

11549 Uppsatser om Data validation - Sida 45 av 770

Busshållplatsers kapacitet : Utvärdering av tillämpbarhet av modell från Highway Capacity Manual 2000 med uinderlag från busstrafik i Stockholms innerstad

Stockholm is growing with almost two fully loaded SL-buses a day. One of the consequences that derive from this is the increase of public transport travelers who put the regionally governed public transport up to the test in terms of its capacity. The Transport administration in Stockholm County initiated 2015 a project with the purpose of simplifying the calculation of bus stop capacities. A hypothesis (set up by the Transport administration) based on that a model for calculation of bus stop capacities could be calibrated for Stockholm conditions is being researched in this bachelor?s essay.The study is implemented by self-collected traffic data from bus stops located in the Stockholm city center.

Arbete med utveckling av ett kartsökverktyg för nationell naturolycksdatabas

We have made a suggestion for a map based search tool used with a database containinginformation on natural disasters. The database is being developed by NCO (SwedishCentre for Lessons Learned from Incidents & Accidents).We examined both Swedish and international examples of databases on naturaldisasters. The examples that we found were often hard to get the hang of, due to poorcompilation. The problem, that is typical of the international examples, is that the processof data collection is not standardized, as it is performed by different organizations andcompanies with diverse demands on and needs for the database. Therefore, to keep itsymmetrical, there ought to be only one department with the overall responsibility for anational database on natural disasters in Sweden.The natural disaster we based our study on was the flooding in Arvika in the year 2000.We inspected the availability of data about the flooding, and found it to be satisfying.Through contact with the municipality of Arvika, by mail and telephone, and a visit at theArvika municipality office, we acquired reports on the flooding and the joint rescueoperation that followed, and also GIS layers showing the extension of the flooding..

Business intelligence : Framgångsfaktorer vid användningen av ett BI system

The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.

En enda gång kan vara nog : En kvantitativ studie om gymnasieungdomars erfarenheter av våld och/eller våld i nära relationer

The overall purpose of this study is to make a survey of the extent as to which youths have witnessed acts of violence and or violence in close relationships, and which underlying factors, sex, class, and ethnicity ? characterize youths with such experiences. The study also aims to explore their attitudes and strategies and what the consequences are for youths of witnessing acts of violence, with respect to attachment to adults and other social networks. The primary data have been collected in two upper secondary schools. The study includes 101 students.

Dagbokens betydelse för den insamlade mängden data i kliniska läkemedelsprövningar - insamling av adverse events (?incidenter?) med hjälp av patientdagbok

Till alla godkända läkemedel skall bifogas information till vårdpersonal hur produkten skall användas säkert och effektivt. De metoder som används för insamling av data under en klinisk läkemedelsprövning, innan godkännande för försäljning, påverkar möjligheten att göra korrekta bedömningar av ett läkemedels bieffekter. Insamling av patientsäkerhets-relaterad data, ?incidenter? (?Adverse Events?; AEs), i kliniska läkemedelsprövningar är ett område förenat med många metodiska oklarheter och svårigheter. Internationella och nationella regelverk specificerar inte i detalj hur datainsamling skall utföras.

Marknadsundersökning av grisplättlysat för att ersätta serum i cellodling

High quality within a Lean production system begins with standardised work, which creates stable processes able to generate predictable output. If nonconformity from the standard procedures occurs, routines are needed to analyse, correct and prevent the nonconformity from occurring again. In that way, the nonconformity can be a trigger for continuous improvements toward more stable processes. In takted production lines, where the operator follows a standard sequence with tasks set to be completed within the takt time, a nonconformity leads to downtime in the operator?s sequence, and no value is added.

Applikationsintegrering - en analys av metoder och teknik

Abstract In the contemporary world of information technology you find a multitude of applications and systems covering a broad spectrum of areas of need in different companies. One effect of this multitude of programs is the difficulty to make them exchange information with each other or to collaborate, since they are developed by different programming languages for different platforms, with different standards and different data formats. Our aim with this work is to describe how it is possible to tie these programs together to make them actually communicate with each other in order to exchange information, share their native methods and also to become a part of the overall business processes. In this integration task you will, among other things, find different levels of application integration such as data level, method level, application interface level and user interface level integration. Application integration also involves hardware components, called middleware, that facilitate the physical connection between applications. There is a range of different middleware products offered today on the market.

Swedish Hedge Funds

SYFTESyftet med uppsatsen är att analysera Svenska hedgefonders historiska avkastning beträffande riskjusterad avkastning och korrelation mot marknaden. Vidare studeras dessa faktorer ur ett investerarperspektiv för att undersöka huruvida Svenska hedgefonder fyller ett syfte som komplement i en marknadsportfölj. METOD Uppsatsen använder sig till största del av kvantitativ data som insamlas med hjälp av relevanta teorier. Kvalitativ data såsom intervjumaterial är ett komplement till de kvantitativa data och leder så småningom till ett större djup i analysdelen. Undersökningen gällande den historiska avkastningen för Svenska hedgefonder är uppdelad i tre olika tidsperioder.

Parallell beräkning av omslutande volymer

This paper presents techniques for speeding up commonly used algorithms forbounding volume (BV) computation, such as the AABB, sphere and k-DOP. Byexploiting the possibilities of parallelismin modern processors, the result exceedsthe expected theoretical result. The methods focus on data-level-parallelism(DLP) using Intel?s SSE instructions, for operations on 4 parallel independentsingle precision floating point values, with a theoretical speed-up factor of 4 ondata throughput. Still, a speed-up between 7?9 are shown in the computation ofAABBs and k-DOPs.

Användarens attityd till reklaminslag på webb-TV : En studie om hur användaren upplever reklam i ett nytt medium

The technological development contributes to an increase in advertising when it comes to media. Those who are working to develop advertising are constantly looking for new ways to reach consumers in unexplored contexts. Web TV is a relatively new technique that involves the distribution of television across the Internet. This study intend to investigate how users perceive advertising appearing on web TV, and contribute to the knowledge about how advertising adapt to new media. To reach the results of this study, we used quantitative data, collected in the form of web-surveys and qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews.

Hemodialyspatienters uppskattade vätskeintag och det faktiska vätskeintaget: En empirisk studie om samvariation

AbstractThe aim of the study was to examine the relation between estimated fluidintake and real fluidintake among dialysis patients. The data were collected through study specific questionnaire and data from the medical record. Patients attached to eleven Swedish dialysis units were asked to participate. The number of patients that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were 222 persons of whom145 (65%) chose to participate in the study. The dialysis patients estimated their fluid intake for a day in average 9,06 deciliter.

Sjukhusövergripande datalager för vitalparametrar : Sammanställning av regelverk och riktlinjer

I samband med uppbyggnaden av Nya Karolinska Solna designas ett nytt sjukhusövergripande datalager för vitalparametrar, med arbetsnamnet T5, där insamlad data ska följa patienten genom hela sjukhusvistelsen.Inför upphandlingen av systemet behövs en genomgång av vilka standarder, regelverk samt riktlinjer som gäller vid framställning och drift av T5. Genom djupgående litteraturstudier och intervjuer med personer insatta i områden som anses relevanta för projektet, levereras som slutprodukt en rekommendation om hur regelverken och standarderna kan tänkas appliceras på systemet.Projektets resultat visar att om det data som hanteras i T5 är tänkt att användas i medicinskt syfte enligt Lagen om medicintekniska produkter, så är systemet en medicinteknisk produkt. Vidare bör systemet klassificeras som riskklass I, förutsatt att informationen i T5 inte ska användas för patientövervakning i realtid..

Minnenas trädgård : Ett underlag för utvärdering av utemiljön vid ett särskilt boende för personer med demenssjukdom?

Background Being outdoors on a regular basis is beneficial for all individuals, people with dementia who is living in special accommodation have not always that possibility. If the person with dementia live in a stimulating environment can contribute to the person's functions are maintained. Aim To provide a basis for evaluation of a new outdoor environment at a special accommodation for people with dementia. Method of data collection in action research was done through focus group with staff on the accommodation and the participants in the project, a total of five informants. Results Informants thoughts and experiences were analyzed and divided into three main categories to describe the project - design, obstacles and goals.

Språkstimulans i formell och informell lek

The outset of this thesis is to raise questions on how we design for the mobile context and the capabilities of smartphones. Not only the presentation but also the use of input and interaction between a service and a user.This work evolves around sign up forms and answers the question: How does the sign up process affect the holistic perspective of a digital service regarding usability and user experience? This thesis consists of a case studies, and design experiments conducted on Twitter, Instagram and Randos sign up processes to explore if and how the usability, and the user experience could be affected and im- proved.This concluded some important aspects to be considered when designing sign up forms for a digital service.The usability, and the user experience is not only affected by user interaction, and the choice of input method but it?s also affected by which data the service is requesting, and more important; if that data is motivated to request by the service..

Line?extensions; A longitudinal study concerning effects on brand equity

Thesis purposeThe study aims to examine the effects vertical and horizontal line extensions might have on the total parent brand equity in terms of strength and its baseline product regarding of market share, loyalty and penetration under an elapsed period of time. The study aims to investigate a number of actual conducted line extensions effect on the above mentioned aspects of Kellers (1993) definition of brand strength as a part of the total brand equity. MethodologyThe effect of a number of line extensions of the parent brands and the baseline products is being examined in terms of market share, loyalty rate, cannibalization and market penetration. The thesis is focused on the correlations between these different parameters during a certain elapsed time ratio in order to test our theoretically routed hypothesizes in a deductive manner. Occasional correlations are derived from an indexation of data collected from the Gfk database.

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