

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 12 av 55

Transportfo?rpackningar och marknadsfo?ring av frukt och gro?nt inom dagligvaruhandeln : en pilotstudie i Sverige och Tyskland

The logistic business Svenska Retursystem AB was founded by the Swedish retail sector in the year 2000, and their introduction of a grey plastic crate to the supply chain for perishable goods changed the situation for the swedish horticultural sector. The new system revealed several challenges to be tackled by all actors, from the small family firm to the bigger organisations. Whereas the initiative comes from the customer himself, from the horticultural sector ?s point of view, a refusal of the new packing is a hard decision to take. It is however interesting that a comparison between the two systems, shows in favour of the corrugated board boxes, not only concerning environmental aspects but also for economical and ergonomical reasons.

Återhämtningsprocessen hos en svensk livsmedelsproducent efter ett allvarligt produktfel : En studie av Findus hantering av ?Hästköttsskandalen? under våren 2013

This study deals with a Swedish company in a food industry that got affected by product failure, which led to consumer trust crisis followed by media and was needed to be managed. Situation had a negative impact on company?s trademark, which acquired long recovery work by the company. Study is following a case example of Findus problems with having horse meat in their meat product that was supposed to contain beef meat. Study aims to research how the company dealt with situation, through crisis communication and recovery strategies.

Hur fungerar egentligen ko?pbeslutsprocessen inom e-handel? : En kvalitativ studie om konsumenternas beteende vid konsumtion pa? Internet.

Title: How does the buying decision process really function within e-commerce? - A qualitative study of consumer behavior when they consume on Internet.Institution: School of Economics, Linnaeus University, Va?xjo?.Course code: 2FE16E.Authors: Sara Hja?rne, Mathilda Perem, Ewelina Wallin.Tutor: Dan Halvarsson.Examiner: A?sa Devine.Key words: Buying decision process, purchase decision process need recognition, information search, evaluation, purchase decision, postpurchase behavior, consumer decision making, E-commerce, E- commerce channels, online shopping, online purchase, e-retail, internet shopping, electronic shopping, consumer behavior, online appereal shopping, social media, decision making, online retailing, website design, customer satisfaction, webshopping, perceived risk, convinience, price, online consumption behavior.Background: Buying decision process is a model that marketers use to get a better understanding of their customers and their behavior when purchasing a product. This process consists of five different steps; need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and evaluation. Buying decision process has for a long time been an accepted model but scientists argue that the introduction of Internet as a channel for consumption has changed this process. The Internet has also led to a change of power in which customers today have greater influence, which greatly affects the buying decision process in e-commercePurpose: The purpose is to explore how consumers perceive their behavior when they consume through e-commerce.Research questions:How do consumers perceive the buying decision process they experience when they consume through e-commerce?How do consumers perceive different factors that are important to them when they consume through e-commerce?Methodology: Qualitative study, cross-sectional design, semi-structured interviews.Conclusion: This thesis shows that the traditional model of the buying decision process is not consistent with consumers' perception of how they are undergoing the process when applied to an e-commerce context.

Restaurering av våtmarker; Inventering av vadare och andfåglar vid Norra Lingenäset

The release of green house gases and the environmental impacts humans have on the environment are huge and might cause irreversible changes to our earth. Meat is considered to have large impacts on the environment, especially beef meat and therefore there have lately been considerable discussions on the sustainable level of meat consumption and production. The main goal with this thesis is to study sustainable meat production and meat consumption in the county of Dalarna in Sweden. Indicators for sustainable meat production and meat consumption were developed and applied on three cases. Interviews were carried out with a municipality in the region that represents the consumer and three beef farmers that represents the producers.

"Bra Jobbat..." : En fallstudie kring de stilistiska uttryck som existerar på Gina Tricots och Acne Studios Facebook-sidor

Den här uppsatsen undersöker de stilistiska uttryck som går att återfinna på Gina Tricots och Acne Studios Facebook-sidor. Studien utgår från teorier om eWOM, marketing management och consumer communities för att skapa en förståelse för hur och varför konsumenter och varumärken uttrycker sig som de gör på varumärkenas Facebook-sidor.Studien har genomförts med en netnografisk datainsamling av de båda varumärkenas Facebook-sidor under en tremånadersperiod, och analyserats med hjälp av en stilistisk textanalys. De huvudsakliga analyspunkterna har varit funktion, drivkraft, syfte, disposition och stilmarkörer, och studien har analyserat både varumärkes- och konsumentinlägg.Genom metoden har denna studie kommit fram till att det finns tydliga skillnader i hur de båda varumärkena använder sina respektive Facebook-sidor. Ett varumärke som Acne Studios använder sin Facebook-sida som ett medium för att dela nya plagg och kollektioner, medan Gina Tricot istället använder detta medium för att skapa interaktion med sina konsumenter och få återkoppling om vad som kan anses vackert eller gräsligt. Dessa skillnader kan ha sitt ursprung i den positionering som varumärkena valt på marknaden, och studien återkopplar till dessa och försöker med hjälp av teorin förklara varför det inte finns en korrekt användning av Facebook.

Hållbart jordbruk inom vattenskyddsområde : En studie om Sverige, Danmark, Frankrike och Tyskland

To guarantee protection of our drinking water, water catchment protections are established. These are divided into three different zones and in the first zone it is most likely that an activity, such as agriculture, will contaminate the water resource. Hence the activities are strongly regulated or banned. The EU communion is working towards a sustained water quality through several directives; Nitrate Directive, Waterframwork directives and Sustainable use of pesticide directive. The main purpose is to regulate the diffuse pollution from agriculture.This thesis is about how Denmark, Germany and France are working towards a sustainable agriculture within water protection areas.

Rädda världen för 100 kronor i månaden : En kvalitativ textanalys av UNICEF Sveriges hemsida

This study was conducted by using a qualitative textual analysis on UNICEF Sweden?s website with the purpose of problematizing the role of UNICEF Sweden in today?s globalised society. This was done in the context of how organisations of civil society have gained influence. Following questions were answered: How does UNICEF Sweden legitimise its operation? Which strategies does UNICEF Sweden use to encourage involvement and donations?The study shows how UNICEF Sweden legitimises its work by promoting a unique influence, their unique methods of work and by showing how the organisation helps the most disadvantaged children.

Vad har 18-19 åringar för attityder mot Functional Food? : - En kvalitativ studie

Problem: What attitudes do young adults have towards Functional food?Is there any relation between these attitudes and young adults behaviour towards Functional Food?Purpose: The purpose of our thesis is to understand young adults attitudes towards Functional Food and also examine the relation between these attitudes and their behaviour towards Functional Food. Method: The authors of this thesis have used a qualitative method for data collection, focus group interviews.  There were two focus groups interviews performed on high-school students at Alléskolan in Hallsberg. The interview questions and the analysis of the primary data have been based on the frame of reference. Conclusion: Our investigation shows similar results as previous studies about consumers attitudes towards Functional Food. Our respondents had mixed attitudes towards Functional Food.

Butiksupplevelsens påverkan på prestationen - En kvantitativ undersökning av hur en butiks ekonomiska prestation påverkas av konsumenternas upplevelse i butiken

It is important for every store to have a good financial performance which can be affected by the average purchase and the number of customers in the store. Customers shopping experience can affect both of these factors and therefore it is important for retailers to know about how an in-store environment can affect this experience. The purpose of this study is to give retailers an indication of the importance of consumers' shopping experience and how this may affect the store's financial performance. To study this subject an in-store survey was conducted in four grocery stores in Stockholm where a total of 320 consumers answered a total of 41 questions about their shopping experience. By sales data it was possible to conduct a statistical analysis to see which variables regarding consumers shopping experience influenced the average purchase.

Exponering av trägolv och lister i butik och på mässor : en jämförande studie mellan sport- och bygghandeln

The business cycle of the wood flooring branch is currently high however that situation may not be sustainable. In a possible future weaker business climate, the importance of marketing becomes accentuated for firms that aim to maintain their sales levels. We can see trends that competition among the Swedish and foreign manufactures is already stepping up. The intent of this study is to establish marketing guidelines for floor- and molding manufacturers, so they can establish a clearer brand image in DIY retail outlets. By comparing the approach of sports- and DIY stores to brand and product placement, this study aims to bring new knowledge to the DIY branch for improved consumer and product handling.

Supply & value chain analysis of onions in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a developing country situated on Africa?s horn. Ethiopia ranks 173rd on United Nations human development index where the least developed country ranks 186. About 85% of all Ethiopians are employed in agriculture. Onion is one of the basic ingredients in the Ethiopian cuisine and thus an important crop.

Power Shift and Retailer Value in the Swedish FMCG Industry

Background: The recent years in the Swedish Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry have been characterized by a palpable shift in power balance, favouring the retailers. Since the shift in power balance has strengthened the negotiation position of the retailers, the suppliers now have to, to a greater extent than before, accommodate to the retailers? goals, whether they be financial or strategic. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate how this recent power shift has affected the relationships of suppliers and retailers. This development has resulted in the rather new and unexplored area of retailer value, which this study further aimed to explore.

Hållbar köttproduktion och köttkonsumtion i Dalarna

The release of green house gases and the environmental impacts humans have on the environment are huge and might cause irreversible changes to our earth. Meat is considered to have large impacts on the environment, especially beef meat and therefore there have lately been considerable discussions on the sustainable level of meat consumption and production. The main goal with this thesis is to study sustainable meat production and meat consumption in the county of Dalarna in Sweden. Indicators for sustainable meat production and meat consumption were developed and applied on three cases. Interviews were carried out with a municipality in the region that represents the consumer and three beef farmers that represents the producers.

Effect of TV displays on impulse purchase

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Relationsmarknadsföring : Hur bankerna ska klara en högre konsumentrörlighet

Relationship Marketing - will banks be able to handle higher consumer mobility in the private market?The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of the factors that affect customer loyalty to the bank. Consumer mobility will probably increase as a result of political changes and pressures on the private banking market to become more competitive. This study was carried out using semi-structured interviews and were transcribed and analyzed with the help of models and theories centered on relationship marketing. The theories describe loyalty, the customer lifecycle and relationships between customers and organizations.

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