9190 Uppsatser om Decision process. - Sida 63 av 613
Mycket snack, lite verkstad : En studie om varför konsumenten inte köper ekologiska livsmedel
SammanfattningSeminariedatum: 2009-01-08Lärosäte: Mälardalens Högskola, VästeråsNivå: Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, 15 hpTitel: ?Mycket snack, lite verkstad ? En studie om varför konsumenten inte köper ekologiska livsmedel?Författare: Helene Kaspersson 850325 Jennie Spångberg 860813 Stefan Sjöblom 871231Handledare: Claes JonssonProblemformulering: Varför köper inte konsumenten ekologiska livsmedel?Syfte: Vi har för avsikt att beskriva hur konsumenten påverkas av individuella influenser och gruppinfluenser till att inte köpa ekologiska livsmedel. I en förlängning skall denna uppsats kunna vara till hjälp i processen att öka försäljningen av ekologiska livsmedel.Metod: För att kunna ge en generell bild av beteendet utförs en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkätundersökning.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Studien har köpbeslutsprocessen som utgångspunkt med fokus i hur konsumenten påverkas av individuella influenser och gruppinfluenser.Slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till slutsatserna att kunden agerar utifrån ett vanebaserat beteende vid köp av livsmedel. Det finns en stereotyp som symboliserar den ekologiska konsumenten. Kunden påverkas av sin referensgrupp till att inte vilja sticka ut.Nyckelord: Konsumentbeteende, Köpbeslutsprocessen, Influenser, Ekologiska livsmedel.
Effektiv kunskapsöverföring : Utredning av en avdelnings situation på ABB Robotics
The pace of product development is increasing. It is important to keep high quality in theproducts even though the time for product development decreases. Those companies whichcan utilize previous experiences are positioned with a significant competitive advantage. ToABB Robotics it has become evident that the knowledge transfer process within the productdevelopment department is inadequate. This study was a result and an attempt to address thisunsatisfactory insight.
Prehospital bedömning: En forskningsöversikt
Patienter utsätts för onödiga transporter och efterföljande väntetid på akutmottagningen, vilket i sin tur leder till ett onödigt vårdlidande. Det är inte längre en självklar åtgärd för ambulanssjukvården att transportera alla patienter till akutmottagningen för fortsatt vård. Detta innebär att kravet har ökat på ambulanssjukvården och den prehospitala bedömningen. Mot bakgrund av dessa förutsättningar som idag gäller för ambulanssjukvård, är frågan om forskningen kan vägleda till hur den prehospitala bedömningen ska kunna underlättas.Syftet med studien är att beskriva prehospital bedömning i ambulanssjukvård och genom en forskningsöversikt har kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning analyserats.I resultatet framkommer det att prehospital bedömning består av två huvudinnehåll, dels en vårdvetenskaplig där den prehospitala bedömningen ses som en kontinuerlig process och dels en medicinsk där den prehospitala bedömningen inriktas på att utifrån fastställda kriterier ringa in patientens vårdbehov. I den vårdvetenskapliga forskningen framkommer att vårdrelationen är en central del i den prehospitala bedömningen liksom att vinna patientens förtroende.
NATO 1989-2015 : NATO:s säkerhetpolitiska arbetsprocessfrån 1989 till 2015 sett utifrån Berlinmurensfall och konflikten i Afghanistan
The main purpose with the essay is to look into NATO and annalise how the organisation haschanged it´s security policy work process today 2015, seen from two different world eventsduring the period 1989-2015, the collapse of the Berlin wall and war in Afghanistan. Purposeand issuses also apply based on two theories Anarchymodel and World society model. In orderto highlight two different ways to see NATO:s security policy work process over time untilthe present day.Issues:? How did the fall of Berlin wall in 1989 change NATO:s security policy work process?? How did the war in Afghanistan in 2001 change NATO:s security policy work process?The essay is a qualitative method literature review describing NATO as an organisation andworld events that had impact on NATO over time.The result show that NATO has shifled it´s borders further fast because ?new? membercountries from the former Soviet Union are party members. NATO has moved closer toRussia, and increased in momentum.
Triangeldrama: Samarbetet mellan bibliotekspersonal, högskolerepresentanter och arkitekter i planeringen av högskolebibliotek.
This study investigates the planning process of a university library building. The study s major concern is the cooperation of the main participants in this process: librarians, architects and representatives of university colleges and universities. First the authors present the readers with an overview of the litterature concerning this subject. Then follows a presentation of the three case studies. The authors have interviewed representatives of the three different occupational groups at three different library-building projects: Malmö University, Halmstad University College and the department of social- and behavioural studies at Lund University.
Identitetens gränser- en uppsats om invandrares identitetsskapande i en svensk mångkulturalistisk kontext
This essay discusses immigrants? prospects of constructing an identity in a multicultural society like Sweden. The discussion is primarily theoretical but offers a few empirical examples to demonstrate its relevance. Furthermore, the ontological standpoint of this essay draws on an understanding of the world and our knowledge as constructed which implies that identities are also constructed. The process of identity making is further understood as a relational process in which others recognition is central to the individuals own understanding of his or hers identity.
Hantering av inköpsrisk vid svenska kafferosterier : när smaken får avgöra En studie av hur riskhantering kan integreras i inköpsprocessen
Background: The strategic importance of purchasing departments is increasing, yet supply risks are rather uncharted. The procurement of coffee involves supply risks and the purchaser needs to be able to handle these to enable the roasting-house to produce coffee as specified. Purpose: To chart risks in connection with the procurement of coffee as well as the possibilities of handling these. The thesis also examines if general risk management theories are applicable on the supply risk present within Swedish roasting-houses and can become an integral partof the purchasing process. Method: A qualitative case study of the purchasing process of Swedish roasting- houses.
När elev och vårdnadshavare blir-de andra
One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?.
Investeringsprocesser i storbanker - en undersökning på tre svenska storbanker
There are no general working processes that can stand for how all the
investment process is preceded in the organization of major Swedish banks. It
is not a question of investment process but rather a question of, investment
processes. How these investment processes operates depends totally on the type
and size of the current investment, which unit that is operating the processes
and what situation the bank currently finds itself in. There is a written form
that describes how the different processes should be operated and which capital
budget models that should be used but the usage of these forms can be
Vilka faktorer påverkar företags val av redovisningsregelverk
Abstract Title: What factors influence a company's choice of accounting rules?Subject/Course: Business Administration -Bachelor thesis Supervisor: Charlotte HemmingsonBackground: Throughout time several of accounting scandals have been discovered, which has increased the demands and requirements of accounting standards. To ensure that the information companies share in their annual reports will be reliable and useful for its users, it is required that certain regulations are in place to ensure that they are established correctly based on laws and regulations. On the first of January 2014, new rules regarding the preparation of the financial reports were established in Sweden. In other words, new rules were introduced by Bokföringsnämnden regarding category 2 and category 3 accounting rules.Problem: The companies had to make their choice between the two different accounting rules.
Fallstudie av flytt och återuppbyggnadav en IT-utbildningsmiljö
This is a case study of the planning and building of a new IT education facility when thedepartment of Media Technologymoved its operation to Flemingsberg and the main campus, due tothe termination of Campus Haninge at Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden. The study isbased on a case study an on administrative material from the process such as emailscorrespondences, policy documents, contact reports etc. The material is analysed using qualitativecontent analysis and the different observations done are distilled into four recommendations,aimed at being able to contribute to a improved process in similar future situations, whereverneeded..
Internal Control - Efficiency in the Audit Process
The purpose of this research is to examine the implications of the provisions in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code) concerning auditor attestation of the internal control report. We will focus on how the auditors? augmented responsibilities will affect the efficiency in the audit process.Our research indicates that the main benefit from reviewing the internal control report is achieving more reliable internal controls, which results in greater prevention of misstatements in the financial statements. This will affect the efficiency in the audit process since the auditor can place more reliance on internal controls when performing audit procedures. This implies that the benefits of preventing misstatements could outweigh the efforts and resources spent on reviewing the internal control report..
Dagens Nyheter 3.0 : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie av dagstidningens form i tryckt format respektive applikationsformat
A daily newspaper?s main purpose is to inform its readers without creating noise. Theimportance of the visual presentation is therefore of weight for an effectivecommunication process. This study informs about the importance of typography inthe visual decoding process. The study includes the Swedish newspaper DagensNyheter?s transition from printed media to digital media adapted to an Ipad.
Olika modellering av vårdprocesser utifrån metaforiska perspektiv : ? Skapar det nya drivkrafter för processutveckling?
The study was conducted in Jönköping County Chamber of fibrillation and is about change and improvement of process modeling technology. The process for treating patients with fibrillation is in the need to evolve and improve. In order to develop the care they needed a current state description which usually is made with the traditional process modeling tool.Many scientists and health professionals is in the opinion that this technology gives a too rigid image to describe the care processes. It also does not sufficiently take into account the human aspects. This reasoning suggests that the process modeling technology in healthcare is in the need to develop multiple perspectives.
Pimp My Test Process : Introducing Test Automation and Process Maturity in an IT Consulting Context
Ipendo Systems in Linköping, Sweden, is a small IT consulting firm developing among other things custom portal applications based on Microsoft Sharepoint 2010. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the test tools TestComplete and LoadComplete provide sufficient compatibility for functional and non-functional testing of Ipendo Systems? Sharepoint based applications, as well as design testing related activities to be incorporated into their existing software development framework. A test process maturity framework was chosen and applied for the design of the testing activities, while the test tool investigation resulted in guidelines on how to apply the tools effectively and circumvent any issues discovered..