

3755 Uppsatser om Dampness in the indoor environment - Sida 62 av 251

"Man kan säga att båda sänder signaler men på olika frekvenser" : en kvalitativ studie om partners upplevelse av att vara i ett parförhållande där den andra partnern har Aspergers syndrom

Being in a relationship where the partner has Asperger's syndrome makes you indirectly affected by their disability as it affects not only the disabled but also the partner. The partner may be faced with a lack of understanding from their partner with Asperger's syndrome and from its surroundings, where the syndrome including causes, limits ability in social interaction and communication.The study is a qualitative study based on six asynchronous interviews conducted via email with partners who are in a relationship with a partner who has Asperger's syndrome.The aim of the study was to increase understanding and to highlight partners experience to be in a relationship where the other partner has Asperger's syndrome and how outside support from the environment is perceived. Results of the study showed that all six partners felt that everyday life was structured around the partner with Asperger's syndrome. There was a perceived feeling of loneliness because of the partner with Asperger's syndrome not caring about the partner and of being the one taking the greatest responsibility in everyday life for it to work. There was a feeling of stress, anxiety, lost confidence and frustration but there was also a strong desire and commitment to their partner with Asperger's syndrome.

Skriftligt formkrav : det digitala dokumentet

This thesis seeks to investigate how an agreed written form requirement is met in an electronic environment. Swedish Contract law is applied since Sweden lack specific regulation for electronically closed agreements. Since contractual freedom prevails in Swedish law, it is up to the parties themselves to decide if the formal requirements to be applied.In order to assess whether the written requirement is fulfilled in the electronic environment, a purpose-oriented analysis should be made. When the purpose of why a written form requirement applies has been clarified, the analysis continues to assess whether the objective can be achieved with the modern form of communication. The method is called functional equivalence and means that when an electronic media fulfill the same functions as the paper medium so will the electronic medium as a starting point to give the same legal effect as if it were the case of a written paper document.

Styrdokument för kontorsbyggnation ur ett ekologiskt hållbarhetsperspektiv : Aspekter och argument

The construction and real estate industry represents a significant part of Sweden's total impact on the environment and mainly affects the following national environmental objectives: reduced climate impact, a good built environment and a non-toxic environment. By establishing internal rules, companies within the industry can reduce their environmental impact. SMT (AB Sandvik Materials Technology), a part of the industrial group Sandvik AB, has set a target that during 2014 develop a guiding document with special consider to the environmental impact during construction of office buildings, that they establish at the Swedish regional capital Sandviken, for both internal and external tenants. This study therefore aims to clarify which environmental aspects that the construction and real estate sector mainly are responsible for, and therefore should be part of a guiding document for a company for establishing office buildings, and to present arguments regarding the use of such a document. The study is based on literature studies and personal contact with other companies, in the form of e-mail conversations and a telephone interview.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stressoch faktorer som bidrar till arbetsrelaterad stress : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Att läsa för hunden : en metod för läsfärdighetsträning?

Efter att vi kommit i kontakt med en tidningsartikel som handlade om barn som läste för en specialtränad hund, väcktes vår nyfikenhet för möjligheten att använda sig av djur i undervisningssyften. Vår utgångspunkt är att studera hur barn kan träna upp sina läsfärdigheter. Avgränsningen i studien innebär att vi har för avsikt att studera yngre barns, i årskurs 2, upplevelser av att läsa högt för ett djur. Vi valde att göra en kvalitativ undersökning i form av intervju, där 6 elever intervjuades, eftersom vi var intresserade av att studera elevers uppfattningar och tankar kring att läsa för ett djur. I resultatet har det framkommit att när eleverna talade om läsupplevelsen beskrev de att de fann det roligt att läsa för sin hund.

Lärande på hjärnans villkor : En fallstudie av ett antal klasslärares syn på begreppetarbetsminne och arbetsminnesträning

The study's purpose was to get a picture of what a number of class teachers know about and their views on the concept of working memory and working memory training and whether this affects their working and teaching in the classroom. The study is based on qualitative interviews and classroom observations and the theoretical perspectives that the study is based on two: didactic perspective and the socio-cultural perspective. The results of my study show that the class teachers' views and use of the concept of working memory is limited, even if they unknowingly working on parts of it in their teaching. All classroom teachers in my study term difficulties that can arise for students as concentration difficulties, which according to previous research can count towards deficiencies in working memory. All of the respondents in this study believe that it is mostly special education teacher who trains working memory, and that they themselves do not have that knowledge. They also believe that the classroom environment is important for all learning. Common to all respondents consider that the topic is important and would like to have more knowledge of how they can help and support pupils with poor working memory. As a special education teacher and teacher you often meet students who have trouble concentrating, and because of this may be difficult to absorb knowledge as when reading.


Have you ever had problems sorting your cables, are the winders you use too big and crude then the EC-winder is the product for you. The EC-winder concept is a compact and intelligent winder for home application. Its simple design and subtle looks enables it to blend in with the surrounding environment. Its function is designed so that it with ease can be handled by any one after only a couple of instructions. You simply thread the cable trough the opening on the winder and then you rotate the upper part until the cable reaches the desired length. After use the winder can be opened to enable easy extraction of the cable..

Att organisera kunskap på ett företag : en fallstudie vid Ecophon AB:s utvecklingsavdelningar

Organising knowledge in a corporate environment : a case study at the development departments of Ecophon ABThe purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate how three development departments of a technical firm could organise their collection of documents and information resources to improve their management of information. Three sets of questions have been posed: 1) How does the target group of engineers deal with information, and what problems can be identified in this process? 2) What does their collection of resources consist of, how is it organised, and what problems are apparent? 3) How can principles of knowledge organisation be applied in a corporate environment?The investigation has been carried out as a case study. Three main methods of collecting empirical data have been used: surveys, unstructured interviews and collection observations. The results of the study have highlighted three major problem areas: the collection's lack of structure and searchability, the absence of policy regarding how employers should deal with information, and the inadequate knowledge among staff on how to search for, use and disseminate information.By looking at previous research on knowledge organisation, we have been able to draw conclusions regarding how the target group could organise and manage its information and knowledge in order to achieve greater efficiency in dealing with information and carrying out work tasks.

S:t Andreas. Våldet i Lund ? förekomst av övervåld

This essay contains a study of the traces of trauma on the osteological material from St.Andre in Lund, which were fund durning an excavation in the year 2002, as well as a study of the age and sex distribution of this material. The propose of the essay is to discuss the occurrence of the violence in a urban environment..

Arbetsmiljöarbete: Skellefteå Kraft

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka om Skellefteå Krafts arbetsmiljöledningsarbete är välfungerande och kan tillämpas i det vardagliga arbetet. Tidigare forskning har visat att positivt och tydligt ledarskap, utvecklad kommunikation, ett gott samarbete, delaktighet, tydliga roller, mål och förväntningar men också möjlighet att utvecklas, administrativt och personligt stöd och en bra fysisk arbetsmiljö leder till en ?frisk arbetsplats?. Arbetets teoretiska bakgrund utgörs av teorier om arbetsmiljö både av fysisk och psykosocial karaktär samt av andra väsentliga faktorer för att uppnå en god arbetsmiljö. Genom triangulering, det vill säga både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod, har data till arbetet samlats in för att söka svar på frågorna: Hur ser fördelningen ut mellan det fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljöarbetet i Skellefteå Krafts system om arbetsmiljöledning? Hur arbetar ledning och medarbetare med den psykosociala arbetsmiljön? Hur tillgänglig är information om den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för medarbetarna vid Skellefteå Kraft? Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio intervjupersoner samt genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med 51 respondenter, samtliga tillsvidareanställda vid Skellefteå Kraft, samlades data in.

Employer branding : En studie i hur Uppsala Universitet bygger sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke

Purpose: Our purpose is to achieve a higher understanding of which factors University of Uppsala is using to attract and keep their existing workers.Theory: We have worked with Barrow & Mosley's the employer brand mix, this modelexplains 12 important factors that exists within the employer branding process. External reputation, internal communication, the board, values and corporate social responsibility, internalmeasuring systems, service support, work environment, rewards and acknowledgements, learningand development, performance estimation, team management and recruitment and introduction.Method: To achieve an understanding of our subject we have chosen to work with a qualitativemethod. This type of method is more considerate of the interviewed person?s way of seeingthings and also accounts for how the person answers. To answer our problem statement we haveconducted a case study on University of Uppsala where we used semi structured interviewsbecause we wanted to limit the risk of leading questions.Empirical findings: University of Uppsala were used as material for our empirical discussionContext: The main reasons that workers is attracted to and are staying at the university dependson the external status they achieve when working there, this combined with that the workers getsto be a part of the university's brand.

tills tron skiljer oss åt : hur uppväxten inom Jehovas vittnen påverkar de sociala relationerna

The purpose of this study was to explore how interpersonal relationship can be affected by groing up in a New Religoius Movement such as Jehovah?s Withnesses and how it has affected them both in their youth and today. The aim was also to explore if there were people in the respondents' environment that was significant to them during their childhood and which support our respondents have received if they were in need of it.We have not found any previous research on children's social relationships within the Jehovah's Witnesses. We therefore believe that this study is of high relevance to both society and also for all the professionals who come into contact with these children. To discover a child in need, knowledge about how their social environment looks like is crucial.

Omvärlden - Oftare obevakad än bevakad? : En kvantitativ studie av omvärldsbevakning bland Svenska Golfklubbar

In the global and rapidly changing society Environmental scanning is becoming a more and more important tool. Today it is not the availability of information that controls an organizations behavior, but the information that the organization chooses to absorb. This is the case for a multinational cooperation as well as for the local golf club. Swedish golf clubs have during the last 100 years had an amazing development and today there are almost 600 000 registered Swedish golf players. The development has however stopped and even declined some during the last couple of years.

Örtagårdsparken i Rosengård : tillbakablick och framtidsperspektiv

Malmö Kommunala Bostadsbolag Fastighets AB owns and administrates Örtagården housing estate in Rosengård which is a characteristic million programme housing area. Örtagården is densely populated which naturally creates an environment that is exposed to wear and tear. The area is today undergoing a change where new proposals and strategies are to be designed for further development of the inner yards. MKB also wishes to develop the park area which is centrally situated in Örtagården. The purpose of this study was to make an analysis of the development of Örtagårdsparken from when it was planned and constructed up until the state it is in today.

ADHD- diagnosen i skolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om fem pedagogers förhållningssätt till diagnosen ADHD i Åk 6-9

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a phenomena that is much talked about in both schools and in communities. Today, there is a conflict surrounding the diagnosis ADHD. A part of the conflict takes part between the sociologist Eva Kärfve and Christopher Gillberg, professor in child- and teenage psychology. The roots of this conflict surrounds the much debated line of what is seen as normal and ?too? different, basically how many children that actually should have the diagnosis.

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