

273 Uppsatser om Creativity - Sida 14 av 19

Separator: Aktionsforskning i en dansproduktion där ledarskap undersöks samtidigt som en ny organisationsform introduceras

There is a common belief that the arts contain knowledge of Creativity that can enrich the business world. Similarly, the arts are in need of additional support from the private sector and know-how of business practices. In short, there is a need for mutual understanding. With my background as a dancer paired with my studies at the Stockholm School of Economics I have taken the challenge of bringing the two worlds closer together. By changing a social system, like an organization, it is possible to get a better understanding of it.

"Jag skulle inte gå till skolan om jag inte visste att det fanns fri lek" : En studie om hur några barn uppfattar fenomenet fri lek på fritidshemmet

Free play is a term that often common in educational activities. The definition of the term is difficult, but it is about the children themselves decides the scope, content and process in their play. On an after-school, this may mean that it is the children are given the opportunity to freely choose their own activity in the leisure constraints. Free play can be an alternative to other, more controlled activities where adults control framework. The purpose of this study is to investigate the variations in how some children perceive and experience the phenomenon of free play in the after-school and how the children perceive the teacher´s role in the free game.

Konceptutveckling för lampdesign : The developing concept of lamps

AbstractThis thesis was conducted by Jenny Jansson and Maria Madsen, students at the Faculty ofTechnology and Science and the Innovation and Design Engineer programme at KarlstadUniversity, during the spring 2008. The thesis covers 22,5hp for each student. AnnaHolmquist and Chandra Ahlsell at the company FOLKFORM were the ones who requestedthe theis, their company are located at Stora Skuggan in Stockholm. Tutor for this thesis wasLennar Wihk and the examiner was Monika Jakobsson of Karlstad University.The given assignment came from FOLKFORM and the aim for the thesis was to create afurther development of two already existing lamps from an earlier collection at FOLKFORM,?Jaipur? and ?Modern Times?.

?Det som skvalper omkring i hjärnan är det som kommer ut.? : En intervjustudie av kompositionsprocessen i folkmusik.

Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur kompositörer inom genren svensk folkmusik idag går till väga när de komponerar ny musik, hur deras arbetsprocess ser ut och vilka arbetssätt de använder sig av. Det teoretiska perspektivet är hämtat från Stan Bennet och Max Grafs tidigare forskning om hur kompositionsprocessen ser ut för kompositörer inom konstmusikgenren. Ett didaktiskt perspektiv används också som utgångspunkt. Bakgrunden till arbetet baserar jag på tidigare forskning om kompositionsprocessen, forskning om gehörsmusik och kreativitet och idé-skapande. Jag ser även till vikten av att tränas i sitt divergenta tänkande som komponerande innebär.

Den rebelliske aktivisten : En fallstudie av WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys användning av Weactivists i varumärkesbyggande syfte

This study has a focus on brand building and brand identity. The overall idea of the study is to examine the Swedish clothing company WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys brand building tactics and activities. WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys, or WeSC, is a company that produces and sells streetfashion in over 20 countries and has over 1600 distributors. The company has in the recent years grown to become one of the largest in its segment. The interesting factor in WeSC´s brand building activities is the use of Weactivists.

En surrealistisk soppa? En komparativ studie av Stefan Hammaréns sopptrilogi och surrealismens litterära kriterier

The purpose of this essay is to establish whether the so called ?soup trilogy?, med en burk soppa (2001), konservöppnare bok (2003) and på burklös mark (2005), written by Swedish-speaking Finn Stefan Hammarén is to be considered as surrealism or not. The methods used to determinate this is close reading, a technique used for finding a text?s distinguishable traits, and comparative analysis. First of all, the criteria of surrealist literature found in André Breton?s (1896-1966) Surrealist Manifesto, and other sources, as well as the criteria for the surrealist literary technique cut-up are presented and evaluated accordingly.

Att bygga för att synas - city branding i stadsplaneringen :

Spectacular buildings and categorized districts are becoming more common elements in cities. In many cases, they are the result of city branding, which means choosing a city image and dealing with it like a brand to profile and compete against other cities. This essay study what impact on and roll in urban planning the trend might have. The first part relies on literary studies and describes what has been written about city branding. The globalization, the experience economy, urban management, urbanization and the theory of the creative class are pointed out as driving forces of the popularity and the spread of city branding.

Det surrealistiska psykodramat : Dionysiska och apolloniska krafters möte

This essay describes my work as a director in a specialized orientation within psychodrama, surrealistic psychodrama. Using the language and performance techniques of theater and under the guidance of a director, psychodrama creates an improvised narrative or story. The essay describes several dramas I have directed, reflecting on my actions and choices as a director and group leader. I examine whether my working method has allowed me to be spontaneous and creative, which I believe the example of "The dangerous bear" demonstrates. The process enabled me to establish trust and receptivity so that a newly constituted group dared to investigate conflicts in symbolic ways associated with illness and death.

Balagan! Masterexamensprojektet The Darling Tweens i samarbete med Sara Stiber för Stadsbiblioteket i Malmö

Balagan! - for 9-12 year old on the City library of Malmö?Balagan! A place far away, filled with magical things. Here, a group of scientistsleft their research labs behind, in a seemingly endless story exploratorium.Now, a group of kids discover the place, trough a doorway found insidethe City Library of Malmo... They named the place Balagan. Together, theystart to create a world of stories...?We, me and Sara Stiber have made a project in cooperation with the City Libraryof Malmö, where we have been developing a concept for a soon-to-belibrary department for 9-12 year old.

Faktorer vid val av marknadsföringsleverantör ? en studie inom livsmedelsbranschen i Skåne

Sammandrag Rapporten ämnar att i huvudsak finna vilka faktorer som kunder värderar när de letar efter sin marknadsföringsleverantör men även vilka faktorer som gör att kunden väljer att byta byrå. Vidare för rapporten även en diskussion kring hur företagen bör göra när de ska leta efter en ny byrå. Syftet med rapporten är således att göra branschen uppmärksam på hur kunder selekterar i utbudet samt vilka saker som får samarbetet att hålla längre, men även för företagen att se hur de kan få ut mer från branschen genom att utföra en ordentlig byråvalsprocess. Arbetet bygger i huvudsak på gjorda intervjuer samt enkätundersökningar, uteslutande genomförda i Skåne. Anledningen till denna geografiska avgränsning är för att begränsa arbetets storlek med risk att den annars hade blivit för omfattande för kursen. Undersökningarna visade byråns kreativitet samt god kommunikation som de två viktigaste faktorerna. Vidare visade undersökningen också på att några av företagen hade valt sina nuvarande byråer genom etablerade bekantskaper och rekommendationer, vilket är något som teoretikerna inte råder till. Hur det kommer sig att kunden finner vissa faktorer viktigare än andra är svårt att diskutera kring, eftersom syftet med arbetet är att kartlägga dessa.

Mötet, ett dilemma eller en möjlighet? : - En kvalitativ studie av myndighetspersoners beskrivningar av individer med ett socialt funktionshinder.

This is a study with a qualitative approach and a social psychological perspective. Our purpose is to describe and analyze authority officials descriptions of individuals with a social disability and their perception of how the interaction in the encounter with its implementation. We are interested in how they experience their power as authority representatives. The following issues are highlighted.? How do people in authority describe individuals with a social disability?? What is the authority officials view on the interaction in meetings with individuals with a social disability?? How do authority officials experiencing his or her position of power in relation to the meeting?Our results are based on semi-structured interviews with five persons in authority, which is active in Insurance and Employment Service in Örebro County.

Fö?rskolans inomhusmiljö? i relation till barns lä?rande : En studie om pedagogers arbetssä?tt på två Reggio Emilia-inspirerade förskolor

Background: The request for the Reggio Emilia practice has expanded enormously the last couple of years within the Swedish preschools. This particular practice describes the environment as a third educator. This third educator is supposed to work as - not only a tool - but also a support to ease children's learning experiences and help develop their mind. Previous research has shown that design of, for instance, furniture has a way of affecting the children's learning process and development.Aims: The purpose of this study is to see how two different teams of preschool educators on two differed Reggio Emilia inspired preschools work and handle the physical indoor environment. Method: We started out by contacting Reggio Emilia inspired preschools.

Fler barn med på läs- och skrivtåget : En kvalitativ studie som belyser fem lärares erfarenheter och upplevelser av Arne Tragetons läs- och skrivmetod "Att skriva sig till läsning"

The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers? described experiences of advantages as well as disadvantages of Arne Trageton?s write to read-method (?ASL?) in contrast to the code-oriented traditional way of teaching. The aim of this study is furthermore to depict the teachers? opinions on whether they experience that the ASL-method is unfavourable for students in general. This study will also investigate the teachers? standpoint regarding choice of reading and writing method.

Creativity and gardening : a case study from Bandhagen in Stockholm

Sommaren 2004 var jag på besök i Bandhagen i Stockholm. Mellan hyreshusen fann jag två fantastiska trädgårdar som uppstått på eget initiativ från några boende. Efter att min första fascination över att hitta något så oväntat och i denna förstadsmiljö lagt sig, blev jag nyfiken på hur en sådan vacker trädgård kommit till. Under min utbildningstid har jag i viss mån saknat diskussionen om hur man planerar miljöer som svarar mot människans behov. Jag såg här en möjlighet att försöka mildra denna brist genom mitt examensarbete. Rapporten har två huvuddelar som kan liknas vid ett tittskåp och en trampolin. Första delen, tittskåpet, består dels av en kort beskrivning av området och av utdrag från mina samtal med Siri, Lillian och May-Britt samt fastighetsskötaren Christer.

Svenska sociala medietjänster : En studie om svenska sociala medietjänsters uppkomst och hur de gynnas av det svenska klimatet

AbstractTitle: Swedish social media services (A study about Swedish social media services birth andhow they benefit from the Swedish climate)Number of pages: 38Author: Robin SchwabeggerTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Science CPeriod: Fall 2009University: Division of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To see if the Swedish advantage or interest in developing new social mediaservices and networks has anything to do with our society. With society I mean our culture,attitudes and history. Do people, especially young people, have a more positive attitudetowards the Internet and has the fact that we, as a country, were among the first to use theInternet anything to do with it.Material/Method: Data collected from books, newspapers and articles from several sites onthe internet. I?ll use the information I?ve gathered to try to find an answer to my givenproblems for the paper.

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