

1507 Uppsatser om Degenerative joint disease rehabilitation - Sida 52 av 101

Familjens situation då barnet insjuknar i Diabetes typ 1 - Litteratursammanställning

Background: Diabetes mellitus Type 1 is one of the most common chronicle diseases in childhood. This signifies big changes in the daily life for the child and its family. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the family?s situation when the child falls ill in Type 1 diabetes. Method: The search for literature has been done both manually and in databases.

Hygien, städning och desinfektion inom smådjurssjukvården :

The aim of this report is to create an easily accessible guide to basic hygiene, cleaning and disinfection within the small animal practice. It is based on a literature study, using mainly research from the public health sector, due to the lack of relevant scientific reports within the veterinary field. To prevent the spread of infectious diseases it is important that the staff understands the importance of basic hygiene. Hand hygiene and disinfection and cleaning with water and detergent combined are the most important routines to prevent spreading of disease. In conclusion the differences between the veterinary and the public health sector are small, but some basic differences exist due to the nature of the patient?s needs.

Etiologi och patogenes för benign prostatahyperplasi hos hund

This literature review summarizes available data on infection with the parasitic roundworm, Ascaridia galli, as a cause of disease in poultry, including the consequences of a conversion to alternative production systems. Ascaridia galli has a direct life cycle with resistant eggs that survive and are easily spread in the environment, especially in systems with bedding materials where the faecal contact is high. The infection is usually subclinical but depending on the infection dose, the symptoms range from weight loss and diarrhea to mortality. Factors such as the feed composition and genetic variation among different hybrids clearly affect the establishment rate of the infection. Ascaridia galli will probably become an increasing problem, with a shift from the traditional battery cages to alternative systems where the risk of re-infection is high.

Strategiska förändringar på multipla nivåer

Tre av fyra sammangåenden misslyckas med att uppnå de finansiella och strategiska mål som de har satt upp. Anledningen till att varför så många kombinationer av sammangåenden misslyckas beror på att sammangåenden är i behov av rigorösa och omfattande ansträngningar före, under och efter förloppet. Ofta ignoreras dessa behov och/eller får inte tillräckligt stort utrymme. De flesta studier av strategiska förändringsprocesser i form av sammangåenden organisationer emellan fokuserar endast på en sammangåendeprocess i taget och det finns få studier som över huvud taget beaktar flera processer i följd. Dessutom verkar det vara mer regel än undantag att den mänskliga faktorn glöms bort eller i alla fall inte tas hänsyn till i tillräckligt stor grad.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av hembesök tillsammans med äldre patienter innan utskrivning från sjukhus

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att genomföra hembesök tillsammans med äldre patienterna innan utskrivning från sjukhus. En kvalitativ metod valdes med semistukturerade intervjufrågor. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av nio arbetsterapeuter verksamma inom geriatrisk slutenvård i en storstadsregion i södra Sverige. Data analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen kom att resultera i fyra kategorier.

Matematikdidaktiska val En argumentationsanalys av det lustfyllda lärandet Mathematics education choice An argumentation analysis of a zestful learning

The purpose of this study is to present arguments concerning a zestful learning for children ages 6-9 in mathematics. Four books in mathematics has specifically been analyzed to investigate what is written concerning a zestful learning. By means of an argumentation analysis within a qualitative text analysis the arguments are put forth. The didactic choices of the chosen literature are analyzed in a subject-matter didactic context. The result implicates a multitude of arguments and didactic choices supporting a zestful learning.

Hur personer med långvarig stress har upplevt sin rehabilitering och vad som har underlättat för dem

Bakgrund:Långtidssjukskrivning på grund av stressrelaterad ohälsa har under senaste åren ökat i Sverige. Det medför oftast ett stort lidande för den enskilde och ger även ökade kostnader för samhället. Hur rehabiliteringen genomförs är av vikt för att kunna hjälpa personerna som är långtidssjukskrivna tillbaka till familjeliv och arbetsliv. Därför är det viktigt att få ta del av de sjukskrivnas egna erfarenheter av rehabiliteringen. Syftet: Var att undersöka hur personer som är långtidssjukskrivna > 3 månader på grund av långvarig stress har upplevt sin rehabilitering och vad som har underlättat för återgång till familjeliv och arbetsliv.

Nötkreatur som övernattar på slakteri : effekter på beteende vid drivning och bedövning

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Probiotika som prevention mot urogenitala sjukdomar

About 10 % of the adult women population in Sweden are treated annually for urinary tract infections. The increasing bacterial resistance towards antibiotics is classified by WHO (World Health Organization) and ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) as one of the greatest treats for human health in a global perspective. To find alternatives scientists are studying the possibility to use probiotics to reduce the frequency of recurring urinary tract infections. This literature study examines five randomized double blinded placebo controlled studies where different strains of Lactobacillus have been used as a prophylactic to women suffering from recurrent urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis. Overall the studies do not display enough promising results to recommend the use of probiotics as a prophylax or cure..

En mix av krav: En studie av finansieringsmodeller i ideell sektor

In this thesis a study about funding in civil-society organizations is carried out. The aim is to understand how an organization in civil-society is affected by different forms of financing models. The empirical material in the thesis consists of a case study of three Swedish civil-society organizations (CSO) producing social services in the field of rehabilitation of people with a drug addiction. The case study consists of mainly interviews with people holding a leading position in the three organizations together with a study of for the research question relevant documents. From the empirical material, including an extensive analysis of these organizations different income sources, a partial model of how to categorize and analyze different forms of funding in CSOs is developed.

Språkens plats i en mångkulturell förskola : Lärares syn på modersmål och andraspråk

The study is a qualitative textual analysis comparing how two newspapers fromSmåland reacted to Nazi Germany during the interwar period. The purpose of the studyis to illustrate how newspapers' political orientation may influence its content. Theexamined material is limited to letters to the editor, editorials and columns. The twopapers are of different political orientations, Smålänningen is bourgeois andKronobergaren is social democratic. The theoretical basis is founded in Klas Åmarksperspective on Sweden's position in the war, the so-called small state realistic paradigmand the moral perspective, as well all Kosellecks theory about the written word.

Patientupplevelser av allmänpsykiatrisk akutvård samt av samarbetet mellan slutenvård, öppenvård och kommun

According to the health care law and the national care guarantee, all individuals with mental illness have the right to good health care that is knowledge based as well as to rehabilitation where and when they need it. They also should be able to choose and have control over who is performing the care, including the design of these efforts. The purpose of this study is to investigate patients' experiences of general psychiatric emergency care and the cooperation between outpatient care, inpatient care and the municipality. This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted with a quantitative and qualitative method. The study is performed in collaboration with Akademiska Sjukhuset and is part of a larger quality improvement project.

Arbetsterapi för personer med HIV/AIDS : Occupational therapy for persons with HIV/AIDS

Bakgrund: Varje dag smittas i genomsnitt cirka 14 000 personer av HIV i världen. Ny behandling har gjort att dessa patienter idag lever längre. Sjukdomsförlopp samt komplikationer går inte att förutsäga utan är individuellt. Eftersom personer med HIV/AIDS-diagnos nu lever längre kommer behovet av arbetsterapeutiska insatser att öka. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva arbetsterapeutiska insatser för personer med HIV/AIDS samt vilken roll arbetsterapeuten har i arbetet kring dessa personer.

Allmänsjuksköterskans problematik kring bemötandet av den HIV-positiva patienten i den somatiska vården

The number of HIV- positive is increasing all over the world and it's very likely to meet these patients as a nurse. The interaction between the nurse and the patient is characterized by experience and knowledge and at the same time the nurse is expected to act professionally. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the nurse's complex of problems regarding the treatment of the HIV- positive patient by exploring the attitudes against HIV among nurses and how the nurse can maintain the integrity of the HIV- positive patient. Antonovsky's salutoqenic model, sense of coherence, has been used as theoretical frame. From 14 articles five topics have been found that influence the nurse's attitudes against HIV-positive patients.

Kommunikation och samarbete. En studie av bibliotekariers och lärares förhållningssätt gentemot varandra gällande samarbete

The purpose of this paper has been to study the relationships and attitudes of a few teachers and librarians as to their co-operation in a combined public and upper secondary school library and to find out what circumstances there may be to exert an influence on their work. The paper has been based upon qualitative interviews with upper secondary school teachers and librarians as well as on studies of literature relating to our issue. We believe there may be different approaches to the learning process, as these are the relations and attitudes of two professions from different trades. That is why our point of departure has been Roger Säljö's theory about learning and, in our analysis, a few of Jean Donham van Deusen's ideas of joint planning and flexible timetabling. All respondents agreed that co-operation could be better, but the teachers were of the opinion that it must not interfere with their time.

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