

2234 Uppsatser om Culture comprehension - Sida 64 av 149

?Vad spelar det för roll då om inte alla syns på bild?? : En studie av representation i förskolans miljö

The aim of this study is, from a norm-critical approach, to find, investigate and analyse human representation in the visual culture of one preschool in order to understand if the children enrolled are represented or not. The research questions are: In what ways is there imagery of human representations in images and materials designed for play? What skin-colors and origins are dominant in the data collected?We carried out a qualitative study in the form of visual ethnography. This method allowed us to use a combination of different data collection tools such as photography and ethnographic field notes to collect our data. The photographs we took of images and material used for play, was then analysed through semiotic picture analysis.

Artiststrategier - Där kultur möter kommersialism i den svenska skivbranschen

This thesis aims to explore the process where strategies for music artists are created by record companies. We describe and analyze how decisions regarding signing, distribution, marketing, bookings and co-operations are made. Through our study we find that the strategy process can be described as a pattern according to Mintzberg's definition. The "inside-out" perspective is dominating and the record companies base their strategies on internal core competencies and the artistry and will of the music artist. The underlying causes of this are the uncertainty that characterizes the industry; the focus on social relations; and the importance of cultural legitimacy..

Att träna tillsammans i grupp vid hjärt- och kärlsjukdom: patienternas upplevelser utifrån ICF:s komponenter

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the Western world. For persons who have had a myocardial infarction the following rehabilitation and the group training, which is a part of this, are very important. The cardiac rehabilitation is designed to limit the physiological and psychological effects of cardiovascular disease. Purpose: This study aimed to examine how patients with cardiovascular disease experienced group training in relation to the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health, ICF. Method: A qualitative interview study was performed according to Malterud, inspired by the Grounded Theory method.

Flygsäkerhet: Människan i Organisationen En jämförande studie av två flygförband inom Försvarsmakten

Syftet med denna studie var att samla in information som kunde ge en bild av den organisatoriska situationen i Försvarsmaktens helikopterorganisation i ljuset av de förändringar organisationen genomgått sedan 1998 och de allvarliga haverier som följt efter dessa förändringar. Ett tillämpat syfte var att denna bild skulle ligga till grund för en förståelse och diskussion av flygsäkerhetsläget inom helikopterorganisationen i synnerhet och inom Försvarsmaktens flygverksamhet i allmänhet. Som ett led i processen var syftet att undersöka säkerhetskulturen, organisationsklimatet och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön genom att jämföra ett helikopterförband och ett stridsflygplansförband inom Försvarsmakten. I studien ingick sådan personal som kom i personlig kontakt med den direkta flygsäkerheten vid respektive förband, såsom flygförare, tekniker, spanare/navigatörer och operatörer/ytbärgare. En enkät delades ut till 125 personer vid de två förbanden.

Elevanpassad undervisning : En studie om gymnasieelevernas perspektiv på lärande i naturvetenskapliga ämnen  

The purpose of my study is to determine students? attitudes to the Natural Science subject. I want to contribute to scientific discourse about different learning styles that can respond to childrens? requirements in teaching as well as to determine the student?s experience of learning styles. The studies were carried out at an upper secondary school in Stockholm (spring term 2011) for three different classes.

FÖRTROENDE FÖR CHEFEN-En studie med enhetschefer inom två av Göteborgs stadsdelsförvaltningar

There is a relationship between confidence in management and personnel satisfaction. The personnel?s confidence in management can be seen as a fundamental tool which is needed to ensure the success of the organizations mandate. This study investigates how management works to create and maintain confidence. The conditions that management has for building confidence are explored, as well as the significance of leadership in the building of confidence.

När sjuksköterskan Maj-Britt möter patienten Lionel-Emilio : En litteraturstudie baserad utifrån sjuksköterskans upplevelse

Bakgrund:Sverige förändras och blir ett mer mångkulturelltsamhälle. Sjuksköterskan behöver arbeta utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv för attkunna ge en patientcentrerad vård. Utmaningar kan uppstå när det finnskommunikationssvårigheter på grund av språkbarriären och olika kulturellatraditioner, vilket kan medföra olika värderingar om vad hälsa -och sjukvårdinnebär. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kulturmötenmed patienter. Metod: En litteraturstudie med grund i kvalitativ ansats.Resultat: Kulturskillnader var något som väckte en reaktion hossjuksköterskorna i mötet med patienten.

Time and architectural representations: the illusion of being eternal

Att beskriva en byggnad som tidlös är bland det finaste en kan säga. Några av världens mest uppskattade byggnader har beskriv- its som just det, tidlösa. Hur kommer det sig att en av den finaste komplimangen och erkännandet en byggnad kan få, egentligen är intetsägande? Tiden går ständigt och det finns ingenting någon kan göra för att ändra det. Människor, djur och även byggnader utvecklas och åldras.

Relationen är kunskapens moder. En kvalitativ studie om lärare som kränker elever.

According to reports from the department of education the majority of school children consider school as a place for happiness, security and development. However, one of ten children experience cruelty and abuse on a daily basis and research shows that children are more often violated by their teachers rather than their peers. In year 2006 legislature decided that school children needed to be protected from the harmful abuse and bullying from other children as well as their teachers. Despite the law approximately 50 000 children are the victims of adult abuse in school every year. Meanwhile science also proves that teachers dare not, for different reasons, confront colleagues when witnessing violations of children.

Relationen är kunskapens moder. En kvalitativ studie om lärare som kränker elever.

According to reports from the department of education the majority of school children consider school as a place for happiness, security and development. However, one of ten children experience cruelty and abuse on a daily basis and research shows that children are more often violated by their teachers rather than their peers. In year 2006 legislature decided that school children needed to be protected from the harmful abuse and bullying from other children as well as their teachers. Despite the law approximately 50 000 children are the victims of adult abuse in school every year. Meanwhile science also proves that teachers dare not, for different reasons, confront colleagues when witnessing violations of children.

Jakten på en effektiv intervention : En kommuns satsning i åk 2 på intensiv lästeknisk träning för elever i lässvårigheter

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of an intervention that focuses on phonics, decoding, reading speed and phonological awareness for 8-9 year old children in reading difficulties. Participants were selected on the basis of screening test results in grade one (decoding and reading comprehension). The participants were divided into two groups, an intervention group (A1, n=10 children) and a control group (A2, n=10). A1 received 30 minutes of intense reading instruction every day for six weeks from special educational needs teachers on top of their usual classroom based reading instruction. The control group received only their usual classroom-based reading instruction.

Doften av ?Kvinna? : Symbolik och begär i Zolas Nana

An analysis of Zolas Nana focusing on male desire. Through a study of the narrtive structure and the polemic relation between the concepts of ?Nature? and ?Culture? it is shown that opposing ideologies are imbedded in the text. Nana is a symbolic character, in large, a myth created by male desire that eventually becomes a manifestation of that desire. At the same time, however, the character Nana evolves from being a mirrored image of male desire into a more stable and real individual and this process is also an answer to when and why she dies,underlining the fact that she initially was a creation emanating from male desire and in losing those symbolic functions she loses her function in the novel..

Kuling - en digital bilderbok

In what way do pictures allow for freedom of interpretation and thoughts rather thanunderstanding reality in a high paced medium? Children today are exposed more thanever to images trough various media. Children?s culture in the digital world has, troughgames and apps, become more cross-generational than literature. Unfortunately, there aremany digital books that loose the story, as the creator gets lost in technology and/or ineducation and morals.

Turkiets väg till EU - en studie om makt,motiv och icke-beslut inom unionen

This essay is about Turkey and its relation to the European union. EU is originally an economic organization; today it has developed to involve other aspect like culture and history. By using theories like motivation and non-decision making I have studied the reason why Turkey is still waiting in the agenda of the union. With the help of the theories I have discussed about Turkey?s possibilities to become a member of the European union.

Barn till psykiskt sjuka finns, men syns de? - En kvalitativ studie om hur olika verksamheter och myndigheter arbetar och samverkar för att uppmärksamma dessa barn

The aim of this study is to investigate how different organizations and authorities work and collaborate to make children of mentally ill parents more visible. The question formulations, which are used in our research, are:- How do different organizations and authorities work to make children of mentally ill parents more visible and how can this work be improved?- How do laws and guidelines affect the organizations and authorities work to make children of mentally ill parents more visible? - Is there any collaboration between the different organizations and authorities concerning work with children of mentally ill parents, and how does that work appear? A qualitative method strategy was chosen to gather an in-depth understanding of the informant?s experiences and to collect descriptive information. Six organizations and authorities were selected from the comprehension that they could be important in giving support and because it is possible for them to pay attention to these children. Interviews were performed by using a half- structured interview guide.

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