

8940 Uppsatser om Conversation Analysis (CA) - Sida 19 av 596

Samforskning : en möjlighet i pågående terapi

Tom Andersen (1995) utvecklade samtal där terapeut och klient tillsammans utvärderar samarbetet i terapin, samtal med reflekterande förhållningssätt som senare kom att kallas för samforskningssamtal. Samtal med ombytta roller, där terapeuten får lära av klienten. Studier har visat att samforskningssamtalen ger terapeutiska effekter med ökad känslan av samhörighet, fördjupad samskapande process och hjälper terapin framåt samt ger terapeuterna ökade kunskaper om sig själva som terapeut. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa om samforskningssamtal kan ge möjligheter och betydelse i pågående terapi och i så fall vilka.-Hur upplevdes samforskningssamtalet?-Vad fick terapeut respektive patient syn på i samforskningssamtalet?-Vilken betydelse kan samforskningssamtalet ha framöver i terapin? Två samforskningssamtal har hållits och därefter har en intervju hållits med var och en av deltagarna.

Landskapskaraktärsanalys - ett försök i Sverige :

As the European Landscape Convention is brought into action, planning in Sweden has got to become increasingly considerate of the landscape and its character. To render this possible, a basic requirement is that we find a functional method for analysis. The Landscape is a synthesis of the interplay between place and man. It is made up of our physical environment and shows the result of our actions throughout history. Our surroundings affect us in many ways, financially as well as emotionally. This is why an analysis of the landscape has to be inclusive of many types of information. I have performed a landscape analysis, according to the British Landscape Character Assessment-method, in Svedala kommun.

Metoder för kulturmiljöanalys

Questions concerning the Cultural Heritage must be integrated in social planning.Therefore there is a need for adequate methods for cultural environmental analysis, toreceive knowledge that is relevant in an integrated conservation. The thesis is a review ofmethods for cultural environmental analysis and discusses the qualifications necessary fora method in order to receive adequate information as well as it discusses what kind ofinformation to be considered relevant. The thesis also analyzes a specific method forcultural environmental analysis in order to exam if it has got the qualifications concludedas necessary if it is to be used in an integrated conservation. The conclusion is that amethod for cultural environmental analysis should collect information about the entireenvironment (integrated information about nature and culture, in a historical perspectiveand how it is today), about social structures, physical remains (buildings etc) and what thecollected information tell about the history of the studied area, as well as what is importantin the landscape of today. Information about how the environment should be treated in thefuture is also of importance.

Var lägger man problemet ? hos barnet eller den omgivande miljön? : En textanalytisk studie av dokument skrivna av specialpedagogen i förskolan

The purpose with this thesis was to study the special pedagogical perspectives that stood out in documents written by the special teachers in preschool. In order to maintain the thesis research questions a text analysis was carried out on the document ?Handledningssamtal? that was used by the special teachers in their contact with the teachers in preschool. The documents were analyzed based in the special educational perspectives and the results and measures from the analysis were divided into three levels; individual, group and organizational level. Finally a study of the connection between the analysis and the measures was carried out and the result was reported in a typology schedule inspired by earlier research.

Gränser i Grödinge : Om hägnadsanläggningars funktion med utgångspunkt i en fosfatanalys av RAÄ 78 samt RAÄ 79 i Grödinge sn på Södertörn

This paper deals with the question of when hill forts ? or enclosed mountains ? were built and to what purpose, by examining two enclosed mountains (RAÄ 78 and 79) in Grödinge parish in the province of Södermanland. A phosphate analysis was conducted to trace anthropogenic activities. The analysis showed only a slight elevation of phosphate content in the soil. A histogram indicated that the elevations were not normally distributed, which could suggest that they were caused by anthropogenic activities.

Likvida tillgångars påverkan på lönsamhet och aktievärde : En studie av svenska företag på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm mellan 2008-2011

Objective: The study will investigate whether cash liquidity have a negative affect on profitability and share value of companies, listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm 2008-2011. Part of the purpose is also to show if the industry risk is of importance for treasury management of these companies.Method: The methodology for the study is key analysis through hypothesis testing and regression analysisConclusion: The liquidity ratio affects profitability in a negative direction on the entire sample. No other conclusion can be drawn..

Skada, vinst och samhällsflytt : En kvalitativ studie om hur LKAB porträtteras i Dagens Nyheter

The purpose of this paper is to examine how LKAB are portrayed in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN). The methods that were used were: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) combined with Critical Linguistic Analysis. These were used since they help to reveal the structures and unconscious meaning and power of word. It gives the tools to see how authority, power and meaning of words are constructed during social practice of the way they are used. To complement the method the theories that?s used are discourse analysis since CDA is both a method and a theory.

Solidaritet eller social distans? : Hjälpsituationer mellan främlingar

I urbana miljöer är människor fysiskt nära varandra men relationellt distanserade. Samtidigt finns möjligheten till möten ansikte mot ansikte i vilka ett ömsesidigt moraliskt ansvar kan alstras. Denna studie bidrar till kunskap om hur människor hanterar sociala normer angående anonymitet och solidaritet i sådana situationer. Studien undersöker situationer då främlingar erbjuder eller ber varandra om hjälp på offentliga platser. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är interaktionistisk och etnometodologisk med fokus på människors praktiska handlingar.

Utvärdering av Auroraverksamheten - vid en Kvinnoklinik i södra Sverige

The main purpose of this stydy was to evaluate the Aurora clinic (for women afraid of birth/delivery) in the south of Sweden. Questionnaires were sent to 197 women who had contact with the Aurora clinic during 2007 and 2008. The group of participants contained both pregnant women and women who have given birth. A total of 136 women replied. The results showed that both the average age and the level of education of the women were high.

Slaget om budgeten : Kommunikation inom den moderna politiken

Title: The battle of the budget ? Communication in a modern policy (Slaget om budgeten ?Kommunikation inom den moderna politiken)Numbers of pages: 39Author: Niclas KarlssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose of the paper is to see how Minister of Finance Anders Borg andthe Social Democratic economic spokesman Thomas Östros communicate their messages tothe public.Material/Method: The material is the minutes of the budget debate in the SwedishParliament. The method is rhetorical analysis and content analysis.Main result: Trust making is very important for both of them, especially when the financecrisis reached Sweden. The most common rhetorical quality is ethos.Keywords: Strategic political communication, rhetorical analysis, political trust..

Att utvärdera vetenskapliga tidskrifter: En kritisk analys av Journal Impact Factor: en metod inom citeringsanalys.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make a critical analysis of Journal Impact Factor JIF. JIF is today the most widespread quantitative measure for evaluating scientific journals. Although it is internationally used and is considered authoritarian many problems have been observed. This has led to that the validity of JIF has been questioned. To identify JIFs limitations the following issues have been raised: Which are the problems with citation analysis? What criticisms have been directed towards Journal Impact Factor as a measure for evaluating scientific journals? The theoretical framework consists of theories about citation behaviour and a discussion about the characteristics of a scientific journal.

Klassifikation och definition av socialantropologi En jämförande studie ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to study the relationship between the definition and bibliographical classification of a certain academic subject; social anthropology. The theoretical framework consists of views held in Information Science regarding the definition and classification of subjects. The methodological onset is based on hermeneutical concepts that allow an extended analysis of abstract structures of thought. This analysis comprises of two parts; a descriptive analysis and a comparative analysis. The result of the descriptive analysis, whose aim is to describe the academic subject social anthropology, shows that this is not easy to define, instead it is nowadays almost the same as cultural anthropology.

Att genom fiktion skildra en verklighet : En kvalitativ studie i hur maktstruktrurer beskrivs i BBC:s tv-serie The Hour

The objective of this study was to investigate how power relationships between journalists and politicians were shown in the fictional BBC tv-series ?The Hour?. We wanted to investigate how these power structures is narrated by the producers of the series and what impact the narration could have to the audiance of the 21th century.We choose to analyse a total of 12 scenes from all of the six episodes, which are all set in Britain during the beginning of the Suez Canal crisis in the 1950?s, all seen from a BBC editorial point of view.In our analysis we chose to use two different kind of methods, the first one was a situation analysis and the second one a text analysis. The situation method was useful to get a perception of the relations between the participants .The text analysis we used to analyse what was said in the tv-series and to interpret underlying motives.The fictional form necessitated a personalization of power structures, in the sense that each and every power was represented by a single character; political power was for instance represented by the character of Angus McCain.

Marknadsföring i podcast

Podcast is a new audio media in Sweden and has become larger and increasingly more popular in the past few years. In line with this, companies have seen the opportunity to use this type of marketing in the new coveted media and have created a new marketing tool in the form of sponsorship. Previous studies in this field indicate that this is a very effective method to reach a broad audience, but it still is a relatively new area with very little research in existence today. This study is an analysis of how receptive listeners are to marketing through podcasts and the ability companies have to create a sustainable and effective strategy for successful marketing through this type of medium. The collection of data for this study consists of two different qualitative interviews, the first one with listeners that were chosen, and the second with the sponsor company for two of the largest podcasts in Sweden. The essay´s empirical evidence shows how receptive listeners are to marketing via podcasts, what their podcast habits look like, what form of approach in marketing they prefer, and how often they take part in different offers. From the interviews with listeners and sponsoring companies in the study, it is concluded that the best and most effective strategy for marketing through podcasts is to weave advertising in the conversation and therefore increase the credibility and disturb the listener as little as possible.

Kompatibilitet med BIM-koncept : Revit Structure 2012 och Robot Structural Analysis 2012

This thesis deals with the compatibility between analysis software Revit Structure2012 and Robot Structural Analysis 2012. The purpose is to become more aware ofinformation management models to be compatible across different softwareapplications. The structural model is made to be optimal for the compatibility of othersoftware Aim is also to gain an understanding of the transferring methods that exist,and which method is most convenient to use and to examine whether the methodswork in practice. Objective of this project is to make the modeling processtime-efficient for constructors. Models do not need to be structured in severaloccasions in different software; it only needs an optimal model that transfers properlybetween software.The method used in the thesis consist cases where the transferring process isexamined.

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