

8405 Uppsatser om Decontamination method - Sida 2 av 561

Lust att lära sig läsa : En jämförelse av två olika läsinlärningsmetoder; ljudmetoden och Whole language (kiwimetoden)

AbstractMy purpose with this study was to learn more about different ways to teach children how to read and to investigate how teachers can use more fiction when they teach.During the years that I have been working in school, I have only met teachers who use a method that is built on sounds. The children learns to read from books where the words is not put in their right purpose; for example; we can se a sun, a dear looks down in a lake.After my teacher-education in literature I became more and more interested in if it could be possible to use more fiction when you teach children how to read. I also wondered if it was possible to find readers where the sentences are put in a meaningful story.I heard of a method called Whole Language, or the kiwi-method and I decided to find out more about that method. I decided to make a comparison between the ?sound-method? and the Whole Language-method.I have been using qualitative interviews with both children and teachers with experience from these different ways of teaching.

Utvärdering av BeWi Byggsystem

The construction industries are relatively conservative type of business that takes a longtime to adjust for new methods and embrace new ideas. It dose not matter if the newmethod seems to be an improved method as long as it is new and untried. Constructioncompanies are reluctant to change form a longtime working method to a relativelyunknown method.The purpose with our report is to perform an evaluation of BeWi construction method.Our goal are to present the generally opinion about BeWi from the contractors that hasbeen in contact/worked with the method. We also want to know from the contractor?spoint of view if BeWi and the method measure up to the standards that are presented byBeWi and if they believe that improvements need to be done.Our progress up to the final report has consisted of three parts[1]Field studies[2]Interviews[3]Literary studiesWe started out with field studies where we took notes and observed all the includedworking phases on the construction site when using the BeWi method.

Fler barn med på läs- och skrivtåget : En kvalitativ studie som belyser fem lärares erfarenheter och upplevelser av Arne Tragetons läs- och skrivmetod "Att skriva sig till läsning"

The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers? described experiences of advantages as well as disadvantages of Arne Trageton?s write to read-method (?ASL?) in contrast to the code-oriented traditional way of teaching. The aim of this study is furthermore to depict the teachers? opinions on whether they experience that the ASL-method is unfavourable for students in general. This study will also investigate the teachers? standpoint regarding choice of reading and writing method.

?Lägg ner matteboken och använd varandra som stöd? : En intervjustudie av fem klasslärares syn på det laborativa arbetssättet i matematikundervisningen

The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of a working laboratory in mathematics education, how it influences students? learning and the confidence the teacher has in the laboratory component. Focus has been placed upon the advantages and disadvantages that could follow in the working method.The method used in this essay is qualitative in order to answer all the questions that arise along the way, and in order to use this method in interviews. The interviews that has taken place has been with five class teachers that are currently teaching at a elementary school between the years of 1-5. The purpose of this study has been answered by using its literature and the qualitative method with the class teachers.The results of the research show that teachers express gratitude towards the method in use for mathematics studies.

Bättre strategiska beslut i dagligvarubutiker- En arbetsmetod där finansiell information kombineras med marknadsinformation

The thesis tries to answer how a combination of financial metrics and marketing metrics can improve strategic decision making. The purpose is to develop a strategic working method for general dealers. The method is based on the two theoretical frameworks "The strategic resource model" and "The importance-performance matrix". The suggested method is being tested in a small retail store environment on the Swedish market. The result of the test shows that a better suited strategy can be developed when this strategic method, which combines financial metrics with marketing metrics, is being used.

En annorlunda undervisningsform i religionsämnet : En studie om Abrahams Barns undervisningsmetod

This article is about Abrahams Children foundation and its teaching method called IE- method. It?s about how a teacher can use the IE- method in the religion lesson. There were some questions in this article that had to be answered and the questions are:- How is the form of the religion classes when a teacher uses the IE- method?- What happens in the class when you study the interaction and the communication?- Does the student?s participation increase when they work with the IE- method?- What are the advantage and the disadvantage with the IE- method?- Can the teacher use the IE- method in other classes?To get to the ?correct? answer I used many methods like, observation in the class, qualitative interview with the teacher (Lisa Andersson) and with four students (Kim, Erik, Amanda, Patrik) and I also used questionnaire.

Jämförelse av olika metoder att generera Bernoullifördelade slumptal givet deras summa

In this master?s thesis the problem of simulating conditional Bernoulli distributed stochastic variables, given the sum, is considered. Three simulation methods are considered, namely the acceptance/rejection technique, Bondesson?s method and the Markov chain Monte Carlo method.To compare the three methods the bias and the standard deviations of the simulated variables are evaluated. The results of the simulation study shows that the Markov chain Monte Carlo method is not the best method for this type of simulation.

Interferences during analysis of polyphenols in fruit juices

One of the most commonly used methods for analysis of polyphenols is the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) method, where the FC reagent has been reported to interfere with some substances in fruit juices. The interfering substance that is present in the highest amount in most fruit juices is ascorbic acid. In this study, the total phenolic content (TPC) of three fruit juices was analysed by the FC method as well as with an enzymatic method with hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase type II (HRP) for comparison. To investigate how the interfering ascorbic acid affects the TPC, juice samples were analysed after removal and addition, respectively, of ascorbic acid. The samples were analysed with HPLC both before and after the extraction phase of the FC method.

Sjukgymnasters syn på en ny behandlingsmetod med vibrationsträning som exempel: en kvalitativ studie

The aim of the study has been to investigate physiotherapists? view on a new method of treatment in physiotherapy. In this case we have studied Whole Body Vibration training as an example of a new method of treatment. Semistructured interviews were performed with five physiotherapists. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analysis study.

Nollavräkning av entreprenadprojekt: Teoretisk grund och praktisk betydelse

The purpose of this study is to investigate the method called zero recognition that is used in accounting for construction contracts when the outcome is uncertain. When this is the case it is hard to make the necessary estimates needed for the percentage of completion method to be used. Both the meaning of the method from an accounting perspective and the practical importance and purpose of the method is investigated. The method used for this study is the qualitative one and the deductive model is used to relate the theory with the empirical research. The theoretical background consists of accounting theory and theories about individuals, companies and markets.

Kapitalbindning och lönsamhet på 1980- och 2000-talet

This article is about Abrahams Children foundation and its teaching method called IE- method. It?s about how a teacher can use the IE- method in the religion lesson. There were some questions in this article that had to be answered and the questions are:- How is the form of the religion classes when a teacher uses the IE- method?- What happens in the class when you study the interaction and the communication?- Does the student?s participation increase when they work with the IE- method?- What are the advantage and the disadvantage with the IE- method?- Can the teacher use the IE- method in other classes?To get to the ?correct? answer I used many methods like, observation in the class, qualitative interview with the teacher (Lisa Andersson) and with four students (Kim, Erik, Amanda, Patrik) and I also used questionnaire.

Läsundervisning- att följa en metod eller ej? : En jämförande studie om lärares val av metod i arbetet med den tidiga läsinlärningen

This is a study of how four teachers work with pupils? early literacy learning. Interviews were conducted with two teachers who chose to use a specific method, Writing to Read (WTR), for teaching pupils to read, and with two teachers who had not chosen a specific method. The aim of the study was to compare how the teachers worked, their motives for their choice of method, and the ideas the teachers have about early literacy learning. To see whether the teachers? choice of method was related to the individualization of the teaching and their views of pupils? learning in interaction, Vygotsky?s theories about children?s learning have been used.

Indirekt blodtrycksmätning hos hund och katt :

The objective of this study was to study the agreement between two methods of indirect bloodpressure measurement in dogs and cats and to establish the within-method variation for the methods. The utility and practicality in the clinical setting were also evaluated for the both methods. The techniques evaluated were the oscillometric method and the Doppler ultrasonographic method. Thirtytwo dogs and 26 cats were used in the study and seven dogs and five cats out of these animals had diseases that may effect the bloodpressure. Bloodpressure was measured in both anesthetized and in conscious animals.

Styrkor och svagheter med problembaserat lärande-en metastudie

AbstractProblem-based learning (PBL) was from the beginning developed in medical school, but is today used in education in other programmes as well. Investigations about PBL have been conducted in different disciplines and there is also metastudies. In this paper, a metastudy of 8 bachelor degree papers have been conducted. The questions answered were: which methods were used to investigate PBL in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school,which advantages were found in working according to the PBL method, which disadvantages were found in working according to the PBL method and did teachers and students views about advantages and disadvantages about PBL as a method differ and if they did, how? The results showed that mostly qualitative methods were used to investigate the PBL as a method, mostly abilities of social qualities and independence were trained in working according to PBL, a disadvantage was that working according to the PBL method was considered more resourse consuming than traditional teaching methods and teachers and students views about PBL did not differ considerably.

pm3-revision : En välgrundad metodutveckling av metod för revision av förvaltningsstyrning

In the field of maintenance management there are but a few models an organization can use. The one model that has risen to the status of being the de facto standard in Sweden is pm3(på maintenance management model). The aim of this study is to lay the groundwork for a new method of evaluate the use of pm3within organizations. Today there is no uniform way of performing such an evaluation, which is necessary in order to diagnose the performance of the systems maintenance organizations.In the process of creating our own method for performing this kind of pm3audit, we further developed the ideas from a study by Lagsten & Nordström (2013) that was performed at the county Region Skåne. The authors of that study had developed ideas about using method rationale as a basis of creating a method for pm3auditing.

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