11974 Uppsatser om Cross-Sectional Data - Sida 4 av 799
Downside Risk - En studie av riskkompensation på den svenska aktiemarknaden
This paper investigates the compensation for risk in the context of the Swedish stock market with a special focus on downside risk. Using daily market data collected from the A-list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange between the years 1983 and 2005 the purpose is to answer the question whether Swedish investors are compensated for holding stocks with high downside risk, measured as downside beta. Using panel data analysis it is shown, in accordance with most previous evidence in international research, firstly that stocks with high beta values on average experience higher returns than stocks with low beta values, and secondly that stocks with high downside beta values experience higher returns than stocks with high beta values in general. On the other hand, cross-sectional regression methodology using a bivariate regression approach shows that downside beta does not explain excess returns very well. Instead, regression analysis suggest that high upside beta does a much better job in explaining excess return over this time period compared to downside beta.
Vägparametrar och deras inverkan på trafiksäkerheten : Fallstudie på länsväg 360 Lycksele - Vilhelmina
The interaction between the driver, the car and the road is essential for the road safety. This case study focuses on the road condition and its effect regarding road safety issues. By studying and isolating the road condition aspect and its contributing role to the accident occurrence, the aim is to explore their relationship, as well as highlight the road parameters that are commonly associated with accident occurrence. This result will be used to develop and increase awareness of the impact of poor road alignment and poor road surface conditions on traffic safety, in order to prevent these accidents from occurring. The road parameters chosen for this study include side friction, cross slope and rut bottom cross slope, road texture, curvature, drainage gradient and rutting.The case study was limited to lv 360 in Va?sterbotten, where all accidents with an unclear cause of the accident were studied, between 2003 and 2012 were carefully studied and assessed based on the condition of the road at the time of the accident.
Visuellt & Auditivt korttidsminne
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of sensory modality on short-term memory recall. An exploratory, cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 119 individuals participated. There were 70 female and 49 male subjects, aged 4 to 80 years (M=34,3). The participants were presented with 12 different objects in auditory, visual or auditory/visual mode over a period of 24 seconds.
Modellutveckling och kostnadsanalys vid sortimentsexpansion på Staples Sweden AB : Vägen mot miljonen
Bakgrund: För att stärka sin position på marknaden önskar Staples Sweden AB utöka sitt artikelsortiment till att omfatta 1 000 000 artiklar. För att möjliggöra sortimentsexpansionen behövs beslutsunderlag rörande hantering och kostnadsstruktur identifieras.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utveckla en modell vid val och utformning av distributionssätt för att föreslå en distributionsslösning. Syftet är också att genom en kostnadsanalys identifiera orderkostnadsstrukturen för den föreslagna distributionslösningen.Metod: Vid genomförandet av studien tillämpades en fallstudiedesign. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom intervjuer utförda på Staples Sweden AB.Slutsats: Vid tillämpningen av modellen som utvecklades i studien framkom att distributionslösningen ska utgöras av direktleveranser, konsoliderade direkleveranser, ?cross-docking?, ?cross-docking? med buffert och traditionell lagerhållning.
Vad kvinnor är mest nöjda med i samband med sin förlossning : Validering av instrumentet KUPP-I
AbstractThe aim: The aim of the study was to describe what women are most satisfied with in maternity care and if women´s childbirth experiences can be described by means of the QPP-I, who contains 32 statements related to maternity care. Design: The study is part of a national cross-sectional study which lasted for two weeks in Sweden in 2007. This paper analyzes one of the two questions with open answers, which reads: "What was the best with maternity care??. Results: The results showed that out of a total of 735 responses 717 could be placed in the existing instrument QPP-I.
A Cross-Country Skiwear Collection for Beautiful Women
This thesis deals with cross-country ski clothing for non-competitive women. Women in this category look for different clothing features in comfort and aesthetics than male top athletes, for whom cross-country skiwear today often seems to be designed. In this thesis the demands of these women have been mapped out by an interview with a reference group of users. The ergonomics of exercising in the winter outdoors are naturally a base for the collection. The collection consists of three functional layers of garments.
Säkerhetsanalys av plugin-kod till publiceringsplattformen WordPress
Applikationer och system flyttar i allt större utsträckning från lokala installationer på den enskilda datorn, ut i ?molnet? där data skickas och hanteras via Internet. Traditionella ?Desktop applikationer? blir webbapplikationer för att centralisera drift och öka tillgänglighet. Detta skifte medför ett ökande antal träffytor för personer som av en eller annan orsak vill åsamka skada eller tillskansa sig, alternativt manipulera eller förstöra, känslig eller hemlig information.
En tvärsnittsstudie rörande den samtida förekomsten av privat- och publik självmedvetenhet, social ångest samt smärta hos grupper i en studentpopulation.
There is much research into the reasons why a temporary pain, in some individuals, becomes chronic. Many of the causal factors linked with pain also seems to coexist with social anxiety, public self-consciousness and, to some extent, private self-consciousness. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify possible patterns of self-consciousness (private and public), social anxiety and pain. This was done by a cross-sectional study in which a questionnaire was distributed to students at Örebro University. A total of 302 completed questionnaires were received.
Patientupplevelser av allmänpsykiatrisk akutvård samt av samarbetet mellan slutenvård, öppenvård och kommun
According to the health care law and the national care guarantee, all individuals with mental illness have the right to good health care that is knowledge based as well as to rehabilitation where and when they need it. They also should be able to choose and have control over who is performing the care, including the design of these efforts. The purpose of this study is to investigate patients' experiences of general psychiatric emergency care and the cooperation between outpatient care, inpatient care and the municipality. This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted with a quantitative and qualitative method. The study is performed in collaboration with Akademiska Sjukhuset and is part of a larger quality improvement project.
Cross-sectional study of bovine anaplamosis in South-western Uganda : the impact of wildlife-livestock interface
The tick-borne disease bovine anaplasmosis is primarily caused by Anaplasma marginale. A variety of wild animals act as reservoirs for A. marginale, but the understanding of their role in the epidemiology of A. marginale is yet poor. This cross-sectional study was conducted to
establish if proximity of wildlife affect the prevalence of bovine anaplasmosis in cattle.
Anställningsotrygghetens effekt på självskattad hälsa, i hög respektive lågkonjunktur
The subject of this study was to research whether or not the effect of job insecurity on self reported health differs between good and bad times in the economic climate. Two different years of a national health survey from the Swedish institute of health (FHI) served as data, with 2007 representing good economic climate and 2009 doing the opposite. Both years consisted of data from a national health survey distributed to 20 000 random individuals in Sweden, where 2007 had 5738 valid cases and 2009 had 10 373. A quantitative method was used to determine the difference, consisting of a three variable cross tabulation with chi2-analysis as well as a model of binary logistic regression for each of the two years.The cross tabulation found a significant difference between the two years, with those reporting job insecurity having less of a chance to report bad health during the year representing bad economic climate. While the logistic regression showed the same tendency, the two years could not be significantly differed from each other in that part of the analyzes.With this in mind, the conclusion from the whole test was that no significant difference could be found between the years regarding the health effect of job insecurity..
Ledningsprognosers egenskaper - Hur påverkar de mängden Earnings Management
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between Earnings Management (EM) and certain characteristics of management forecasts, among a sample of Swedish listed companies. The forecast characteristics studied are: 1) Forecast venue: How explicitly is the forecast presented? 2) Forecast precision: How detailed is the estimated number? 3) Forecast measure: Which measure(s) are forecasted? We use a sample of 68 annual management forecasts, obtained from year-end reports between the years 2007-2011. EM during the forecasted year (2008-2012) is estimated using the cross-sectional modified-Jones model. The forecast characteristics are then related to the degree of EM during the forecasted period.
Att styra mot cross-selling : En studie ur ett motivationsperspektiv
Cross-selling är en strategi som de senaste åren har fått stort fokus inom finansbranschen. Strategin går ut på att öka försäljning till existerande kunder genom att introducera dem till produkter eller tjänster som andra avdelningar inom företaget erbjuder, oavsett den egna specialistrollen. Nyttan med cross-selling är obestridd, men i praktiken har det visat sig svårt att tillämpa cross-selling. De hinder som föreligger kan i förlängningen härledas till ett problem att få de anställda motiverade att verkställa strategin. Motivationen hos de anställda kan påverkas genom styrning från företagsledningen.
Sambandet mellan kondition och självskattad hälsa
ABSTRACT Background: Health and ill-health are multifaceted concepts. Previous research has shown that physical activity and the level of cardio respiratory are important parts of leading a healthy lifestyle. Possibly, it?s so important that the Occupational Health Service should focus even more on this.Aim: The aim was to investigate if there was a relationship between the level of cardio respiratory fitness and self-rated health, and between the level of cardio respiratory fitness and physical and mental ill-health.Method: The study was conducted using a quantitative method in the form of a cross sectional study. Data was collected from an Occupational Health Service, containing answers to a questionnaire on work environment and health and test values ??from completed cycle fitness tests.
Bättre eller sämre på jobbet? : en jämförelse mellan olika yrkeskategoriers arbetsrelaterade hälsa ur ett salutogent perspektiv inom hälso- och sjukvården mellan åren 2005-2009
People spend much of their timeat work and health is affected by how we experience our everyday work situation. Health in the workplace is important for public health and seems to improve the occupational health of theemployees. The pace of work and requirements have hasincreased at work and it's not equal accepted to have an obstacle that makesyour work capacity decreases. Despite this, there are health factors that enable us meet therequirements and can maintaingood health in the workplace. Theaim of the studywas to see if there has beena change in healthcare workers work-related health over time.