

811 Uppsatser om Consumer tribe - Sida 1 av 55

Crossfit Göta Ett Brand Community, en Consumer Tribe eller en Consumption Subculture?

Titel: ?Man måste vara välformulerad, ha humor eller vara briljant? - En kvalitativ studie om hur organisationer applicerar och tar till sig idén om sociala medierFörfattare: Sara Hägge och Sara ÅhmanKurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation, Göteborgs universitetTermin: Höstterminen 2014Handledare: Magnus FredrikssonSidantal: 38 sidor inklusive bilagorSyfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur organisationer applicerar grundreceptet för sociala medier i sin verksamhet samt hur översättningen påverkas av olika organisationsfaktorer.Metod: Kvalitativa samtalsintervjuerMaterial: Nio kvalitativa respondentintervjuer samt tre kvalitativa expertintervjuerHuvudresultat: Denna studie har med hjälp av översättningsteorin undersökt hur organisationer inom marknad, civilsamhälle och stat arbetar med sociala medier. Studien visar att översättning sker olika beroende på de resurser organisationerna avsatt för att arbeta med kanalerna samt hur prioriterade sociala medier är. Andra faktorer som påverkat översättningsprocessen är translatorns intresse, utbildning och erfarenhet.

The Complexities of Lifestyle Brand Segmentation - A Study of the Lifestyle Brand Converse

This master thesis takes its point of departure in the conflicting worldviews of modernism and post-modernism. As traditional segmentation theory springs from the modernist worldview, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the complexity regarding market segmentation for lifestyle brands in contemporary society, where the consumer is often claimed to be post-modern. The research was conducted in Malmö and Lund and involved 25 Converse users as respondents. The methods used in this thesis starts with observations as a sampling technique in order to locate the respondents. Short interviews and photo documentation followed.

Co-creational Effects: En studie i betydelsen av varumärkets styrka

Consumer involvement in the product development process, co-creation, is being practiced by numerous companies. Previous research has investigated how consumer participation in co-creation affects consumer attitude. However, little is known about how co-creation affects the attitudes of the observervers of co-creation. The effect of observed co-creation on consumer attitude should be important when deciding whether to apply co-creation or not, as the observing consumers make up a larger part of the consumer collective than the participating consumers do. The paper at hand aims to investigate how observed co-creation affects consumer attitude and purchase intentions.

Politiskt deltagande hos Kanistammen i Kerala: en fallstudie

This study is case study of political participation among the Kani tribe from Kuttichal grama panchayat in the Thiruvananthapuram district in Kerala, India. The study is based on the collected data of 117 people of the Kani tribe living in four different settlements: Pankavu, Mangode-Valippara, Chonampara and Kaithode. The aim of the study is to examine the impact on political participation by different factors, which is done by the use of the quantitative method of cross tables. The study confirms previous studies in its conclusion that high status individuals, defined in terms of education and economic standard, are the group of the highest political participation, when this is defined as being involved in political work and holding a party membership. On the local political scene however, where political participation consists of participation in local assemblies and voluntary work, the impact of the examined variables are very limited.

Konsumentinformation i förändring - Samarbete mellan Stockholms kommunala konsumentvägledning och Stockholms stadsbibliotek

Voluntary organisations provided the first consumer guidance in Sweden. The government'sinterest in the question started during the second world war and has ever since increased.Since the 1970's the local authorities, with support from the community, have played animportant roll in consumer policy work. Due to the economic recession of recent years theappropriation to consumer guidance work has been cut down. The work has been rationalisedand libraries have more frequently been used to spread consumer information.In Stockholm the municipal has been responsible for local consumer information since the1940's. Co-operation with the library of Stockholm has occurred in different forms.

Porslinskonsumtion sett ur ett generationsperspektiv: Köpbeteende - Generationskohorter - Porslinsindustrin

During the latest 50 years, the Swedish porcelain tableware industry has gone from being rather successful to experience significant problems. Our empirical study attributes these problems to underlying changes in consumer buying behaviour, whereas current generation theory supports our findings. The younger generation has significantly different preferences compared to older generations, with less focus on quality and more focus on variability, and there is reason to believe that these findings also are applicable to other consumer purchases. The successful porcelain companies of tomorrow will be the ones that continuously can adapt to these and further changes in consumer buying behaviour..

When Madison Avenue turns into Main Street: Consumer generated advertising as a marketing tool and its effects on online word of mouth

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of consumer generated advertising as a marketing tool to encourage online word of mouth. Subsequently, the researchers aim to examine if there are certain design factors in consumer generated advertising that influence the effectiveness of consumer generated advertising in encouraging online word of mouth. The study conducts a multiple case study of several consumer generated advertising campaigns. It consists of in-depth studies of these cases in combination with quantitative analyses of the encouraged word of mouth. The different cases are examined on several design factors that could possible increase the volume of encouraged word of mouth..

1+1=3?: En studie om kundtidningars värde för varumärkesinnehavare

Breaking through the clutter and getting consumers? attention is a constant battle for marketers. Could consumer magazines be the solution to the problem? It is not a new marketing method but consumer magazines do not look like traditional marketing and they offer consumers value. Since these are qualities that could increase consumers? will to take part of commercial messages, it might be a method that deserves more attention.

Regler är till för att brytas

A purchase decision can be seen as a multifaceted context that raises many unanswered questions. Understanding the consumer's evaluation of alternatives is complex and should be studied at a deeper rather than wider scale. There is a problem for retailers to understand how the consumer manages a purchase decision in a retail setting with durables goods that generates a higher effort. The aim is to describe the decision rules used by the consumer and how they are expressed in this context. A better understanding of which ones they use and how they are conveyed will help retailers to create effective marketing solutions that generate positive outcomes as increased profitability and customer satisfaction.

Kan konsumentförtroende användas för att prognostisera konsumtion i Sverige?

Making accurate predictions of private consumption expenditures is a difficult task. This thesis examines if consumer confidence can be used to forecast consumption. Using regression analysis, the link between consumer confidence and private consumption expenditures is analyzed for Sweden between the years 1994 and 2005. Two different models are estimated. In the first model consumption is regressed only on consumer confidence, while model two is extended to contain more variables.

The advertising sales flyer as a promotion tool in grocery retail stores, and its effects on in-store consumer behaviour

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken.The purpose of this study was to analyse if there are in-store consumer behaviour differences between the consumers that use ASF and the consumers that not use ASF in store. More precisely this study had two objectives. The first objective was to create a conceptual model depicting the various behavioural effects that the use of ASF may result in. These variables were tested empirically in order to analyze if the use of ASF influence in-store consumer behaviour. The second objective was to analyze if there are differences in the routes taken by the consumers in store, in relation to whether the consumers use the ASF or not..

Har syftet att stärka konsumentskyddet uppnåtts i och med införlivandet av Fastighetsmäklarlag (2011:666)? : 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 och 29 §§ FML

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the new real estate brokerage Act and to see whether the main intent, to strengthen the consumer protection, has been fulfilled through the implementation of the 2011 Act. The real estate agent legislation is made to protect both the buyer and seller throughout the property transaction. Although the intent is to protect the consumer, it is not unusual that disputes arises. To avoid disputes concerning the property transaction, the 2011 legislation opens up for greater transparency in the mediation process. The protection for the consumer has been considerably stronger since the 2011 legislation was implemented.

Gapet mellan företag och konsument   : CSR-kommunikation hos klädföretag

Aim of the thesis: The aim of this thesis is to describe and gain a deeper understanding of how companies use communication as a tool to overcome the gap between the company and the consumer. The aim is also to clarify some of the factors contributing to this gap.Method:  This thesis has been made from a qualitative approach with quantitative influences. The qualitative primary data collection was gathered through six in-depth interviews with companies in Gothenburg either selling organic and fair-trade produced clothes or marketing towards sustainable consumption. The quantitative part consists of a consumer questionnaire given to 100 women in the inner city of Gothenburg.  Frame of references: Related researches within the field of the subject are presented in the beginning of this chapter. Further theories presented are the consumer?s awareness and the consumer´s responsiveness to CSR.

The Consumer as Barrier vs. The Consumer as Partner

First objective: To bring forward managers? perceptions of the underserved consumers in emerging markets. Second objective: To reveal what implications managers? perceptions of underserved consumers in emerging markets provide for branding in these markets. Our study indicates that managers? perceptions are still lacking consumer insights within five elements (value, loyalty, purchasing power, consumers and consumption).

Miljöstrategi: Miljökrav, profil, organisation samt medvetande : en jämförelse mellan Ica och Coop

The main reason for this project is my interest of our environment. What are our two largest grocerychains doing to maintain our environment? The aim of the project is to show the consumer which similarities and differences there are between ICA and Coop. My questions are: What are ICA and Coop doing to satisfy the demands to preserve our environment, are they going further than they have to? What do they think is important? Environment, price, consumer friendly? Answers: ICA and Coop are working to keep up with the demands, but are they doing more than they have to? The branch is a close world; it's hard to get impartial information. They are turning towards different consumer groups. ICA and Coop has different ways to interest consumers, ICA points out the importance of the meals, while Coop points at the environment. New questions has risen during my work: How far will their own brandnames go? Will ICA, Coop and others have their own farms, producers and suppliers? How can the consumer be protected? The competition will decrease with an increase of their own brandnames..

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