

11549 Uppsatser om Data validation - Sida 4 av 770

Leanuppgift för industriprogrammet

The government regulations for energy use in buildings will be tightened in the future. At the same time the interest in environmental classifications and certifications of buildings is increasing. This has meant a new situation for solar energy. The designs of solar heating systems are often based on experience and/or rules of thumb, rather than calculations and simulations. This thesis examines whether simulation tools, in this case Polysun, are useful in this work.

Simulering av översvämningar i Nedre Dalälven

Mosquitoes are found in extremely large numbers in the lower parts of the River Dalälven. In the year 2000 the mosquito nuisance was especially high, resulting in foundation of the Biological mosquito control project. Since 2001 mosquito larvae are controlled by using a biological pesticide BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis ssp israelensis). The mosquito fauna in the area is dominated by flood water mosquitoes, a group of mosquitoes that are very aggressive and form new generations of mosquitoes during every single flooding event during the summer. To be able to efficiently control the mosquitoes it is essential to know the extension and locality of the flooding.

Simuleringsprogram som verktyg vid projektering av solvärme

The government regulations for energy use in buildings will be tightened in the future. At the same time the interest in environmental classifications and certifications of buildings is increasing. This has meant a new situation for solar energy. The designs of solar heating systems are often based on experience and/or rules of thumb, rather than calculations and simulations. This thesis examines whether simulation tools, in this case Polysun, are useful in this work.

Validering av metoder för analys av Cu, Fe och Na i processvatten med AAS-grafitugn

Södra Cell Mörrum is one of the five paper pulp plants that are included in Södra Cell, and the paper pulp that is produced here is not only sold to Swedish paper mills. Most of the paper pulp is exported to different countries in Europe. In the manufacturing process the plant needs different kind of process water and there are guideline values for how much copper, iron and sodium this water is allowed to contain. Analyzes of this water is in the current situation done with an atomic absorption spectrometric instrument (AAS-instrument) with a flame. Measurements done with flame-AAS of samples that have concentrations near the guideline values for copper, iron and sodium, are not reliable. The reason for not being reliable is that the quantitation limits of these metals are higher than the limit values.

Development of a method for determination of pesticide residues in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Honey is a product that may contain pesticide residues due to contamination from bees pollinating various plants as well as elimination of vermin inside the hive. Different methods are needed for analysis of pesticides, since the term includes a wide range of different substances. National Food Administration lacks a validated method for determination and quantification of pesticides in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS. The technique is especially important in analysis of polar and non-volatile pesticides, where gas chromatography is not functioning optimally. After investigating what pesticides could be found in honey produced in Sweden, a number of four pesticides suitable for analysis with LC-MS/MS was compiled; boscalid, impidacloprid, tau-fluvalinate and thiacloprid.

Simulering av COD-fraktioner i en aktivslamanläggning vid en sulfatmassafabrik

This thesis work was made for Södra Cell Mörrums bruk in Blekinge. The purpose of the work was to develop a computer model in the simulation program Extend for the removal and balance of organic oxygen consuming substances, measured as COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), in the new biological treatment plant in the mill. The plant produces two different pulp products, TCF- (Totally Chlorine Free) pulp and ECF- (Elementary Chlorine Free) pulp, for sale. The different bleaching procedures affect the characteristic of the wastewater and thus the effectiveness of the biological treatment plant.In the model that was developed the COD in the wastewater was divided into five different COD-fractions: soluble easily degradable (SS), soluble hardly degradable (SR), soluble inert (SI), particulate inert (XI) and particulate biomass (XB). To create the model FlowMac? was used as a base.

Fälttest av en ny metod att med objektiva mätmetoder karaktärisera egenskaperna hos ridunderlag- en pilotstudie. :

Background Research concerning footing and its contribution to injuries has been conducted primarily in racing Thoroughbreds. Studies in UK and Japan indicate that some specific factors could be responsible for an increase in performance-associated injuries. Researchers in Sweden have performed studies on Standardbred trotters. More research is needed to be done on equestrian sports since requirements on footing are not exactly the same in riding and trotting horses. The lack of scientific evidence on the construction of equestrian surfaces has lead to anecdotal validation of designs.

Avbördningsekvationer för sjöar utan vattenföringsmätningar

Stage-discharge equations for lakes without disharge measurementsSimon AnderssonIn 2015 all lakes, rivers, coastal water and groundwater should be of good ecological statusaccording to the water framework directive from the European Union. In the process ofimproving the quality of Swedish water bodies, knowledge of where problems occur isneeded in order to utilize the resources optimally. The ability of lakes to store water is animportant factor since it controls the flow of water through the country. A stage-dischargeequation is a mathematical relation between discharge from a lake and its water level. Bybetter understanding of stage-discharge equations for lakes, their storage capacity can bedescribed better in hydrological models.This master thesis aims to evaluate methods for determining stage-discharge equations forlakes where a variable amount of field measurements is available.

Big Data. En undersökande studie om hur Big Data uppfattas hos IT organisationer i Sverige

Data sets are continuously increasing within organizations. Data sets will also be in larger amounts,have shorter lifetime, is becoming more varied and holds various degrees of uncertainty. Together,these dimensions are included in the term Big Data. There is no universally accepted definition ofBig Data and how it should be used. Applications that turn out to be part of a Big Data conceptoften begin as investments in an organization in order come to new insights or create new businessperspectives.

Inställning till tal och kommunikation hos typiskt utvecklade skolbarn: Utprovning av Självsvarsformulär Om Tal Och Kommunikation

An instrument for assessing children's attitude towards speech,communication, and communicative participation suitable for children withcleft lip and palate has been missing in speech- and language pathology. Inthe present study a new instrument Självsvarsformulär Om Tal OchKommunikation was tested on typically developed school children. The aimwas to obtain norm values for children in grade 4 and 7 and to examine thereliability and validity of the instrument. 104 children participated. Data wascollected in groups of 5-6 children.

Validation of KIDScore? D3 Basic, a morphokinetic model for improved embryo selection

ABSTRACT Infertility is a medical condition that affects approximately 16 % of Swedish couples in childbearing age and is a condition found in both men and women. When a couple has been trying to conceive for more than 12 months without success they need to see a health care provider. Infertility can be treated with medicine, insemination or assisted reproductive technology such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The aim of this study was to validate a morphokinetic selection model, KIDScore? D3 Basic, against morphological selection model that is currently in use at the Fertility unit at University hospital in Orebro.

Validering av designverktyg för organisationsprestanda

In today?s constantly changing market place most organizations need to reorganize. Reorganization carries risks that could jeopardize the organization's well-being and profitability. To minimize these risks, companies need a tool to help them analyze how the reorganization will affect the business before they make major changes. Such tool has now been developed by researchers at KTH.

Funktioner i företags data mining-verktyg

I denna uppsats undersöks vilka funktioner som är implementerade i organisationers data mining-verktyg. De funktioner som undersöks, är identifierade i litteraturstudier om data mining och datalager. I uppsatsen beskrivs vad ett datalager är, samt mer ingående vad data mining innebär. Fallstudien har skett genom kvalitativa djupintervjuer med respondenter från fyra olika organisationer, där respondenterna arbetar som expertanvändare av data mining-verktygen. Slutsatsen i denna uppsats är att organisationernas data mining-verktygen inte har alla funktioner, som identifierats, implementerade och att funktionerna skiljer sig mycket mellan organisationernas data mining-verktyg..

Uppnår sjuksköterskestudenter lärandemålen?

Objective: To see if nursing students believe that they have acquired the knowledge that the Higher Education Ordinance demand and if there is any difference between the theory learned at the University and the clinical reality in which students receive their practical training. Method: The method is quantitative and is divided into two parts, one in which the authors describe how the questionnaire was developed and how validity was strengthened. In the second part, the authors describe how the data analysis was made and how reliability of the result was strengthened. Result: The result shows that the students felt that they have achieved most of the objectives of learning demanded by the Higher Education Ordinance. But some objectives are perceived as not at all or only partly achieved.

Vad har svenska företag för syn på sovande data och hur hanterar svenska företag sovande data med avseende på identifiering och lagring?

Alltför många organisationer har datalager innehållande stora mängder sovande data, det vill säga data som sällan eller aldrig används. Sovande data påverkar en organisations datalager negativt eftersom den försämrar datalagrets prestanda, kostar pengar i onödan och påverkar datalagrets infrastruktur negativt. Enligt Inmon, Glassey och Welch (1997) är det en mycket svår och komplex process att rensa ut sovande data ur sitt datalager. Administratören måste ha kunskap om vilka datatabeller i datalagret som används och vilka rader utav data som används för att kunna ta bort data från datalagret. Enligt Inmon m.fl.

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