

120 Uppsatser om Conversion - Sida 4 av 8

Etiologi och patogenes för benign prostatahyperplasi hos hund

This literature review summarizes available data on infection with the parasitic roundworm, Ascaridia galli, as a cause of disease in poultry, including the consequences of a Conversion to alternative production systems. Ascaridia galli has a direct life cycle with resistant eggs that survive and are easily spread in the environment, especially in systems with bedding materials where the faecal contact is high. The infection is usually subclinical but depending on the infection dose, the symptoms range from weight loss and diarrhea to mortality. Factors such as the feed composition and genetic variation among different hybrids clearly affect the establishment rate of the infection. Ascaridia galli will probably become an increasing problem, with a shift from the traditional battery cages to alternative systems where the risk of re-infection is high.

Slam ? en outnyttjad resurs i skogsbruket

Every year about 210 000 tones dry weight of sewage sludge is produced in Sweden. Most of the sludge is applied to agricultural land, plantsoil and landfill cover. Sewage sludge contains essential nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is limiting growth on solid ground in Sweden and can therefore be used as fertilizer to increase productivity. In order that the sludge can be spread to forest land it requires first a Conversion of sludge to pellets, to make it more manageable.

Bränslecellskonvertering av linfärjan Tora

Denna rapport består av information och data som har samlats in i syfte att kunna presentera en genomförbar konvertering av linfärjan Toras framdrivningssystem, som idag utgörs av dieselelektrisk drift, till bränslecellsdrift. Den bränslecell som behandlas i rapporten är PEMFC och är en bränslecellstyp som drivs av ren vätgas. Resultaten tjänar som en informationskälla för en potentiell konvertering och presenteras för Trafikverket, som ett alternativ i linje med Sveriges regerings mål att reducera mängden CO2 utsläpp på en nationell nivå. Informationen i rapporten har insamlats via mail- och telefonkontakt samt ett besök på Tora på plats i Stockholm. Ett genomförande av konverteringen är fullt möjligt men mer kostsamt än dieseldrift i dagsläget med avseende på höga bränsle- och inköpskostnader utav bränsleceller.

Konvertering av CRM-system från ASP till ASP.NET

S2 CRM is a Customer Relations Management system built in classic ASP that runs on a web server servicing customers with varying needs. The purpose of this thesis work is to convert parts of the system to the web development environment ASP.NET. The purpose is also to gain knowledge of the framework itself. The ASP.NET environment is compared with another framework, JBoss Seam, in order to understand the differences and to evaluate the possibility of using another framework than ASP.NET, when building the new system. The outcome of this comparison is that although JBoss Seam is just as good, and in some aspects better than ASP.NET, the use of ASP.NET simplifies the continuation of development on the S2 CRM product.

Programmerbar signalanpassning

The data acquisition system COMET developed by Saab AB contains a unit for signal conditioning and A/D Conversion, called KSM. The varieties in signal conditioning constitutes of a number of specific PBAs and maintenance as well as reconfiguration of these are complicated not to mention costly. This thesis has aimed to investigating whether the signal conditioning circuits can be replaced by a general purpose, programmable solution. If so, how can this be done? The development has been carried out by evaluating ideas through the use of a laboratory environment and has resulted in an analog design for laboratory purpose.

Lokalisering av vågkraftanläggningar : Metodutveckling med GIS och fallstudie Bohuskusten

In this thesis work a Geographical Information System (GIS) based methodology to identify locations suitable for the installation of wave energy converters has been developed. Parameters of importance have been identified and a GIS-database has been set up, containing data about the marine environment. In a case study of the Swedish west coast the methodology has been applied, resulting in a number of maps showing possible areas. The results show that large areas are suitable for installation of wave energy converters, from a technical and economical point of view. When consideration is taken to other interests in the area, such as navigation, fishing and environmental protection, the size of the suitable area diminishes considerably.

Utveckling av Breakoutbox för Fuel Flow Transmitter

Development and construction of an electronic Breakout box is the main work for this thesis. The box is a part of a test system for the component Fuel Flow Transmitter and should convert signals to be suitable for a frequency counter. A previously constructed Breakoutbox for this purpose is being old and needed to be recreated. So SAAB Aerotech, Aircraft services, the company for the thesis work wanted to construct a new, more sustainable Breakoutbox adapted to a more modern technology. The signals to the box comes from the transmitter and should be converted to suitable signals for a frequency counter so it can show pulse and time difference between the signals.

Att inleda ett arbete med CRO inom webbutvecklingsföretag

This study test the short-termism of companies listed on the market OMX Stockholm 30. We will use a deductive point of view where the purpose of this study is to investigate whether corporate short-term returns can be explained by the independent variables related to corporate governance and compensation practices. This is to investigate whether there is an intentional action on raising the short-term return in order to achieve a higher CEO compensation. In the study, theories dealing with corporate governance and agency theory have resulted in two hypotheses. Basic Hypothesis H1 is: if short-termism of Swedish industry due to the company's short-term returns can be explained by the independent variables related to the company's management and compensation. This hypothesis could not be verified through the quantitative study. Alternative Hypothesis H2 is: the compensation of a CEO can be explained by the independent variables related to company performance and size.

Bedömning av loggbok : Bedömning av loggbok med en uppgiftsspecifik matris

The purpose of my independent work was to develop and test a task-specific assessment matrix to the students writing logs that occurs in connection with their APL (workplace-based learning). The matrix is based on upper secondary school subject plan House building from The Swedish National Agency for Education and the four courses House building process, House building 1, House building 2 and House building 3 - Conversion. Due to the matrix structure, I used the example matrix of Malmö University. The task-specific assessment must both serve as a guide for students in the implementation of the log writing, and in the evaluation of the assessment work. Both students and teachers then get a common assessment tool for evaluation.

Uppföljning av plantering på nedlagd åkermark i Skåne 1991-1996 :

The study was performed for the Swedish Regional Forestry Board in Södra Götaland. The study examines broadleaf plantations on former farmland that were planted between 1991 and 1996 with subsidy payments for Conversion of farmland into forest. In particular, the study reviews forests planted in 1991-92 and 1994-96. In the early 1990s, Swedish agriculture was deregulated and direct subsides to farmers ended. The Swedish state instead granted farmers financial support and offered incentives for Conversion of farmland and investments in order to make their unproductive land productive. The state supported Conversion of farmland to broadleaf forest, forest for energy biomass production, or establishment of wetlands on former farmland. The County Administrative Boards and Regional Forestry Boards together monitored the planting of broadleaf forests.

Ovillkorade aktieägartillskott - Analys utifrån skatteflyktslagen

Partner in a close company is taxed under special rules for private companies. This is to avoid a fiscal revenue Conversion. Partner as having a major influence in the company and take out what is really earned income as dividends and thus be taxed at a significantly lower rate. The purpose of the close company rules is that a partner in labor income is taxed in the same way that an employee?s income.The problem that arises when one partner in a closely held company leave a shareholders contribution to the company which aims to raise the threshold for the shares discussed in this paper.

Rörelsekapital och lönsamhet : Finns det ett samband?

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan rörelsekapital och   lönsamhet för företag i olika storleksklasser på svenska maskintillverkande företag.Metod: Studien baseras på en kvantitativ metod för att undersöka rörelsekapitalets samband med lönsamheten. Datan som användes i studien hämtades från retriever business och uträkningarna gjordes i Microsoft Office Excel. Variablerna storlek på företag, utvecklingsfas och rörelsekapitalspolicy användes för att kategorisera datan i flertalet tester.Teori: Studiens rörelsekapitalsmått var kassacykeln och lönsamhetsmåttet var bruttovinstmarginalen.Resultat: Studiens resultat visade att det inte fanns något samband mellan rörelsekapital och lönsamhet i 13 av de 24 undersökningarna.Slutsats: Studiens slutsats är att sambandet mellan rörelsekapital och lönsamhet skiljer sig åt hos företag i olika storleksklasser på svenska maskintillverkande företag..

Gud, magin och vetenskapen : En analys av August Strindbergs Inferno

This literature review aims to investigate, expose and explain August Strindberg's religious position in his partly autobiographical work Inferno, published in Swedish in 1897, in relation to Peter Berger's socialization theory. Strindberg says in the beginning of Inferno that he goes from being an atheist, occultist and Swedenborgian to finally return to his ancestral religion, Christianity. This is questionable, as Strindberg seems to be religious in its atheistic era, and occultist during his Christian period. Strindberg's own religious views seem not always match what he portrays, compared to what he writes in his correspondence and diary entries. This literature review aims to highlight the influences of Strindberg affected to clarify his religiosity which is implicitly and explicitly depicted in Inferno.

Faktorer som bidrar till att kursmålen nås för elever med matematiksvårigheter

During my practice as a teacher trainee at an upper secondary school it became clear to me that many pupils had difficulties with mathematics. I was surprised to find that many pupils seemed to get stuck on the level of attainment for the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. As I have not studied anything about difficulties in Mathematics during my training to become a qualified teacher, I would like to get to know more about this.After studying research done on this subject I made the following approach to the problem:? What fields regarding Mathematics do the pupils themselves find most difficult?? What factors have been contributory causes to these problems?? What are the factors that have helped pupils with difficulties in Mathematics to reach the goals for the syllabuses in Mathematics?The answers to my questionnaire and interviews resulted in the following conclusions:? Pupils find theory of equation and Conversion of units as most difficult at senior level of the nine-year compulsory school.? Teaching should be done in special instruction groups to give the pupil the opportunity to develop his/her skills on an individual level.? Pupils find it hard to deal with all moments in Mathematics during the time given for each course.? The pace for teaching Mathematics is too high according to the pupils.? Pupils wish for instructions on a lower level.? There is often a lack of contact between teacher and pupil.? The teacher should use more time to help the pupil receive good self-confidence and increase the motivation for instructions in Mathematics..

Kreatörers försörjning - En modell för värdeutbyten i de kreativa näringarna

That many creative workers have uncertain and uneven incomes is well-established, but how or why they make a living is not. This paper examines the elusive value exchanges between creatives, buyers, consumers, and other economic supporters, and offers a model of how creatives make a living. By mapping income statistics of Swedish creatives together with in-depth interviews some patterns emerge. This, combined with Bourdieu's theories of social, cultural and symbolic capital, and Knorr's objects of sociality, forms a basis for a structured model of value exchange. The paper shows how creative workers create economic and non-economic capital (capitalization), how they advertise this capital (signaling), and how they convert between different types of capital (Conversion) in order to make a living.

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