

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 13 av 55

Från konsument till medproducent : förekomsten och utvecklingen av Community Supported Agriculture i Sverige

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is an unconventional model of agriculture expected to contribute to a more sustainable food supply and a sustainable landscape; the development of rural areas; a stronger relationship between producer and consumer and a healthier diet. This study, with a focus on food production and the link between the producer and consumer, describes the origin and current development of CSA in Sweden, including the prerequisites for CSA in a Swedish context. Organizations and entrepreneurs working with CSA and related projects are identified and interviewed. The notion of CSA in Sweden is still in its infancy, but a rapidly growing interest currently can be detected. The fact that the identified CSAs are found in different Swedish regions with variations in degree of urbanization and intensity of agriculture indicates that the prerequisites are there for the concept to grow, both in rural as well as urban areas.

Myrorna - subkulturens butikskedja : en studie i varumärkesutvecklande

AIM This report studies the Swedish vintage store company Myrorna from a branding perspective.METHOD The study has applied the qualitative method where four personal interviews have taken a fundamental ground. The four respondents are taken from different professionals and from different positions by the reason that the brand would be based on a fair assessment. The study is obtaining data that further was collected from the library of University of Gävle, the articles from Emerladinsight.com and remaining pictures- and text materials is taken from the organization Myrorna. The theoretical material have been adapted on the brand Myrorna and then been used to analyze the empirical part. From the general impression that portrays the brand the researcher leads the discussion.RESULT AND CONCLUSION The result shows that the brand Myrorna in some extent do not fulfill the image the brand in the media mediate, between the illusion and the reality there is an empty space according to the research.

Vintage ? ett varumärke?

To dress in used clothes is no longer considered as unfashionable. The acceptance of thesecond hand market has increased over the years. Vintage clothing has becomefashionable because you get the opportunity to create your own individual style. Vintagehas been given status. It has become a trend.

Mycket snack och lite verkstad - En longitudinell studie av NPS och konsumentbeteende

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) has been claimed to be the single most reliable indicator of firm growth and has gained wide adoption among companies in a broad range of industries. This is despite a lack of rigorous scientific testing. The purpose of this study is to examine the predictive strength of the question "How likely are you to recommend [.] to your friends and colleagues " that the metric is based on: how well does it actually predict future consumer behavior Furthermore, the report aims to create a greater understanding of the factors that explain a person's word of mouth (WOM) intention and which behaviours cause that intention to change. A longitudinal study was conducted of 304 consumers' WOM intention regarding two non-carbonated drinks and their subsequent WOM and purchase behavior. The analyses show that the behaviors are captured by the metric to some extent.

Den trojanska bloggen : Bloggreklam, en effektiv marknadsföringskanal?

Purpose  The purpose of this paper is from a consumer perspective analysis whether or not blogs are affecting a customer?s purchase behaviour to a larger extent compared to traditional marketing methods through TV commercials. Additionally, within the scope of this try to identify the type of consumers that are more influenced to a purchase decision by blog contents compared to others.Methods Through a quantitative approach this study will examine the effectiveness of advertising in blogs. A survey was used in order to collect data where the respondents corresponded to the population in Sweden in the ages 15-79. Initially the size of the blog audience was estimated and thereafter it was examined how many of these that were affected towards a purchase decision by blogs.

Införande av truckdatorer på Pharmasia & Upjohn Consumer Healthcare AB

Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att på bästa möjliga sätt finna ett truckdatorsystem som kan förbättra arbetssituationen och säkerheten i Movex på förrådet hos Pharmacia & Upjohn Consumer Healthcare i Helsingborg.Truckdatasystemets främsta egenskaper skall vara enkelhet, smidighet, lätt utbyggbarhet för framtida behov, samtidigt som det skall fungera med det nuvarande Movex systemet.Riktlinjerna som drogs upp för projektets genomförande:? Materialflödesanalys genomfördes och overheadmaterial skapades? Information inhämtades om tänkbara leverantörer på marknaden? Selektering av leverantörer mot upprättad kravspecifikation? Inhämtning av offerter och besök på referensanläggningar? Demonstration och uppkoppling mot Movex på Pharmacia? Prisförhandling, egenskapsbedömning - ordervinnande faktorer? Val av slutgiltig leverantör? ImplementeringsplanDet slutliga valet som truckdatorsystemleverantör föll på Teklogix. Fördelarna med deras system var bland annat följande:? kompakt, lättplacerad terminal? personalens favorit? stor potential att utveckla ett bra system med inläsning av streckkoder på ett rationellt sätt? kort svarstid mellan terminal och Movex? bakåtkompatibelt samtidigt som systemet har stora framtidsmöjligheter.

Ständiga förbättringar för konkurrenskraftig och hållbar utveckling : En fallstudie utförd på Hammarplast Consumer AB, Tingsryd

Studien är utförd på Hammarplast Consumer AB med syftet att skapa djupare förståelse i hur producerande verksamheter arbetar med sina ständiga förbättringar och hur de kan på ett strukturerat sätt utföra förbättringar i den dagliga styrningen för att nå konkurrenskraftig och hållbar utveckling.För att detta skulle uppnås dokumenterades företagets vision och utmaning, som sedan bröts ned till ett detaljrikt måltillstånd med hjälp av att nuläget analyserades i den valda processen. Därefter gjordes små, snabba steg och korrigeringar mot måltillståndet, vilket genomfördes med planering, genomföring, reflektering och uppföljning. Det gav förbättringar som var värdehöjande för företaget och som resulterade i ett steg närmare visionen. Det strukturerade tillvägagångssättet, kata, bidrog till att medarbetarna blev engagerade och involverade.I de avslutande kapitlen fördes en diskussion om hur företaget kan på ett strukturerat sätt utföra deras ständiga förbättringar i den dagliga styrningen som kommer att föra dem emot en konkurrenskraftig och hållbar utveckling..

Välkommen till en minnesvärd upplevelse : En studie om Event Marketing

The society of today is overflowed with information and commercials. There is a thick media noise that the marketers finds hard to penetrate. Bearing this in mind, we can see that Event Marketing, witch is marketing through events, has grown to be a popular form of communication as it has an ability to work its way through the existing media noise. Through events a company can strengthen its brand and image as well as form a lasting relationship with its consumers. What other functions does Event Marketing possess? In what context is Event Marketing an appropriate marketing strategy to use? These are two questions that we aim to answer through this essay.To be able to answer these questions we interviewed the marketing manager of two different companies, L´oréal and TeliaSonera.

Prospects of a Challenger - A case study of Microsoft and the Console Industry

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to give a contribution to the studies of what strategies those are of importance for challengers in consumer technological markets aiming for the market leader position. To be able to investigate this phenomenon we have chosen to study Microsoft?s second position in the video game console industry. In addition, we want to illuminate Microsoft?s competitive advantages, how Microsoft can take advantage from Sony?s setbacks and what strategies those are of importance for Microsoft in the battle of becoming the market leader.

Den konstruerade verkligheten : En studie om porträtteringen av män och kvinnor i filmtidningen Cinema

There are many researching studies to be found that describes how media relates to men and women differently. Even if it?s a newspaper research or a magazine research they all display the same information. That there are differences in the way that women and men are described or portrayed in articles and pictures. Most of these gender studies are made on a basis of magazines that are mainly intended to men or to women.

Hållbar konsumtion av nötkött och mjölk

Sustainable beef and milk consumption. The consumption of beef and dairy products in Sweden is high. A lot of greenhouse gases are emitted from the production of these products. The production of beef in Sweden has decreased but the import has increased. The number of dairy cows has decreased while beef-production with suckler-cows has increased in Sweden.

eWOM: Kundrecensioners påverkan på konsumenter utifrån Regulatory Focus-teorin

This study examines the eWOM effect, more specifically: how customer reviews effects consumers. The study is based on a modified version of the Regulatory Focus Theory which describes consumer behavior using consumer consumption goals. The purpose of this study was to examine how positive and negative customer review's influence consumers when analyzing products that are equally characterized by two consumption goals: promotion and prevention goals. The authors combined quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (focus groups) research methods with the sample selection for both research methods being based on students of Södertörns University. Results indicate that negative customer reviews have a stronger influence on consumers than positive customer reviews when analyzing products that are equally characterized by the promotion goals and prevention goals.

Hur tänker de nu?: En studie om användandet av inkongruenta kändisar

Many companies choose to market their products and brands with help from celebrities. This is not a new phenomenon, though, this strategy is something that we consumers start to get used to and the risk that the consumer unconsciously unselects the message grows. A recently much-disputed theory is the use of incongruent marketing. This means that companies uses a marketing message with the objective to not match the consumer?s expectations.

KOMMUNIKATION I FÖRÄNDRING : en uppsats om den nya reklamen, reklamundvikandet och de trender som påverkar reklambranschen

Purpose/Aim: The aim of this paper is to find out how the new media landscape and new communication channels is altering how companies and organizations can reach out with their messages. The aim is also to shine light on the different trends within advertising today and also to discuss the Tivo-effect ie. that consumers are doing whatever possible to avoid advertisements.Material/ Method: I have used a qualitative research method where I have interviewed a number of people working in advertising in Sweden. The paper also includes material from books, article and various websites.Main results: In order for advertising agencies to create successful advertisement and to generate positive associations around a certain brand, it?s crucial that the advertisement is relevant for the target group.

Varumärkesbyggande genom Sponsring : Risker och Möjligheter med Co-Branding

The essay deals with the subject about branding and the communicative process that entails between businesses and consumers. The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of the opportunities and risks of brand building through sponsorship and Co-Branding. This descriptive analysis is made by highlighting the partnership between two strong brands in the Swedish market, Åbro & AIK, and how internal and external associations related to their impact on brand equity. The study has led to the conclusion that the sponsorship should be seen as synonymous with Co-branding, ie. a synergy between two or more brands.

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