

11680 Uppsatser om Dataöverföring - Sida 18 av 779

Bostadsförnyelse - för vem? : En fallstudie av bostadsförnyelsen i tvÄ bostadsomrÄden i Uppsala

Background:Life-cycle costing (LCC) is an investment calculation that takes intoaccount operating costs throughout the investee lifecycle. LCC calculations are mainly usedto evaluate investments that have no revenue side. Attempts to apply the LCC calculations forbuilding-related investments have occurred since the 1980s. Despite the advantages ofusing LCC calculations, use has not passed through in full. The main obstacles have beenidentified as a lack of relevant input data, and insufficient experience of workingwith LCC calculations.

Deterministisk Komprimering/Dekomprimering av Testvektorer med HjÀlp av en Inbyggd Processor och Faxkodning

Modern semiconductor design methods makes it possible to design increasingly complex system-on-a-chips (SOCs). Testing such SOCs becomes highly expensive due to the rapidly increasing test data volumes with longer test times as a result. Several approaches exist to compress the test stimuli and where hardware is added for decompression. This master?s thesis presents a test data compression method based on a modified facsimile code.

Datakvalitetsverktyg i datalager : Hur hanterar datakvalitetsverktyg datakvalitetsfaktorer?

I ett företag finns data utspridd i olika datasystem. För att lÀttare och snabbare komma Ät data bör data finnas samlad pÄ ett stÀlle d.v.s. ett datalager. Om datalagret ska fungera som ett beslutsstöd för företagsledningen Àr det viktigt att data hÄller en hög datakvalitetsnivÄ sÄ att beslut fattas som gynnar företaget. För att kontrollera datakvalitet kan datakvalitetsverktyg anvÀndas.

Kliniskt datainsamlingssystem med beslutsstöd - AnvÀndarutredning och grÀnssnitt för Sahlgrenskas akutintag

 Extra high requirements are made on all systems in health care that they are functional and usable,Žsomething, however, that is not always the case. At Emergency Admissions at Sahlgrenska UniversityŽHospital many systems are in use at the same time and it happens that much overhead is caused by having to fill in the same information in different places. In addition, data that is gathered is to a large extent saved in free text format, which means that it cannot be used in a larger context such as research, quality control or for decision support. Data is saved in the patient file only for the treatment process of the individual patient.A data collecting system with decision support functionality could be a first step towards reducing Emergency Admissions? costs and patients? waiting times by providing a structured method of data collection.

Elever med autism och asperger i en liten undervisningsklass : En alternativ skolform för elever med neurologiska funktionshinder

Background:Life-cycle costing (LCC) is an investment calculation that takes intoaccount operating costs throughout the investee lifecycle. LCC calculations are mainly usedto evaluate investments that have no revenue side. Attempts to apply the LCC calculations forbuilding-related investments have occurred since the 1980s. Despite the advantages ofusing LCC calculations, use has not passed through in full. The main obstacles have beenidentified as a lack of relevant input data, and insufficient experience of workingwith LCC calculations.

Visualisering av personlig data med hjÀlp av en tidslinje : En pilotstudie av anvÀndning pÄ datorskÀrm

Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda pĂ„ om ett tidslinjegrĂ€nssnitt Ă€r ett lĂ€mpligt sĂ€tt att visualisera personlig data pĂ„ för vidare utveckling inom projektet A4Cloud. Uppsatsens mĂ„lgrupp Ă€r huvudsakligen medlemmar i A4Cloud men Ă€r Ă€ven intressant för personer med intresse för personlig data eller tidslinjegrĂ€nssnitt.För att uppnĂ„ detta syfte skapades en prototyp över detta anvĂ€ndargrĂ€nssnitt med begrĂ€nsad funktionalitet för att utföra tester pĂ„, för denna studie testades anvĂ€ndargrĂ€nssnittet pĂ„ datorskĂ€rmar. AnvĂ€ndningstester med observation gjordes pĂ„ prototypen med Ă„tta testpersoner för att fĂ„ fram information om hur anvĂ€ndare uppfattade prototypen.Enligt resultaten kan tidslinjekonceptet bli vĂ€ldigt omtyckt och enkelt att anvĂ€nda. Det finns definitivt skĂ€l till vidareutveckling av detta koncept. Även vissa brister i konceptet och prototypen hittades.

Vad pÄverkar fjÀrrvÀrmepriser i Sverige?: En ekonometrisk analys

The purpose with this thesis is to analyse different factors that can explain district heating prices for energy companies in Sweden. We are further interested in examining if the prices is affected by the use of industrial waste heat in their production and the company?s ownership structure. The method applied is a multiple regression analysis using a panel data set of 50 companies over 5 years (2008-2012). The data used is yearly data obtained from the Swedish district heating association.

Kommuner och myndigheters DNSSEC och IPv6 status

IP-adresserna under IPv4 Àr inte tillrÀckliga och har pÄ mÄnga delar i vÀrlden redan tagit slut. IPv6 erbjuder mÄnga fler tillgÀngliga adresser och övergÄngen till protokollet har redan börjat. Det GÀvlebaserade företaget Interlan erbjuder en tjÀnst som kontrollerar om kommuner och myndigheter i de nordiska lÀnderna Àr nÄbara via IPv6 samt om de Àr sÀkrade med DNSSEC. Denna rapport beskriver jobbet med att förbÀttra och göra deras tjÀnst anpassningsbar för flera lÀnder. Processen som beskrivs Àr parametriseringen av skripten som samlar data, skapandet av en databas att lagra data i, och Àndringar till hur data presenteras sÄ att det gÄr att lÀgga till flera lÀnder..

Ett flervariabelt feldetekteringssystem för övervakning av bÀrlagertemperaturen i vattenkraftturbiner

The purpose of this thesis work was to develop an automatic fault detection system for surveillance of bearing temperature in hydropower turbines. The parameters used except the bearing temperature were cooling water temperature and cooling water flow. A simple static model based on data sampled every minute was developed to estimate the bearing temperature. Then a detector for detection of change in bearing temperature based on the CUSUM-algorithm was designed. Since the amount of data was very small the developed model was too uncertain to be used in a working system.The designed fault detection system showed to work well for the available data.

MÀtning, Modellering och Presentation av TestvÀgar för Fordonsindustrin

Volvo Construction Equipment i BraÄs Àr vÀrldsledande inom tillverkning av ramstyrda dumprar. I BraÄs utförs dÀrför en mÀngd olika testfall dÀr man kartlÀgger utfallen genom insamling av data frÄn CAN-bussar i dumpern. Om ett test gÄr fel beskrivs det i en felrapport med tillhörande beskrivning av hÀndelseförloppet. Idag finns det inget enhetligt sÀtt att visa hÀndelse ihop med position.För att analysera insamlad data anvÀnds idag CANalyzer. Fördelen Àr att det gÄr att visa insamlad data pÄ ett strukturerat grafiskt sÀtt.

Validering av vattenkraftmodeller i ARISTO

This master thesis was made to validate hydropower models of a turbine governor,Kaplan turbine and a Francis turbine in the power system simulator ARISTO atSvenska KraftnÀt. The validation was made in three steps. The first step was to makesure the models was implement correctly in the simulator. The second was tocompare the simulation results from the Kaplan turbine model to data from a realhydropower plant. The comparison was made to see how the models could generatesimulation result that was similar to the reference power station.

Datorspelsbranschen - Att estimera resursbehovet för nya projektteam baserat pÄ historiska data

Datorspelsbranschen Àr en relativt ung bransch, bÄde jÀmfört med andra delarav mjukvaruindustrin och nöjesbranschen. En av de stora utmaningarnaspelutvecklare stÄr inför Àr planeringen av den lÄngsiktiga kompetensförsörjningen.Dock saknas sammanstÀllda historiska data och applicerbararesursestimeringsmetoder, vilket gör detta arbete nÀst intill omöjligt. Det förstadelmÄlet med den hÀr studien Àr att samla in historiska data angÄende strukturenoch storleken pÄ utvecklingsteam som utvecklat AAA-spel (professionelltutvecklade spel med en hög budget) för pc-datorer. Datan samlas in frÄnkreditlistor hÀmtade via webbsidan Mobygames.com. Det andra delmÄlet bestÄri att utreda huruvida den insamlade datan kan appliceras pÄ modeller förestimering av framtida personalbehov.

Utveckling av dataanalysprogram för Opcon Powerbox

Opcon Powerbox is a product developed by Opcon together with the underlying company SRM (Svenska Rotor Maskiner) where surplus heat from the industry is used through an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)?process to produce electricity. An ORC-process is a thermodynamic circle process in which a refrigerant is used as the working fluid. The refrigerant makes it possible for the circle process to operate at lower temperatures than the conventional Rankine process.In this master?s thesis a data analysis software for the Opcon Powerbox has been developed in which measurement data is retrieved and handled from the Opcon Powerbox.

Sveplaserns anvÀndning till inventering/befÀstning/kontroll av vÀgmarkering

The thesis mission is to investigate whether the swiveling laser that Vectura (former VÀgverket Konsult) has in use to measure the road areas and straddle measuring can be used to detect differences in the reflective road markings function. This is to increase use of the swiveling laser and get rid of the manual measurements performed today.Currently, the measurement of road markings reflective function is performed with both mobile and handheld measuring instruments. The purpose of this thesis is to develop better methods for determination of road markings? reflective function, in order to facilitate the description and suggestions for improvements of the maintenance of road markings reflective function.The questions that the thesis has been to start with are:Can the swiveling laser detect differences in longitudinal and transverse road markings reflective function?The accuracy of measurement has been sweeping the laser over the reference instrument (LTL-2000)Is it necessary with a conversion factor for swiveling laser data against the reference instrument data?To answer the question 2 and 3, there has been a field work in VÀrnamo where a road stretch with longitudinal road markings and zebra crossing (transverse road markings) has been investigated with a swiveling laser and LTL-2000.The formulas and calculations contained in the thesis are drawn from scientific reports that are produced by VTI in Linköping. The same formula that was used to calculate the optical measurement data was also used for the swiveling laser data.

Fl?ckreducering ? Bl? Vinranka En j?mf?rande studie av tv? efterbehandlingsmetoder vid reng?ring av glaserad keramik

This study explores the effects of two different post-treatment methods on stain reduction in glazed creamware from the late 20th century. The objects stains have been characterized by type one and type two stains which is the result of prolonged contact with food residues, were subjected to the same initial stain reduction. The two post-treatment methods examined are soaking the objects in deionized water and surface rinsing with deionized water. The comparative analysis included photographs under normal and UV-light exposure to assess stain visibility, weight measurements before and after treatments to monitor the absorption and evaporation of liquids, and observations throughout the experiment. The results revealed that while type two stains showed significant alterations after treatments, specifically after soaking, type one stains remained unaffected by both methods.

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