

13319 Uppsatser om Design Research - Sida 26 av 888

Rörliga medborgare, stela institutioner En teoriutvecklande studie om demokratins förverkligande över kommungränser i ett regionförstorat Västsverige

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Diskretion hos förvaltningstjänstemän En kvalitativ policyanalys av de politiska intentionerna i styrningen av Försäkringskassan 1996-2009 Göteborgs Universitet

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Politics as usual? Or The song remains the same? En kvantitativ analys av det amerikanska biståndet ODA och biståndet till FN instanser.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

?Var är du?? En studie om virtuella kollaborativa designprocesser i en studiemiljö

The design process of an interaction design student is mostly collaborative and computer oriented. Based on this, it?s hard to believe that we have not yet found a tool that will facilitate our needs. With this in mind, which elements do we need to promote collaboration in a virtual design process? This thesis will include design processes, collaboration, creativity and virtual awareness, amongst others.

Dimensionering av grundläggning med hjälp av Eurokod

AbstractWork to develop the Eurocodes started in 1975 by the European Commission adopted a program to eliminate trade barriers within the construction area. The goal was to create common European design standards that would replace the member countries' own rules. Eurocodes will replace The National Board of Housing Building and Planning, National Rail, The National Road Administration and other agencies' calculation rules for the buildings structures. The transition to the use of Eurocodes looks like this:Eurocodes set to Swedish standards  between 2002 ? 2007They can be used parallel with national standards 2006 - 2009 The total transition is at the end of 2010/2011.Right now is going on a lot of work for replacement of the existing standards to Eurocodes.  The transition to the new calculations` standards, many construction companies and consulting firms facing a big changes and competitions.

Den svenska guldgruvan - befolkningsregistren : Teknikens betydelse för utveckling av forskningsinfrastrukturen kring de svenska befolkningsregistren

In this paper we examine the possibilities to develop the population based research in Sweden by using technological advancements. The problem that exists with population based research today is that there is a contrast between conducting important research on one side and preserving the individuals? integrity on the other. To examine this problem we are studying two projects that are active in this area. The two projects are SIMSAM (Swedish Initiative for research on Microdata in the Social and Medical Sciences) and DDB (Demografiska databasen).

Bostadsgård på bjälklag : en omgestaltning av kvarteret Trumman i Malmö

This essay discusses joist floor, and the land-building at these structures. In Malmoe there is a neighborhood called Trumman that has a courtyard where an underground garage is located. What possibilities are there in this place and how would an alternative design look? These issues will this essay answer. In the result part it is both described how the joist in Trumman looks and how it is built correctly.

Interaktionsdesign på webben - - Att påverka attityder till crowdfunding och mikroinvesterande genom grafiska komponenter och design

In this paper we have investigated which visual components that are of importance when designing a website with the purpose of influencing peoples attitudes in a positive direction regarding the specific phenomenas crowdfunding and microinvestments. To investigate how people respond to these concepts we made a survey. The survey showed us that the respondents were indecivise regarding risktaking and that personal interest was of great importance weather the respondents were to invest or not. Therefor we included visual components in the design with the purpose of expressing professional and trustworthy impressions and at the same time reach the user at an emotional level. In the following interviews that we made we tested if our visual components had the intended effects.

Snus och dosor - Förpackningsdesign, märke och identitet

The purpose of this essay was to examine the packaging design´s communications related to the colloquially brand's symbolic capital and how they became meaningful through experience and perceptions that led to the identification processes in the consumer society. There were eight interviews of snuff users who became my main collections materials. My theoretical framework was discourse psychology´s emphasis on language and Bourdieu´s concept provided important tools in the analysis of the material.I could highlight that packaging design and the brand had influenced the informants and given them symbolic beliefs and what it meant to sniff a certain brand. Color, brand awareness and price were crucial in choosing where the informants attributed themselves the cans symbolic values to their identity. It could be inferred high and low status perceptions based on stereotypes in the design itself..

Centrala designprinciper för touch-baserade stödsystem : Sju grundsatser för design av användbara stödsystem med touchbaserat användargränssnitt

Touch-baserad teknik har sedan 2007 tagit allt större utrymme bland tekniska artifakter och många kända namn inom teknikbranschen har klivit fram och konstaterat i mer eller mindre dramatiska ord att det vi känner som "PC", persondator, är på väg att förändras i och med detta teknikskifte. Vissa organisationer, däribland kommuner och landsting, har börjat använda pekplattor som dokumentersättare för bl.a. mötesprotokoll. SAS (Scaninavian Airlines) använder tekniken i cockpit i liknande ändamål. Det förväntas inte dröja särskilt länge innan vinstdrivande organisationer lyfter gränssnittet till sina interna stödsystem.


Under tio veckor har jag arbetat med skapandet av kollektionen Blandband. Utgångspunkten var ränder och lura ögat. Jag ville undersöka vad som utgör en rand och hur en tredimensionell rand ser ut. Redan i början av arbetet satte jag en färgskala bestående av dels kulörta, starka färger och dels två nyanser av grått samt svart och vitt. Jag angrep arbetet med hjälp av en designmetod bestående av fem faser: Målsättning och research, Idéutveckling, Konceptutveckling, Realisering, Presentation och kommunikation.

Att kommunicera förtroende online genom visuell design : En kvalitativ studie av hur färg, form och foto kan påverka användarens förtroende för en e-handelswebbsida

Att kommunicera förtroende är en nyckelfaktor för att lyckas inom e-handel. Förtroendeinom e-handel påverkas av flera faktorer, där visuell design är en av dessa. Dennauppsats avser att inge fördjupad förståelse för hur den visuella designen spelar roll ianvändarens upplevda förtroende till en e-handelswebbsida. I denna uppsats fokuserarjag på att undersöka hur förändringar av olika grafiska element i en webbsidas visuelladesign påverkar användares upplevda förtroende för webbsidan. För att undersöka dettautfördes flera tester där användare själva fick beskriva sina tankar och åsikter om denvisuella designen och hur de upplevde förtroende till webbsidan baserat på den visuelladesignen och förändringarna av den.

Grepp om dricksglas : framtagning av glas för personer med nedsatt handfunktion

Examensarbetets mål har varit att formge en glasserie åt Skrufs Glasbruk där huvudanvändarna är personer med nedsatt handfunktion. Detta har skett i samarbete med hjälpmedelsföretaget GreppEtt.Intervjuer, observationer och enkätundersökningar har legat till grund för arbetet. Som komplement har även research gjorts på olika diagnoser som kan ge nedsatt handfunktion. För att knyta detta till ett produktorienterat sammanhang har research även gjorts inom ergonomi.Designprocessen har gått ut på att ta fram ett vin-, vatten- och ölglas. ITK (Identity Tool Kit) och funktionsanalys har satt ramar för projektarbetet.Två förslag på glasserier togs fram och med modeller av dessa gjordes användartester på personer med nedsatt handfunktion.

Praktiska effekter av begreppsförvirring för en databas konceptuella design : En fallstudie om databas- och begreppsmodellering

Company X develops a laboratory information system (LIS) called System Y. The informationsystem has a two-tier database architecture consisting of a production database and a historicaldatabase. A database constitutes the backbone of a IS, which makes the design of the databasevery important. A poorly designed database can cause major problems within an organization.The two databases in System Y are poorly modeled, particularly the historical database. Thecause of the poor modeling was unclear concepts.

Mobiltelefonens grafiska användargränssnitt : - och dess betydelse för pensionärer

The Mobile phone has contributed to massive changes in the way that human beings communicate with each other and is a technology that is a part of society?s globalization. Opinions differ in the area of user interface where some feel that mobile phones exclude users such as senior citizens or users with an intellectual or a physical disability.Universal Design ??design for all?, is a vision that intends to bring about settings, products and services that suits as many people as possible irrespective of an individual?s needs and prospects. The criteria for ?design for all? are among other things flexibility, user friendliness, comprehensibility and a high tolerance for mistakes.The purpose of this essay is to investigate the mobile phones graphic user-interface from the theory of a universal design.

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