996 Uppsatser om Cross border regions - Sida 26 av 67
EU och pengarna : en undersökning om hur den översiktliga planeringen i två svenska strategiska regioner påverkas av Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden
The European Union is a 60 year long collaboration between the European countries. It was born from the intention to ease trade and thereby reassure peace. Within the 60 years
EU has functioned it has developed and expanded further. In 1952 it evolved around the trade of coal and steel between six countries, today it includes 27 nations and oversees a
large number of topics such as foreign affairs, a common currency and regional politics.
EU has grown at several times, the latest expansion was the largest where 12 new countries became members. The unions of countries that only 60 years ago were at different sides
of a world war can be considered an accomplishment.
Olika bakgrund, olika ledarskap? : En jämförelse mellan en ledare från Sverige och en ledare från Tyskland
Many organizations strive to be transnational. This means that individuals with different cultural background will work together. Countries around the world have their own culture, which mark the way individual?s think and act. Different values between leaders and their subordinates are often a key factor to misunderstandings and conflicts in transnational organisations.
Våga ta steget!: En studie om de attraktiva produktkategorierna
This paper studies patterns of consumption within a product category. Using make-up as a base for the study, we applied the Mokken Scale to examine if consumers follow a hierarchical pattern when buying items within the product category. Based on a survey of 250 female respondents, we establish a hierarchic scale for consumption. Assuming generally accepted attributes for determining physical attractiveness, the results of the Mokken Scale study were cross referenced with a survey among 200 male and female respondents. Students were asked to evaluate pictures of a model using different combinations of make-up, i.e.
Elementkoncentrationer i gran utmed en markfuktighetsgradient :
One key factor in silviculture today is sustainability. In order to achieve sustainability it may be important to restore lost nutrients to the forest after clearcutting. In order to calculate the removal, you need to know how much of different elements you will find in different tree compartments. The aim of this study was to investigate if the concentration of elements in different tree compartments of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) were related to the moisture conditions of the site. Five plots at Risfallet (60º 21´ N, 16º 13´ E), was placed along a moisture gradient in a 40- year spruce stand.
?Re:Regional? is a diploma work by Sanna Alm and Ylva Hedin, for the Master?s
Programme in Spatial Planning presented at the Blekinge Institute of
Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden. ?Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 ? International
Ideas Competition? was the starting point of this study. The competition was
launched the 15th of December 2006 and the closing date was the 31st of May.
Att designa engagerande cross-media : - en kvalitativ studie av framgångsfaktorer vid effektiv medieproduktion
Bakgrund:1 juni 2009 avreglerades det svenska apoteksmonopolet och marknaden öppnades upp för konkurrens. Antalet apoteksaktörer har sedan dess tilltagit vilket sätter press på företagen att särskilja sin verksamhet för att bli mer konkurrenskraftiga i kampen om apotekskunderna. Det råder fortfarande restriktioner på apoteksmarknaden som förhindrar aktörerna att sätta egna priser på receptbelagda läkemedel, vilka utgör 80 procent av marknadens omsättning. Marknaden karaktäriseras vidare av relativt homogena produkter, vilket försvårar aktörernas möjlighet att erbjuda ett unikt sortiment. Differentierade företag erhåller ofta en bättre lönsamhet och varumärket har en stor betydelse i hur företag kan utmärka sig.
A screening for Schmallenberg virus among sheep, goats and cattle in Zambezia province, Moçambique : and preparations for a metagenomic survey of virus in mosquitoes
As the world´s population increases and people's living conditions are improving, larger areas are needed for houses as well as food production. This means that
new areas are exploited and that people, livestock, blood sucking insects and wild animals are forced to live close together. In combination with the global warming,
leading to extreme weather such as floods and storms, this allows both new and old pathogens to emerge. The number of "emerging infectious diseases", EIDs, has increased in recent years and many of them have their origin in poor, tropical countries. Moçambique is therefore considered to be a high risk area for EIDs.
Schmallenberg virus, SBV, was discovered in 2011 as an "emerging infectious disease" in dairy cows in Germany.
Prevalens av subkliniskt smittade katter med vingelsjuka i Göteborg jämfört med Uppsala :
Borna disease virus (BDV) is a virus with capability to cause neurological
disease in several species of mammals and of ostriches. Also humans are
suspected to be susceptible to the virus, as the viral RNA and antibodies against
BDV have been found in some humans with psychiatric diseases, like
schizophrenia and depression. In Sweden there is a disease called staggering
disease in cats, associated to BDV-infection. This disease often has a fatal
progress. Definite diagnosis is reached by histo-pathological and
immunohistochemical examination of the central nervous system.
Lojalitet - myt eller verklighet? : En kvantitativ studie om lojalitet på apoteksmarknaden
Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att underso?ka hur lojala konsumenterna pa? apoteksmarknaden i Katrineholm a?r. Eventuella samband mellan ko?n och lojalitetstyp samt a?ldersgrupp och lojalitetstyp underso?ktes a?ven. Fo?r att uppna? syftet genomfo?rdes en kvantitativ underso?kning med hja?lp av enka?ter, da?r 240 svar samlades in.
Migrering av existerande mobilaapplikationer till Xamarin Forms
Den här studien undersöker för- och nackdelar med att migrera existerande mobilaapplikationer till Xamarins crossplatform ramverk Xamarin Forms. Metoden somanvänts för att samla in data är inom ramen för forskningsparadigmet Design Science.En prototyp har utvecklats med syftet att undersöka vad som är möjligt att migrera tillXamarin Forms. Prototyputvecklingen har dokumenterats i loggböcker som sedananalyserats som kvalitativ data. Två intervjuer har även genomförts med andraxamarinutvecklare med syftet att nå en djupare förståelse för ämnet. Studien harproducerat ett flödesschema för när ett beslut om att migrera en existerande applikationtill Xamarin Forms bör tas.
The purpose of this thesis is to define and theorise willingness-to-support as a possible measurement of corporate reputation. The knowledge production in this thesis is done through reasoning with companies to gain a deeper understanding of the social world and the respondents? view of their reality. Grounded theory is used as an inspiration for conducting the research. A qualitative method is used in the form of semi-structured interviews with six companies in three different business sectors.
Renaissance of a CRM system ? Successful re-implementation out of an after market perspective
Problem: Today Frigoscandia Equipment Europe, FSEE, is not sure how their CRM-system, MSMS, is used along with other solutions at the different regions throughout Europe. The company is interested in a usage evaluation describing by who and how the system is used. FSEE is also concerned about the users opinions of future development and improvements.Management is also concerned about how MSMS would support the After Market and gain full leverage of the IT investments. MSMS is today only used to a limited extent in a few of the After Market departments, and FSEE is interested in what an overall usage would mean in terms of improved internal communication, customer focus and information management. The following questions will therefore be investigated in this study:· How, by whom and where is MSMS used within FSEE?s After Market and Sales divisions today?· What does the After Market division at FSEE gain from using MSMS?· What has to be done to improve the usage of MSMS at FSEE? Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is partly to examine the current usage of the Sales and Marketing System within FSEE?s After Market and Sales divisions.
Lost in translation? En empirisk undersökning av användningen av tesaurer vid queryexpansion inom Cross Language Information Retrieval
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the performance of queries that is expanded before translation in comparison with only translation of the queries using a bilingual dictionary, and also to see if the number of terms that was used to expand the queries was of any importance i. e. if many terms from a thesaurus helped or destroyed a query. To answer these questions i used two online thesauri, Rogets thesaurus and Merriam-Webster Online and one printed bilingual dictionary, Norstedts English-Swedish dictionary. Even though the number of examined queries is too small to draw any definite conclusions, the results suggest that expanding using a general thesaurus may have a negative effect on the queries.
CROSS[DRESS]ING BOUNDARIES : En tematisk queeranalys av Sarah Waters Tipping the Velvet och Jeanette Wintersons Written on the Body
The aim of this essay is to answer the question of how ? in what ways ? Jeanette Wintersons Written on the Body and Sarah Waters? Tipping the Velvet are queer texts. My method is that of a thematic analysis, focusing on words and phenomenon related to definitions of the multi facetted term ?queer?. The analysis covers themes of lesbian focus, performativity, performance, speech-acts, and heteronormative and queer relationships.
Påverkas miljökuznetskurvan olika av ekonomisk frihet än av demokrati
According to the theory of environmental Kuznets curve there is a relationship between carbon emissions and GDP. The relationship has an inverted U-shape. Carbon emissions rise initially and then decreases once a certain level of GDP is obtained.This essay interprets earlier studies in the field of environmental economics and uses public choice to seek answer on how the population acts on aggregate level. This essay analyses 115 countries in cross-sectional data. The analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and GDP that is increasing at first and then decreases for a certain level of GDP.