11974 Uppsatser om Cross-Sectional Data - Sida 5 av 799
Cross-Language Information Retrieval: En granskning av tre översättningsmetoder använda i experimentell CLIR-forskning.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the three main translation methods used in experimental Cross-language Information Retrieval CLIR research today, namely translation using either machine-readable dictionaries, machine translation systems or corpus-based methods. Working notes from research groups participating in the Text Retrieval Conference TREC and the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum CLEF between 1997 and 2000 have provided the main source material used to discuss the possible advantages and drawbacks that each method presents. It appears that all three approaches have their pros and cons, and because the different researchers tend to favour their own chosen method, it is not possible to establish a "winner approach" to CLIR translation by studying the working notes alone. One should remember however that the present interest in cross-language-applications of information retrieval has arisen as late as in the 1990s, and thus the research is yet in its early stages. The methods discussed in this paper may well be improved, or perhaps replaced by others in the future..
Introduktion och handledning vid Akademiska sjukhuset : Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors åsikter
AIM: To investigate newly graduated nurses opinions on their introduction and preceptorship at Akademiska Sjukhuset in Uppsala. METHOD: A descriptive cross-sectional study using qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Data was collected by a questionnaire containing open and closed questions. Totally 42 participants took part in the study. Data analysis was obtained using descriptive statistics, thematic analysis and content analysis.
LEAN produktuveckling : Ett arbete om kunskapsbaserad produktutveckling med fokus på tvärfunktionellt samarbete & lärande
Lean Product Development is a knowledge-based business concept in order to maintain high quality, meetcustomer requirements and to make product development more efficient. An important part of the processis to add a lot of resources at an early stage and execute the development as an iterative process betweendepartments exploring many alternatives thoroughly. The work focuses on how Lean ProductDevelopment is carried out and explores how to manage interaction between different departments andexpertise with regard to cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing i.e. learning.The information for the studies was gathered at a major Swedish company from two projects. The projectswere carried out as cross-functional and possible key factors for cross-functional collaboration wasidentified.The results have been correlated with theories of Lean, Product development, Lean product developmentand Learning.
Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans följsamhet till riktlinjer : En litteraturstudie
Cross infection is a global health problem. The cost for cross infection increases every year. Florence Nightingale focused her attention on preventing cross infections by using good hygiene and as a nurse that is one of your more important tasks. Nurses have guidelines for how hygiene should be implemented in practice. The aim of this study is to investigate factors that influence nurses´ compliance to guidelines regarding hygiene.
ABSTRACTThe privatization of pharmacies in Sweden took place in 2009, in part with higher availability of medicines as justification. For a good adherence, the patients needs a good availability of medicines from pharmacies. The aim of the study was that two years after the pharmacy reform study older people?s opinions on drug supply and pharmacy services, and which pharmacy chains they know about and use. The method used was a quantitative cross-sectional study and was conducted using questionnaires.
Inte homofob, men... : Socialarbetares attityder till homo- och bisexuella personer
The purpose of this study is to identify and make attitudes among social workers towards homosexual and bisexual people visible, examine how these attitudes relate to their actions in their professional role and how these attitudes and actions can be understood by theories of heteronormativity and power. The study is a cross-sectional quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire completed by social workers. The result shows that there are two groups among the social workers. One larger group that reproduces a norm of acceptance toward homosexual and bisexual people and one smaller that reproduces a heterosexual norm. This reproduction of heteronormativity increases the risk for homosexual and bisexual people to be made invisible and treated more negatively in contact with social workers, which in turn can lead to worse health among the clients..
Ledarskapets betydelse för nyttjandet av friskvårdsprogrammet på Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad - en enkätstudie bland personalen på Centralsjukhuset
The workplace is a good arena for healthy activities because of its ability to reach big target groups. A preventive health care program prevents ill-health and since 2001 Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad has a health care program, ?Främja hälsan?. Leadership is important in the health promotion work when to get the collaborators motivated and involved in the health care program. The aim of the cross-sectional study was to investigate the collaborators opinion about the managers? pedagogical role in the health promotion work at Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad.
WordPress och säkerhet inom tillägg från tredje parter : Skydda mot SQL-injection och Cross Site Scripting. Fallstudie av tre tillägg.
WordPress är ett av världens mest populära Content Management System. Eftersom det har en hög popularitet drar det till sig uppmärksamhet från personer och grupper som av olika anledningar vill utnyttja säkerhetsbrister på webbsidor. Syftet med denna uppsats är att testa säkerheten i olika tillägg till WordPress som externa utvecklare skapat eftersom dessa inte genomgår någon obligatorisk säkerhetskontroll. Insamlingen av data skedde via ett utförande av statiska tester på några utvalda tillägg. Denna teknik grundar sig i en granskning och analys av dokument i form av text, modeller eller kod.
Vilka attityder unga män och kvinnor på gym har till dopning och kosttillskott : En enkätundersökning i Gästrikland
The aim of this study was to investigate which attitudes young men and women at gym have to doping and supplements in Gästrikland. Method: This study is based on a cross sectional study design where a quantitative approach was used by 60 questionnaires which were distributed at different gyms in Gästrikland. Result: It was found that the majority had a relative negative attitude to doping, those who used supplements had a slightly more positive attitude to some of the statements compared with those who did not use supplements. Overall, the results showed a positive attitude to supplements. Compared with previous studies, it was found in the study that a smaller proportion didn?t agree that it is up to each one to use doping substances.
Sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomars hälsa
In the age group 16-25 years, the Internet is the most powerful source of information. This age group is also the main user of social media. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people's experience of social media and any associations between social media and adolescents health by answering the questions: ?how does young people use social media?, ?what risks can occur in young people's use of social media? and ?how can social media influence young people's lifestyles?. The survey was conducted by a quantitative cross-sectional study using questionnaires.
Barriers to Provide Cross Border Services/Case Study Nordea
There is an increase of financial integration, which can be seen in recent mergers of banks, financial institutions etc. in the European Union especially in the Nordic countries. However there are some weaknesses in providing consumers cross border services in the sector of banking, such as cross border bank account transfer of payments. The existing transaction costs do not encourage cross border services. Nevertheless a customer of a global or European bank can anticipate to be treated the same way in all of its branch offices inside the EU countries.
Humankapital och ekonomisk tillväxt : En tvärsnittsstudie om utbildningens kvalitet och dess betydelse för ekonomisk tillväxt
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka om utbildningens kvalitet har en signifikant påverkan på ekonomisk tillväxt. I uppsatsen tillämpas en regressionsanalys baserad på sekundärdata. Den beroende variabeln är real BNP per capita tillväxt vilken används för att mäta ekonomisk tillväxt. Den oberoende variabeln i fokus är testresultat från internationella prov och används som mått för utbildningens kvalitet. Kontrollvariabler i uppsatsen är initial BNP per capita, genomsnittlig utbildningstid, fertilitet, investeringar och graden av handelsöppenhet.
Matvanor och attityder hos högskolestudenter i förhållande till livsmedelsverkets kostråd
The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study which aimed at investigating college students? eating habits in relation to the Swedish food agency dietary recommendations. The likely factors associated with eating habits and attitudes towards dietary recommendations were also investigated. Non probability sampling method was used giving rise to convinient study sample of 51 individuals (41 women and 11 men) ages 19 to 37. The participants were part of four different types of educations, Care and health, Economy, Engineering, computering and societal planning and Culture and media.
Äldres upplevelser av apoteksprivatiseringen : Konsekvenser efter privatiseringen av de svenska apoteken
ABSTRACTThe privatization of pharmacies in Sweden took place in 2009, in part with higher availability of medicines as justification. For a good adherence, the patients needs a good availability of medicines from pharmacies. The aim of the study was that two years after the pharmacy reform study older people?s opinions on drug supply and pharmacy services, and which pharmacy chains they know about and use. The method used was a quantitative cross-sectional study and was conducted using questionnaires.
Sjuksköterskors oro i samband med cytostatikahantering : En kvantitativ studie
AimThe aim of this study was to investigate and describe qualified nurses? worries related to handling chemotherapeutic drugs, further is the aim to explore if the nurses comply with the guidelines at a haematological ward. MethodThe cross-sectional study uses a descriptive design and a quantitative approach to analyze nurses? worries at a haematological ward. The data has been collected through questionnaires which were handed out to 42 nurses at the haematological ward. The questionnaires included 17 questions that were designed by the authors of this study, and 32 nurses returned the questionnaire. ResultsThe majority of the nurses declared that they handle chemotherapeutic drugs once or more a week. The results of the study show that the nurses´ comply with the available guidelines are relatively good.