2482 Uppsatser om Customer relations - Sida 47 av 166
Bloggares inflytande på varumärkens image
The purpose of our study is to examine the bloggers? influence on the brand?s image to see whether and if so in what way the blogging trend affects the brands. We also want to analyze how companies use bloggers in their marketing. This is a subject that has attracted our interest and that experience has not been touched in a higher extent. Our purpose has led us to the following research questions;Which relationships occur in collaborations between businesses and bloggers from a marketing perspective? In what way in terms of reciprocity can relations be described? To what extent can the credibility through blogs be affected in terms of how brands are presented in the blog? In this study we have used a qualitative method with an abductive nature to create a deeper understanding of our chosen subject.
Att bluffa till sig tillit : En kandidatuppsats om marknadsföring genom PR-bluffar och dess effekter
Den här uppsatsen ämnar studera effekterna av att använda sig av en viss typ av PR i marknadsföring. En aktuell debatt i media idag diskuterar huruvida man får luras i PR eller inte och i och med detta har vissa kampanjer kallats för bland annat PR-bluffar, kuppar och fejk-PR. Fenomenet PR-bluff har gått ut på att lansera en kampanj som ska leda till reaktion inom målgruppen för att sedan, efter en viss tid, avslöja det verkliga syftet med aktionen. Genom fallstudier har vi undersökt två kampanjer av detta slag och vad resultat av dessa blivit enligt kommunikationsbyrå, kund och allmänhet och därefter ställt utfallet emot relevanta marknadsförings- och kommunikationsteorier. Dessa teorier betonar starka relationer och tillit mellan företag och dess kunder för att alstra framgång och således kan PR-kuppar ses som motsägelsefulla i marknadsföringssyfte.
Det industriella byggandets betydelse för skapandet av de estetiska egenskaperna i bostadens arkitektur - En fallstudie på företaget JM AB
The study aims to investigate the impact of industrialised homebuilding in the creation of the aestheticproperties of the dwelling architecture.The concepts of industrialised homebuilding and the aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture aredefined by previously developed models. In these models, industrialised homebuilding is described byeight characteristic areas. The aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture are described by sevenaesthetic qualities.The study was conducted as a qualitative study, and in-depth interviews were conducted. The companyJM AB is the analysed unit that the author of this report has chosen to study. JM employees and by JMhiredarchitects were interviewed.The report concludes that characteristic area planning and control of processes are considered to havepositive impact on the aesthetic qualities if the process is designed in such a way that the creations ofthese are admitted.
Perceptions of domestic solar systems : a study on non-adopter views of a new technology
The world is currently facing a huge severe challenge in handling the issue of climate change. One of the ways to lower the green house gas emissions, which is seen as one of the main contributor to the climate crisis, is to use renewable technologies such as for example photovoltaic (PV) systems. PV-systems are also suitable for so called micro production, small scale energy production facilities, since it can be placed on practically any rooftop with the right solar conditions. In Sweden the usage of PV-systems has not yet gotten any wider spreading, even though the solar radiation conditions are very similar to countries that produce a lot of solar energy, as for example Germany.
The aim of this paper is to describe non-adopter perceptions of PV-systems. The study holds a qualitative approach using deep interviews for data collection.
Värdesättning av småhustomter : En jämförelse mellan exploatörer och kunders värdesättning av småhustomter vid upprättandet av nya bostadsområden
When single-family lots are valued for development of new residential areas,the valuation is influenced by several factors. The valuation is a matter ofdefinition that varies according to its interpreter. Previous research conductedin other countries, has identified a number of value-influencing factors. Thesefactors are the basis for this study.The study's purpose is to highlight the value-influencing factors thatcustomers value and are looking for in the choice of single-family lots. Thestudy also seeks to determine if there is an unknown difference between howprofessionals and clients value single-family lots.The study showed that the value factors considered important for customersand also professionals are consistent and applicable with the factors reportedfrom previous research.
Håll ögat på detaljhandeln
This study examines retail atmospherics from a reality perspective. The topic "special exposure" has received research interest in the past but it has not been recognized as a critical consideration in the daily retail business. Too many retailers leave assortment decisions to thumb rules or trial and error. The highest aim of this study is in addressing that gap between theory and practice. To catch the attention of the customer is important in supermarkets because most grocery purchase decisions are made at the point of purchase.
CRM i små och medelstora företag : En studie om företagens behov av CRM-funktioner
Customer relationship Management (CRM) har fått ökad uppmärksamhetunder de senaste decennierna. Sökningar i vetenskapligaartiklar och litteratur visar att det finns behov av kunskap om CRM ochdess funktionalitet. Företaget som studeras i detta arbete är ett friståendeIT? och managementföretag som bland annat erbjuder CRMochERP?system (Enterprise Resource planning) till kunder i olikabranscher. Företaget upplever att kunderna har olika behov och uppfattningarom funktionaliteten inom CRM?system och även kring CRMfunktionalitetsom kan finnas i andra system såsom ERP?system.
Hantera medborgarrelationer via Facebook : Karlstads kommuns kommunikation före, under och efter en kris
In the new media society, social media has become an important part of many organizations' daily lives. Organizations, whether public or private, must be where their audience is and many times, these can be found on social media channels like Facebook. Leading researchers in the fields of crisis communication and relationship management believe that social media is a great tool for managing relationships between an organization and its' public, whether it's before, during or after a crisis.The purpose of this study is to examine how the Karlstad municipality use Facebook to manage civic relations before, during and after a crisis. The municipality's approach will be compared to the citizens' experiences of the municipality's communication in different stages of a crisis.The theoretical framework used in this essay is the research on crisis communication and relationship management. How these two frameworks can be integrated with social media like Facebook, is an important part of understanding how the Karlstad municipality make use of Facebook to manage civic relations and communicate before, during and after a crisis.The empirical study consists of a qualitative interview, two qualitative content analysis and an online survey.
Hantering av verksamhetskrav : Utredning av hur hantering av verksamhetskrav från kunder kan förbättras på Saab Aerosystems
Saab Aerosystems have had one dominating product, JAS 39 Gripen, and one dominating customer, FMV, for a long time. The operations management system at Aerosystems is adjusted for development of Gripen and as the business unit is trying to enter new markets with other products and customer the operations needs to be adjusted to fit the development and manufacturing of these products as well.The purpose of the master thesis has been to investigate how Aerosystems is managing requirements on operations from external customers and how to make improvements within this area. The aim has been to carry out a situation analysis to identify where improvements are possible and then produce proposals for improvements through studies of literature and other business units. The thesis also include a study of knowledge transfer within the business unit to investigate how this can be applied to improve the managing of requirement on the operations.An extensive interview study has been carried out in which interviews mainly have been conducted with employees at Aerosystems, but also at Saab Avitronics and Saab Aerostructures. The reason why these business units have been examined is because they have carried out a large number of successful businesses with external customers, which also are potential customers for Aerosystems in the future.The interviews have been analysed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with the present way of working.
Konstruera och rekonstruera traditionell kunskap - en diskursanalytisk studie av texter om internationellt utvecklingsarbete
The master's thesis investigates how the concept traditional knowledge is represented by international organizations that are influential in development work and policy making. Departing from a theoretical framework drawing on Michel Foucault, constructed aspects of knowledge and the power relations knowledge production implies are highlighted.A recent interest within library and information science and practice to document this kind of knowledge raises questions about how traditional knowledge differs from other forms of knowledge and how knowledge organizational tools can be applied. Investigations, which critically explore the concept traditional knowledge, the power relations the concept creates as well as the interests and purposes it serves, have been surprisingly absent within the discipline. The focus in this master's thesis is how traditional knowledge is conceptualized by international organizations. A discourse analytical approach reveals the power relations that are inherent in their descriptions of traditional knowledge and how they describe the relevance of the concept for their work.
Standardiserat arbetssätt för kunskapsprocesser : ? En fallstudie på en prototypverkstad
In recent years, Lean has been implemented in a variety of companies with focus areas that differ from the conditions that characterizes manufacturing. This transfer has contributed to fairly superficial results because companies almost exclusively focus on Toyotas methodology and not on the goal of Lean. The effort of transforming Lean from manufacturing to any organization requires a definition on a general level and a view of Lean as a system. One of the core principles of Lean and the foundation of continuous improvements is standardized work. In product development there is a negative view on standardized work, where the engineers state that the principle is not applicable for knowledge processes that include non-repetitive and creative work.In the framework of this master thesis literature has been studied to find support that standardized work is applicable for product development and areas that include knowledge processes.
En studie om möjligheter att stoppa förfalskningar : Spårbarheten i en global värld
The purpose of this study is to describe the traceability of products that protect against counterfeiting and examine how protection against counterfeit products have been developed to date, and to display the opportunity to streamline the protection of products and brands.Nowadays, in the global world, it is getting increasingly more difficult to track the products. Especially for the last link in the chain, which in most cases is the customer and who is constantly exposed to risks. This report deals with the possibilities of preventing and detecting counterfeit products. Fake products are not unusual in an historical perspective. It has been common with counterfeits ever since the Middle Ages continuously until today. Forgers have become more skillful and they are successful in most industries. Many of the fake products are of poor quality and can be downright dangerous to the customer.To answer the question, the author used a qualitative collection method.
Bäst före 2014 : En studie om matsvinn i livsmedelsbutiker
SyfteVårt syfte är att ge en djupare förståelse för det matsvinn som uppstår i livsmedelsbutiker genom att analysera och utreda servicelandskapets, personalens och kundens påverkan på matsvinn. Med koppling till detta syfte har vi valt följande forskningsfråga:På vilka sätt kan livsmedelsbutiker arbeta för att minimera sitt matsvinn med hänsyn till butikernas lönsamhet och kundnöjdhet? MetodDenna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie som haft sin början i ett empiriskt problem som vi ville skapa en djupare förståelse kring, vilket innebär att vår uppsats haft sin början i induktionen. Under processens gång har vi arbetat parallellt med empiri och teori, därför har studien haft ett växelspel mellan induktion och deduktion. Insamlingen av material har skett genom primära och sekundära källor där det empiriska materialet skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer.SlutsatserI vår arbetsprocess har vi kunnat urskilja att servicelandskapet, personalen och kunden är de faktorer som påverkar matsvinnet inom dagligvaruhandeln.
?Vaccinera sig mot svininfluensan? Men jag äter ju inte griskött?? ? mångkulturell public relations i krissammanhang
Allt fler jobb blir mindre reglerade, vilket förändrar förutsättningar, krav och hälsokonsekvenser av arbete. Tidigare studier visar att de minst reglerade jobben finns inom bland annat universitetsvärlden. Syftet med studien är att studera psykosociala hälsokonsekvenser av oreglerade arbetsformer bland universitetsanställda. De psykosociala hälsokonsekvenserna av oreglerade jobb är ännu inte helt kända men de har kopplats samman med utbrändhet. Tidigare forskning säger att gränslöshet kan vara positivt då det skapas en frihet i arbetet.
Historiografi och paradigm i forskningen om kalla kriget : En komparativ analys av diplomatihistoria och internationella relationer
Adopting a socio-cultural approach to the study of cold war historiography, this master?s degree essay is a comparative study of the two main disciplinary fields of cold war scholarship, diplomatic history and international relations theory (IR). The study applies the theory of scientific development formulated by Thomas Kuhn and the concept of paradigm on the field of cold war research.Diplomatic history and IR shows many similarities in their development, and in the importance different schools has had in scholarly debate. These different schools are analysed as paradigms, a concept that has been more willingly adopted within IR than in diplomatic history. The transition from what historian John Lewis Gaddis has termed Old Cold War History to New Cold War History is discussed in terms of paradigms and paradigm shift.