2482 Uppsatser om Customer relations - Sida 59 av 166
Is big that big? -En studie om hur banker använder bid data i sin kundhantering
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: I takt med att vår omgivning blir mer digitaliserad skapasvarje dag, timme och sekund allt mer data. De stora datamängder som skapas går underbenämningen ?big data? och kan förklaras som stora datamängder som överskrider kapacitetenför vad ett vanligt databassystem kan hantera. Genom big data kan företag få ökad informationoch kunskap om sina kunder och därmed få ett bättre underlag till sina Customer Intelligencelösningar.Big data är på många sätt lovande men det kvarstår en del utmaningar, bådeaffärsmässiga och tekniska innan det kan anammas fullt ut. Arbete och hantering av data tar idagupp cirka 7-10 % av bankers rörelseresultat och frågan är hur de skulle kunna utvinna och lagradenna data på ett effektivt sätt.
Att möta sorg i arbetet : En kvantitativ enkätundersökning över begravningsrådgivare anslutna till SBF (Sveriges Begravningsbyråers Förbund).
This quantitative survey aims to highlight the impact of the meeting with the grief for customer advisers and representatives of funeral homes connected to the SBF (Sveriges Begravningsbyråers förbund). It also aims to demonstrate any differences between the sexes on this subject. Issues include: How does the person experience expectations and requirements in relation to their professional role? Does the person experience a personal impact due to the encounter with grief and death in their profession, in what way and to what extent? What consequences does the expectations, reactions and the possible impact result in for that person? What conditions does the person have to help cope with the professional role? Is there a gender difference in this experience? The theory base, which consists of theories taken from The Managed Heart: The commercialization of Human Feeling by Arlie Hochschild (2003) and descriptions taken from Yrke: begravningsentreprenör. Om utanförskap, döda kroppar, riter och professionalisering by Anna Davidsson Bremborg (2002), has been fundamental in both the preparatory work and the analysis.
Global Price Management ? Incentives for Implementing an IT-based Price Management System
Problem discussion: Syncron experience a challenge in realizing the full market potential of its newly developed IT-based price management system, Global Price Management (GPM). The system has already been implemented and is currently running with success within the IT-structures of the first customer. The fact that the development of the system has been initiated by a customer, and thereby has left Syncron oblivious of the real underlying drivers and incentives for the development, is part of the problem. Understanding the customers? incentives for developing their pricing process thus reducing the application uncertainty is a good starting point.
Framtagande av ställbar krok för hängränna
The purpose of this project was to design an adjustable gutter bracket for Lindab Profil AB. Lindab currently manufacture a gutter bracket that is adjustable in angle, however, this model has some drawbacks. One of it´s shortcomings is that it is somewhat difficult for the customer to mount. Another problem with Lindab?s current model is that the design makes manufacturing unnecessarily complex. The new gutter bracket, that we have constructed, does not have these problems. It is adjustable for different roof pitches.
Direct marketing is an area within marketing that is growing rapidly. Many companies has realised the benefits of using direct marketing, such as receiving direct response from customers and gaining a better customer relation. The growth within direct marketing means that traditional mass marketing today face harder competition than ever.
This thesis examines and look in to three well recognised Swedish companies use of direct marketing. Our main purpose is to establish how companies spend their marketing budget between direct marketing and traditional marketing activities.
Ljud i landskapet : Akustikarkeologi och öländska klangstenar
The aim of this work is to give an example of how archaeoacoustics can broaden our understanding of archaeological remains and to further contribute to the almost non-existing research of ringing stones. With a theoretical discussion about sound from three different perspectives and by means of using different kinds of analysis, this essay will show that there are unknown relations between the three known ölandic ringing stones and the cultural landscape of Öland. Possible patterns in the placement of the stones and the possibility of the sound in this soundscape will be investigated. The essay will also suggest a resonant stone typology and discuss the necessity of one. Finally, the intention is also to shed new light upon the discussion on what the uses of the ringing stones might have been..
Grön marknadsföring i detaljhandeln
The purpose with this research is to examine how the green marketing in retail trade can be developed in order to promote the eco-labeled products closer to the consumer.The method for the survey includes interviews with managers of a few retailers and their customers in the industrial sector. The purpose with the interviews was to produce the retailer and the customer?s perspective of products with eco-label on.The research is limited to the region of Västra Götaland.The results from this research indicate that there is a lack of communication between the retailer and the consumer. The consumers don?t think that the product is available.
Företagsvärdering i praktiken : Hur bör en säljare agera vid företagsöverlåtelse?
It is important to understand the process of appraisal of a business in order to establish its value. The purpose of our thesis is to establish which methods and models are used when evaluating a business and investigate the factors that may affect the value and price tag of a business. We have used a qualitative approach by conducting both indepth interviews and a survey as well as reading literature within the field. The main conslusion in our findings is that the common practice of discounted cash flow is widely used when bestowing a monetary value for a business, and in order to raise the value a well established Customer relationship was the single most important factor. As far as lowering the value, the answers were of such a wide spread that a single factor could not be attributed.
The Best Thesis of the Year!: A study on the effect of customer generated ratings in advertising
In this thesis, the impact of collective ratings on customers? perception of a product is examined. The empirical data comes from an experimentally designed survey where the effect of collective ratings is measured in the setting of a traditional advertisement for a feature film. In contrast to what previous research would suggest be to the expected outcome, the authors of this paper concludes that in comparison with alternative designs of advertisements, there are no measurable advantages of including collective ratings in advertisements from the marketers point of view. We find two explanations to the result: (1) people tend to self-report that they are more influenced by collective ratings than they actually are, and (2) the advertisement which lacked a rating could be as attractive due to cultural interpretations of white spaces..
Favorit på Internet: en fallstudie om tonåringars ingående i relationer med företag på Internet
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how teenagers are attracted and motivated to maintain a relationship with companies on the Internet. Companies that have teenagers as a target market have to understand their needs and wants, in order to establish relevant relations. The study has been carried out through a review of theory within the field of study. A case study was carried out through interviews with teenagers in the ages of 15 to 19. The results from the study showed that what mainly attract teenagers to visit a website are personal recommendations, the name on the website and high rankings on the search engines.
Men jag är ändå mer feminist än dig : en intersektionell studie av invandrarkvinnors organisering, aktivism och feminismens gränser
This essay examines how non-swedish feminist activists look upon the conditions of their work, in relation to the broader context of womens activism in Sweden. It focuses on relationships between feminist activists and their organisations, on issues of cooperation and also on activists definitions of the concept of feminism. Activists from two different non-swedish womens organisations, both located in Stockholm, have been interviewed. Consequenses of intersections of race, class and gender connected to womens activism have been analysed. Through an intersectional analysis the authour tries to answer questions regarding the positions of womens organisations, relationsships between them, definitions of feminism and the possibilities of cooperations - to shed a light on the power relations of womens organisations in Sweden..
Service branding : en studie av vad som präglar varumärken inom tjänsteföretag
Service branding is a subject that has been excluded from the traditional branding theory. Our main purpose with this paper is to distinguish what characterizes service branding. To do this, we have looked in to both service marketing theory as well as branding theory. We have also looked at the existing theory concerning service branding. Six qualitative interviews have been performed to explain what characterizes service branding.
Lagerhantering i framtiden på Aero Materiel AB
In recent years, increasing emphasis has been placed on streamlining the supply chain. Keeping inventory and warehouses is considered to be a waste of resources. It is however difficult to completely eliminate the need for inventory and warehouses in a supply chain. The purpose of warehousing is to provide a service for the customer. By keeping what the customer demands in inventory it is possible to make a quick delivery when a need arises.
Hållbar och framgångsrik? : samband mellan hållbarhetsprestanda och finansiella aspekter i börsföretag
Many companies have historically forced their interests through without any thoughts about the future needs of the humans and the society. In the last few years voices have been raised for a change, companies need to take their responsibility regarding sustainable development.The purpose of the report is to describe and explain possible relations between sustainabil-ity performance of companies and profitability, valuation, industry and size respectively.To be able to judge the sustainability performance of the companies Folksam (2006a) have been used. This is a solid investigation of the companies listed on the A- and O-lists of the Stockholm Stock Exchange by the end of 2005. The sustainability marks have been com-pared with the chosen key values for each hypothesis respectively. With this quantitative data as foundation, a quantitative approach and a deductive method have been used.In the first area of the investigation, profitability, the authors found correlation for the main hypothesis between sustainability performance and ?Return on Total Assets? through a statistical test.
Storbankernas Retail Banking ? Hur kan storbankerna utveckla framtidens Retail Banking?
Studiens syfte är att utveckla storbankernas Retail Banking verksamheter genom att studera detaljhandeln, de nya bankaktörerna och storbankerna. Det empiriska materialet baseras på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer inom bank- och detaljhandelsbranschen Studien konstaterar att storbankerna måste utveckla sina Retail Banking verksamheter för att bemöta konkurrensen från andra bankaktörer. Genom förbättrade CRM-system, bättre nyttjande av distributionskanaler och mer försäljningsinriktade organisationer är storbankerna redo för framtidens Retail Banking..