

1507 Uppsatser om Degenerative joint disease rehabilitation - Sida 20 av 101

Pojkars läslust : en studie av hur pojkar uppfattar och uttrycker sitt intresse för läsning

Health and fitness are two controversial and not easily defined topics that affect people in our modern society every day. We believe that we can find a link between individualism, globalization and the stress concerning weight and appearance ideals. Our bodies have turned into a popular subject for the media, and there is no indication that the interest will decline. As the world gets more artificial, "natural" ideals are getting more attention, such as the concept of a strong and healthy body. But there is also a downside, for example with health issues such as cardiovascular disease increasing following the birth of high-fat diets.

Kundanpassning av ett rehabiliteringsverktyg

To be able to move around without having to think about each movement is for most people amatter of course. Todays society contributes to a life at high speed where the sparetime is oftenspend doing somekind of sport, even extreme sports which earlier only a few people wheredoing. This leads to not only good health effects but also to more injuries. One of the mostcommon injuries is the knee injury.Capio Artro Clinic is a clinic specialized in sports medicine and particulary patients with injuriesin knee, shoulder, foot, hip or elbow. They perform a great part of all the crucial ligamentsurgeries in Sweden and has therefor also a lot of patients in need for rehabilitation of the knee.During the rehabilitation the load of the injuried knee is increased in steps.

Livskvalitet hos kvinnor med fibromyalgi : En litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe how women with fibromyalgia experienced their quality of life. The method used was a literature study with a descriptive design. The search for scientific articles was done by the databases Academic Search Elite, CINAHL, Medline via PubMed and Cohrane Library. The articles were quality-tested and the content studied, resulting in four categories as follows. Research involving the physical aspects of the quality of life showed that sleeplessness, tiredness and pain was commonly occurring symptoms in women?s daily life which affected their life-situation.

Mastcellsfunktionen vid pyometra hos hund

Pyometra, chronic purulent metritis in metoestrus, is a common disease in intact bitches. About 25% of all bitches in Sweden have contracted the disease before ten years of age. Clinical signs of the disease are varied, and the course may be either slow or acute. The diagnosis is most commonly made by radiographical or ultrasonographical examination of the abdomen in combination with blood biochemical and hematological analyses. The safest and most efficient treatment of pyometra is surgical ovariohysterectomy.There is room for improvement of both diagnostic tools and possible prognostic indicators for pyometra.Mast cells are large leucocytes, with granule that contain inflammatory mediators.

Strokediagnostisering på akutrummet : Är standardiserade scheman användbara i strokediagnostiseringen samt anamnesupptagandet?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.

To start a project ? post-rehabilitation within substance abuse care

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur ett projekt startas upp, leds och drivs då det är kopplat till socialt arbete och efterbehandling för hemlösa kvinnor med missbruksproblematik. Bakgrunden är en tidigare b-uppsats som visade på brister i eftervården för dessa kvinnor. Examensarbetet har gjorts genom en litteraturstudie där vi undersökt projekt och projektledning, samt en halvstrukturerad personlig intervju och en telefonintervju med en nyckelperson med erfarenhet av projektarbete. Resultatet visade på att det är viktigt med samarbete och nätverk då det oftast finns många aktörer som kan hjälpa målgruppen, så som socialtjänsten, beroendecenter samt Röda Korset. Genom ett lösningsfokuserat arbete och en upplevelsebaserad metod kan målgruppen få hjälp att komma tillbaka in i samhället och få ett självständigt och värdigare liv.

Klinisk gradering av hästens luftvägsstatus : en jämförande studie av kliniska graderingsprotokoll samt deras relation till luftvägshälsa och neutrofilförekomst i BAL-vätska

Respiratory disease with airway inflammation as main characteristic is common in the horse. It is a syndrome that is not yet fully understood. The etiology, pathogenesis and classification into different disease states are subjects for discussion and under continuous revision. Despite a number of modern techniques, the diagnostic procedure is challenging. There is no test considered to be gold standard when diagnosing these diseases.

?På andra sidan planket? : en kvalitativ studie om hur det sociala stödet från nätverken påverkar återhämtningsprocessen från ett drogmissbruk

Research about social support and social networks has mostly concerned the impact on a person?s wellbeing and health. However an aspect largely neglected is how social support within the social networks can affect the process of giving up a drug abuse. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of what role the social support within different relationships can have on the process of giving up drug abuse. Furthermore the aim is to examine how a self-help group can provide social support in the transitional period after leaving a drug abuse.

Baltic 21 kontra Helcom : Hållbarhet eller Modernisering

The purpose with the essay is to point out how the main differences of the Helsinkicommission, Helcom and Baltic 21 can be explained from a general perspective and with a specific focus on two of their ongoing projects: Baltic 21 Lighthouse projects and The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Plan. And to investigate how the organisations them selves formulates the purpose of the two projects. This will be an indication on why environmental problems are handled with in a traditional matter although the rhetoric of the environmental politics is permeated by the concept of Sustainable Development.This dilemma is being treated from the theoretical approaches of Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development and linked to how these organisations actually carried out their work and how the historical heritage have a role to play in this complex of problems. The results of the essay shows that concrete differences exists in the way that the two organisations are constructed and how their ongoing projects are designed and formulated. These differences can be derived to the theoretical platforms Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development and be explained by in witch political context the organisations were created.

Människan bakom sjukdomen : En litteraturöversikt om vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot personer med HIV/AIDS

Background: HIV/AIDS has existed officially for more than 35 years and is now seen as a global epidemic. The disease has claimed many victims and there is no indication showing decrease of the mortality rate. The disease is currently incurable, but antiretroviral drugs have good effect at slowing down the process. The persons who live with the disease are exposed to stigma and, sometimes, negative attitudes. The negative attitudes could affect the person?s willingness carry through the test.

Att leva med amyotrofisk lateralskleros : människors upplevelser i samband med en terminal sjukdom

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.

Från tvåsamhet till ensamhet - anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda en person med Alzheimers sjukdom : / From companionship to loneliness - the experience of caring for a family member with Alzheimer?s disease

Bakgrund: I Sverige är det mer än 160 000 personer som insjuknat i demens och hälften av dem har Alzheimers sjukdom, som är den vanligaste demenssjukdomen. När diagnosen Alzheimers sjukdom ställts förändras patientens och anhörigas livssituation. Anhöriga tar på sig ett ökat omvårdnadsansvar och känner en större ängslan och oro för framtiden. Syfte: Att belysa anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda en person med Alzheimers sjukdom. Metod: Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie och sju vetenskapliga artiklar som motsvarade syftet granskades kritiskt och analyserades.

En privatisering av arbetsskadeförsäkringen

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the possibilities and problems facing a privatised work injury insurance. This discussion includes the element of premium differentiation. Todays´ Swedish social insurance system is ineffectively formed. The costs have dramatically increased during the 1990´s. The Swedish government is now looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the system.

Obstruktiv FLUTD - ett nödvändigt ont eller möjligt att förebygga?

FLUTD - Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease ? is a complex disease and a common sight in the veterinary setting. Although FLUTD excluding urethral obstruction may be discomforting for the cat and its owner due to symptoms such as periuria, stranguria, hematuria, dysuria and pollakiuria, obstruction presents an acute and potentially lethal form of the disease as a result of uremia and disturbances in fluids, electrolytes and acid-base balances. A study of literature has been performed to investigate the causes of FLUTD with urethral obstruction and the actions available to the owner to avert them. Potential causes of obstructive and non-obstructive FLUTD have been found to include infections, uroliths, urethral plugs, neoplasia, anatomic abnormalities, trauma, neurogenic or iatrogenic causes. Most commonly a cause cannot be identified and the terms idiopathic FLUTD or feline idiopathic cystitis are used. As the mortality rate due to urethral obstruction likely is somewhere around 5.8-8.9% and FLUTD including and excluding urethral obstruction constitute great inconveniences, precautionary measures are warranted.

Livet efter en viktminskningsoperation : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med kvinnor som genomgått en viktminskningsoperation

Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with Alzheimer´s disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer´s disease living at home.

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