

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 22 av 55

Vardagsprat eller marknadsföring? : En studie i Buzz Marketing

This essay is focused on the marketing phenomenon buzz marketing. Buzz marketing is all about making the consumers to talk about your product. In the world we are living in with all the marketing messages, companies tries to find new ways to reach the consumers with their marketing message. The essay consists of 6 interviews with a low level of structure and standardisation. The material from these interviews has been analyzed with the help from the theories of buzz marketing, word of mouth, marketing communication, consumer behaviour, relationship marketing, one-to-one marketing and marketing ethics.

Mervärdeskapande på Internet : En undersökning av Internetbaserade resebyråer

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether Swedish, Internet-based travel agencies, acting on a consumer market are working towards creating added value for their customers. If that is the case, how and why do they use such a mode of operation.The theoretical framework was based on Grönroos´ ?Augmented service offering?, which treats added value as an addition to the core service. The services offered on five of the larger companies´ websites on the market were examined and 3 representatives of the five companies were interviewed.The study shows that 2 of the examined companies did not produce any added value, while 3 of the companies did produce added value for the customer. The added value was generated through packaging of core-, facilitating- and supporting services for the purpose of differentiating the company towards competitors and generating service fees..

Hur samarbetar konkurrenter? : En stude om hur tre konkurrerande banker samarbetar kring en ny teknisk produkt

The buying decision process describes how the consumer makes a purchase decision through a rational process (Markin, 1979) and an understanding for how consumers make a purchase decision can according to Sands et al. (2010) be obtained by increased knowledge for the information search process (the second part of the buying decision process) before a purchase. Today?s society offers great opportunity to obtain information (Rahim & Clemens, 2012; Bawden & Robinson, 2009) and by that there are in other words good opportunities for a rational acting by the consumers. However, there are factors working against that consumers act rationally and seek information prior to their purchases primarily in the form of the concept of information overload (Bawden & Robinson, 2009) which claims that consumers are limited in their information search because there is too much information but also other factors such as lack of time (Wood & Neal, 2009) and ability to find information (Slegers et al.

E-faktura : Relationernas förändring mellan småföretag och storföretag vid införandet av EDI

This essay describes some factors that may effect small business survival in relation to becoming a supplier for bigger companies that may implement the use of EDI for electronic invoicing.The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate what impact may occur during the introduction of EDI between small and big business.Following on from the introduction of methods used in this study there will be a complete analysis made detailing results.From our research we have found that most small business have developed a professional working relationship between themselves and their clients.The adoption of EDI by big business has revolutionised the day to day dealings between both supplier and consumer in that EDI has empowered both chains to collaborate data in real time.In conclusion our research illustrates that in order for small business to survive the must implement EDI. The results of our study have shown that the introduction of EDI to both small and big business has had a positive outcome..

Bibliotekarier och sjuksköterskor i samarbete med patientinformation : En intervjuundersökning vid sjukhusbiblioteket på Mölndals sjukhus

A qualitative study about collaboration between librarians and nurses in the supplying of consumer health information (CHI) at The Hospital Library of The Mölndal Hospital in Mölndalnear Gothenburg, Sweden.The staff were interviewed about how their work is affected by the collaboration between thetwo occupational groups. The purpose of the study is to find out if there exists a strugglebetween the groups about the influence on and the control over the handling of this kind ofinformation. Despite some problems with the permission to do as many interviews as needed,the study shows some positive effects with the collaboration. The study gives a short backgroundto the development of CHI services in USA, the UK, Denmark and Sweden. Fourfurther CHI service centres in Sweden are shortly presented and one member of each staffwas interviewed by telephone..

Lojalitetsprogram ur medlemmarnas perspektiv. : Skapas lojalitet eller tröghet?

As the usage of loyalty programs increases, this study takes a new approach to examine how these programs influence consumers? attitudes toward brands. This paper is influenced by the recent findings that question the capability to create a clear picture of the effects of loyalty programs by conducting quantitative research. This is based of the differentiation between attitudes and actions, leading to the fact that quantitative research have only captured the actions of members of loyalty programs. In contrast to that, this paper uses qualitative interviews to create a more in-depth point of view.The paper immerses the reader in the theoretical viewings of what loyalty is and how it emerges from satisfaction.

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid utvecklingen av en e-handelsplats: en fallstudie med fokus på skivbutiker

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka vilka faktorer på en e-handelsplats ett företag eller en organisation bör beakta, för att dessa ska kunna nå framgång med sin verksamhet. Vi har inom ramen av en fallstudie genomfört en empirisk undersökning på två ledande svenska e-handelsföretag, som utifrån ett antal utvalda kriterier kan betecknas som framgångsrika. Vi har därefter ställt det insamlade materialet mot den teori som förespråkar vilka faktorer som är kritiska för ett företags framgång och överlevnad. Resultatet av vår studie visar att det finns ett antal kritiska faktorer som bör beaktas på en e-handelsplats. Studien påvisar även att det finns flertalet faktorer som har en underordnad betydelse för en e-handelsplats framgång..

E-commerce via smartphone - implications of consumer perceptions and habits

Uppsatsens syfte a?r dels att identifiera konsumenternas e-handelspreferenser men a?ven att ta reda pa? eventuella skillnader ga?llande anva?ndarpreferenser via smartphone respektive persondator. Uppsatsen identifierar e-handel som ett fenomen som blir allt starkare och som a?r pa? va?g att konkurrera ut den traditionella detaljhandeln. Fo?r att kunna svara pa? va?r problemformulering tar vi hja?lp av olika metoder. Utifra?n va?ra underso?kningar tillsammans med va?ra utvalda metoder har vi kommit fram till att konsumenterna hellre sitter vid en persondator vid konsumtion av en vara.

Hur betydelsefull är CRM data? : En studie om användandet av CRM-system inom livsmedelskedjorna ICA och Coop

During the last few decades a new kind of business operation have developed and this hasforced organisations to adapt themselves to a new competitive environment characterized byincreased customer demands as well as a larger amount of competitors. Therefore companieshave had a shift in their strategies from focusing on sales numbers to focusing on thecustomer. To build lasting customer relationships, in order to create customer loyalty, havebecome an important part of the organisational strategy and the collection of consumer datais essential in achieving this loyalty. Customer relationship management systems assistorganisations in managing information about individual customers as well as managing allaspects of customer contact, with the purpose of increasing customer loyalty towards thecompany. The collection of consumer data also enables for companies to design personalizedoffers to individual customers in the form of direct marketing.

Känsla kontra information i fotokommunikation

Photography has a big role in information sharing today. Especially in the hotel industry where it is the closest thing a customer can get to the product that is being sold. This study intends to find out how you can make use of rhetorical models and techniques of photography to enhance the communication skills of photos of hotel rooms. The main focus was to understand the difference between informative and emotional photographs and what consumers themselves focus on when choosing a hotel, and also how to use the collected information to create a larger buying interest through hotel photography. Using previous research work and quantitative data collection method, we have concluded that the informational and emotional photography methods have obvious differences but also many similarities, and are most effective used together and that the hotel consumer is more aware of the images influence then we assumed..

Butikskommunikationens viktiga roll

Studien är främst till för att bringa klarhet i hur en butik bör arbeta med visuell marknadsföring för att nå konsumenten och skapa en positiv reaktion hos denne. Vi har dessutom undersökt vikten av relationen till kunden, och hur företaget arbetar med det genom relationsmarknadsföring. Vi har fått fram vårt resultat genom marknadsundersökningar och observationer inne i och i anslutning till en butik, samt genom en intervju med den ansvarige för butikskommunikationen i samma butik. Till vår hjälp har vi arbetat med Peak Performens Borås, det är kring denna butik hela studien kretsar.Den personliga intervjun med den person som är ansvarig för butikskommunikationen på Peak Performens Borås gav oss information om problem och utmaningar ur deras synvinkel. Materialet gav oss även bra bakgrundsinformation att jämföra resultaten från marknadsundersökningarna och observationerna med.

Vägen till den virtuella butiken - en studie om Gina Tricots möjligheter att marknadsföra sig online

Internet når idag över 8 miljoner människor i Sverige och är en naturlig del av vardagen för många. För företag betyder detta en viktig marknadsföringskanal som inte bör underskattas. Genom att kommunicera med målgruppen via plattformer såsom sociala nätverk, bloggar och mikrobloggar kan företag erbjuda mervärde och bygga relationer online. Genom att utnyttja rätt marknadsföringskanal kan onlinemarknadsföring undvika att uppfattas som påträngande för konsumenten och istället inspirera på ett hjälpfullt sätt.Syftet med studien är att med en kartläggning av fast-fashionkonsumenters nätbeteende och attityder fastställa hur modeföretaget Gina Tricot som har flera försäljningskanaler kan öka besöksfrekvensen till den virtuella butiken genom marknadsföring online. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats med en fallstudiedesign.

Kundlojalitet inom dagligvaruhandeln

Att ha lojala kunder är något att sträva efter. Men vad gör en kund lojal? Den har studien försöker att ta reda på det genom att intervjua tio olika svenska personer för att få deras syn på lojalitet som fenomen och vad det innebär att vara en lojalkund för dem. Slutsatsen är att kundlojalitet är en relevant term men när det kom till att vara lojal visade det sig att de flesta av respondenterna inte var lojala, även om de hade ett lojalt beteende. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för deras köpbeteende var den geografiska platsen affären låg på i förhållande till deras eget boende.

Kreativ produktexponering inom e-handeln

This study investigates whether creative online product exposure within the clothing industry has a positive effect on the behaviour and attitude of today's consumers. Product exposure is the most important stimulus in the online marketing universe, yet few studies exist on this topic. Thus, this study pioneers in this specific research field. Through empirical analysis this study reveals that product exposure has a significant and direct effect on the perceived corporate ability and consumer involvement. Moreover creative product exposure indirectly increases the perceived product quality, intention to buy and the overall attitude towards the brand.

L?gkonjukturens p?verkan inom byggf?retag

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of how medium-sized construction companies adapt and how they choose to reorganize their operations in relation to the recession. The study has as its theoretical starting point theories about organizational learning, the impact of the economy on construction companies and strategies for dealing with recessions. The method used to conduct the study was semi-structured interviews with representatives from 15 different construction companies. The results of the study show that they used several strategies to adapt and reorganize the business in accordance with the recession. Some construction companies had to make cost savings as a result of the recession.

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