

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 42 av 55

Därför onlinevideo : En engagerande historia

The financial crisis in 2008, effected companies around the globe and forced them to change their operational strategies, in order to survive. Companies with international links needed to consider external effects and due to that adapt their strategies on a global level. Demands for goods and service were decreasing and companies could only manage the cost during a recession to not face bankruptcy. Organisations need to reconsider their optimal strategy as this will determine their future outcome when managing a crisis as the one in 2008. British Airways - Air Cargo is a global company with an international network which serves about 80 countries, with about 200 destinations.

Mulesingens historia och framtid, samt desskonsekvenser för djurvälfärden.

Mulesing is a surgical husbandry procedure performed on lambs in Australia. The reason is toprevent severe fly-strike to the breech area, which otherwise risks to be soiled with faeces.This problem is mainly occurring in sheep of the Merino breed. Their fine wool is in demandworldwide due to high quality. Mulesing has been performed since the 1930?s, and eventhough alternative methods have been discussed nothing is yet generally accepted.

Underbart är kort?: En utvärdering av reklam- och upplevelseeffektivitet vid reducerad reklamtäthet i TV

The high and seemingly increasing degree of consumer avoidance and disliking of television advertising breaks should raise many questions for commercially financed television networks as it can be argued that benefits sought by both viewers [seeking a fulfilling viewing experience] and advertisers [seeking advertising effectiveness] are eroded by this effect. This thesis studies effects on advertising effectiveness [RecallBRAND; AttitudeBRAND; AttitudeAD] as well as on the viewing experience [SatisfactionPROGRAM/CHANNEL; Attitude PROGRAM/CHANNEL; IntentionPROGRAM/CHANNEL] given a reduced degree of advertising clutter. By conducting an experiment two breaks are compared, one having the standard primetime nonprogram time units (5 min and 30 sec *3?16minutes/hour) and the other the standard nonprogram content cut in half (2.45 min *3 ?8min /hour).Results show that the reduced breaks award advertisers with higher commercial effectiveness. Measures of RecallBRAND demonstrates no differences between the standard and the reduced break, implying a significantly increased likelihood to be recalled and an equivalently lowered risk to be forgotten in the reduced break.

Tweens' uppfattade värde av ett varumärke : - en studie av konsumenter 10-14 år och hur de relaterar sig till ett varumärke

Background:The value a consumer connect with a certain brand and its design differ from person to person. This value ought to be investigated. Why does people buy expensive things when there are cheaper alternatives? Is it brand equity and/or the perception of a brand?s value that make a difference? People strive to show themselves and to perform through products, which makes it interesting to see to the perceived value of design.Tweens is a group of consumers that are easily influenced to consume products by their surrounding. To choose clothes, shoes and other products after what your surrounding?s demand, is a way of adapting yourself to society.

Förtroendeskapande mellan företag och kunder : en kvalitativ studie om hur sex svenska företag ser på förtroendeskapande gentemot kunder. 

Kurs: 2FE73E, Examensarbete i företagsekonomi med inriktning marknadsföring, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet.Författare: Johanna Liikamaa & Erika GustafssonHandledare: Leif MarcussonExaminator: Richard OwusuUppsatsens titel: Förtroendeskapande mellan företag och kunder: en kvalitativ studie om hur sex svenska företag ser på förtroendeskapande gentemot kunder.Forskningsfråga: Hur arbetar svenska tjänsteföretag med förtroendeskapande gentemot kunder och potentiella kunder?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med en undersökning kring förtroendeskapande gentemot kunder. Vi har två delsyften, vilka är att klargöra och analysera hur företagen arbetar med kundrelationer och lojalitet.Metod: Studien baseras på kvalitativ metod, datainsamlingen har skett genom öppna telefonintervjuer med sex företrädare från företag. Resultat: Genom studiens intervjuer och dess resultat har vi kommit fram till att företag är beroende av förtroende från deras kunder. Våra informanter har återgett att förtroendeskapandeåtgärder är värt mycket och att utan förtroende kommer man inte långt i sitt arbete. Detta beror troligen på att det inte enbart är produkten eller tjänsten som står i fokus utan ?hela paketet? i form av service och förtroendeskapande åtgärder med mera.

Kommunikation i sociala medier : Nya utmaningar för organisationer

AbstractTitle: Communications through Social media ? new challenges for organizations Kommunikation i sociala medier ? nya utmaningar för organisationerAuthor: Jenny Lilius Location: University of Kalmar Language: Swedish Number of pages: 46 (62 including appendix) Level: BA Thesis in media and Communications StudiesAim: The main purpose of this thesis was to explore what kind of challenges organizations face when communicating through social media. Because social media is a new phenomenon the thesis also examined how organizations active in Sweden today looks upon, defines, monitoring what is said about them and uses social media today.Method: The thesis was based upon the qualitative gathering of empirical facts. Through deep interviews with five organizations and literature studies the author was able to gather the results.Theories The analysis is primarily based upon theories about organizational communications such as PR, Rogers?s diffusions of innovations and the marketing mix.

Från profit till ansvar, ett företags anpassning till verkligheten : en studie av användandet av ekologisk bomull inom H&M

In the last years people has become more aware of issues regarding corporate social responsibility. This has led to a more thorough control of big multinational companies, which are often held account of violating social, ethical and environmental values. The term most often used for this is corporate social responsibility (CSR). H&M is a Swedish multinational company and the concept of H&M is fashion to a low price. The material most often used in producing clothes is cotton.

HÅLLBART KONSUMENTBETEENDE - En undersökning om hur kunder kan engageras att främja hållbarhetsaspekten vid klädinköp

Hållbarhetsfrågan i klädbranschen är fortfarande i en utvecklingsfas och tidigare forskning visar att det finns ett flertal möjliga faktorer som är bidragande till att kunder i dagsläget inte konsumerar på ett sätt som går i linje med deras värderingar. Syftet är att utforska hur kunder kan engageras att främja hållbarhetsaspekten vid klädinköp. För att uppfylla syftet utformas två forskningsfrågor. Metoden är en flerfaldig strategi med ett huvudsakligt kvalitativt fokus. Angreppssättet är abduktivt genom kombination av deduktion och induktion. Studien består av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning följt av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Känsliga kvinnor och mäktiga män : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av genus-representationen i Sveriges Radios P3 Nyheter

The radio is a medium we often listen to whilst doing something else. We wake up, do the dishes, cook or drive to work. Radio as a medium reaches many people, regardless of whether it is through conscious or unconscious listening. We thereby thought it was an important medium to scrutinize in our study. The focus of our study is on the gender representation in P3 Nyheters broadcasts.

Nya Möjligheter för Kontroversiella Varumärken-En studie kring kontroversiella varumärkens framfart i sociala medier

As commonly known, Social Media is a rapidly growing area. Since consumers to a great extent are present in Social Media, this new internet environment is increasing in relevance for consumer marketing. For controversial brands that are regulated in conventional marketing channels Social Media is an extra ordinary marketing opportunity, since social media is a legal grey area. More and more controversial brands are taking advantage of this opportunity, but the effects of these marketing activities are fairly unknown. Therefore there is an interest in examining the controversial brands marketing progression in Social Media.

Word-of-Mouse-Effektens Mörka Sida : - En experimentell studie om hur negativ information i dagens sociala medier påverkar konsumentuppfattningar

The Dark Side of the Word-of-Mouse Effect- An experimental study of how negative information in today?s social media can influence consumer perception As a result of the electronic revolution of information dissemination, social media as a phenomenon has come to play an important part, both in society at large but also when it comes to business and marketing. Nowadays, knowledge and opinions about brands and products are spread by reputation through a wide range of social media platforms, a phenomenon which in the literature is referred to as word-of-mouse or electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM).The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people?s opinions towards a company and its product are affected by negative information in terms of eWOM. Or more precisely, whether or not there is a difference in this effect depending on information content, concerning company values on the one hand and product attributes on the other.This was done in an experimental setting where two groups of respondents were subjected to fictitious information of different types using established social media platforms.

Effektivare traktordemonstrationer : femtio lantbruksföretag svarar

The background to this paper is the fact that many products are demonstrated to show the consumer value of the product. This is generally the fact when it comes to agricultural products, such as tractors. The growing number of models makes this even more import for the retailer to perform a demonstration that really catches the interest of a prospect customer. One problem is that these demonstrations are expensive and many small retailers have difficulties to afford demonstrations of every model. Together with Åhmans Traktorcentrum AB a market investigation was conducted. The company has its primary sales area in the region of Östergötland and north part of Småland. Åhmans Traktorcentrum AB is a John Deere dealer.

Konkurrenssituationen fo?r den svenska morotsbranschen :

The Swedish carrot market is dominated by a few big companies and three of them stands for 50 % of the market. During the last twenty years the number of growers has decreased, the area and the harvest have increased. The big producers have invested in advanced and expensive postharvest equipment that fulfils the high standards of the food industry. Few carrot producers are members of an organisation and they keep contacts with there buyers one by one. The buyers are mostly wholesalers and these have during a long period of time decreased the number of suppliers.

Nätverk och öppen innovation: ? En analys av innovation i samarbete över företagsgränser

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and identify a selected number of key factors in successfully implementing open innovation. More precisely, it looks at how value is maximized using open innovation practices. The scientific approach taken is based largely on the network perspective, which puts relations to other companies in focus. An extended view of the resource based view (RBV), different from the traditional one by taking also external resources into account, is in addition central to understanding the use of external resources to create internal value. The two main research questions strive to look at how the company locates relevant partners and what the relations that are established with these partners should look like to get the most of open innovation.

(H)elt om marsch!

The focus of this essay is on a political party that was founded in Sweden in 1904. Today, we known it as Moderata Samlingspartiet. Historically, this party has transitioned through multiple phases which have included a change of name and also a change of substance in the area of trade policy. The party that was cheering globalisation at the 2006 congress had its roots in protectionism and had been founded as a strict protectionist organisation. The question raised here is what has caused this dramatic change in the trade politic?In addressing this important question, I have used both organization and party strategy theories to identify the main underlying reasons.

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