Konceptutveckling för lampdesign
The developing concept of lamps
AbstractThis thesis was conducted by Jenny Jansson and Maria Madsen, students at the Faculty ofTechnology and Science and the Innovation and Design Engineer programme at KarlstadUniversity, during the spring 2008. The thesis covers 22,5hp for each student. AnnaHolmquist and Chandra Ahlsell at the company FOLKFORM were the ones who requestedthe theis, their company are located at Stora Skuggan in Stockholm. Tutor for this thesis wasLennar Wihk and the examiner was Monika Jakobsson of Karlstad University.The given assignment came from FOLKFORM and the aim for the thesis was to create afurther development of two already existing lamps from an earlier collection at FOLKFORM,?Jaipur? and ?Modern Times?. The students used their creativity and ability to come up withfresh ideas and new innovations with the lamps current design, but also consideringmaterial, manufacturing methods and the environment.Throughout the working process it was evident to create an exclusive concept yet a cheapconcept for each lamp, where the main criteria were to make the material enlighten thefeeling.Apart from these concepts new ones for the packing was to be evolved, one concept foreach one of the lamps.Through extensive research of materials, production methods and the market and consumerneeds, which generated in many ideas. The final stage was with the product of a conceptdevelopment. The chosen concept then generated in this thesis, with concept developingand prototype developing, and four actual products, well conducted concepts of the lampsPalmett and Rotation in the final stage.The result of the thesis was, as mentioned above, four prototypes in 1:1 scale, an exhibition,a PowerPoint presentation and a written thesis report.Expectations are that FOLKFORM are willing to use the concept made by the two students intheir own making when it comes to the developing of earlier collections, were the lamps arerepresented.