

10732 Uppsatser om Creative work - Sida 6 av 716

Lera för livet i lek & utforskande : en studie om pedagogers syn på estetiskt arbete i förskolan

This study intends to examine teacher´s thoughts and perception of esthetic activities at preschools. I have chosen to restrict the esthetic area to the significance and function of clay to the teachers and children. On the basis of the belief that children can, and need access to a variety of ways to express themselves, we used the interviews to take part of teachers work and thoughts concerning clay, and the esthetic work. I have in this qualitative study addressed four questions: How do the teachers use clay in preschool activities? What do the teachers think about clay as a tool in the educational work at the preschool? Are the teachers working from the perception of children?s rights to express themselves in different ways and with the help of different tools? What function does clay fill for the children?I have interviewed eight teachers and taken part of both older and more recent theories around children and the creativity in esthetic contexts.

Makten att göra sin röst hörd - synsätt i mötet mellan teater och skola

Abstract In the following text we analyse different perspectives in a meeting between a theatre and a visiting school class from grade six in the Swedish Primary School, in order to investigate the conditions for children?s participation and for making children?s own voices heard in professional theatres. Though it is common for Swedish theatre artists to try to understand and interpret children?s perspectives, it is rare for children to be given the opportunity to show their own perspectives in professional theatres in Sweden (Davet 2011 p. 18).

Att dras mot stadens ljusa lyktor - En undersökning om de kreativa näringarna i Göteborg

The purpose of this study is to investigate which types of cultural capital gives high status in the current field of ?the creative industry? ? a group which could be seen as a new power elite in Gothenburg ? and how people with the ?right? cultural capital is included in the field. The author is invited to several free events within this field, and is investigating the process of inclusion with an auto-ethnographic method. The study will show that the process of inclusion is working quite absolute in the field of the creative industry, and that the audiences are mainly homogenous: masculine, white, middle class, has a taste disposition of the ?eclectic omnivore?, has entrepreneurial knowledges and is an active social media agent.

Bild- och formskapande i förskola och förskoleklass

The aim of our graduate work is to study the importance of image and shape?s in children's development and learning and also the preschool teacher?s views on image and shapes. Our research aims to explore the value of image and shapes creation and how it is expressed among children and in classroom activities. We are also interested in finding out how it differs from adults' views and what materials teachers use to promote the image and shapes creation in the curriculum. In our own experience, image and shapes activities are often structured differently in different curriculum activities.

Den personliga kreativiteten: Kreativitet är vad du uppfattar och beror på dina egna erfarenheter

Previous research within the field of advertising creativity has been based on the point of view of professional advertisers, deciding the norms of creativity without wondering how consumers define creativity. Thus, the main purpose of our thesis has been to investigate which dimensions advertising creativity consists of and the driving forces behind them. All based on a consumers? point of view. The secondary purpose has been to show how creativity affects efficiency through purchase intentions and Word- of-Mouth.

"Om du nyper honom så skriker han" : En essä om skola och bildningsresor

Temat för denna essä är bildningsresor. Fallstudierna utgörs av en rapport om Cirkuspedagogik och intervjuer av en tidigare lärarkollega. Texterna har använts som impulstexter för essän och rör sig kring nyckelorden ovan. Turings idéer om robotmänniskan och Turkles forskning om sociala robotar och virtuella världar berörs och jag funderar om pedagogik behöver vara grundad i en idé, eller om det mer handlar om olika tekniker man kan tillskansa sig och kontrollera. .

Att designa konst : En kvalitativ studie av likheter och skillnader i den kreativa processen hos art directors och konstnärer

Art directing i en digital kommunikationsbyrå och att arbeta heltid eller deltid som konstnär är två yrken som har en sak gemensamt. I egenskap av professionella roller har de en nyckeluppgift de måste uppfylla ? att vara kreativa. I denna uppsats fokuserar vi på den kreativa processen vid generering av idéer i områden av digital media och konst för att se om det finns tydliga skillnader eller likheter i hur kreativt arbete för sig inom båda områden. För att jämföra den kreativa processen mellan de två parterna har vi gjort flertalet intervjuer och observationer med yrkesverksamma konstnärer och art directors.

Individen - kreativitet och kontext

Companies and organizations need to take care of their employees? creative ability. This report gives some examples of work situations that support or prevent creativity. The purpose with this report is to investigate the link between people at work and creativity.It was necessary to delimitate the area and decide which sources to be investigated and presented in the report. The main topic is on sources of creativity, but as more organizations seem to introduce efficiency thinking according to Börnfelt (2009), the interaction between efficiency and creativity is also presented.In this report theory is compared to industrial designers? opinions on creativity.

Distansledarskapets spelregler - en fallstudie av utlokaliserade journalisters upplevelser av distansledarskap och arbetsmotivation

What is e-leadership and how can it be framed in a distance context? How can work motivation be understood as a correlated theme? In prior leadership research and theory it has been taken for granted that leadership occurs in a face-to-face environment, so how to study leadership in a remote context? According to recent research, e-leadership defines this leader-member relation in this new arena, and a central focus of this research has been on communication. Communication is a central theme in the remote setting because it is the only interaction arena which allows leadership to be seen and understood. By conducting a case study in a multi media organization with distance working journalists as focus group this essay aims to bring a deeper understanding of how e-leadership works and how it effects work motivation. The field of media organizations is interesting to study as distance work is not an unusual working environment for journalists, and research has indicated that work motivation needs for these highly specified creative workers are somewhat differentiated from other, for example industrial workers, which implies that motivation theories urges an update.

En Kulturskolas arbete i ett mångkulturellt område

Title: A Culture School?s (?En Kulturskolas?) work in an multicultural areaThis research is a study of Culture Schools in Angered which include both Lärjedalens and Gunnareds Culture Schools. The Culture Schools of today reach only a limited part of our society, and for this reason the purpose of this research has been to study a school in a multicultural area. To learn from others? experiences is an important step in work with school development.

En ny Upplevelse - En studie i formgivande av interaktioner på webben och effektivisering av arbetsflöden

We?re all aware that technology progresses forward with giant leaps on a daily basis. In one-way or another this affects us in our everyday life. It can affect us in the way we?re shopping, communicating, researching, planning future events or how we choose to be entertained. That the web is an increasingly stronger tool for communicating in more or less every type of business is becoming more evident for people.

Måla med musik, komponera med färg : En retrospektiv studie av den kreativa processen, bland bild, musik och synestesi

The relationship between color and music, and their relation to the human being and our surrounding universe has been subject of studies, theories and experiments since the old ages. From the ancient China and Persia to the present times, philosophers, scientists and artists have tried to explain these connections between color and music and also tried to find answers to this ancient enigma.The invention of the color organ c. 1730, an instrument that was intended to display color in addition to the musical auditive experience, was the first attempt to materialize the practical correlation between notes and color. This correlation has its foundation in the ideas of Isaac Newton, who through his book Optics published only a few years earlier, conformed the beginning of a new art culture: ?Visual music?, in which image and sound are the fundamental elements in the creative process.The ?visual music? concept is not only grounded in the ideas of music and sound, but also in the extraordinary creative capability of certain individuals.

VISSERLIGEN S? KAN MAN INTE OPERERA EN S?GVERKSMASKIN, MEN MAN KAN JU LIKSOM G?RA N?GOT F?R DEMOKRATIN. En diskursanalytisk studie om folkh?gskolans roll i det nyliberala samh?llet

In this bachelor's thesis, we investigate the Swedish folk high school?s role in neoliberal society, which is analyzed through the lens of Norman Fairclough's critical discourse theory as well as Erving Goffman's theory of social deviants. The focus of our study has been participants in creative education, such as art, theater and creative writing. Our findings include that participants at folk high schools find great value in their education, both creatively and personally. They note that they have experienced a large amount of personal growth, regarding both openness towards others and higher confidence and their own abilities and identity.

Camp Vamp - Att ljussätta en dansföreställning med skiftande förutsättningar

I work on a lighting design for a dance performance to be on tour. A lighting design adapted for three different conditions was made: - One comprehensive where I allow myself a great deal of creative freedom, adapted for the stages with major technical conditions. - One smaller version for stages with less equipment and with less time for preparation on site. - One design for very simple conditions. I also examine the specific differences between typical theatrical lighting design and typical dance lighting design, and the best way to prepare for the hands-on stage design phase..

3D-skrivarens intåg i immaterialrätten : - Om 3D-bilder, 49 § URL och vikten av lämpliga avtalslicenser

The current study aimed to test the public self-consciousness impact on creative performance. An experimental design was used in which 40 participants were randomly assigned to two groups, one of which was the experimental group and the other was the control group. A mirror was used in the experimental group to induce public self-consciousness among the participants while they performed creativity tests. A consequence test was used where the participant had to give suggestions for the given scenario "What would happen if everyone became blind?" which was then measured in the number of proposals (fluency).

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