

121 Uppsatser om Conversion - Sida 3 av 9

Sveplaserns användning till inventering/befästning/kontroll av vägmarkering

The thesis mission is to investigate whether the swiveling laser that Vectura (former Vägverket Konsult) has in use to measure the road areas and straddle measuring can be used to detect differences in the reflective road markings function. This is to increase use of the swiveling laser and get rid of the manual measurements performed today.Currently, the measurement of road markings reflective function is performed with both mobile and handheld measuring instruments. The purpose of this thesis is to develop better methods for determination of road markings? reflective function, in order to facilitate the description and suggestions for improvements of the maintenance of road markings reflective function.The questions that the thesis has been to start with are:Can the swiveling laser detect differences in longitudinal and transverse road markings reflective function?The accuracy of measurement has been sweeping the laser over the reference instrument (LTL-2000)Is it necessary with a Conversion factor for swiveling laser data against the reference instrument data?To answer the question 2 and 3, there has been a field work in Värnamo where a road stretch with longitudinal road markings and zebra crossing (transverse road markings) has been investigated with a swiveling laser and LTL-2000.The formulas and calculations contained in the thesis are drawn from scientific reports that are produced by VTI in Linköping. The same formula that was used to calculate the optical measurement data was also used for the swiveling laser data.

Akrylamid : skillnader i upptag, metabolism och utsöndring mellan gnagare och människa

Acrylamide (AM) is a commonly used monomer in the manufacture of polyacrylamide. In addition, AM has been found in heated foods that are rich in starch. The main dietary sources in Sweden tend to be crisps, French fries, fried potatoes, crisp bread, cookies and coffee. Un-fortunately, dietary intake of AM has in several studies been shown to cause cancer in ro-dents. Consequently, the compound is currently regarded as a potential carcinogen in hu-mans.

Konceptuell modell av dataomvandling till USB

Alstom Power i Växjö arbetar med utveckling och försäljning av bland annat elektrofilter tillrökgasreningssystem vid olika typer av miljövårdsanläggningar för t.ex. kraftverksindustrin.Dessa elektrofilter kontrolleras och regleras med hjälp av styrutrustning uppbyggd av ettantal styrenheter som idag kommunicerar via en egentillverkad standard kallad ?Fläktbuss?. Föratt övervaka detta system vill man använda handburna PDA och kommunicera med Fläktbussenvia USB. För att få kommunikationen mellan USB och Fläktbuss att fungera krävs någon form avaktiv konvertering.Detta examensarbete kommer att ta upp så väl problematik och lösningar kring detproblem som finns i samband med denna konvertering..

Kvalitetssäkring av produktionsprocess : Skumming i industritvätt

This report describes the manufacture and control of a flying platform. The report describes the basic and fundamental theories required to get the platform flying. It touches on subjects such as A/D-Conversion. PWM-control and PID-control. The sensors used in the platform are a gyro and an accelerometer.

Fastighetsutveckling i Farsta. Ekonomisk analys av TeliaSonera-områdets framtid

Stockholm is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Its population is growing every day and the housing needs are becoming higher. Despite the growth and the need for more houses only a few new housing units are being built every year. Critics argue that if the building rate stays as it is today the development of the city will be very limited since there is no capacity for the city to embrace new incomers.The decision makers in the municipality of Stockholm are planning for large investments in housing units for the coming years up until 2030. There are plans of building approximately 140 000 new apartments to mend the ascending need for new houses.Farsta County is part of Stockholm and lies a few kilometers to the south of the city center.

Agroprotein som fodermedel till slaktkyckling

Destillers dried grains with soluble (DDGS) is a by-product when producing ethanol. DDGS from wheat has a high crude protein content and a good amino acid profile, which makes it an interesting feed ingredient for poultry. The disadvantage of feeding DDGS from wheat to poultry is that it also contains a high fiber content that chickens don?t have the ability to break down. Lantmännen Agroetanol has developed a new protein feedstuff from DDGS by extracting wheat protein from DDGS, the product name is Agroprotein SD.

Hur mår svensk filmmusik? : En kvalitativ studie av svenska filmkomposito?rers fo?rutsa?ttningar i det nutida produktionsklimatet

This thesis examines Swedish composers' modes of work and production within the Swedish film industry. It starts off with a historical overview treating live music in early silent film, the Conversion to sound and the Swedish production climate until present time. The analysis consists of contemporary empirical studies; interviews with people writing music for film, TV and commercials. The musician's perspective is in focus but directors and other film workers are heard as well. The situation for female composers in a male-dominated industry is also discussed.

Konstruktion och reglering av flygande plattform

This report describes the manufacture and control of a flying platform. The report describes the basic and fundamental theories required to get the platform flying. It touches on subjects such as A/D-Conversion. PWM-control and PID-control. The sensors used in the platform are a gyro and an accelerometer.

Ersättning för lidande enligt frihetsberövandelagen : En analys av hur grunden för frihetsberövandet påverkar ersättningens bestämmande

The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of female converters and their subsequent experiences when transitioning to islam by bearing hijab. The study analyzes how this religious Conversion has shaped and influenced the identity of mentioned women, as well as their attitude and relationship to the social environment prior to and after converting. This means that in accordance with the purpose of this study, an attempt to reveal the everyday life of these women will be performed. In order to make this study possible, three different methods will be put to use. A narrative method that touches upon the time leading up to and after the final converting and the impact of the Conversion.

Styrdokumentskonvertering i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie av fem gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till 2011 års styrdokument i ämnet historia

Policy document Conversion in practice ? a qualitative study of five upper grade teachers approach to the 2011 policy documents in history.This essay examines five upper grade teachers approach to the new 2011 policy documents in the history school subject, as well as it?s impact on the teachers class room activities. Also, the study examines what factors have influenced this Conversion process. Colleagues, the school management and the Swedish Skolverket (the Swedish school management organisation, controlled by the Swedish government) are in this study the main external influences that are studied. The study is carried out with an organisation theoretical approach, witch states that controlling the schools practical activities is hard, taking in to account a great variety of ?problems? that follow a teachers every day work.

"Man kanske inte ser ut som sitt namn" : En studie om fem kvinnors konvertering till islam

The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of female converters and their subsequent experiences when transitioning to islam by bearing hijab. The study analyzes how this religious Conversion has shaped and influenced the identity of mentioned women, as well as their attitude and relationship to the social environment prior to and after converting. This means that in accordance with the purpose of this study, an attempt to reveal the everyday life of these women will be performed. In order to make this study possible, three different methods will be put to use. A narrative method that touches upon the time leading up to and after the final converting and the impact of the Conversion.

Spolmaskangrepp är ett ökande problem hos värphöns

This literature review summarizes available data on infection with the parasitic roundworm, Ascaridia galli, as a cause of disease in poultry, including the consequences of a Conversion to alternative production systems. Ascaridia galli has a direct life cycle with resistant eggs that survive and are easily spread in the environment, especially in systems with bedding materials where the faecal contact is high. The infection is usually subclinical but depending on the infection dose, the symptoms range from weight loss and diarrhea to mortality. Factors such as the feed composition and genetic variation among different hybrids clearly affect the establishment rate of the infection. Ascaridia galli will probably become an increasing problem, with a shift from the traditional battery cages to alternative systems where the risk of re-infection is high.

Överföring av och beräkning med timmätta värden ? från MT2000 till Xpower

New technology makes it possible to remotely measure all consumers in a power network onan hourly basis and store the values in a database.This thesis work describes the Conversion process between automatic meter reading systemMActor and calculation software Xpower.Then the possible differences between calculations of power networks using load curves incombination with a yearly estimate of consumption and calculations using hourly measuredvalues is examined.The result of the comparison shows that, for the power network under inspection, nosignificant difference could be noticed. This does not mean that calculations using hourlymeasured values would be unnecessary. I believe that in a near future calculations using hourmeasurements will be the primary choice for many power companies to whom technology isavailable.Also some basic calculations of fundamental power network parameters, such as power factorand loses, are presented using hourly measured distribution transformers in combinations withits hourly measured loads.The report is written in Swedish.

Mail Exchange Protocol (MEP): Ett utkast till nytt protokoll för elektronisk post

SMTP, the current protocol for sending electronic mail (e-mail) over the Internet, has for many years suffered from several problems and limitations. When it was designed, well over twenty years ago, the requirements for e-mail were very different from those of today. A message was a text message in English, and both user and machine were explicitly named in the address. The protocol was not designed to transfer other types of messages, and no mechanism was included to verify the identity of the sender.In order to solve these shortcomings, a new e-mail protocol needs to be defined. This report specifies a basis for what such a protocol may look like.

OTEC-Ett energialternativ för enhållbar ö

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a technology that utilizes the temperaturedifference in oceans between the warm surface water and the cold water at 1000 m depthto produce electricity. The purpose of this report is to investigate if OTEC with its synergiescould become a commercially feasible energy solution for a small island. A literature reviewis conducted to explore the different OTEC technologies and to what extent the threesynergies; fresh water, air conditioning and aquaculture, could be used. In order to calculatethe profitability of these synergies there is also a study conducted on the conventionalmethods and cost of fresh water production, aquaculture and air conditioning. A model is setup using a scenario of a small tropical Island with population of 100 000 people.

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