

3755 Uppsatser om Dampness in the indoor environment - Sida 61 av 251

Musikers karriärvägar : Flöjtisters karriärvägar och utbildningars påverkan

If guidance counselors are to do as good a job as possible, they need to have as much comprehensive information as possible when it comes to possible career paths for their clients. To get on the way to get this information I, in this study, examined how musicians - specifically flute players career paths could seem. I examen this by doing five interviewees. This study is for guidance counselors, so they hade a more solid foundation to stand on, but also for aspiring musicians to get new perspectives to consider when faced with career choices.The study is conducted through five interviews with professionals flutists; Agneta, Harry, Jenny, Eva and Pepita who all work or have recently worked as professional musicians or teachers. With professional musician, I mean the ones in one way or another is or has been employed musicians and also is in the same or higher level in terms of their music ability than those who are employed.

Hur miljövänlig är dagens optikerbutik, och hur miljövänlig kan den bli?

SUMMARYEnvironmental issues are currently a hot topic of debate. Studies within the optics branch have not specifically been conducted previously, so the aim of this study was to determine the extent of environmental-awareness specifically within this branch.A survey, consisting of questions relating to environmental issues, was distributed to 100 randomly-selected opticians in Sweden. Of these 100 surveys, 64 were returned and showed a varied branch-engagement for environmental issues.Results of this survey showed that opticians were best in sorting newspapers, magazines, other paper and hazardous waste. Metal and rigid plastic were not sorted to any larger extent.Choosing environmentally-safe products was not so popular and only six stores always do this. 25 shops turn off electrical machines and equipment over night; while the majority of the remaining stores leave the machines on during the night.27 stores did not know if their electrical company provided ?green electricity?.Results showed that there is a lot of work to be done in making the stores more environmentally friendly.

Webbplatsen En integrerad del av folkbibliotekets verksamhet?

In a web environment the library and the librarian continue to function in their role as information provider even when the physical library is closed. Research question is to describe how and in what extent the public libraries websites are integrated in their daily activity and what the causes are for that. The empirical material consists of a survey of number of public libraries websites and qualitative interviews with responsible librarians. I have delimited the study by only investigating the websites of Gothenburg public libraries. In my survey of the websites I have studied four spheres; Services, Contact, Structure and General viewpoints.

Miljöval för byggnadsmaterial : Med häktet i Helsingborg som referensobjekt

Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.

På väg. En undersökning av en svensk stadsmotorväg

The purpose of this essay is to examine one of Sweden's oldest motorways in cityenvironment. The researched section is motorway E20 east of Gothenburg. Olskroksmotetin the west and Jonsered junction in the east, a distance of about 11 km. The mainquestion was, can maintenance of areas and objects related to the motorway give greatermeaning to a system that currently lacks historical connection?The survey was partly an archival study and partly a physical examination of themotorway and its appearance today.The road through Säveedalen from Gothenburg has a long history that begins with theriver and its valley as transport routes.

Gestaltning av tillfälliga städer : en undersökning om egenskaper och gestaltningsprinciper

Designing temporary cities is a study of the design and physical planning of five temporary cities. The purpose was to discuss and note the important questions to be considered, when designing the outdoor environment in temporary cities to create as good an environment for the visitor as possible. The five cities I have chosen are among the most famous ones in Scandinavia, and they represent different kinds of temporary cities. This was a deliberate choice to achieve diverse research material, and with that a broad view of what the planning stage generally looks like. Study of the cities has been done through interviews with the people responsible for the design and/or physical planning of each city.

Att fånga känslor : Om kriminalvårdares emotionella arbete inom häkten

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to explore how prison officers in Sweden manage their feelings in remand prisons versus inmates and colleagues. Due to changes in the prison officers occupational role and work environment we found it profoundly interesting to study how prison officers perceive and reflect on their emotion management, that relates to the work they perform. The prison officers occupational role includes tasks that corresponds with security work and rehabilitative labor towards inmates, this tend to create a complexity as the occupational role consists of contradictive tasks. They need to uphold safety by physical means simultaneously as they need to become more intimate with inmates to accomplish the rehabilitative tasks. The study proceeds with a qualitative inquiry with six interviews from three different remand prisons around Sweden.

Kartläggning av en fastighets miljöpåverkan : Livscykelanalys av flerfamiljsfastigheten "Teodoliten"

Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.

Den informella kommunikationens betydelse för de anställdas välbefinnande på Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB på Tetra Pak i Lund

Work is an important part of the lives of humans, fulfilling several functions; it establishes possibilities to interaction and to feeling as belonging to a context, it gives structure to time and space, creates common goals and it leads to a general well-being in individuals. For the well-being of employees it is essential with recuperation in a pleasant environment where you under relaxing and informal forms have a chance to interact with colleagues. The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent the employees of Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB at Tetra Pak in Lund experience that the informal communication during the coffee-break contributes to their well-being. The aim was also to distinguish if this potential well-being effects how the employees experience how work in general makes them feel. The hypothesis of the study is that the coffee-break effects the well-being in a positive way, and that it has a positive effect on how work in general makes the employees feel.

Den svenska kärnkraftsdebatten i skuggan av Fukushima : En studie i hur svenska kärnkraftsförespråkare i maktposition använder argumentation och auktoritet

Aim: The nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan, raised global criticism against nuclear power. In Sweden, the criticism has not been very visible and the government now allows a renewal of the nuclear power plants. The purpose with the study is to have a closer look on how Swedes in position of power motivate their positive attitude to nuclear power and how they conduct themselves to each other and to their opponents. The rhetorical perspective will be in focus for the analysing.Method: Four different artifacts represented by Swedes in position of power having a positiveattitude to nuclear power were chosen. Three rhetorical theories (the rhetorical arena, stasis andethos, pathos and logos) were used with the research question in focus.Result & Conclusions: The analyses resulted in conclusions about the strategies used by the participants such as: the importance of contexts, meaning for example that the greenhouse effect legitimizes nuclear power as a source of energy with important benefits.

Effektivisering av energianvändningen i en förskola

This rapport contains an examination of the energy consumption of a kindergarten, which areas that have the largest impact on the energy consumption and what can be done to reduce those areas in ways that are relatively easy and profitable. It is also analyzed if it is possible to reduce the energy consumption from today?s consumption to a consumption that fulfils the demands placed on low energy houses by FEBY.The focus has been on reducing the energy consumption of the areas ventilation, heating system and hot water system, since those seemed to be the easiest ones to affect and since the building is quite recently built.There are different kinds of ventilation systems, at the moment the building have a CAV-system, which means that the ventilation is too high during large parts of the day. There are different ways to manage the ventilation system, for example presence detection, humidity sensors, CO2 sensors, temperature sensors and season adjustment. Many of those are in the end dependent on CO2 sensors to guarantee a good indoor climate, therefore the focus have been placed on this system.

Glava glasbruk : En undersökning av föroreningar i mark- och vatten samt ansvaret för dessa enligt miljöbalken

The Swedish industrial society has left several areas with contaminated soil and water which today is of danger for the environment and human health. One of these areas with contaminated soil and water is the region where the former Glava glassworks operated during 1859 to 1939. The main object in this study has been to study the responsibility for the contaminations according to the Environmental Code. The method used is a qualitative content analysis of relevant literature to answer the following questions:What types of contaminations can be found in the area of Glava glasswork and what health issues can these cause?What kind of activity has been conducted in the area that have caused the contaminations in soil and water?According to law, what are the responsibilities for the contaminations in soil and water at Glava glassworks?The contamination in the region has been confirmed to originate from the glasswork due to the environmental engineering survey made in the area in 2009.

Preschool outdoor environment i the urban context/Förskolans utemiljö i den urbana kontexten

Den förtätade staden ses idag som en självklar del av en hållbar stadsutveckling. Vi lever i en urbaniseringstid och frågor kring hur vi kan skapa en förtätad stad av god kvalitet står högt på agendan. När allt fler människor lever i staden skapas ökad efterfrågan på samhällsservice i staden, som till exempel barnomsorg. I Sverige är det kommunen som ansvarar för att tillgodose medborgarna med denna service. Den svenska förskolan, som är den institution där detta behov till stor del ska tillgodoses, har i sin tur krav på god pedagogisk verksamhet samt en bra miljö för barnen, såväl inne som ute. Den här uppstasen handlar om hur förskolans utemiljö konstrueras i den urbana kontexten.

Personalomsättning i säljande organisationer : En kvalitativ studie om chefens roll utifrån dimensioner av person-environment fit och role stress

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att belysa chefens roll i förhållande till personalomsättning inom en säljande organisation, utifrån dimensioner av person-environment fit och role stress. Metod: Utifrån studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet har analyserats och redovisats med hjälp av well-grounded theory. Resultat & slutsats: Denna studie visar på chefers förståelse för vikten av att personer de anställer ska passa in i yrket och organisationen. De rekryterar främst efter personlighet och möjlighet att passa in i gruppen. Chefernas synsätt skiljer sig gällande överbelastning och stress.

Flerpartslogistik med fokus på rutter, fyllnadsgrad och miljö

The globalization has increased the trade between different places and countries. Products are now available from all over the world, but this requires transports that have consequences in the environment as well as the economy. New professions are creates that do formality, organize, administrate and implement other businesses transports. Their operations are between the business and customer and they are called logistics companies. The purpose of this report was to study third-party logistics and why more and more companies use this logistics services.

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