

2481 Uppsatser om Customer relations - Sida 5 av 166

Delad lojalitet: inom detaljhandeln

Syftet med vår uppsats är att utvärdera hur enskilda butiksägare, som ingår i en större kedja, ser på fördelar samt nackdelar att ingå i en större koncern. Syftet är också att utröna hur butiksägarna definierar en lojal kund samt hur de arbetar för att strategiskt skapa kundlojalitet. Vår studie grundar sig på intervjuer med två enskilda butiksägare som ingår i samma koncern. I studien framgick det att butiksägarna genom användandet av kundkort erhåller kundlojalitet som ett bra verktyg för att kunna förbättra och stärka den totala ekonomin i företaget. Det krävs dock att man inser betydelsen av att engagera sig för att skapa en bättre balans mellan kundernas attityd och kundernas beteende.


Information technology and globalization has led to an increasing competition and service production has been more and more independent of locations. This has made a market of outsourced telephone costumer service possible. Due to high establishment the market has been saturated and with that price has sunk. Customer companies have the last few years got more negative to outsourcing of their telephone customer service as they through operating the customer service internally want to get closer to their customers.In the empirical study the writers try to figure out which companies the callcenters should try to aim towards to get long and profitable cooperation. This will be done through deducing guiding principles from theories about how different factors around companies costumer service should look like.

RAMVERK FÖR EFFEKTIV KUNDSUPPORT : Utifrån ITIL, CRM och supporthantering på mjukvaruföretaget Medius AB

The goal of customer support is to help clients achieve maximum value in their services and products. Customer support is the public face of a company, which means that it is important to give the customer a positive experience and live up to customer expectations. Efficient customer support has become more important and studies show that customers who leave a company do so because of poor service. Customers' growing demands for higher quality and easier access to services means that companies must recognize the need to satisfy each customer. It is important that each customer receives the attention required and that customer needs are met quickly and flawlessly.

Produktkvalitet som drivkraft för kundnöjdhet : Kund- och partnererfarenheter gällande Microsofts CRM-system - Microsoft Dynamics CRM

What is customer satisfaction and when does it occur? Microsoft?s customers and partners state that product quality is the strongest driver for customer satisfaction. To be able to increase customer satisfaction Microsoft must know how their partners and customers define product quality. This study investigates product quality in general terms but also in the context of the product Microsoft Dynamics CRM in addition to experience from some of Microsoft?s customers and partners.

Knapphet och Selektivitet: Påverkan på attityd och värde

The study examines selectivity of the customer base and scarcity of a product?s effect on attitude and value towards a product or service. A questionnaire study is made from three different situations. The result varied depending on the situation; however it was found that selectivity of the customer base and scarcity has a great impact on the attitude and the perceived value towards a product or service. Selectivity of the customer base was found having the highest level of impact on both attitude and perceived value.

Dagens Nyheters tryckeri: En jämförande tvåfallsstudie av företaget och makten

This study is an institutional analysis of the firm both as it is theoretically conceptualized and how it takes shape and changes. The role of power relations between manage¬ment and employees is especially examined with the aim of evaluating pos¬sible connections between the firm as an institution and power relations within it. Based on a comparison of two cases (two selected periods of the same organization) it asks ?How closely does each case match the conceptual characteristics of the firm??; ?What are the power relations between management and employees in each case??; and finally ?What factors account for the resulting differences??. It is found that there is a negative correlation between employee power and proximity to the firm as a concept.

Drivkrafter till att använda sig av Social CRM ? En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om Social CRMs bakomliggande drivkrafter

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of how customer engagement, communication / interaction and customer insight are driving forces behind the use of Social CRM from a leadership perspective.Method: The purpose of the study, we believed it was appropriate to use a qualitative approach to conduct the study. The empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of 10 companies located in the Gävle area who are active on social media. The interviews were coded to obtain keywords and patterns. These patterns and keywords are then analyzed to arrive at the study's results.Results and contributions: Our results suggest that all the identified benefits, customer engagement, customer insight and communication are driving forces to make use of social CRM.

Kundens val av fastighetsmäklare

Real estate agent is a popular occupation that many young people study today. They enter the market and will have to compete with experienced real estat agents. Why should the customer choose them instead of those with more experience? We describe the character of services offered, expectations and customer satisfaction. We have chosen to give a questionnaire to customers and real estat agents.

Konkurrensstrategier : En studie om konkurrensen på den svenska kontaktlinsmarknaden

Title: Strategies for competition ? a study of the Swedish contact lenses market.Authors: Pernilla AArskog and Annika Lange.Background: As a market gets more mature and the competition increases, it is more important for a company to apply the right strategic perspective. There are four fundamental strategic perspectives for a service-oriented business: a core product-, a price-, an image- and a service perspective. This study is a about service management and take its point from the theories from the Nordic School about strategies for competition, customer value, perceived customer quality and customer loyalty.Purpose: The main purpose with this study is to analyze and evaluate how the actors at the Swedish market of contact lenses should compete to gain further competitive advantages.Method: The study includes four qualitative interviews with two traditional opticians and two Internet based businesses, but also a survey with 106 contact lens users is included.Analysis: In the analyse part of this thesis it was concluded that the traditional opticians conception about their customer not agrees with what the customer evaluate as important. Many of the customers have thought about changing their optician, and besides that do not recommend their optician, and can there for not be categorize as loyal customers.

Public Relations - Positivt, negativt eller något däremellan? : En komparativ studie av unga och äldres syn på kommunikationsformen public relations

The public relations business has grown from almost nothing to a large international industry the last decades. Throughout the history the industry has struggled with a lot of critique and public relations has become a negative symbol for manipulation of information. Because of this negative view of the industry and the medial change taking place, the purpose of this study is to investigate how two different generations think about public relations. More accurate, the study will through a qualitative interview study explore how young people from a highschool in Luleå and elder people from Luleå township thinks about pubic relations, and most imortant why they have this particular view. By creating four focus groups, two with men and two with women, this also enables a comparative study between the gender. The focus groups were later analyzed and compared to two selected groups of theories on public relations, the theories were positive and critical theories compound in two categories.

Bonus, engagemang och känslor : En studie om hur lojalitetsprogram kan främja kundlojalitet

The purpose of this study is to analyze how customer oriented businesses can use loyalty programs to create loyalty and how loyalty can be increased. We have in this study chosen to refer loyalty program to the loyalty program that belong to the company Jula AB. Our study is written in a qualitative method. In our method, we chose to interview people in Jula organization to get a business perspective to our study. We have also chosen to assemble a focus group of Jula-club members to also get a customer perspective on the subject.

Kundvärden i en värld av tyll, slöjor och brudbuketter : En studie om svenska bröllopskoordinatorer

Denna uppsats består av en kvalitativ undersökning som antog en induktiv ansats. Detta föll sig naturligt för oss eftersom vårt intresse av bröllopsindustrin och bröllopskoordinatorer gjorde att vi ville komma vårt problemområde nära och få en mer djupgående inblick, hellre än en bred bild. Den empiriska studien består av nio intervjuer med bröllopskoordinatorer runtom i Sverige och två nygifta par som har använt sig av en bröllopskoordinator vid planeringen av deras bröllop.Genom den teoretiska och empiriska analysen har vi kommit fram till att bröllopsplanering är en komplex och tidskrävande process som består av många detaljer. Bröllopskoordinatorer arbetar mycket med kundanpassning och behöver brudparens medverkan, mest i form av information om önskemål, för att kunna utföra sitt arbete och på så sätt ge bra servicekvalitet. På grund av att de arbetar nära med brudparen skapas nära och intensiva relationer till brudparen som dock oftast bryts efter bröllopet.

Skapa och leverera kundvärde i ett teknikkonsultföretag /

The increased specialisation and complexity in products and services has created the need for Swedish companies to focus more on their core businesses. This has resulted in them opting to buy services and products that lie outside of their core business from consultancy businesses or other types of suppliers. When companies describe their offers in internal and external marketing it is done often in terms of company or service attributes that are not based on customer value or offered value for the customer. The reason for this is that companies have not adapted their services to the different needs of their customers. As a result of this, they run the risk of offering the same services as their competitors and communicate values that the customers either do not understand or experience as value adding.

CRM-systems påverkan på företag och dess kundrelationer

Denna undersökning handlar om hur användandet av CRM-system (Customer relationship Management) påverkar företag och dess kundrelationer. Forskningen om detta visar att CRM-system kan ge stora fördelar för både kunderna, företaget och relationerna där emellan. Men det finns många delar som påverkar hur mycket ett CRM-system förändrar relationerna mellan företag och deras kunder. Resultatet från denna undersökning kan vara av intresse för företag som går i tankarna att skaffa ett CRM-system eller förnya det som dem redan har. Vilket leder fram till vår problemfråga: Hur påverkar CRM-system företag och dess kundrelationer?Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur ett CRM-system påverkar företag och dess kundrelationer.Undersökningen baseras på en teoriram som ger en inblick i vad relationer är och vilken betydelse kundrelationer har för företag, även behandlas CRM-system och dess effekter på företag.

Outsourcing av kundtjänst : - Vilka företag bör callcentren rikta sig mot?

Information technology and globalization has led to an increasing competition and service production has been more and more independent of locations. This has made a market of outsourced telephone costumer service possible. Due to high establishment the market has been saturated and with that price has sunk. Customer companies have the last few years got more negative to outsourcing of their telephone customer service as they through operating the customer service internally want to get closer to their customers.In the empirical study the writers try to figure out which companies the callcenters should try to aim towards to get long and profitable cooperation. This will be done through deducing guiding principles from theories about how different factors around companies costumer service should look like.

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