273 Uppsatser om Creativity - Sida 5 av 19
Pedagogers arbete för att främja kreativitet : En studie om hur karaktärsämneslärare inom gymnasieskolans medieprogram arbetar för att utveckla elevers kreativa förmåga
Detta examensarbete är en studie om hur karaktärsämneslärare inom gymnasieskolans medieprogram arbetar för att utveckla elevers kreativa förmåga. I uppsatsen synliggörs definition av kreativitet, arbetssätt för att främja kreativitet samt vad som är utmärkande för kreativa arbetsklimat. Undersökningen baseras på en kvalitativ studie i form av intervjuer som utmynnar i förståelse och handlingsmönster för de arbetssätt dessa pedagoger använder sig av för att främja kreativitet hos eleverna. Fem lärare från två olika gymnasieskolors medieprogram i skilda kommuner ingick i granskningen. Karaktärsämneslärarna definierar kreativitet med att det handlar om elevers personliga förnyelse av både tanke- och handlingsmönster.
Innovation: Utvecklingskapitalbolagens påverkan på sina portföljföretag
Background: The importance of Creativity and innovation is frequently stressed in modern literature on management. The significance of innovation gives entrepreneurs the reason to prior to the commencement of a relationship with a venture capitalist, obtain necessary insights regarding the influences such a relationship may have, in terms of innovation. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to scrutinise the influence of venture capital firms on their portfolio companies regarding their ability to be innovative. Delimitations: The intent is to study the impact of a venture capitalist from the viewpoint of its portfolio companies. In other words, what the portfolio companies have perceived as changes is our main area of concern, rather than what the venture capitalist has perceived as change.
Kreativiteten i Humor : Domängenerella Mätningar av ett Domänspecifikt Område
The aim was to examine whether measurements of Creativity as a domain general trait can explain possible connections between a domain general creative performance and one of the creative domain specific areas, humor. Another aim was to examine whether the maladaptive humor styles can explain possible differences in creative performances. An Internet-based survey was used on 281 students from a Swedish university. The survey was composed of three parts consisting of three separate measuring instruments ? Sense of Humor Questionnaire (SHQ-6) was used to measure the respondents? sense of humor, Humor Style Questionnaire (HSQ) measured the respondents? humor style and Alternate Uses Test (AUT) gave the respondents an opportunity to account for their creative performances.
Arena för ungt skapande. Hur biblioteket tar till vara unga människors kulturuttryck: exemplet Demoteket
The aim of this Master's thesis is to explore the function of public libraries as arenas for young people's artistic creations. It examines how the public library makes activities based on independent Creativity visible, and what activities of this sort imply to the public library. The thesis also relates this to the public library's task in society. The main object of examination is Demoteket, an on-going project in the south-eastern parts of Sweden. In this project Länsbibliotek Sydost co-operates with Reaktor Sydost, a centre of resource in the fields of young communication and filmmaking.
BETYDELSEN AV LEDARSKAP OCH GRÄNSLÖSHET FÖR KREATIVITET : En studie av reklambyråer och kulturskolor
SammanfattningStudien undersökte hur ledarskap och gränslöshet i arbetsförhållanden påverkade kreativiteten på fem svenska reklambyråer respektive fem svenska kulturskolor. Deltagarna angav i vilken utsträckning 61 påståenden stämde med deras upplevelse av gränslöshet rörande arbetet respektive sin chefs ledarbeteenden. Ledarbeteenden togs upp som, baserat på tidigare forskning, gynnar kreativitet. Arbetsplatsens kreativitet självskattades. Två frågor med öppna svar belyste faktorer som påverkat kreativiteten positivt respektive negativt.
?Hyllan kan vara början till en stege!?: Sociokulturella aspekter på lärande i Demoteket
The aim of this master?s thesis is to explore what learning potentials there are in Demoteket. Demoteket is an on-going project that preserves and exhibits young people?s artistic creations. The idea is that public libraries receives and lends out the young people?s artistic creations.
Ledarskapsprogram för innovation
Since the 28thof May the project to develop an internal Innovation Leadership Program (ILP)on Accenture has been running and came to an end in November the same year. The taskwas formed into a master thesis and given to two students at the Royal Institute ofTechnology in Sweden.Since the start the content and structure of the ILP has been established based on the resultsof a theoretical study, a gap analysis and an external and internal benchmarking. The theoreticalstudy focused on articles, books and lectures about innovation, Creativity and pedagogy. Subjectssuch as leadership, motivation, reflection and coaching were studied as well, but in a smaller scale.The gap analysis consisted of eleven interviews with people from different career levels withinAccenture and the goal was to establish the view of innovation and Creativity among the employees.The interviews also asked about the knowledge the participants had about Technology Lab in orderto get insight of how to improve their communication and cooperation with people in client projects.Internally a similar program was studied called Minority Leadership program, whom will not bedescribed further in this report, to get inspiration. The external benchmarking was conducted onStanford and was very successful.
Koordination i förändring : En balanserad historia om kunskapsintensiva företag
Background: The dependency on knowledge and competence today is more critical than earlier. Today, companies need to put more effort into identifying and filling knowledge gaps, which can be achieved through mergers and acquisitions. It is important that the companies succeed in coordinating their operations after this process of change. Out of a theoretical point of view it can be argued that companies need to balance between different coordination mechanisms that result in standardized and flexible coordination respectively. Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thesis is, in the context of a merger, to investigate and analyze which coordination mechanisms that are used in knowledge-intensive companies, how these coordination mechanisms are combined and what explains the chosen combination.
Att mäta innovativ kultur : En fallstudie av Eskilstuna kommuns medarbetarenkät
Innovationsproduktiviteten har blivit allt viktigare i vårt samhälle och ses som en förutsättning för att skapa framgångsrika organisationer. Innovationer springer ur människors kreativitet och initiativförmåga och innebär att omsätta kunskap, kompetens och idéer till praktisk nytta. Det förefaller som om innovation endast blomstrar under rätt organisatoriska omständigheter. Kärnan i den innovativa organisationen är en kultur som agerar vägvisande med en tro på människan. Nyckeln till innovation blir således organisationers förmåga att förhålla sig till förändring i en ofta kaotisk miljö med människan i centrum. Som ett led i detta arbete behöver organisationer kontinuerligt ta temperaturen för att tydliggöra både den nuvarande och den önskade kulturen.
Verkligheten från en annan vinkel. NIPIS-en produkt av en fiktiv värld
The project has sprung out of my imagination. I wanted to find out what happened to my Creativity, and my way of making product design if I used the method of putting myself into a fictive world. The project has taught me to rely on myself and my knowledge as a designer.I have made a chair which closes out sounds and gestures in public places. A chair which provides you with peace and quiet in a busy environment..
Tusen bilder, tusen ord. Ett socialt kreativitetsprojekt med unga hbtq-personer.
The aim of the essay is to explore how so called ?safe spaces? are built, and the part that Creativity can play in this construction. The essay also explores the duality of idea-based social work that at the same time strives to support vulnerable groups and strives to make social and political changes. The essay has its empirical base in the RFSL Ungdom project ?Tusen bilder, tusen ord? (A thousand pictures, a thousand words).
exercise-4-fun : Konceptframtagning av motionsfrämjande utrustning
The Master Thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Silva Sweden AB and the objective was to develop a new product concept within the product category for everyday exercise. The purpose of the thesis was to use and analyze methods and tools which aid Creativity and concept creation in order to make method recommendations for future projects.During the thesis a number of customer needs were identified, which in turn were translated into 20 concepts. On a concept decision meeting a pedometer-based concept was chosen for development. The new pedometer is in addition to counting steps also able to measure and calculate the user?s total climbed height during a day and present this graphically in comparison to famous monuments or distances.
Lera för livet i lek & utforskande : en studie om pedagogers syn på estetiskt arbete i förskolan
This study intends to examine teacher´s thoughts and perception of esthetic activities at preschools. I have chosen to restrict the esthetic area to the significance and function of clay to the teachers and children. On the basis of the belief that children can, and need access to a variety of ways to express themselves, we used the interviews to take part of teachers work and thoughts concerning clay, and the esthetic work. I have in this qualitative study addressed four questions: How do the teachers use clay in preschool activities? What do the teachers think about clay as a tool in the educational work at the preschool? Are the teachers working from the perception of children?s rights to express themselves in different ways and with the help of different tools? What function does clay fill for the children?I have interviewed eight teachers and taken part of both older and more recent theories around children and the Creativity in esthetic contexts.
Det var en gång en idé... : Ledningens roll för stimulation till kreativitet och tillvaratagande av anställdas idéer
Att studera hur företagsledningen i skandinaviska upplevelseorganisationer drar nytta av anställdas kreativa förmåga, genom att stimulera till ett kreativt arbetsklimat och tillvarata de anställdas idéer..
Motivation, meningsskapande och förskollärare om drivkraften i det pedagogiska arbetet / The importance of motivation and meaning of creativity in the profession as a preschool teacher-The driving forces in the educational work
Motivation, meningsskapande och förskollärare om drivkrafter i det pedagogiska arbetet. The importance of motivation and meaning of Creativity in the profession as a preschool teacher-The driving forces in the educational work. Kme ? Kultur, språk & medier KSM, Malmö Högskola.
Den här uppsatsen har uppkommit ur ett gemensamt intresse för hur vi båda ser på motivation och meningsskapande. Genom den verksamhetsförlagda tiden (VFT) och olika arbeten på förskolor under utbildningens gång har pedagoger i möten framhållit att motivationen för yrket sjunker.