

2053 Uppsatser om Creative art activity - Sida 30 av 137

Motivation inom ämnet Idrott och hälsa : En intervjustudie av lärares uppfattningar om motivationens betydelse för ämnet Idrott och hälsa

We wanted to study if and how students become motivated and stimulated towards a permanent interest for regular physical activity, from a pedagogical perspective. Our goal was to examine how physical education teachers create motivation for the students and how you, as a physical education teacher, can motivate those students who are physically inactive due to obesity or other various kinds of problems. In the theoretical background, we have made a summary of sports and development of the physical education subject over the years. We also describe society´s perspective on public health. The motivation concept is definded and we explain different motivational theories.

?Dom är ju ändå som alla andra, bara att dom är lite äldre.? : unga vårdbiträdens tankar om den äldre omsorgstagaren

The purpose of this study is to investigate the young caregivers thoughts of the elderly caretaker. A qualitative method was chosen when interviewing young caregivers in order to get an insight of how they perceive and speak of the elders. The main questions of the study are: How do the caregivers believe that the elders perceive their day-to-day life and situation? Is it possible to distinguish if the young caregiver?s thoughts about the elders affect their work with the elderly caretaker? Is it possible to notice any common factors that the young caregivers perceive as important in their work with the elderly caretaker? The criteria for inclusion in this study are caregivers aged 18 to 25, who are working with elderly at special accommodation. The theories chosen for this study are the salutogenetic perspective, the activity theory and the theory of gerotranscendence.

Kokosvatten och återhämtning/ vätskebalans efter fysisk träning - En systematisk översiktsartikel

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Coconut water and recovery/water-electrolyte balance after physicalexcercise ? A systematic overviewAuthor: Irene Eriksson and Alexandra ÖquistSupervisor: Henriette PhilipsonExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 09, 2014Background: During physical exercise, it is common with dehydration, which affectsperformance negatively. To restore the fluid balance it is optimal to drink fluids containingsalt and carbohydrates. In theory, coconut water should be a good recovery drink because oftheir nutrient content.Objective: To evaluate the scientific evidence available, to investigate whether coconut wateris better than water or sports drinks for rehydration after physical exercise.Search strategy: PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane Library have been used in the literarysearch. Keywords used were recovery, fluid balance, fluid therapy, water-electrolyte balance,rehydration, dehydration, hydration, exercise, physical activity, resistance training, activity,sports, training, coconut water in varying combinations, in order to cover as wide area aspossible.

Att levandegöra historia : En undersökning om att använda Stockholms Stadsmuseums historia i historieundervisningen

The purpose of this paper has been to shed light on the ways the history represented at the City Museum of Stockholm can be used in education at the Gymnasia level. I have made use of the following set of questions to attain this purpose: 1) How is the City Museum's activity vis-á-vis the gymnasia organized and what is the purpose of this activity? 2) What positive results do the interviewees see in the collaboration between the schools and the Museum? 3) Why did the teachers represented in this paper choose to make use of the Museum in their education? The bulk of the study is based upon three interviews with the First Curator at the City Museum of Stockholm and two teachers, from Viola Gymnasiet and Skogsgårds Gymnasiet respectively. My method is qualitative and interpretative with hermeneutic features.In my interpretation of the source material I have made use of historian Klas-Göran Karlsson's classifications regarding the needs for various forms of history, use of history, users and functions of results. In this way I have been able to establish how the Museum and the teachers represented in the study make use of the history that is represented at the Museum.

Bremsningens effekter hos häst : utvärderat med hjälp av termografi, hormonanalyser och hematologi

Twitching is frequently used in horse management because of its sedating and pain-relieving effects. In this study, the effects on the horse?s nervous system by twitching were investigated by thermography of the skin temperature. The temperature is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system through postganglionic sfincters at the capillaries of the skin. The effects on the endocrine activity have also been studied by the measuring of ACTH and cortisol in blood plasma.

Diabetes hos hund : utfodring, motion och vikt som möjliga predisponerande faktorer

This is a study of some risk factors for Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in dogs. As a pilot study it is meant to give information to be used in a planned later, larger and better controlled study. The present study hypothesized that suboptimal feeding (high percentage of homemade and table foods), lack of activity and overweight contribute to the risk of DM. Twenty consecutive dogs diagnosed with DM at the Veterinary University Clinic in Uppsala between 2000 ? 2003 were chosen as the experimental group.

Kreditgivning till lantbruksföretag : en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Danmark

In relation with structure transformation in farm companies with bigger animal population and pressure at the milk price, the farmers in both countries have to invest more money in the company to endure. This had conduct what more owners had seen grown requirements to invest in bigger population barns. The investment is necessary to retain stability in the economy for the companies, at that time when the profitability for small production barns decrease. This essay carries out through a case, there the activities main part are milk production. The present operation consists of 82 milk cows in long stall with a yield on 10 500 kg ECM. The idea is that the company should increase the activity to 180 cows.

Förebyggande effekter av fysisk aktivitet på depression : ? en litteraturstudie

Objective: To study the evidence on physical activity (PA) as an effective preventive strategy for depression.Methods: A search of electronic databases was performed for articles between 2007 and 2012, both original research and review articles, concerning the link between PA and depression on children, youth and adults. Three reviews, five longitudinal and two cross sectional studies were included.Results:  PA reduced the likelihood of depression in many studies and a sedentary or inactive lifestyle increased the risks for mental health symptoms such as depression. One study showed that low PA in childhood increased the odds of depression as an adult and other studies on teenagers saw a connection and mediation between PA and self-esteem whereas physical fitness showed no mediating effect. Many of the studies and reviews point out the insecurity regarding the dose-response association and the difficulties in defining causality.Conclusion: PA might have a preventive effect on depression. Some evidence exist to support that PA in childhood prevents depression in adults.

Karlskrona stadsbibliotek 1906-1959 ? En bit av ett biblioteks historia

This master?s thesis will try to describe the beginning and development towards a modern public library of the town library in Karlskrona between 1906 and 1959. The specific years refers to the year the library was established and the year it moved to the new library building in the centre of Karlskrona. The aim of the thesis has been to do this historical description and to look at the course from the perspective of the national policies and development for the Swedish modern public library. The thesis is based mainly on reports of the proceedings of the public library and other biographical documents and literature, which has been found in two local archives.

Betydelsen av ämnet idrott och hälsa för att aktivera ungdomar på fritiden: en förebyggande åtgärd mot ohälsa

A large problem in our society is the diseases that inactivity brings to the population. The lifestyle you have in adolescence is often the same that you have in adulthood. Because of this, prevention should start in youth. The aim of this study was to investigate the experience that youths have of physical education and it?s influence in their spare-time activities.

?Regissören ska behandlas med silkesvantar?: En diskursanalys av filmregissören som ledare och en fallstudie av en kortfilmsproduktion

Title: ?The director should be treated with silk gloves.? A discourse analysis of the film director as a leader and a case study of a short film Seminar date: 19 February 2008 Course: Master thesis in organizational studies, 20 Swedish credits Author: Johanna Ranes Advisor: Ph.D. Nanna Gillberg Key words: Film, the film director, discourse analysis, social constructionism, gender studies, creative leadership. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to illustrate and problemize the consequences of the traditional male domination in film creation for a female director by critically examining the construction of the film director. Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative case study which was conducted as a participant observation.

Pilotstudie av en ny metod för mätning avendotoxinaktiviteten i blodet hos tikar med pyometra

Förhöjda halter av endotoxin i blodet förekommer ofta vid sjukdomen pyometra hos tik och kan orsaka många av de allmänna symtom som ses vid sjukdomen. Endotoxin Activity Assay (EAA) är en ny, snabb metod för mätning av endotoxinaktivitet i helblod. EAA-metoden är anpassad för humanpatienter, men har testats i forskningsstudier och visats fungera även för hundar och efter viss modifiering också för hästar. Två olika apparaturer från finns att tillgå för EAA (från Spectral Diagnostics Incorporated). Den apparatur som utvärderas i den här studien har aldrig tidigare testats på djurslaget hund.

Att ge bra bilder eller inte - Ett arbete om olika sätt att kommunicera med elever

To give positive visualizations or not - A study about different ways to communicate with students. Our brain is creating visualizations. In goal settings this visualization can be helpful or obstruct the way to the goal. There are exercises to help people create as good visualizations as possible. As a teacher I wish to give my students positive and creative visualizations.

Koldioxidavgång vid ekologisk odling på organogen jord

The background of this work is the media discussion about the effect of cultivation on peatsoils on greenhouse gas emissions. It has been argued that row sown and intensivelycultivated crops such as carrots are more likely to emit carbon dioxide than for example grassleys. The association KRAV (an association promoting organic farming) shall, from this yearadapt their environmental policy to be more climate smart and have asked the question if thecultivation of some crops is more climate smart than others? Carbon dioxide emissions fromsoil are due to degradation of organic material and the rate is controlled by microbial activity.The microbial activity is determined by a variety of factors such as temperature, soil organicmatter quality and water content. I have measured the carbon dioxide emission from fourdifferent crops at two different farms.

Logotyp och annonskampanj för InterRail

As a project in advertising and graphic design the goal was to create a print campaign and a new logo for the train ticket Interrail. The project started with research, in which target groups were analyzed and defined, arguments for the campaign was decided and someguiding values for the logo were defined. After the research came the creative part, ideas for the campaign was decided and executed and a logo was drawn. The projects final result was three print ads and a logo..

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