

2234 Uppsatser om Culture comprehension - Sida 65 av 149

Bloggtider för bibliotek och bibliotekarier? - Studie om bloggars användbarhet i bibliotekssektorn

The usability of the Internet increases for every year. The Weblog phenomenon makes it possible for anyone to easily publish, find information and get in touch with other people through the net. This Essay treats the possibilities the Weblog medium offer Swedish libraries and librarians in library contexts. The purpose of the study is to examine the Web phenomenon: Weblogs, and their significance for a total of eleven Library Heads and librarians together with their view on the Weblog activity at each library connected Weblog, to get comprehension and new knowledge on the usability of Weblogs in the library sector. The foundation for the Essay consists of a qualitative interview study, built on asynchronous e-mail interviews and telephone interviews with blogging librarians and Heads of libraries.

Barns läsning av facktexter. En studie av skolbibliotekariers och pedagogers syn på barns läsning och förståelse av facktexter.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to analyse school librarians and teachers perspective of childrens reading and reading progress, the impact of informational texts on childrens reading and how school librarians and teachers work/teach to improve their students understanding of informational texts. We also intend to study what consequences school librarians and teachers believe that childrens reduced understanding of informational texts can have in the long run and how this could be improved. The theories applied encompass different literature-pedagogical strategies, theories about reading purpose and direction of the reading process together with a theory that shows the school librarys function in the education. The empirical material has been collected through interviews with one school librarian and one teacher at three different schools. The material has then been analysed and interpreted from theories and earlier research.

Kommunikation vid demenssjukdom : En studie av samtalsstrategier och positionering i samtal mellan personer med demenssjukdom och vårdpersonal.

Dementia may cause impairment of linguistic abilities, affecting both production and comprehension, which in turn affects communication (Mahendra & Hopper, 2012: Perkins, Whithworth & Lesser, 1998). The aim of the present study was to investigate and describe the communication strategies in everyday conversations between people with dementia and their interlocutors, and to describe the identified interaction phenomena based on a participatory perspective.The study was conducted at a home for people with dementia. Three people with known dementia and two health professionals participated in the study. Everyday interactions were filmed, and then transcribed and analyzed according conversation analytic principles. The transcribed data was also analyzed with ideas from positioning theory.The present study highlights the presence of trouble sources in communication between the person with dementia and carers and how these are handled by the participants in terms of strategies, competence and positioning.

Attraktivare förortskommun : Är interkulturella kompetenser givande varumärkesattribut när mångkulturella förortskommuner vill dra till sig fler företag?

The competition between the Swedish municipalities has increased as the world has become more globalized, which means that they need to become more attractive for sustaining sound finances and not to find themselves to have a downward trend. One possibility to show the attractiveness of a place is by using place marketing and therewith attaining a stronger brand position. There are 20 suburban municipalities in the county of Stockholm, of which six are multicultural or are having a minimum of 20 percent immigrants among the residents. These immigrant areas are segregated based on class, income and culture. Problems associated with these areas have historical aspects that dates further back than modern immigration does.

Att styra säkerhet med siffror : En essä om (att se) gränser

Work, especially that in complex, dynamic workplaces, often requires subtle, local judgment with regard to timing of subtasks, relevance, importance, prioritization and so forth. Still, people in Nuclear Industry seem to think safety results from people just following procedures. In the wake of failure it can be tempting to introduce new procedures and an even stricter "rule following culture". None, or at least very little, attention is given to tacit knowledge and individual skills. I am aiming to highlight the inadequacy of putting too much trust in formalization and that reporting and trending of events will contribute to increased learning, an increased nuclear safety and an efficient operational experience.

Muslimska ungdomars relation till religion och modernitet i Sverige och Danmark : En genomgång av två aktuella studier

This thesis explores how Muslim youths? lifeworlds are depicted and narrated in the following two studies on Muslim youth in Sweden and Denmark: Muslima (2007) and Samtidsislam (2010). The aim of this thesis is to answer the following question: In what ways do these works treat the aspects of the lifeworlds that are being highlighted in their studies of Muslim youth in contemporary Sweden and Denmark? An underlying aim is to analyse the results within the framework of theories of socialisation, cultural emancipation and rituals and traditions.With a hermeneutic approach I analyse the texts and operationalize the research question into four themes: the effects of socialization, cultural emancipation, rituals and traditions and secularization. The texts are treated in the analysis with textual analysis and hermeneutic method.

Språkdeprivation - en litteraturstudie om språkets betydelse för döva och hörselskadade

Språkets betydelse för människans utveckling är viktig för individens utveckling. Språket ger oss möjligheten till en god kognitiv förmåga och vägleder oss fram till vår identitet och personlighet. Genom språket uttrycker vi vem vi är och vad vi vill. Men vad händer om språket inte blir en självklarhet och om vi inte får tillgång till det? Den här studien handlar om vilken betydelse språket har för döva, hörselskadade och personer med cochleaimplantat och vad som händer om de inte får tillgång till det språk de är i behov av..

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och deras sociala ålder

This study analyses social age as a phenomenon and if unaccompanied refugee children has a social age that, according to the Swedish culture, do not correspond with their biological age and if so is, the reason for that. Furthermore, our study has discussed the potential consequences of the effects for the unaccompanied refugee children and the social age when interacting with Swedish society. According to our study, the social age is effected by other factors besides cultural norms, values and role expectations that a society has on a specific biological age. The results in this study shows that social age is a vital component to someone?s identity.

Interaktion med närstående till kritiskt sjuka patienter. : Vilka svårigheter finns?

Background:When the patient is critically ill the family is in a vulnerable position. The nurse's role is to support and help the family to find meaning in the difficult situation and to provide realistic hope. Balancing between the patient's and the family's needs is difficult. Knowledge about how nurses experience difficulties in the interaction with family is required in order to grant good care too critically ill patients and their family-members.Aim:To describe nurses' perceived difficulties in the interaction with family-members of critically ill patients.Method:The study is a qualitative literature-based study based on qualitative research. Results: The analysis resulted in four main themes; difficult disunion, environmental constraints, interpersonal difficulties and communicative difficulties.

Borgarklassens diskreta stil : Smak och samhällsklass i heminredningstidskriften "Sköna Hem"

Within media and communications studies, questions of taste have often been associated with the dichotomy of high versus popular culture. The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has also used mass media products in his studies of class determined tastes and dispositions. In this paper the author uses the theoretical framwork of Bourdieu to examine aspects of social class and legitimate taste in the interior design magazine "Sköna Hem", a market leading magazine within it's genre of lifestyle magazines in Sweden. A specific type of feature article, where a real-life home is portrayed, is studied using the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough. The homes portrayed are predominantly affluent and display elements of conspicuous consumtion as mediated through legitimate taste and cultural capital.

Hur ska vi komma vidare? : frågor rörande neolitiseringen i Sydskandinavien

This paper deals with the question of neolithisation of Southern Scandinavia. The main goal is to give an overview of three theories regarding how agriculture and livestock breeding was introduced to the Southern Scandinavia. These are as follows: the immigration theory, the socio-economic theory and the historical explanation theory. Furthermore it is investigated which theory has the most probably support in material culture. There are obvious difficulties in interpreting the archaeological material.

"On doit s'adapter!" - "Man måste anpassa sig!" : En studie av internationellt management i Sverige och Frankrike

Denna uppsats problematiserar huruvida en ledares kulturella bakgrund påverkar dennes arbete. I ett allt mer internationaliserat Europa ökar samarbeten mellan människor och företag över de nationella gränserna i en ökande takt. Detta ställer krav på de ledare som skall samarbeta och samordna över nationella och kulturella gränser. Denna studie problematiserar det interkulturella ledarskapet och hur ledare ställer sig till frågor angående anpassning och samarbete. Då det framgår av Hofstede att stora skillnader finns mellan Sverige och Frankrike syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur svenska- och franska ledares nationella och kulturella bakgrunder påverkar deras arbetsroll.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svenska och franska ledares interkulturella erfarenheter påverkar deras arbetsroll.

?Hänga och må bra eller ta sin bok och dra?. Bilden av biblioteket PUNKTmedis efter ungdomsanpassningen.

The aim of this paper is to examine the youth library PUNKTmedis' work methods to adapt itself to the youth. Improved communication with this user group is the starting point for the new work methods. We have chosen to view the increased cooperation between the library and the youth as an adjustment to market demands. We have noticed the possible existence of an antagonism between on the one hand the traditional role of the public library of adult education and on the other hand an adjustment to the market demands. Adult education and the adjustment to market demands is seen as contributing to the image of PUNKTmedis.

Alla ska med : En fallstudie om sociala medier i den interna kommunikationen

This thesis concerns the subject of social media in the internal communication, how it can function to improve the communication among the coworkers. Good Old has been the web agency of our case study, through them we have gained understanding of the phenomenon. Media and communication theories and interviews have given us the foundation of the thesis.Our conclusion shows that it is beneficial to use social media internally in the type of company that Good Old is. Furthermore, the result shows that it can improve the communication, increase organizational learning and unity among coworkers. Finally social media can make organizations more effective..

Twitter: Framtidens nyhetsplattform, eller ytterligare ett diskussionsforum? : Privatpersoner kontra etablerade medier kring nyhetsuppdatering på Twitter

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa hur individer med funktionsnedsättning skapar sin förmågodeprivation, ?capability deprivation?, i relation till de möjligheter till utveckling som framkallas av strukturella och personliga faktorer. Förmågodeprivation innebär att människan upplever brist på friheter och rättigheter för att använda sina förmågor till att nå sina personliga mål. Dessa mål kan vara av ekonomisk, social och kulturell karaktär och kan betyda en utveckling hos individen som denne värderar högt. När förmågodeprivation uppstår likställs den med fattigdom.

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