

201 Uppsatser om Developmental dyslexia - Sida 7 av 14

Under vilka fo?rutsa?ttningar kan tjänster outsourcade av finansiella bolag undgå merva?rdesskatt? : En studie av praxis med utgångspunkt i SDC-fallet

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .

Elev i behov av särskilt stöd : Vad betyder det?

This is a qualitative study of how 4 school teachers and 3 special educational teachers define the term ?pupil in need of special education?. They have each one been interviewed about this term, by the means of a semi-structured interview. Afterwards the collected information has been analyzed and seven major themes have been arranged out of them. From these themes it is possible to see that the term is hard to define, since the participants all believe that it should be decided by each individual case, if the pupil is in need of special education or not, and that the education in itself has to be relevant to the need, which means one cannot decide what special educational needs are, without a student who is in need of them.

Lättläst eller svårbegripligt - det är frågan? : Ett examensarbete om lättlästa rutiner för personalen på Eskilshems demensboende

AbstractI believe that everyone have the right to understand and be understood. It doesn´t matter if you are an immigrant, suffer from dyslexia or just don´t like to read.In this study I test the difference between a normal written and an easy-to-read routine. I want to know if there is a way to improve a routine in such a way that even people without pre-understanding can comprehend the content.Routines are an important part in many organisations. Staffroutines in nursinghomes don´t exist just to ensure that caretakers are being taken care of in the right way according to the rules and wishes of the organisation. They also exist to make the work with people who suffer from dementia easier for the staff.Routines are in other words very important.

Självskada (NSSI) och externaliserade problem

Med utgångspunkt att självskadebeteende är ett internaliserat problem är syftet med studien att i en ungdomspopulation undersöka om självskadebeteende även är länkat till externaliserade problem. Vi undersöker även om självskadebeteende hänger samman med att i olika miljöer utsättas och utsätta andra för negativa beteenden. Studien använder redan insamlade data i forskningsprojekt kallat - ?Sju Skolor?: Center for Developmental Research (CDR). Data samlades in från 1478 högstadieelever.

Särskild medling i dispositiva tvistemål : Om behovet och bruket av medling, samt dess relation till rättskipningen

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .

Svensk normering av språkförståelsedelen i Reynell Developmental Language Scales III för åldrarna 4:6-4:11 år - gemensam läsning

The main purpose of the present study was to collect Swedishnorm data for the comprehension scale of the Reynell DevelopmentalLanguage Scales (RDLS III) for the ages of 4:6-4:11. According to theBritish manual the degree of difficulty increases gradually and therefore theorder of the sections was examined to see whether this was the case inSwedish. The study also examined the relationship between the test resultsand shared book reading. A total of 88 children and their caregiversparticipated in the study. The participants were recruited from preschools inGöteborg and Mölndal.

Synnerliga skäl för fortsatt förvar : En analys av förslaget i SOU 2011:17 om att ersätta synnerliga skäl med proportionalitetsprincipen

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .

Specialpedagogiska insatser - på vilket sätt för att ge effekt? : Betydelsen av insatsernas tidpunkt och innehåll för barn i riskzonen för läs- och skrivsvårigheter

I denna studie analyseras skriftspråksutvecklingen hos sex elever i riskzonen för läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Syftet med studien är att klarlägga vilken roll specialpedagogiska insatser spelar för elevers skrift-språkliga utveckling. Har innehållet i stödet någon betydelse för elevernas utveckling och vad händer när stödet uteblir? Studien fokuserar på tidig kontra sen identifiering av elevernas läs- och skrivsvårigheter samt påföljande insatser. I detta sammanhang analyseras också hur dessa insatser påverkar elevernas självförtroende och motivation för skolarbetet.

Ledarskapet och dess betydelse för elithandbollsspelares tävlingsoro

Studiens syfte var att undersöka tränares ledarskap och dess betydelse för elithandbollsspelares tävlingsoro samt om det finns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 116 elithandbollsspelare med medelåldern 21,81 år (SD=3,54) och åtta elithandbollstränare med medelåldern 41,38 år (SD=5,83) från åtta olika klubbar. Undersökningsdeltagarna besvarade enkäter bestående av instrumenten Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ) och Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) vilka avsåg att mäta utvecklande ledarskap samt tävlingsoro. Resultaten indikerade att utvecklande ledarskap har en reducerande effekt på kognitiv-, somatisk- och total tävlingsoro samt att utvecklande ledarskap har starkast effekt på kvinnliga elithandbollspelare. Resultaten indikerade även att kvinnliga spelare har högre grad av alla tre kategorier av tävlingsoro oberoende av ledarstil.

Fältstudier och laborationer inom geografiundervisningen

The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers in Sweden and Croatia work with children that have problems like ADHD and dyslexia in school. I have chosen to compare pedagogical methods between Swedish and Croatian teachers which are used in work with children with difficulties when it comes to the education and teachers approach to these children. I have done a qualified study and have interviewed teachers in both Sweden and Croatia and one specialist in pedagogy in Croatia. I compared with these interviews information from earlier studies and literature. Results show that teachers in Sweden are of the opinion that every student who has these difficulties is different and therefore the use a variation of pedagogical strategies is crucial.

Läsplatta som hjälpmedel för dyslektiker

Denna uppsats tar upp frågan om en teknisk artefakt, i detta fall läs- och/eller surfplatta, kan ses som en bra lösning för dyslektiker i deras svårigheter med läsningen. Studien har fokus på läs- och surfplattans funktioner som kan vara en möjlighet att hjälpa personer med läsning. Uppsatsens experiment beprövar en redan etablerad metod, läsa och lyssna samtidigt, genom att sätta samman ett antal funktioner och tekniker som finns idag i en enhet. Vi har undersökt om man kan öka läshastigheten och läsförståelsen hos dyslektiker med hjälp av sådan teknik på en läs/surfplatta. Resultatet visar en trend på att metoden fungerar.

Fritidspedagogens ansvar inför den fria leken

As a leisure time pedagogue I find it hard to have an insight into what children are playing, and how they play when it comes to free play. My experience is that in some free play, conflicts arise, which reveal hierarchies and power structures containing violations, whereas other occasions of free play suddenly come to an end as the pedagogue interferes. In this essay I investigate my responsibility as a leisure time pedagogue during children´s free play, based on two differing play situations. I also investigate the play as a phenomenon by looking into previous research on children?s play and development psychology.

Vuxenstuderande med funktionsnedsättning

More and more people in our society take part in adult education. In this study, eight students in adult education, the majority with a diagnosis such as ADHD and/or reading- and writing disorders/dyslexia,have been interviewed about their current study situation. The interviews have so party treated topics related to earlier schooling and the future. Earlier studies and available literature is to a large extent written from the perspective of children?s and adolescents? study situation and the question is if this is applicable to students in adult education.

Hur påverkas ens uppväxt och vuxenliv av att man växt upp i ett familjehem? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fyra vuxna tidigare familjehemsplacerade reflekterar över de erfarenheter och upplevelser placeringen medfört

The purpose of this study was to give a picture of how some adults, who earlier was placed in foster homecare, experience that their childhood have affected them during their life. I also wanted to see how the relationship to the biological family has been and developed during the placement. The study has also purposed to receive a deeper knowledge of how it could be to grow up in foster care. To make the purpose of this study complete I chose to use qualitative interviews as a research method. Four adults who earlier were placed in foster homecare have participated in this study.

Lättläst eller inte? : En läromedelsanalys av lättlästa läroböcker, inom ämnet svenska, anpassade för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The demands on the adult literacy-rate are very high in Sweden. People with reading and writing difficulties may find it hard to fit into the community and to succeed in school. To accommodate the needs of students with learning disabilities, Swedish schools provide easy-to-understand materials. The purpose of my thesis is to examine how easy-to-read textbooks for high school students are different from regular textbooks. The study was carried out using a content analysis and I examined the books according to criteria specified by the Swedish author Torbjörn Lundgren.

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