11672 Uppsatser om Data transmission - Sida 24 av 779
Intresseavvägningen i personuppgiftslagen - Det kommersiella intresset
Personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) är en lag som syftar till att skyddavåra personuppgifter. Huvudregeln i personuppgiftslagen är attsamtycke krävs från den som personuppgifterna tillhör för att de ska fåbehandlas. Till denna huvudregel finns det dock ett viktigt undantagsom stipulerar att om behandlingen är nödvändig får den utföras utansamtycke, om exempelvis ändamålet uppfyller ett berättigat intressehos den som ämnar behandla uppgiften som väger tyngre än denenskildas intresse av skydd för den personliga integriteten. När ettsådant berättigat intresse ställs mot den personliga integriteten blir enintresseavvägning nödvändig för att avgöra om behandlingen skallvara tillåten eller ej. Det berättigade intresset som upptar dennauppsats är det kommersiella intresset, som exempelvis omfattar ettföretags intresse av att behandla personuppgifter för att via direktmarknadsföring marknadsföra sina produkter.
Uppskattning av Ytkurvatur och CFD-simuleringar i Mänskliga Bukaortor
By applying a segmentation procedure to two different sets of computed tomography scans, two geometrical models of the abdominal aorta, containing one inlet and two outlets have been constructed. One of these depicts a healthy blood vessel while the other displays one afflicted with a Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. After inputting these geometries into the computational dynamics software FLUENT, six simulations of laminar, stationary flow of a fluid that was assumed to be Newtonian were performed. The mass flow rate across the model outlet boundaries was varied for the different simulations to produce a basis for a parameter analysis study. The segmentation data was also used as input data to a surface description procedure which produced not only the surface itself, but also the first and second directional derivatives in every one of its defining spatial data points.
Bankers syn på ändringar av aktiekapital, revisionsplikt och redovisning : En fallstudie av svenska storbanker i Karlstads kommun
The amendment of a law which is expected to come may well have a significant impact on the Swedish real-estate broke market. The law change will probably have an effect in the number of ways real-estate brokers will compete as a result of the increasing variety of services offered. In order to gain competitive advantages brokers must be at the forefront in the development regarding the changing market. To do so requires that the company chooses an appropriate range of peripheral services that are profitable. The problem is to choose the ?right? services to convey. The purpose of this paper is to describe the services that are in demand for transmission and how the agents can work to meet the demand of this new market.
Vibrationsdämpning av värmepump
Thermia Värme AB is one of the market leading manufactures of heat pumps. In order tomaintain this position, the company wants to improve the vibration characteristics of theirproducts. The aim of this thesis is to develop product design changes that lead to a reductionof vibrations in the heat pump Thermia Diplomat 8.The main cause for vibrations in the system is flow pulsation and mechanical forces inducedby the scroll compressor. Vibration is transmitted through the compressor piping and receivedby the heat exchangers, from where it is further transmitted to the connection points for theradiator and heat source circuits.A number of design changes in order to improve the vibration characteristics have beenevaluated through calculations and practical experiments. The changes have included thecompressor and heat exchanger mountings, the compressor suction and discharge line pipingand also pulsation dampening.The results of the experiments show that the vibration levels in the connections for the heatingand brine circuits can be decreased strikingly through changes in suction and discharge linepiping.
"Snipp snap snut, nu tog tiden slut" : En analys av användares medvetenhet kring integritet på mobilapplikationer
This study focuses on the integrity of students at Uppsala University that has used the university?s network, UpUnet. We?ve studied their opinions with the use of questionnaires that cover questions related to privacy and awareness about logging of data traffic.The results showed that more students than our hypothesis suggested were unaware of the surveillance on the network, and the majority of these also had a negative opinion towards logging of data traffic. However, we found that there were several relations between how the students responded on our questionnaire, and we?ve presented these in the analysis chapter towards the end of the essay..
Mjukvaruverktyg för loggning och analys avindustriella processer
This report discusses developing a software log tool for analysis of industrial processes. The target was to develop software that can help electro Engineers for monitor and fault finding in industrial processes. The tool is called PLS (Process log server), and is developed in Visual Studio.NET Framework 2005. PLS works as a client with Beijer Electronics OPC Server. The program is able to read data from PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), trough the OPC Server.
Högre krav men mindre tid : en jämförande studie av lärares upplevelser av fördelningen av arbetstiden
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm?s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm?s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. .
Förändringar av marknadsdesign och deras påverkan på balanshållningen i det svenska kraftsystemet : En kartläggning och analys av de balansansvarigas arbetsgång
A future expansion of wind power in the Nordic power system makes the balancing for the transmission system operator Svenska Kraftnät (SvK) more complicated. Up to the hour of delivery the balance responsible parties? (BRP) makes prognoses and plans, for consumption and production, to help maintain the balance in the electrical grid. How well this is accomplished is affected by the setup of the market design. Therefore SvK has proposed the following possible changes in market design: Increase the imbalance costsIntensify the regulation of imbalancesIncrease the temporal resolution on the different marketsPresent the prices for balancing power in real-timeModify the balancing market to simplify auction of consumption bidsA mapping over the BRPs? processes within planning and trading on the day-ahead, intra-day, and the balancing market has been performed in this thesis.
En analys av försörjningskedjan inom Jens S Transmission AB
Syftet med arbetet är att vi som oberoende part skall analysera företagets försörjningskedja. Företaget, Jens S Transmissioner AB, är ett grossistföretag, finns idag representerat i fyra nordiska länderna. Vi kommer att koncentrera denna analys till de största marknaderna som finns i Sverige och Danmark. Idag arbetar länderna till större del oberoende som enskilda företag men målet är att man skall öka samarbetet och integrera verksamheterna. Metoden vi har använt bygger på att vi först gör en individuell nulägesanalys av företagen och avslutar med att jämföra dem båda i en Gap-analys.
Informationsmäklarens roll i gränsöverskridande aktiviteter - En studie kring mervärdet av informationsmäklare
En teknik som på senare år fått allt större uppmärksamhet på grund av dess potentiella nytta är RFID-tekniken som bland annat utlovar kostnadsminskningar och ökad konkurrenskraft. RFID i en logistikkedja genererar stora mängder data som måste lagras, hanteras och användas i realtid. Detta tillsammans med antalet användare av denna data gör att informationsmäklare kan vara nödvändiga. En informationsmäklarens uppgift är att hantera avläsare, filtrera och aggregera den insamlade RFID-data och skicka den, förädlad, till användaren av den data. Då utbudet av forskning kring de mjuka aspekterna av informationsmäklare inom RFID är begränsad är det oklart vilken roll informationsmäklare har vid gränsöverskridande aktiviteter.
Svensk delnormering av Lundamaterialet för åldrarna 3:0?5:11 år och undersökning av materialets effektivitet
The purpose of this study was to collect Swedish normative datafor Lundamaterialet for children aged 3:0-4:5 years. Another aim was toexamine the effectiveness of the test; if it elicits adequate responses fordeciding if a child has acquired a specific language structure or not.Normative data was collected for 195 children with typical languagedevelopment. Participants were recruited from pre-schools in themunicipalities of Göteborg, Mölndal, Härryda and Skövde. This studypresents normative data for 79 children constituting the three youngest halfyeargroups. Results show that the children had acquired more than half ofthe investigated phonological and grammatical structures and that the olderchildren had acquired more structures than the younger ones.
Löneandelens förändring 1975-2010 : Teori och empiri
Sedan 1970-talet har större delen av världen upplevt en minskande löneandelen. Vi försöker förklara utvecklingen med en enklare modell bestående av två typer av arbetskraft. Vi visar att på kort sikt påverkar arbetskraftens sammansättning löneandelens utveckling vid arbetskrafts utbudschocker.Empirisk studie av paneldata ger inga statistiskt signifikanta resultat vilket skulle kunna orsakas av bristfällig data och att de länder för vilka data existerar är i hög grad homogena..
Möjligheter och hinder för aggregerad förbrukningsflexibilitet som en produkt på reglerkraftmarknaden
Electricity production from renewable energy resources such as wind energy and photovoltaics is variable. Integration of these intermittent resources into the electricity system leads to new challenges in how to manage imbalance between supply and demand on the grid.One way to meet these challenges is to develop so-called smart grid solutions. One idea, called demand response, is to adjust the amount or timing of energy consumption, e.g. by control of household appliances, to provide flexibility that could be used to balance the grid. In aggregate, when applied to many units across the system, large volumes of energy could be made available when needed and this grid flexibility can be used as a product on the electricity regulation market.Despite the potential benefits, the number of demand response bids is currently low.
Områdessökning i geografiskt associerad data
This thesis considers the problems associated with searches in insufficiently geographically tagged data. The thesis was carried out at Booli Search Technologies AB, a company developing a search engine for the Swedish real estate market.The aim of the thesis is to identify some areas of possible improvements of the company?s existing technical platform, perform a benchmarking among similar services, suggest possible solutions and lastly, build a prototype from one of the suggested solutions.The thesis starts out with defining the problems that the search engine faces: some areas are not possible to perform searches on, the users are not presented with the full search result that they expect, some results are placed incorrectly on the map associated with the search results and results are also not described with enough geographical information. These problems are due to the fact that the data retrieved at the indexing stage in the company?s information retrieval process are insufficient and incomplete.As a result of a benchmarking process and after discussing the results, severalinteresting solutions were identified.
Nipahvirus : patologi hos en nyupptäckt zoonos
Nipahvirus is most likely spread from bats to other species and causes lethal encephalitis in humans and respiratory illness in pigs. Different species are affected with varying severity but it seems to have an unprecedented zoonotic capacity and the humans affected either die or receive permanent brain damage. Full recovery is possible but very uncommon. Pigs that live and are bread in the areas that these bats frequent are constantly in danger of contracting pneumonias and meningitis and they can spread the virus further on to the people who work with the pigs and process their carcasses. These workers could then infect other humans in their immediate surroundings, their families for instance.