mindre spalt i mÀtpunkt 2, (5) Lava visade mindre spalter Àn CEREC i mÀtpunkter 1, 3 och 5-8.

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