

13319 Uppsatser om Design Research - Sida 17 av 888

Vi sitter tillsammans : Upplevelser av samhörighet och ledarskap i ett traditionellt kontorslandskap.

The office is the working environment in which an increasing proportion of the population spends their days . One type of office are open plan offices which are characterized by several people sitting together in the same room without spatial boundaries . The general discourse of this kind of offices is that they constitute an advantageous design that allows organizational changes without the need for redevelopment . From a work perspective, this office design is both criticized and acclaimed . Problems with noise is frequently reported in research which can lead to ill health.

Utredning av undervattensbastu

Nordic Marine Sauna AB has, since 2005, designed, manufactured and sold floating saunas. Theproduct are characterised by a well thought thru and appealing design and its high quality. Thecompany is now intending to open a new business area by starting a subsidiary, NordicSubmarine Sauna AB, which will design submerged saunas. The expected customers are leisureand conference centres as well as customers that seek an experience out of the ordinary.Due to the products technical complexity a master thesis was adverted. The task was to do aninvestigation whether such a product is technically viable.The job involved research of existing products and constructions material as well as designingthe product with CAD and FEM-programs.

Beteendepåverkande designaspekter inom social media

This paper has it?s starting point in the midst of the debate concerning behaviour in socialmedia. Prior research has primarily been concerned with the role and responsibility of theuser while technology has been viewed as morally neutral. The base of the study isdiscourse analysis and a discursive psychology perspective is used to compare texts onTwitter and Facebook that were published during the events of the Boston bombings.The aim is to examine how platform users construct reality, groups and identities andwhat consequences those constructions bring. An interpretation of why the discourse ofTwitter and Facebook differ is grounded in aspects of design, which have been identifiedas having an influence on behaviour.

Golden Ratio : Utformning av en ny filterbryggare

During Spring semester 2011, Linda Engstrom and Malin Heder performed ?Golden Ratio?, a thesis which included 22.5 hp. The thesis followed the syllabus for the Degree Project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering (MSGC12) which was a unit in the Innovation and Design Engineering program within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.The client was Crem International AB, a company located in Åmotfors that develops the design, manufactures and markets coffee machines. The supervisor at the company has been Peter Larsson and supervisor at Karlstad University has been Monica Jakobsson. Examiner for the thesis has been Professor Fredrik Thuvander at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.Crem International AB controls a patent, representing a new technology to streamline and minimize use of energy during the coffee preparation and results in a good coffee quality.

Tweens' uppfattade värde av ett varumärke : - en studie av konsumenter 10-14 år och hur de relaterar sig till ett varumärke

Background:The value a consumer connect with a certain brand and its design differ from person to person. This value ought to be investigated. Why does people buy expensive things when there are cheaper alternatives? Is it brand equity and/or the perception of a brand?s value that make a difference? People strive to show themselves and to perform through products, which makes it interesting to see to the perceived value of design.Tweens is a group of consumers that are easily influenced to consume products by their surrounding. To choose clothes, shoes and other products after what your surrounding?s demand, is a way of adapting yourself to society.

IT-baserat utbildningssystem för dialyspersonal : en användarcentrerad förstudie

The dialysis ward at Karolinska University Hospital is a highly pressurized work environment filled with critical treatment situations where patient?s lives can be constantly in danger. Staff have to deal with a myriad of alarms and error codes in response to their patients varying ailments. The workforce at the dialysis ward lack controlled environment training, sufficient to address all of the potential treatment scenarios, with no risk of jeopardizing the patient?s condition.The purpose of this essay is to design and test the efficacy of using an IT based device for dialysis education at Karolinska University Hospital.The main topics this essay intends to address are:? Identification of user scenarios and training fields.? Prioritization of key training areas.? Utilization of IT in effective staff training.? Design of a conceptual prototype.The process focuses on the user and their needs.

En Samtida Opera. En empirisk studie av Giuseppe Verdis "Don Carlos" utifrån två fältstudier.

This research looks into the modern revival of opera based on the study of two recent productions of Giuseppe Verdi?s Don Carlo; the first is the 2010 production at the Gothenburg Opera in Gothenburg, Sweden and the second is the 2013 production at Großes Festspielhaus in Salzburg, Austria. The goal is to discover what aspects a contemporary audience can relate to and identify with and why opera is still relevant today. This has been done partly through a semiotic analysis of the visual image (e.g. set, costume and lightning) and partly through a hermeneutical analysis of the themes in Don Carlo.

Design från intressen : Hur intressen kan påverka utformningen av ett stridsfordon till att framstå som vänligt sinnat och eget

Detta examensarbete behandlar hur individers mål, ståndpunkter och attityder kring ett föremål kan användas i föremålets design för att individerna lättare skall kunna identifiera sig med föremålet ifråga samt betrakta det som eget och/eller vänligt sinnat. Denna metod för design av föremål testades genom design och modellering av ett stridsfordon, vilket sedan utvärderades i en enkätundersökning tillsammans med ett redan existerande västerländskt stridsfordon. Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka vilket av stridsfordonen som målgruppen ansåg vara lättast att identifiera sig med/framstod mest som egen.Undersökningen visade att stridsfordonet som designats med tanke på målgruppens  mål, ståndpunkter och attityder också i större utsträckning upplevdes  som vänligt sinnat/egen..

Att skapa en konceptdesign av en webbplats för ett evenemang : Att ta fram en design av en webbplats med en grafisk identitet ur ett marknadsperspektiv

Internet and social media have opened up new possibilities for companies and organisations tocommunicate their brand. It only takes a few seconds to communicate the message of a website to theuser. This indicates the importance of having the intended message of the website communicated clearlyin order to give the user a correct impression of the company or the organisation. When it comes to theconcept design of a website, it?s important that all different parts is presented uniformly.

Design i offentlig sektor : En fallstudie med Arbetsförmedlingen

Det pågår stora förändringar i världen gällande begreppet design och rapporter har kommit både iSverige och Europa om hur design kan lösa samhällsproblem. Design kan användas som ettverktyg för problemlösning i en arbetsprocess eller som konkurrensfördel i en strategi för attutveckla produkter och tjänster utifrån användarens behov.Forskning finns om hur privata vinstdrivna företag använder design som konkurrensmedel.Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur vi med hjälp av design kan skapa en strategi för enorganisation i den offentliga sektorn som kan lösa kommunikationsproblem med fokus påkundtillfredsställelse. Undersökningen syftar till att svara på hur den offentliga sektorn arbetarmed design och hur en designstrategi inom den offentliga sektorn kan se ut, samt om det finnsnågra hinder vid implementering av design.Studien baseras på en kvalitativ metod i form av djupintervjuer, samt en kvantitativenkätundersökning utifrån en fallstudie på Arbetsförmedlingen. Datainsamling av det empiriskamaterialet har gjorts på fallföretaget samt på tre ytterligare tjänsteorienterade organisationer somär finansierade av staten och ett produktorienterat företag. Empirin har analyserats utifrånföretagsekonomiska teorier samt designteorier och den privata sektorn har ställts mot denoffentliga sektorn för att hitta likheter och skillnader dem emellan.Resultatet av studien visar på att design används inom den offentliga sektorn och resultatet visaratt det inte finns några hinder för den offentliga sektorn att jobba med design, men att det iblandkan vara mer svårimplementerat på grund av komplexa organisationer och en målgrupp som ärhela den svenska befolkningen.

Hur förmedlas bilden av Svea? : - en studie om hur ESN, IKEA och UD förmedlar svenskhet

The purpose of this essay is to show how ESN, IKEA and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD) mediated swedishness. This will be done by illustrate and analyse the methods the research fields use to create and spread pictures and message about Sweden, Swedes and Swedish cultures. The essay use the method of represented informants and show three field where the meeting between people and cultures is conspicuously. Hopefully, this essay can be seen as a contribution to the research of identity (identity research). I have chosen to focus on three fields of research, which do not belong to the classic field of research to show how swedishness is mediated..

Kalvhyddans utformning : påverkan på kalvens hälsa och komfort

This paper aims to, through a literature review, examine how to best design and adapt calf huts to meet the calf's physiological requirements and reduce the infection pressure for enteric and respiratory diseases. It illuminates how the calf relates to different temperatures and climate, which temperature control mechanisms it uses and its ability to perform these regulations, as well as providing a summary of the past decades´ research on the calf huts housing system. These two theory chapters, along with a concluding discussion, provide a better understanding of how to, especially in temperate climates, design the most suitable calf hut, which cater to the calf's both thermal comfort and physical health. The literature suggests that the calf's own temperature control works well to counteract the temperature outside the desired range, and that one of the most important factors rather is ventilation of a calf hut, which reduces moisture and pathogens. The conclusion of this paper is mainly that there is not an obvious way to place and construct a calf hutch and that most design principles contribute to both positive and negative effects simultaneously.

Utveckling av en webbaserad donationstjänst för företag  som involverar medarbetarna i processen

In recent years, employees at large companies have started to demand that their employer should work more for good causes. The money the company wants to donate to charity is distributed mostly through a vote to decide where the money will be remitted. The purpose of this design case is to develop a design concept for a web-based donation service that involves all employees at a company. Furthermore, the authors of this study intends to explore how the motivation for employees of a company can be affected by participation in this service. In this design case, the service function, quality and concept was tested and evaluated.

Användarcentrerad Systemdesign

This essay focuses on the term usability while conducting a user centred system design. Usabilitymeans to what extent a user can use a product to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.Development using a user centered system design means that knowledge about the end-users andit?s opinions becomes a crucial part of the development process. The question of this essay is if usinguser centred system design will lead to good usability.We used methods from a user centered system design point of view while developing an applicationfor a Swedish bookstore company called Bokia AB. This included user and task analysis following by aclose relationship between the developers and end-users by using sketches and showing themprototypes of the system while collecting feedback.After concluding our case study we determined that using methods from user centered systemdesign could be used as a great tool to further improve the usability and to improve an applicationssuccess chances..

Hund i vården : Fysiska, Psykiska och Sociala effekter av arbete med vårdhund

Background: Pet therapy has existed as a concept since 1964 when the American child psychologist Boris Levinson coined the term. Nowadays Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) and Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) are both recognized concepts, and with progressed research the science of pet therapy increases.Purpose: To summate the most recent science in pet therapy (therapy dog) research with focus on physical, psychical, and social effects.Methods: Literature study/review with descriptive design, research on 21 articles published from year 2003 and onward. Articles used in the study were chosen through beforehand decided criteria, subject to quality rating, and summated in an overview. The main results were summated and presented in similarities and differences.Results: The main result of the summation was that important results could be measured in each of the three fields of research. Physical/physiological effects: pain relief, differentiated results on vital signs, and increased activity.

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