1703 Uppsatser om Cost Constraint - Sida 43 av 114
Prissättning på den Svenska Taximarknaden
This thesis uses ten years of data to examine the underlying drivers behind changes in the taxi price, specifically we look at the relationship between the taxi price and changes in the underlying costs. We use a two-step error correction framework to investigate how changes in costs affect prices in the long run as well as in the short run. We also study if the price adjustment process is asymmetric. Furthermore, we examine if price discrimination exists on the taxi market in Stockholm. We find that in the long run the pass-through effect is almost complete, whereas in the short run prices are considerably less sensitive to cost changes.
Morgondagens effektiva fjärrvärme : En beskrivande litteraturstudie
This report is made as a literature review, focusing on the work done to increase understanding of efficiency in the categories of substations and secondary heating systems, with respect to the deviation from the theoretically possible cooling off in the distribution network as well as the economic benefit that appear. The main purpose of a considerable part of the literature used in this report addresses the issue of identifying individual causes of reduced cooling in district heating systems. These literature resources have been compiled and summarized as part of the report.The technology of district heating is associated with benefits such as better use of the energy in a fuel. This is the case of cogeneration plants where serial generation of electricity and thermal energy increases efficiency compared with the parallel generation where heat is generated locally and electricity is generated centrally. Serial generation thus allows for lower primary energy demand.
Kostnadsoptimering av singelfrekvensnät för marksänd
digital-tv med Simulated Annealing
I det här arbetet har algoritmen Simulated Annealing undersökts med avseende på dess möjlig att användas för att minimera av kostnaden för ett singelfrekvensnät för digital tv. Undersökningen är gjord genom att simulera ett antal testfall för att utreda hur olika ingående optimeringsparametrar inverkar på slutresultatet. Alla försök har genomförts i ett egenkonstruerat simuleringsverktyg, gjort i Matlab. En jämförelse av resultaten för två olika sätt att hantera täckningskraven har också gjorts, Simulated Annealing med- respektive utan straff metod. Alla genomförda försök har genererat en betydande kostnadssänkning jämfört med startkonfigurationen.
Påbyggnad av våningsplan medlättkonstruktion : En jämförelse av stommaterialen trä ochtunnplåt
The purpose of this thesis is to examinethe possibilities for adding a floor to anexisting building using the two materialswood and sheet metal profiles as the loadbearing structure. An apartment buildingfrom the 60s has been used as referencehouse. Two different suggestions for thedesign are presented in the rapport. Oneof them has been analyzed with wood andsheet metal as the load bearing structure.Using the old constructional calculationsand blueprints of the existing buildings,the load bearing capacity has beencalculated. In the calculation programFEM-Design the building has been testedwith the loads that an extra floor wouldgive.
Barns berättande och återberättande : En jämförande studie mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga barn i Sverige
I dagens globaliserade samhälle blir det allt vanligare att barn växer upp med fler än ettspråk i sin omgivning. Det kräver en ökad kunskap om flerspråkighet och vad somsärskiljer flerspråkiga barn från enspråkiga barn. Då de mätinstrument som idaganvänds i Sverige för att utröna om ett barn har en språkstörning endast är utformade förenspråkiga barn riskerar flerspråkiga barn att över- eller underdiagnostiseras. För attråda bot på den problematik som uppkommit i samband med diagnostisering avflerspråkiga barn och språkstörning har ett europeiskt forskningsnätverk bildats, kallatCOST Action IS0804. Syftet med nätverket är att kartlägga SLI (specific languageimpairment) hos flerspråkiga barn genom att koordinera forskning inom lingvistisk ochkognitiv förmåga över ett stort antal länder.
Val av källor : En studie av de anställdas informationssökning inom företaget Viking Line
Nine out of ten larger companies have an intranet today which is supposed to improve the communication withinthe company and save money. A great part of these intranets were established in the beginning of the 1990?swithout giving any thought to the users and their needs. How does the communication inside the corporationslook like when the intranets that are supposed to be the source for every information request, aren?t usable? Whatother sources do the users use and how much?The aim of this master thesis is to examine information source selection at a specific company.
Utvärdering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder på Bokelundskolan i Växjö
The purpose with this report is to examine how the implemented energy efficiency measures on Bokelundskolan in Växjö have had impact on the energy use. The measures which have been implemented are, new ventilation system, new heating system, optimized adjustment of the heating system, new windows with U-value 1.2 and lower window height, insulation under windows and in the crawl space. The school's energy use before and after rebuilding has been calculated with the calculation program, Vip-Energy 1.5.5.Calculations of energy use for the school with windows on U-value, 0.9 and 0.7 have also been done. The replacement of windows has been studied from a cost perspective. The conclusion is that the exchange of heat and ventilation system was the biggest contributor to reduced energy use on Bokelundskolan.
Kontrollerad verksamhet? Vilka faktorer påverkar utformningen av intern kontroll i kommunal verksamhet?
The purpose of this essay is to examine which factors that influence the design of internal control in municipal context and how well it works. We choose seven municipals, where we interviewed the administrative managers, the chairmen of the committees and two persons of the staff in each activity unit. The interviews were performed by telephone, due to the keeping of the essay?s timeframe.The theory in our essay comprises eight hypotheses. These hypotheses were operationalised into different variables aiming to make statistical tests possible.
Vattenkraft samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt?: en studie om hur samerna, sportfisketurismen och miljön påverkas av en vattenkraftsutbyggnad i Kalixälven
Uppsatsen belyser vilka faktorer som påverkar om en utbyggnad av vattenkraft i Kalixälven är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt med beaktande av olika näringar samt de eventuella miljöeffekter som uppstår. Teorin utgörs av centrala begrepp ifrån en cost-benefit kalkyl. Under arbetet med uppsatsen har ett tydligt mönster utkristalliserat vilket utmynnat i följande. De slutsatser som dragits av studien är fördelar som ökad elförsörjning, intäkter samt ökad sysselsättning. Förlorade forssträckor orsakar ekonomiska förluster på grund av minskad fisketurism och naturupplevelsen av en fritt strömmande fors, vilket också drabbar turister och fritidshusägare i omgivningen.
Konstruktivt med konst: Hur Konstbiblioteket tillhandahåller tidningsartiklar och hur därmed sammanhängande problem kan lösas
The Art Library uses the newspaper cuttings archive to provide her customers with newspaperarticles about art. This archive has the following problems; there is little space left inthe paternoster lifts, the articles can only be found on keyword and to maintain the archive,much labour is required.This research aims to find out how the Art Library can provide her customers with newspaperarticles which will cost as little as possible.Six possible solutions are given. Out of these the solution with "Artikel-sok" was recommended.According to this solution the Art Library should no longer maintain the archive, butuse "Artikel-sok", a database from Bibliotekstjänst which contains descriptions of articlesfrom many Swedish newspapers and magazines. These articles can be ordered from Bibliotekstjänst.The old newspaper cuttings archive will be used for articles from before 1979,because these are not being taken up in the "Artikel-sok"..
Konstruktionsforslag for kabelprovningsutrustning av serieresonanstyp
In order to decrease the disturbance from a cable testing equipment, the company Ericsson Network Technologies in Falun determined to design a new series resonant test system with a lower frequency. The new equipment is of series resonant type with a system frequency of 500 Hz. This equipment consists of an inductor, a capacitor and a voltage source. The voltage source is the same as the old one, the cable acts as the capacitor but the inductor has to be designed especially for the new equipment. In this thesis work several air coil inductor types were examined.
The state of the Latvian wood pellet industry : a study on production conditions and international competitiveness
In the last decade, member states of the European Union have adopted a range of measures to decrease the dependency on fossil fuels. This has led to an increased use of biomass in heat and power production. In some countries, the lack of forest resource has led to large scale power producers importing their biomass needs. Due to high energy content and homogeneity, wood pellets have become an internationally traded commodity used for large scale power production.
The Baltic States have emerged as one of the largest wood pellet exporting regions in Europe.
Solenergi på Kvarnholmen
In recent years it has become more and more evident that man has contributed to much of the climate changes that have taken place during the last century. A major challenge today is to reduce emissions and energy usage at the same time as the global population is growing. To contribute to a better environment, Stockholms Stad has set at target of becoming fossil fuel free by the year of 2050. The construction of new districts is done with this goal in mind; energy efficiency and renewable energy sources are examples of methods to achieve this.Solar energy is considered to be a sustainable energy source and the most common techniques to harvest solar energy in Sweden are solar cells and solar collectors which produce electricity and heat respectively. This report aims to investigate whether an investment in any of these systems would prove to be economically beneficial at Kvarnholmen, a district under construction in eastern Nacka, Stockholm.Since the finished blueprints only cover a small portion of Kvarnholmen, the report examines the possibilities for a house where construction has already begun, Nya Kvarnen.
En studie av ett grupporganiserat lärande
The sun is an endless energy source and the heat it produces can be used to heatup our homes. This technology is relatively old and was introduced in the late70-s. There are two kinds of solar collectors that are most frequently used todayand these are plain solar collectors and vacuum solar collectors. The plain solarcollectors are the once that are used the most but the vacuum solar collectorshave increased more as a percentage the last couple of years.The biggest question asked regarding an investment in solar heating is if theplant is economically profitable. This question has no direct answer because itis dependent on a couple of prerequisites.
Kunskapssyn och behov av IKT - verktyg
The sun is an endless energy source and the heat it produces can be used to heatup our homes. This technology is relatively old and was introduced in the late70-s. There are two kinds of solar collectors that are most frequently used todayand these are plain solar collectors and vacuum solar collectors. The plain solarcollectors are the once that are used the most but the vacuum solar collectorshave increased more as a percentage the last couple of years.The biggest question asked regarding an investment in solar heating is if theplant is economically profitable. This question has no direct answer because itis dependent on a couple of prerequisites.