

317 Uppsatser om Diet - Sida 6 av 22

En studie om vad som behövs för att skolträdgårdar skall fungera under en längre tid : en utvärdering av Edane skolas skolträdgård

Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.

Inappetens hos katt ? omvårdnadsbehandlingar med fokus på beröring

Particular to the cat among our pets is its´ unique nutritional needs and metabolism. The cat cannot produce some nutrients by themselves and must get them through their Diet. This means that the cat quickly can suffer from various diseases unless the nutritional needs are covered. In those cases where man is completely in control of the cat?s Diet, the right knowledge is crucial for the cat?s wellbeing.

Social preference and diet learning in goat kids at pasture

AbstractHerbivores can be classified into either hiders or followers depending on their postpartum behaviour. The two behaviour types affect the spatial relationship between the mother and her infant. Goats are seen as hiders, although the environment plays a central role when it comes to the behaviour. Therefore, in the first part of this study the aim was to investigate how the goat kids? spatial relationship changed in the transition from indoor housing to pasture.

Depressiva symptom, skolprestationer och betyg-Påverkas ungomars psykiska välmående av skolrelaterade faktorer?

Title: Hälsa i sociala medier - En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsoinformatörer upplever och påverkas  av hälsobudskap i sociala medier.Title: Health in social media - A qualitative study of how health communicators perceive and are affected by health messages in social media.Author: Anna HedströmInstitute: Karlstad University. Faculty of health, nature and engineering sciences.Tutor: Owe StråhlmanDate: 150615Number of pages: 34Keywords: eHealth literacy, health communication, health informers, health literacy, health messages, media literacy, social media Background: With an increased interest in Diet and exercise, also health and fitness messages have increased in both traditional and social media. The general guidelines on physical activity and Diet are forgotten as training tips increase in the media. Research shows that it is common for individuals to retrieve information from the media when it comes to their own health. In doing so media literacy, health literacy and eHealth literacy becomes increasingly important for health communicators and for those who receive health information. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine health communicators? experiences of health messages in social media, and how they are affected by them. Method: Qualitative interviews were chosen as a method to collect data.

Effekten av högt respektive lågt kolhydratintag på prestation vid uthållighetsträning

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: The effect of a high versus low carbohydrate intake on endurance performanceAuthor: Emma Andersson and Josefine DahlqvistSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2013BackgroundCarbohydrates play a significant role in the human metabolism, especially during training. Manystudies have investigated the effects on different carbohydrate intakes on training performance. Thescientific researchers have met a consensus in the fact that a higher intake of carbohydratescompared to a lower carbohydrate intake improves athletic performance. Lately, the increasedinterest in low carbohydrate Diets has despite these recommendations gained followers globally.ObjectiveTo determine if a higher carbohydrate intake results in a better endurance performance, comparedto a lower carbohydrate intake, for adult males and females, measured as time to exhaustion, totaldistance covered and power output/cadence. To be able to give nutrition recommendations toendurance athletes based on the current scientific evidence and identify if there is need for furtherresearch in this area.Search strategyThe databases used for the literature search were PubMed and Scopus.

Föräldraskap och kosthållning : småbarnsföräldrars uppfattning och tankar om kost

??BakgrundFöräldrar har en viktig roll som förebilder för sina barn och har därigenom uppgiften att främja en hälsosam utveckling av ätbeteende och matpreferenser hos dem.SyfteSyftet med denna studie var att undersöka småbarnsföräldrars uppfattning och tankar om kost. Frågeställningarna berörde föräldrarnas associationer till hälsosam kost, vad som kunde påverka följsamheten av denna samt om intresse för mer kunskap inom ämnet fanns.MetodStudien utgjordes av en kvantitativ undersökning som genomfördes på sex förskolor i Umeå stad. 230 enkäter delades ut till förskolepersonal, som i sin tur vidarebefordrade dessa med ett medföljande informationsbrev till föräldrar med barn i åldrarna 2-5. Efter sex dagar samlades enkäterna in, vilka uppgick till ett antal om 77 stycken.ResultatMajoriteten av föräldrarna i studien utgjordes av mödrar med hög utbildning.

Hälsa i sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsoinformatörer upplever och påverkas  av hälsobudskap i sociala medier.

Title: Hälsa i sociala medier - En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsoinformatörer upplever och påverkas  av hälsobudskap i sociala medier.Title: Health in social media - A qualitative study of how health communicators perceive and are affected by health messages in social media.Author: Anna HedströmInstitute: Karlstad University. Faculty of health, nature and engineering sciences.Tutor: Owe StråhlmanDate: 150615Number of pages: 34Keywords: eHealth literacy, health communication, health informers, health literacy, health messages, media literacy, social media Background: With an increased interest in Diet and exercise, also health and fitness messages have increased in both traditional and social media. The general guidelines on physical activity and Diet are forgotten as training tips increase in the media. Research shows that it is common for individuals to retrieve information from the media when it comes to their own health. In doing so media literacy, health literacy and eHealth literacy becomes increasingly important for health communicators and for those who receive health information. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine health communicators? experiences of health messages in social media, and how they are affected by them. Method: Qualitative interviews were chosen as a method to collect data.

Utfodring av sällskapskanin. Vilka råd ger vi djurägarna?

The most suitable method to answer the issues of this study was to do a combined literature- and questionnaire study. The literature part of the study was based on Original Research articles, Review Articles and books with a list of reference literature after each chapter and the purpose was to answer the questions ?What feed items should be given to rabbits in different life stages? and ?Which problems may develop from an inadequate Diet?? Two questionnaires were constructed. One was sent by e-mail to small animal veterinary hospitals to be answered anonymously by veterinary nurses. The other was linked to from two internet forums, that with rabbits as their focus.

Hållbar utveckling i Kungsängen : ett gestaltningsarbete med fokus på folkhälsa, biologisk mångfald och ekologisk dagvattenhantering

Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.

Uppfattning om information avseende kost och fysisk aktivitet vid adjuvant behandling mot bröstcancer

Aim: To describe perceptions about written and verbal information regarding Diet and physical activity in women with breast cancer and to study possible differences between ages and perception. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted and consisted of 57 women with breast cancer stages I-III who started adjuvant chemotherapy within a year (2007-2008). A questionnaire, regarding their perceptions about the written and verbal information they had received about Diet and physical activity, was responded to three months following treatment completion. Between 67-93 % of the participants responded to the questions. The answers was analyzed with descriptive statistics and Mann Whitney U-test.

Vilken information och instruktion om munhygien, kost, fluor och tobak med hänsyn till diagnos får patienter som behandlas av tandhygieniststuderande vid Högskolan Kristianstad?

ABSTRACTWhat kind of information and instructions with the consideration to diagnosis do patients, treated by the dental hygienist students at the University Kristianstad, get regarding oral hygiene, Diet, flour and tobacco.The aim of this study was to examine what kind of information and instructions regarding oral hygiene, Diet, flour and tobacco have patients treated by the dental hygienist students at the University Kristianstad, if they had the diagnosis caries or periodontitis. The study is based on a review of dental records of adult patients from twenty years on a supportive treatment program. In all 640 patients were enrolled at the clinic, 20050309. A selection of 100 patients treated at the clinic from 2000 was made. Fifty off the dental records should have the diagnosis caries and fifty the diagnosis periodontitis.

Strategier hos renen för att hantera brist på föda under vintern

Renar (Rangifer tarandus) lever i ett extremt klimat och vintertid dessutom under födobrist. De är intermediära idisslare och kompenserar sin begränsade förmåga att bryta ned fibrer genom att vara selektiva i sitt betande. Under en kort sommarsäsong med gott om bete tillväxer renarna och återhämtar sig efter den långa perioden av dåligt bete då de tappat vikt. Renarna anpassar sin Diet efter säsong. Sommartid äter de till stor del kärlväxter, vilka vintertid främst ersätts av lavar.

Hett på tallriken

ModeDieter är någonting som kommer och går i Sverige och den senaste populärDieten är 5:2-Dieten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och få en ökad förståelse om 5:2-Dieten och dess utövare. Studien är baserad på en tvärsnittsdesign och som metod har en enkätundersökning utförts. Studiedeltagarna som deltog i enkäten är 150 personer varav 121 är kvinnor. Deltagarna i undersökningen hade utövat Dieten olika länge, alltifrån 3 veckor upp till mer än 6 månader.

Den moderna mattrendens påverkan på viktminskning och välbefinnande

Bakgrund: Under senare tid har mediedebatten fokuserats kring olika Dieters påverkan på viktminskning och välbefinnande. De moderna Dieterna har debatterats av läkare, forskare och myndigheter, då extrema lågkolhydratsDieter innehåller alltför mycket fett vilket vissa menar kan leda till framtida folksjukdomar. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka ett begränsat antal Dieters påverkan på viktminskning och välmående samt att belysa betydelsen av en helhetssyn på våra kostvanor. Metod: Denna litteraturstudie är baserad på fyra vetenskapliga artiklar som var relevanta och intressanta för syftet. Resultat: Samtliga av de artiklar som undersökte sambandet mellan olika Dieter och vikt visade på en tydlig viktminskning hos alla deltagare.

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