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Fastighetsmäklarens klädsel : Hur påverkar den kunden?

Real estate managers work in a hard branch with big competition and skeptical customers. For most people, buying a property is the biggest private purchase of their lives. This puts a big pressure on the real estate agent to make the process run smooth. But how does the customer know which real estate manager to choose? We have researched what effect the real estate managers clothing has on the customers? first impression and how clothing affects customers? choice of real estate agents.To answer our questions we´ve done 13 projective interviews with ten customers and three real estate agents, where we showed four pictures with the same person dressed in different styles.

Pappersfoton i den digitala eran: Hur företag kan agera vid ett tekniskt skifte

The spread of digital photography has created major changes in the previously stable Swedish photofinishing market. We investigate how companies act to survive in the face of technological change, through our research question: What strategies have actors in the photofinishing business chosen during the changeover from analog to digital photofinishing? Using a deductive method, we have conducted semi-structured interviews with 11 actors in the photofinishing business. Innovation management studies innovation from a number of perspectives, describing effects of innovations on the competitive ability of established actors, and on the value of their resources. The companies were not prepared for the speed of the change.

Företagsvärdering i praktiken : Hur bör en säljare agera vid företagsöverlåtelse?

It is important to understand the process of appraisal of a business in order to establish its value. The purpose of our thesis is to establish which methods and models are used when evaluating a business and investigate the factors that may affect the value and price tag of a business. We have used a qualitative approach by conducting both indepth interviews and a survey as well as reading literature within the field. The main conslusion in our findings is that the common practice of discounted cash flow is widely used when bestowing a monetary value for a business, and in order to raise the value a well established customer relationship was the single most important factor. As far as lowering the value, the answers were of such a wide spread that a single factor could not be attributed.

Utmaningar vid implementering av intern marknadsföring i fastighetsmäklarföretags verksamhet

ABSTRACTTitle: Challenges in the implementation of internal marketing in the real estate brokerage businessLevel: Bachelor, Business AdministrationAuthor: Markus BylundAnna IsakssonSupervisor: Agneta SundströmDate: 2013, MayIntroduction: For businesses to succeed and to get satisfied customers, they need to meet their expectations. The companies make promises to customers through external marketing, internal marketing needs to ensure that personnel have the tools required to deliver what is promised. Competition is increasing and hence the customer requirements have to be met. Through the implementation of internal marketing, companies can strengthen staff skills and motivation to perform a more committed and effective work, both internal and during customer contacts.Aim: The aim of this paper is to understand the implementation and the importance of internal marketing in service companies. Through our in-depth knowledge of the subject, from a theoretical and practical perspective, we will hopefully be able to convey the challenges businesses face when implementing internal marketing.Method: This paper is to achieve a greater understanding of the studied subject.

Herrväskan Primus : produktutveckling för Ödins Garveri

I denna rapport redovisas ett examensarbete av Edvin Sjöberg utfört i samarbete med Ödins Garveri i Visby.Projektets mål har varit att ta fram ett tillverkningsunderlag för en ny axelremsväska i läder för män. Väskan är konstruerad för att vara materialbesparande, hållbar och elegant.Faktainsamlingen ger en översikt av de vanligaste sätten att bereda och garva skinn, sömnadsteknik och tillverkningsteknik. Målgrupps- och marknadsanalys har varit vägledande för utformningen av slutprodukten och stort fokus har lagts på modell- och skissarbete.Slutprodukten är en herrväska med mycket hög materialkvalité, formgivning inspirerad av klassiskt herrmode och med väl planlagda och genomtänka detaljer..

Paddan blir prins - när fast pris inte finns. En studie om prismodellen Pay-What-You-Want applicerad på en ny produkt.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the two new phenomena; the pricing model Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) and the launch of daily newspapers in the iPad. A quantitative study was conducted in order to examine what would happen if the PWYW-model where to be used by a daily newspaper for its iPad product, and what this would signal to consumers about the brand in terms of brand association and brand attitude. Furthermore, we have investigated which of these factors that are affecting willingness to pay in this PWYW-situation. Moreover, a secondary purpose was to test the two possible presentations of the digital newspaper in the iPad; Product and Access ? and how the results differed between these two.

Kundkorts effekter på lönsamhet

Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka sambandet mellan kundkort, lojalitet och lönsamhet. Vidare ämnar vi kartlägga lojalitetsskapande åtgärder och hur dessa påverkar lönsamheten. Metod: För att uppfylla det beskrivande syftet med uppsatsen, valde vi att kvalitativt undersöka hur två företag i petroleumbranschen arbetar med lojalitetsprogram. Intervjuer genomfördes med ansvariga för kundkort på AB Svenska Shell och Svenska Statoil AB. Empirin analyserades sedan med hjälp av teorier om Customer Relationship Management, relationsmarknadsföring samt lojalitet och lönsamhet.

Strategisk kommunikation inom franchising, en fallstudie av Gallerix

AbstractTitle: Strategic Communication within franchising, a case study of GallerixNumber of pages: 60 (65 with enclosures)Author: Charlotta Babington ThorszeliusCourse: Media and Communication DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, SwedenPurpose/Aim: To find out, by doing a case study, how communication between the two parties in a franchising relationship works, and how communication can strengthen the concept and brand. By analysing the communication, identify strengths and weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement.Material/Method: Qualitative method by using interviewsMain results: The understanding of the concept and the relationship between franchiser and franchisees are vital for the success of the franchising chain. The main internal communication channel today is the Intranet, and more personal contacts and meetings are requested. The yearly meetings are appreciated by the franchisees, but the content of the meetings are of varied quality. The chains value words, which are important for how the brand is perceived by the customer, are slightly different from how the franchiser and the franchisees sees them.

3D-byggnadsmodeller utifrån takkonstruktioner : Lagring, hantering och bearbetning

A growing number of cities and municipalities in Sweden begin to work with city models in 3D. For the most part the models are used for visualizations of ongoing planning processes, but also for the analysis of noise, shadow studies and environmental disaster simulations.Gothenburg continues to develop the use of 3D maps in municipal operations and is demanding a way to create building elements (walls), which generates in 3D buildings, from roof constructions that are mapped from the primary map. A method has been investigated in the present study. The results are then presented as a 3D model of buildings, along with a terrain map that will facilitate the localization of the area. The created 3D buildings are then compared with roof-data from the primary map to see how well they harmonize with each other.

Vikten av kunduppföljning för en fastighetsmäklare

Syfte Konkurrensen i fastighetsmäklarbranschen ökar vilket innebär att fastighetsmäklarna blir allt mer beroende av att vårda sina kunder och skapa långsiktiga kundrelationer. Syftet med denna undersökning är att få större kunskap om hur mäklare arbetar med kunduppföljning i det dagliga arbete samt få en djupare förståelse för varför det egentligen är viktigt med uppföljning. Undersökningens problemfrågor är: Varför är det viktigt med kunduppföljning för en fastighetsmäklare? Hur arbetar fastighetsmäklare med kunduppföljning i praktiken?MetodUndersökningen är gjord utifrån en kvalitativ metodansats då den huvudsakliga frågeställningen i undersökningen kräver en beskrivning av verkligheten. Intervjuer, med en låg grad av strukturering och standardisering, har gjorts med fastighetsmäklare.

Golvskyltens oanade effekter - En studie om golvskyltens outforskade effekter

Floor signs in stores have become a more common phenomenon during past years. The problem is that the knowledge about these signs is limited and the actual effects are unknown. This lack of knowledge can have a negative impact on store performance and marketing efforts. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of floor signs on consumer attitude and behaviour. The study was conducted in two grocery stores, where the movement pattern of 39 501 customers was recorded over a four week period.

Boven i det interna samspelet : En uppsats om kommunikationen mellan sälj- och logistikavdelning på industriföretags påverkan på det interna materialflödet

We have left the industrial society, and instead, we live in a post-industrial knowledge and information society. It is often said that industrial production has disappeared or that it has changed greatly. This means that fewer are employed in the manufacturing sector while the service sector is increasing, resulting in that the boundaries between production and administration decreases. The production goes from mass production to more flexible and specialized solutions. This puts greater demands on the logistics chain that continually need to work to meet customer requirements.

Mätning i nätstationer - nyttor och problem

The purpose of this study has been to investigate advantages and problems with distributionsystem metering in substations. This report is a study in cooperation with Göteborg Energi.The analyses in this report are made for GENAB, a subsidiary company of Göteborg Energi.To analyse advantages and problems in advance is interesting information for GENAB. Theresult of the report could be based upon whether installation of metering in distributionsubstations will be implemented and in that case which kind of measurement that is relevant.The most relevant and strategic place to implement measurement is at the distributionsubstations on the secondary side (400V), this is due to the placement of the currenttransformers. The measurements in this study involve current, voltage, power, power factor,temperature, energy and power quality.Measuring instruments that are relevant to implement are intended to measure current,voltage, power, power factor, energy and, possibly, power quality in the same measuring unit.It is desirable to have a measuring instrument that measures both energy and power qualitybut since it is most often a cost question, it can be established that energy meters have a lowercost.Metering in distribution substations gives a better illustration of the power network. Thisresults in many advantages for GENAB.

Att rekonstruera julens budskap -En kvalitativ studie av hur kommersiella företag och hjälporganisationer använder sig av föreställningar om julen i reklamfilm.

The purpose of this study is to investigate and increase the understanding of how the two commercial companies IKEA and SAS and the two aid organizations/nonprofit organizations UNICEF and Save the Children use perceptions of Christmas to produce messages in their Christmas advertising/commercial film. The study also discusses if there may be communicative and pictorial similarities and differences in how these brands constructs messages in commercials, and why it may be that the brands choose to use these messages in commercials based on the recipient possible interpretations. The theories used in this study are promotional culture, framing theory, preferred meaning, semiotics (denotation and connotation), myth and rhetoric (ethos, pathos and logos). The method used to answer the purpose and issues are the qualitative method that uses the theories semiotic and rhetoric to analyze the material. The study's results derived from the qualitative content analyzes of the material (the brands IKEA, SAS, UNICEF and Save the Children Christmas advertising films) show that IKEA message might want to show that they want to help the customer and that they pay attention to the customer needs.

Dolda resurser : Att synliggöra icke materiella tillgångar

Background: Once upon a time the most important resources in an economy were tangible goods. Historically, Swedish company culture has been dominated by engineering and techni-cal innovation has been the focal point. Today, Intangible values drive product development and form a company?s differentiation. Intangibles have therefore become the most prominent resources in a company.

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