

7979 Uppsatser om Corporate management - Sida 33 av 532

Is the Black Box Grey or does it have Black Spots?

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CSR ur ett varumärkesperspektiv : Hur Corporate Social Responsibility kan stärka varumärket

Uppsatsens syfte är att öka förståelsen för CSR ur ett varumärkesperspektiv genom att beskriva hur CSR kan stärka varumärket. Uppsatsen avser svara på: Hur kan CSR stärka varumärket?SlutsatserResultatet visar att CSR är på väg att bli en hygienfaktor för företagen. Som ett resultat av uppsatsen så har vi identifierat fem aspekter som är av vikt för företag att hänsyn till när man arbetar med CSR ur ett varumärkesperspektiv. Vi har dragit slutsatsen att varumärket kan stärkas genom att företaget utgår från ett grundläggande CSR-arbete, identifierar intressenternas förväntningar, skapar ett mervärde genom att ta ett utökat ansvar, integrera CSR som en naturlig del av varumärkesidentiteten och ha en väl avvägd extern kommunikation.

Visualizing Innovation Capital: A Case study of Technology Transfer and Biomedical start-up

Purpose: The purpose is to present a greater understanding of the progression of innovation capital in a technology transfer and biotech start-up context. The findings offer technology transfer professionals, entrepreneurs and academia an overall perception and mental framework of the technology transfer practice and the embracement of a promising invention, building upon its hidden value. Methodology: The thesis was conducted using a qualitative case study, executed with the help of interviews, in order to answer the research question: How is an embryo of innovation capital continuously cultivated in a technology transfer and biomedical start-up process? Conclusions: A technology transfer entity provides the means to establish a platform where an entrepreneur can build its own human capital, structural capital, and relationship capital. The forms of capital interact and thus create value, herein considered as innovation capital.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Alla företag har ett klimatavtryck, det är bäst vi lägger oss ner och dör!

Sustainability work is something that is emphasized more and more. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is discussed and the question of how much responsibility companies should really take is frequently in the news. Companies tend to ask themselves how much responsibility they should take. CSR is a common concept of companies environmental and social work and a concept we tend to see here and there in our modern society. CSR includes companies? social responsibilities, both in terms of carbon footprint, working conditions, social responsibility and more.

Intressenternas syn på den enskilda skogsägarens Corporate Responsibility : en studie av olika intressenter och hur dessa skiljer sig beträffande socialt-, miljömässigt- och ekonomiskt ansvarstagande

Drygt hälften av den svenska landarealen täcks av skog. Av denna areal ägs hälften av privata skogsägare och övrig areal av skogsbolag och det allmänna. Alla som brukar skogen har ett ansvar att värna om den på ett hållbart och uthålligt sätt, detta för att kommande generationer ska kunna ha fortsatt glädje av skogen. Ett viktigt begrepp gällande hållbar utveckling är CR (Corporate Responsibility). Med detta menas att det är viktigt att intressenter tar mer ansvar inom aspekterna: miljö, socialt och ekonomi än den miniminivå som lager kräver.

New Public Management i praktiken: En fallstudie i en av Stockholms stadsdelar

In the present thesis, we have studied the management control system in Enskede-Årsta-Vantör, one of Stockholm?s municipal districts, with focus on theories about New Public Management (NPM). When NPM was introduced, a number of complications arose. Some of these, along with the district?s solutions of the complications, are described and analyzed using e.g.

Franskt ledarskap : En teoretiskt jämförelse av den svenska och den franska ledarskapsfilosofin

With 25 countries being members of the European Union, travelling and working in other countries has become significantly easier. But what happens when one culture meets another one in a work situation? More specifically, what happens when French and Swedish cultures meet? Would a Swedish manager lead his team in the same way as a French one would?My question is: What is management philosophy like in Sweden and France? Do the two philosophies resemble? And if not, in what ways do they differ?The purpose of this essay is to find out, by looking at the material used at management courses, what the Swedish management philosophy really is. And then look at whether there are any similarities between this philosophy and the French one. The idea is to examine how management is being taught in both countries, by looking at what management litterature is used at some of the highest ranked management schools in Sweden and France.There have been numerous ethnological studies concerning nationality and cultural behaviour, one of the most important ones is the study done by Hofstede.

To Visaulise Knowledge in a Region

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Möjligheter och problem med integration av hanteringen av antagonistiska och olycksrelaterade risker - En jämförelse med utgångspunkt från två konsultföretags arbetssätt

The aim of this report is to investigate, on the basis of two consult agencies perspectives, what the possibilities and obstacles are to integrate the work with antagonistic and accident related risks. The report is based on two consult agencies where each agency´s work procedure is represented by a risk management method. The work with accident related and antagonistic risks is analysed and evaluated compared to four different components. The components are risk management process (IEC´s and FEMA´s model), driving forces, education and competence, and resources to control risk management with COSO?´s ERM framework.

Ekologisk dagvattenhantering på parkeringsytor : Lösningsförslag för Eurostop köpcentrum i Halmstad

Stormwater from trafficked areas often contains high pollution levels. In traditional stormwater management design, stormwater is first transported away through piped networks, and then in most cases passes through oil separators before finally reaching the recipients. While this traditional method removes certain pollutants from the stormwater, it does not reduce the total flow, as in the case of ecological stormwater management. In the ecological method the stormwater is not simply transported away, but is recirculated through infiltration, percolation, and detention. The aim of this study is to investigate possible advantages of ecological management designs, in contrast to traditional management.

Ekonomistyrning inom äldreomsorgen, Intraprenad eller entreprenad - är det någon skillnad

In recent years the elderly care in Sweden has gone through several structural changes with the main purpose of delivering a more efficient service. The aim of this study is to compare the management control system in a privately and a publicly managed elderly home. A qualitative study was conducted which included interviews, observations of meetings and reviews of relevant documents. To be able to identify possible differences the framework of Hood consisting of seven dimensions was used. An analysis of the selected dimensions showed that the differences in management control were minimal and Brunsson's theory of politicization and 'company-ization' were used to explain why..

TRADITIONSPRINCIPEN INOM SVENSK RÄTT : En jämförelse med avtalsprincipen

In organizations today Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a common means to try to gain legitimacy and credibility for their business. A successful CSR strategy has the potential to generate positive outcomes for a company and reaching out to stakeholders about the corporation?s contribution in the field is an important part of the work. In this study I examine how the employees at Max Hamburgare receive the corporation?s efforts within sustainability, how it is perceived and what this means to the employees.

Konflikthantering : Att lösa konflikter med fokus på barnets bästa

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate how preschool teachers reflect on the phenomenon of conflict, and to find out what children think about this in relation to Nanny method. I referred to the following questions:? How to reflect pre-school teachers on conflict management at the preschool?? What methods / approaches tell teachers that they use in conflict management?? How the children reflect on their experiences on conflict management at the preschool?In the background, Im trying to define the word conflict, and I also point to the methods and models that are already in conflict management. It is clear that a key ingredient in the conflict is communication, the question is how well we communicate with each other?I've done interviews with three active educators and four children to study this subject.

Pilotbrist? Kommer den demografiska förändringen att påverka SAS personalidé?

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