

1464 Uppsatser om Crisis Leadership - Sida 3 av 98

Ledarskapsideal : - ur ett demokratiskt-, auktoritärt- och låt-gå (laissez-faire) perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to identify and analyze the term leadership based on democratically-, authoritarian-, and passive (laissez-faire) leadership and find out which of these types are to be preferred among employees. Our main aspects are:Do employees prefer democratically-, authoritarian-, or passive leadership?Are there any differences regarding ideal leadership considering sex, age, length of service and sector?We have chosen to make a quantitative study of two equivalent organizations, one in the private and one in the public sector. Our method is an explorative method were we seek to find new knowledge about our fenomena. Our study is based on the already established theories on leadership and our empirical data is gathered by questionnaires.The conclusions to be drawn from this study is that our respondents to a large extent prefer a democratic leadership towards an authoritarian and passive leadership. Most of them prefer a democratic leadership with elements of the other leadership types.

Kvinnligt dominerade yrken inom äldreomsorgen - arbetsledarnas upplevelser av sitt ledarskap inom kommunala äldreomsorgen

The purpose of this research was to find how supervisors in the care of elderly experience their leadership in everyday work and their view on the factors which are important for their leadership. In the research a qualitative method has been used to do interviews with six supervisors and to do analysis of material. By the help of literature studies, I explained leadership. Result of the study indicate that leadership concerned supervisor should prepared to do the right thing in every situation and to find best solution of different situation that come up on the work. The way to do all this is important to create leadership.

Crisis management - om krisstrategier och deras förekomst i livsmedelsbranschen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka frekvensen av krisstrategier inom livsmedelsbranschen och hur pass sofistikerade dessa strategier är. Vidare vill vi se närmare på en del av de moment som crisis management-teorierna behandlar. Förekomsten av krisstrategier är stor, men endast ett fåtal av företagens strategier uppfyller våra kriterier för att anses såsom mycket sofistikerade. Företagen anser själva att det är viktigt med crisis management, medan de i verkligheten inte i lika hög utsträckning har de element som författarna till den crisis management-teori, vi använt oss utav, menar ska finnas med. Företag som varit i en kris har mer sofistikerade krisstrategier än de som inte har upplevt en kris under de senaste 20 åren..

Sju husmödrar berättar : en etnologisk studie om husmödrar under mitten av 1900-talet

This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.

Risk och krishantering : bevarandepolitik och normaliseringsproduktion

In this essay, Risk and crisis management Conservation policy and normalization production, I discuss how societies, communities and individuals are responsible for the handling of catastrophes and crises. Risk and vulnerability analyzes are parts of modern risk and crisis management. The purpose of these analyzes is to prepare people and organizations for any crises. For managing this it is necessary to comprehend, be able to change mindset in creating concrete tasks and inform others.The purpose of this essay is to analyze modern risk and crisis management by studying empirical material, such as interviews, observations and literature. My aim is to combine these materials and study how they cooperate.One of the findings in this essay is that risk and vulnerability analyzes are of great complexity. These analyzes require a discussion in order to identify the development of the society's crisis management system, as well as the continued support of the individuals that have a responsibility for preventing and preparing their organizations..

?Det enda sa?kra a?r att vi inte kommer att fo?lja planen? : En kvalitativ studie av tilla?mpningen av kriskommunikationsteorier fo?r att skydda anseendet

The value of a good reputation for organizations is increasing today as consumers and citizens become more aware of brands. If a crisis hits an organization, there is now more to lose than before concerning reputation. Therefore the organization?s communication strategies must be developed to sustain the organization?s reputation during and after a crisis.In the field of crisis communication there are two distinguished theories which concern what an organization with help from crisis communication should do to undergo a crisis without losing its reputation. These theories are image repair theory and situational crisis communication theory (SCCT).

Ledarskap på bibliotek En studie av tre högskole- och universitetsbibliotek

This essay is about leadership in libraries within the academic world, i.e. leadership in research libraries. To place our survey in a context we begin the theoretical review with a chapter about organisation theory. We dont think its possible to separate the leader from the organisation so we wanted to describe the organisation and its effect on the leadership. The next theoretical section is about leadership research.

Ledarskap och ideologi : En textanalys av ledarskapslitteratur för lärarstudenter

This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag

Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag

Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change.

Medierelaterad krishantering inom livsmedelsbranschen

Vår avsikt med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera medias larmrapporters inverkan på livsmedelsprodukternas nuvarande situation och framtid. Vi undersöker varför vissa företag lyckas bättre respektive misslyckas med sin krishantering utifrån hur de bemöter larmen.Vi har utgått från teorin Crisis Management, där vi har funnit en applicerbar modell på vårt syfte, Crisis Response System, som kompletteras med sårbarhetsmodellen A Simple model of Crisis Susceptibility. Dessa modeller behandlar den interna krishanteringen. För att externt kunna bemöta larmrapporter har vi valt att tillämpa PR-modellen Communication Strategies for Responding to a Crisis där paralleller dras till delar ur ryktes- och trovärdighetsmodellen Brand-Building Blocks..

Det går som tåget : Organisationers kommunikativa krisutmaningar

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine different organizations' views on their communicative crisis work. The study will analyze organizations' crisis prevention efforts, its views on the crisis of accountability in relation to stakeholders and to work for a crisis to be elucidated. In order to delineate the study focuses the investigation on various train organizations. Then the concept of crisis is something that circulated widely in the train sector in recent years.Theory: This examination has chosen to use the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory. It is an empirically tested theory of a collection of different strategies.

Att kommunicera i kris : En kvalitativ fallstudie om anpassad kriskommunikation i samband med en extraordinär händelse

The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explain and discover how a Swedish commune works with their external crisis communication during a large crisis. The case study revolved around a simulation exercise with Mjölby commune that was and organized by the company VSL Systems AB. The study addresses the difficulties that arise within the crisis communication, and shows witch factors that are important to consider, when you are responsible for an entire community.Our result shows that the relationship with media could be utilized in a better way and both parties could benefit from cooperation. The commune could have used varied communication channels to create more effective crisis communication which had reached a bigger group of people. The information was not adapted to the different groups to the extent it could have been..

Att fylla tidningarna med kris : En studie av kriskommunikation, nyhetsmedier och deras källor

The purpose of this study is to discover and explain the influences of media coverage of organizational crises on crisis communication, and vice versa. The study also shows how mediated crises develop, and how media framing and news sources affect this development.Carried out as a case study of three Swedish mediated crises, the methods used are quantitative and qualitative content analysis of media content from four Swedish newspapers and four organizations' press releases from the studied crises.Mediated crises develop through their specific pattern regardless of, but not independent from, the organizations' crisis communication. The crisis communication is used as an elite source in media reporting from the crises, but it can not control the mediated crises. However, it influences framing, and the possibilities to influence media reporting are better in the pre-crisis phase and the culmination..

Transformativt och transaktionellt ledarskap och dess samband med medarbetarnas va?lbefinnande

The purpose of the present study was to get further knowledge about the relationship between transformative and transactional leadership in the context of employee ?s well-being, as well as the relationship between the components of respectively leadership and employee?s well-being. The study also aims to gain knowledge about previous research on the transformational and transactional leadership and employee well-being and if it?s applicable in the Swedish culture. The few studies that studied the relationship between transactional leadership and the well-being of employees have found a negative relationship or found no relationship at all.

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