63 Uppsatser om Costing - Sida 2 av 5
Spridning av Target Costing: en studie av stora tillverkningsföretag i Sverige
Dagens konkurrenssituation är hård eftersom konsumenternas preferenser ständigt förändras. Produktutveckling har därför blivit en av ett företags viktigaste framgångsfaktorer. Eftersom mer än 80% av kostnaderna är låsta redan i tillverkningsstadiet bör kostnadsreducering kreeras under produktens idé och designstadium. Target Costing är ett sätt att lyckas med kostnadsreducering. Det är främst stora tillverkningsföretag med höga kostnader för produktutveckling som använder hela Target Costing processen eller dess olika delar till att förbättra sin konkurrentsituation.
Target costing: påverkan av kundstyrning och entreprenöriellt agerande
Denna uppsats behandlar i vilken utsträckning svenska tillverkande företag med 20-100 anställda tillämpar huvudmomenten inom Target Costing. Dessutom undersöks om det finns samband mellan tillämpningen av Target Costing-momenten och kundstyrning samt entreprenöriellt agerande. Fortsättningsvis undersöks eventuella kopplingar mellan Target Costing och företagens finansiella prestation. Relationen mellan Target Costing och finansiell prestation undersöks även vid olika nivåer av kundstyrning och entreprenöriellt agerande. Totalt tillfrågades 280 slumpvis utvalda företag ifall de ville delta i undersökningen.
ABC-kalkylering i praktiken
This thesis is based on an assignment from a unit within an international group manufacturing industrial products. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze and suggest ways to improve the cost accounting system in use at the unit. The main source of empirical data has been interviews with employees. The theoretical framework is based on a comparison between traditional/standard Costing and activity-based Costing (ABC). The cost accounting system in use is described in detail and classified as a traditional/standard cost accounting system.
Modell för fördelning av kostnader i lager
Distrilux International AB, a company within the Electrolux-group, works among other things with storing of products from other companies in the Electrolux-group. This rapport contains a cost analysis of the two Distrilux warehouses in Motala and Mariestad. The company offers five services in these warehouses, in-loading of products from a local factory and from external factories, storing, out-loading of products to Sweden (domestic) and for export. Since there has been some hesitation of the accuracy of the price-model of today, a master's thesis has been advertised. The purpose of the thesis has been to investigate the agreement of the price-model of today and the apportionment of the Costing in warehouses.The main problem is to determine which activities is to be considered important in the price-model.
Kalkylering i flygbranschen: En fallstudie av ett flygbolag
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse and propose improvements to the cost accounting system in use at an airline operating on the Swedish market. The choice of study object is based on the airline?s desire to have its cost accounting system evaluated. During the analysis we have identified a number of points where the current cost accounting system does not correspond to its intended purpose. These points include significant groups of costs not being considered in the current system, potential over capacity is not visible and logic connections between distribution keys and the use of resources are sometimes lacking.
ABC och ekonomisystem : En studie av Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB
The accounting information system comprises budgeting, accounting, and Costing. The accounting information system has, traditionally, constituted an integrated system where the different elements collaborate. If ABC is introduced this order is disturbed, since ABC is based on another logic which cannot easily be integrated with budget and accounting. ABC, therefore, is usually used parallely to the conventional Costing method. There are, however, companies that have taken its ABC one step further by letting it replace the old Costing model and integrate it with the accounting information system.
Objektskoncentration vid slutavverkning
The study is made on behalf of SCA Skog Jämtlands förvaltning which is one of five administration units that SCA Skog consists of. The purpose of the study is to investigate which reduced expenses there are according to spatial concentration of cutting areas. By increasing the spatial concentration of cutting areas it will reduce the need of movements by trailer, also reduce the number of roads that you use during the activities.
To be able to perform the study, access to a annual cuttings in nine years have been made available. From this volume new annual cuttings has been created but more concentrated. The two different results have been compared and the results show that concentration of cutting areas generates reduced need for trailer transports and less km road that has to be maintained.
But then, if it´s practical viable can be discussed.
Kostnadsanalys utmed ett Value Stream : En intervenistisk fallstudie vid Volvo Cars Body Components
Bakgrund: Volvo Cars Body Components (VCBC) tillverkar och levererar karosskomponenter till Volvo Cars. För sex år sedan påbörjade VCBC sin implementering av lean production. För att beräkna de kostnader som uppstår i produktionen använder VCBC produktkalkyler. Representanter vid VCBC anser att företaget har problem med höga plåtlager, överproduktion samt problem med att se kostnadssamband. Ett value stream där förbättringsmöjligheter finns är Flöde 1 vid VCBC.
Processbeskrivning av Rundvirkestransport : En Fallstudie hos Tra?frakt Go?taland AB
Title: Process description of round timber transports ? a case study at Tra?frakt Go?taland ABAuthors: Karl ? Johan Tern, Christian Johansson and Andreas IvarssonTutor: Anders JerrelingExaminer: Fredrik KarlssonBackground: Today the profitability of forest haulers is unsatisfactory. Negotiations on prices are more about the relative strength of the negotiation parties rather than a discussion about actual costs. Adding extensive changes in the forest haulers cost structure has led to insufficient knowledge of whether the negotiated prices really correspond to their costs.Methodology: We decided to carry out a case study at Tra?frakt Go?taland AB, a special interest organisation whose members represent the majority of forest haulers in Go?taland.Purpose: To describe the processes and underlying activities of round timber transports.
Personer med Aspergers- och autistiskt syndroms förutsättningar till delaktighet i samhället
Title: Process description of round timber transports ? a case study at Tra?frakt Go?taland ABAuthors: Karl ? Johan Tern, Christian Johansson and Andreas IvarssonTutor: Anders JerrelingExaminer: Fredrik KarlssonBackground: Today the profitability of forest haulers is unsatisfactory. Negotiations on prices are more about the relative strength of the negotiation parties rather than a discussion about actual costs. Adding extensive changes in the forest haulers cost structure has led to insufficient knowledge of whether the negotiated prices really correspond to their costs.Methodology: We decided to carry out a case study at Tra?frakt Go?taland AB, a special interest organisation whose members represent the majority of forest haulers in Go?taland.Purpose: To describe the processes and underlying activities of round timber transports.
Män från mellanösterns syn på heder och kvinnor i hederskulturer. En kvalitativ studie av mäns erfarenheter
Title: Process description of round timber transports ? a case study at Tra?frakt Go?taland ABAuthors: Karl ? Johan Tern, Christian Johansson and Andreas IvarssonTutor: Anders JerrelingExaminer: Fredrik KarlssonBackground: Today the profitability of forest haulers is unsatisfactory. Negotiations on prices are more about the relative strength of the negotiation parties rather than a discussion about actual costs. Adding extensive changes in the forest haulers cost structure has led to insufficient knowledge of whether the negotiated prices really correspond to their costs.Methodology: We decided to carry out a case study at Tra?frakt Go?taland AB, a special interest organisation whose members represent the majority of forest haulers in Go?taland.Purpose: To describe the processes and underlying activities of round timber transports.
Betjäningskostnader i olika distributionskanaler: En fallstudie av ett svenskt bokförlag
In a time of economic turmoil and financial crisis profitability matters rise higher and higher on company agendas. Many companies are pressured to find profitability to avoid layoffs or even bankruptcy. Profitability essentially depends on the margin on the product or service sold and the costs associated with selling these products or services and hence these areas are of vital importance if companies are to improve profitability. Previous research has focused, for the most part, on product profitability while customer profitability has received less attention. This study is based on a case study of a Swedish publishing house and aims to investigate how the company?s Cost-to-Serve varies between its distribution channels.
Activity-based management : En begreppsprecisering
Background: In the eighties the debate concerning the declining relevance of the traditional calculation started. The reason was that the method of calculating not had been changed despite that the costs and manufacturing had changed in many companies. This led to the development of activity-based Costing. Management by means of activity information is called activity-based management, but there is no general accepted definition of what the term com- prises. Neither are there any studies which describe within which areas activity information is used as a base for decisions.
Total Cost of Ownership -Revealing the true cost of owning and operating equipment
Abstract Title: Total Cost of Ownership ? Revealing the true cost of owning and operating equipment. Authors: Anna Bladh Anna Ström Tutors: Michaela Boye, Parts and Service, PTD, Alfa Laval Göran Berg, Parts and Service, PTD, Alfa LavalCharlotta Johnsson, Department of Automatic Control, LTH, Lund UniversityBertil I. Nilsson, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, LTH, Lund UniversityCarl-Henric Nilsson, Department of Business Administration, Lund University Core issue: ?Which costs should be included in a general Total Cost of Ownership model regarding centrifuges, and what input variables are needed in order to calculate those costs in a user-friendly way and with a maintained level of accuracy?? Purpose: The theoretical purpose of the thesis is to identify the cost items that have the greatest impact on a TCO calculation for a centrifuge.
Kostnadskalkylering som stöd för Lean-produktion En fallstudie på Isaberg Rapid AB
Allt eftersom världen blir mer globaliserad ökar konkurrensen på marknaden. Detta sätterpress på företag vilket leder till stora behov av effektivisering. Företaget Toyota har verkatframgångsrikt på marknaden, detta har medfört att deras verksamhetsstrategi fått storuppmärksamhet. På grund av dess resurssnåla och effektiva tillvägagångssätt kom dennaverksamhetsstrategi att kallas Lean. Lean berör alla delar i en verksamhet, en del företagbörjar endast tillämpa Lean-produktion.