

1472 Uppsatser om Crisis Leadership - Sida 17 av 99

Ingen allvarlig kreditåtstramning i Sverige - en granskning av Riksbankens analys

During the recent financial crisis there has been an intense debate regarding small enterprise?s possibilities to borrow money. Statements from interest groups and results from surveys among Swedish non-financial companies indicate that their situation has worsened. Credit worthy enterprises that under normal circumstances would not have any problems getting financing are now facing financial difficulties. In contrast, an economic report from the Bank of Sweden concludes that Sweden does not suffer from a severe credit rationing due to the financial crisis.

Rollen av kultur, identitet och ledarskap i integrationsprocesser. En tv?fallsstudie om integrationsprocesser till f?ljd av f?rv?rv & fusioner i Sverige

This bachelor thesis delves into the role and impact of cultural dimensions, identity and leadership on post-merger acquisition in Sweden through an in-depth analysis of two companies that have undergone acquisitions or mergers. Using an abductive method, where theories are continuously adapted based on empirical data, qualitative information was gathered through semi-structured interviews with managers and employees from the two companies. The study aimed to gather well-founded insights on how corporate cultural dimensions, identity and leadership are experienced by individuals during the merger. By examining culture, leadership and identity in three different time phases of the integrationprocess, a comprehensive understanding of the integration process was achieved. The results of the study highlight that cultural factors such as leadership, culture, and identity play a central and crucial role in mergers and acquisitions. By considering and managing employees' and leaders' identities, organizations can create a sense of coherence and continuity despite changes.

Salutogent ledarskap : en framgångsfaktor för elevers måluppfyllelse

AbstractAll headmasters want to lead teachers so that the students will achieve their own goals as well as the goals of the education. The salutogenic leadership is a way to lead in the right direction. This type of leadership depends on Antonovski?s (2005) theory of Sense of coherence. The theory of Sense of coherence is built on the concepts of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness.

Lever 80-talister som de lär - en studie av 80-talistchefer på Swedbank

Few generations have gotten as much media attention as Generation Y. Growing up in the digital age Generation Y has become very different from previous generations. An interesting topic is if this is reflected in the way Generation Y act as leaders. The purpose of this study is to describe what kind of leadership Generation Y prefers, to explore how individuals belonging to Generation Y act as leaders and finally to investigate if there is a discrepancy between these two perspectives and if so try to understand it. By reviewing existing research and conducting depth interviews with employees and managers at a Swedish bank we recognize preferences in a number of categories, which Generation Y require from leaders.

Distansledarskapets spelregler - en fallstudie av utlokaliserade journalisters upplevelser av distansledarskap och arbetsmotivation

What is e-leadership and how can it be framed in a distance context? How can work motivation be understood as a correlated theme? In prior leadership research and theory it has been taken for granted that leadership occurs in a face-to-face environment, so how to study leadership in a remote context? According to recent research, e-leadership defines this leader-member relation in this new arena, and a central focus of this research has been on communication. Communication is a central theme in the remote setting because it is the only interaction arena which allows leadership to be seen and understood. By conducting a case study in a multi media organization with distance working journalists as focus group this essay aims to bring a deeper understanding of how e-leadership works and how it effects work motivation. The field of media organizations is interesting to study as distance work is not an unusual working environment for journalists, and research has indicated that work motivation needs for these highly specified creative workers are somewhat differentiated from other, for example industrial workers, which implies that motivation theories urges an update.

Från snabbfotade glada amatörer till mindre smidiga proffs- En studie om Experians uppköp av Marknadsanalys

Purpose: The puspose with our essay is to investigate how an acquisition can affect leadership. We want to specialize us by analysing how a leadership and the employees in a smaller company can be affected by an acquisition by a larger organization. We also want to investigate how a good leadership should be in a small company due to an acquisition.Methodology: This essay is based on a qualitative method.Theoretical: We have used theories concerning leadership, theories about small and large organizations and theories about consequences after an acquisition. Empirical foundation: Our empirics are based on stories from our five interviews from employees and leaders in Experian.Conclusions: Consequences can appear due to an acquisition. Only mild consequences appeared in the case of Marknadsananalys.

Vad kännetecknar en bra respektive mindre bra lärare? : En studie om gymnasieelevers syn på ledarskapskompetens i klassrummet.

The purpose of this project is to examine students' pespectives on quality in teaching. The characteristics that are described to denote a 'good' and 'less good' teachers are linked to ideas about types of corresponding leadership styles in the classroom. The report is based on surveys of students in Upplands-Bro high school outside Stockholm. In order to get better insight and further knowledge of the subject, the student accounts have been related to current discussions in the literature about good leadership and teaching quality.Following the methodology of grounded theory a pilot study was constructed to design the research instruments. In the pilot study I collected students' perceptions on quality-related categories in teaching and leadership which then formed a bases for a survey which was distributed to a larger student sample. The survey includes questions that relate to the middle order, which is based on three criteria that make up the characteristics of a 'good'/ 'less good' teacher and the leadership style that suits students descriptions of good teacher characteristics.The results of the study show that a good teacher should have subject knowledge, be good at writing and illustrating the curriculum on the whiteboard and explain and clarify their instruction through good communication.

EMU till varje pris? : Spårbundenhet i beslutsfattandet angående EMU

In 2002, the euro as a common currency did replace the national currencies in the EU member-states that did choose to take part in the EMU. It was then viewed as one of the greatest accomplishments ever to be made by the EU. However, during the latest years, the economic situation has deteriorated in several EMU member-states. This affected the whole euro-area and the current situation is referred upon as the euro-crisis. In 2011, at the time of the euro-crisis, the Heads of State or Government of the euro-area did reaffirm their full commitment to strengthen EMU.

Ledarskapsutbildning inom byggingenjörsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad

The purpose with this essay is to examine different roles of leadership in the working environment by interviewing ex-students that have taken their degree from Halmstad Högskola and its construction program. How do these ex-students handle to be in a position of power in their everday life and how do they handle decision making? Do they find that the education they have recieved in any way has helped them in regard for leadership or do they rather conclude that further education in the area of leadership would be beneficial? These are the questions that I set out to shed some light over in this essay. This study consists of one part theory and one empirical part. The empirical part was accomplished by interviewing ex-students from Halmstad Högskola and this part was later compiled with relevant theories on the subject which were obtained from books , internet and various databases.The results from the interviews show that the general point of view is that the subjects containing leadership in their education hasn't really helped them.

Innovativt ledarskap : Ledarskap ur ett innovationsperspektiv i den offentliga sektorn

Problem. With the Swedish public sectors problem with efficiency in mind, several reforms have beeninitiated during the last decades. These reforms go, in academic contexts, under the name?New public management?. The reforms have resulted in, among other things, an increasedcompetition, privatization and goal-orientation in the public sector.

Första linjens chefers skattning av sina ledar- och chefsegenskaper samt strukturell empowerment före och efter utbildningsinsats för chefer inom kommunal verksamhet.

The purpose of this study was to examine whether there were any differences in how first-line managers within   municipal care   rated their management leadership qualities, and structural empowerment before and after the course in "leadership, learning and improvement". The study had a quasi-experimental design and 64 managers participated. There was a significant improvement in the LaMI factor ?Achievement orientation?, after participation in the course "leadership, learning and improvement". In other factors, there was no significant difference before and after training.

Generation Y - Vad händer när individualisterna tar över

Background: At this present moment, one of the largest changes in the Swedish employment market is occurring, as the people born in the 1940's are retiring. The Generation Y, people born in the 1980's, will enter. Will this have an affect on motivation and leadership, and in that case, in what way Aim: The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether or not Generation Y (born in the 1980's) has an effect on the perceptions on how to lead and motivate employees. Based on research and our empirical results from qualitative interviews at one of Sweden's largest banks, our research questions are:1. Are executives' and employees' perceptions regarding Generation Y in line with previous research 2.

Att tala är silver, men är tiga guld

A crisis situation that has been more commonly occurred in the industry of conveniencegoods lately is the product related crises which thereby has become a challenge for everymarketer to handle. As the negative publicity tend to enlarge the crisis and spread to thecategory as a whole, it's not only important to have a crisis management to handle crisesconcerning the company itself. But also to be ready to make the best out of the situationwhere the company is threatened to get infected by the negative effects caused by acompetitor.When companies get the chance to make a response on the negative publicity on theircompetitor, as well as the category, through media, the question is - shall they act And howshall they act Which response is the most effective to send out to get out of involvement, notget infected by negative spill over's or even - to make the valenced comparison a way togenerate positive effects and gain market share The purpose of this paper is thereby to find the optimal strategy for an organization in theindustry to handle their competitor's crises through a pronouncement in media. Anotherpurpose to address is whether the brand strength is moderating the effects from the differenttypes of responses tested in this study. This purpose aims to find guidelines depending onthese moderating effects.The paper commodiously, strongly supports that there are beneficial effects to be generatedfrom making a response in either positive or negative direction in oppose of actively choosingnot to make a pronouncement at all.

En komparation i ledarskap mellan ett tjänsteintensivt och ett kunskapsintensivt företag, H&M versus Alfa Laval

Det går att kartlägga små skillnader som finns i ledarskapsutövandet mellan en chef i ett tjänsteintensivt- och kunskapsintensivt företag, men samtidigt tenderar ledarskapet att gå mot en och samma utveckling, det vill säga, ett coachande ledarskap. Skillnaderna i första linjens chefskap i de två olika organisationerna, anser vi bero mer på företagsstrukturerna än att de är verksamma i skilda branscher. It is possible to survey small differences in how to practice leadership between a service intensive and a knowledge intensive company. The leadership tends on the other hand to go towards the same development, towards a coaching leadership. We do believe that the differences in the first line managers, in the two separate companies, depend more on the business structures than that they are active in different branches of trade..

Kommunal samverkan mellan räddningscentral och POSOM - En fallstudie av Tsunamikatastrofen

This report is an evaluation of the cooperation between the rescue command centre and the POSOM-groups (?Psychological and social support?) after the Tsunami catastrophe in December, 2004. The report describes the interaction between these two municipal administrations, what services the rescue command centre provided and how they gathered information. Finally the author suggests different solutions to how the collaboration within these different municipal administrations can be increased and improved in future times of crisis..

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