

13977 Uppsatser om Consumer social responsibility - Sida 44 av 932

Konsumtion i rörelse : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av politiska konsumenter

The purpose of the study is to examine eight individuals? experiences and conceptions of political consumerism. Main notions in the study are concepts like reshaping of the politics, morality and individualization. The method of choice is qualitative interview and grounded theory. Theories that deal with consumer society, subpolitics and individualization constitute the theoretical framework.

Att tolka det önskvärda USA:s och EU:s relation till folkrätten i tre akter.

I denna studie undersöker vi hur två utrikespolitiska aktörer, USA och EU, i tre empiriska fall tolkat element ur folkrätten. Vi låter två diskurser som bottnar i FN-stadgans rättighet till självförsvar samt en nyare norm som berör statens ansvar att skydda sina medborgare belysa hur aktörerna förhållit sig till folkrätten.Genom en kvalitativ textanalys av aktörernas folkrättsliga beteende i dessa fall visar vi att båda aktörerna söker att förankra sitt utrikespolitiska agerande i folkrättsliga termer. Vidare visar vi att folkrätten är ett tänjbart begrepp för aktörerna, framför allt för USA.Med hjälp av en teori om att det internationella systemet i första hand är strukturerat av folkrätt förklarar vi det båda aktörerna säger folkrättsligt, medan det de faktiskt gör måste förklaras med hjälp av andra teorier inom internationell politik..

Den konstruerade verkligheten : En studie om porträtteringen av män och kvinnor i filmtidningen Cinema

There are many researching studies to be found that describes how media relates to men and women differently. Even if it?s a newspaper research or a magazine research they all display the same information. That there are differences in the way that women and men are described or portrayed in articles and pictures. Most of these gender studies are made on a basis of magazines that are mainly intended to men or to women.

Corporate Social Responsibility och Global Compact. Med mänskliga rättigheter som norm?

Uppsatsens undersökningsområde är den världsomspännande idé eller rörelse som går under beteckningen Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), företags samhälleliga ansvar. En viktig del i CSR-rörelsen är den internationella avtalskonstruktion som benämns Global Compact. Med FN som plattform har ett globalt samarbete mellan företag och intressegrupper upprättats där frågan om företags samhälleliga ansvar behandlas med hjälp av tio principer. Undersökningen har två delsyften; A) att beskriva och undersöka bolags samhälleliga ansvar enligt Global Compact, särskilt enligt principerna 1 och 2, samt B) att kritiskt pröva frågan om det ansvaret är förenligt med bolags legala vinstsyfte. Först följer en deskriptiv redogörelse av CSR och Global Compact för att visa på grunder, struktur och terminologi.

KappAhls sociala ansvar. Hur ser det ut i verkligheten?

With the globalization, companies in the West chose to shift production to developing countries to cut down costs. This had a major impact when child labor and very poor working conditions in these factories were discovered and led many companies to take responsibility for their suppliers and the employees by adopting voluntary so-called Codes of Conduct.There is a subtle balance to enforce improvement of working conditions for employees at suppliers´ factories and to keep costs down. On the one hand, companies would like to conduct extensive audits at their suppliers to ensure code of conduct compliance and thus protect their legitimacy. On the other hand, audits are expensive so companies would like to minimize audits to keep costs down. Companies thus have to strike a delicate balance in relation to how many and what suppliers they choose to audit.

Hållbar konsumtion av nötkött och mjölk

Sustainable beef and milk consumption. The consumption of beef and dairy products in Sweden is high. A lot of greenhouse gases are emitted from the production of these products. The production of beef in Sweden has decreased but the import has increased. The number of dairy cows has decreased while beef-production with suckler-cows has increased in Sweden.

Stress i socialt arbete : om socialarbetares upplevelser och hantering av stress i sitt arbete.

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to get an understanding of what is expected of social workers targeted towards women managers in social services. Nine social workers were interviewed. The empirical data was then analyzed on the basis of gender theory. Respondents did not see their supervisor as a manager but more as a social worker with special tasks. Our empirical data indicates that there is a strong belief that men and women possess different properties.

eWOM: Kundrecensioners påverkan på konsumenter utifrån Regulatory Focus-teorin

This study examines the eWOM effect, more specifically: how customer reviews effects consumers. The study is based on a modified version of the Regulatory Focus Theory which describes consumer behavior using consumer consumption goals. The purpose of this study was to examine how positive and negative customer review's influence consumers when analyzing products that are equally characterized by two consumption goals: promotion and prevention goals. The authors combined quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (focus groups) research methods with the sample selection for both research methods being based on students of Södertörns University. Results indicate that negative customer reviews have a stronger influence on consumers than positive customer reviews when analyzing products that are equally characterized by the promotion goals and prevention goals.

Hur tänker de nu?: En studie om användandet av inkongruenta kändisar

Many companies choose to market their products and brands with help from celebrities. This is not a new phenomenon, though, this strategy is something that we consumers start to get used to and the risk that the consumer unconsciously unselects the message grows. A recently much-disputed theory is the use of incongruent marketing. This means that companies uses a marketing message with the objective to not match the consumer?s expectations.

I mötet mellan två världar: En studie om förändrade chefsroller i sjukvården

Swedish healthcare has experienced increased economic pressure during the last decades and organizations have faced many changes. Managers and their roles in organizations have also been affected by the changes. Traditionally, managers in the healthcare sector are highly specialized doctors with a strong medical background. In the thesis, we study a big private healthcare company with an ambition to lead the development in the sector. In order to accomplish its goal, the company is trying to change the organization of managers.

Ung och full : en kvantitativ studie om ungas riskbruk av alkohol

Recent statistic shows that about 28% of adolescents living in Stockholm drink alcohol at such a high level that their consumption counts as risky drinking. The correct term to use in this matter would be binge drinking adolescents.  In the more wealthy areas of Stockholm this group of binge drinking adolescents counts for as much as a third of the population. In contrast, the adolescents living in exposed areas do not drink nearly as much. Binge drinking adolescents in these areas only counts for 15%, nearly half as much as in the wealthy areas.In light of this the intentions of this study is to investigate which explanatory factors that can clarify the range-rated differences in binge drinking between adolescents in Stockholm.

CSR : Att redovisa med hjärna och hjärta?

 Världen idag blir alltmer globaliserad och öppen, vilket medför att betydelsen växer för företag att vårda och förvalta företagets varumärke och identitet. Ett sätt att göra detta på och som har fått stor spridning på senare år är Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), vilket kan beskrivas som bidragande till hållbarutveckling genom socialt-, miljömässigt- och ekonomisktansvarstagande. Företag påverkas även av en rad olika intressenter såsom investerare, ägare, kunder och medarbetare för att nämna några. Dessa intressenter ställer i olika utsträckning krav på företaget att förmedla information om företagets verksamhet.Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka olika företags CSR-rapportering genom att studera varför innehållet i de undersökta hållbarhetsrapporterna skiljer sig åt, samt undersöka vilka intressenter som kunde tänkas påverka hållbarhetsrapporteringen.De metoder som valdes ut för undersökningen bestod av en kvantitativ del samt en kvalitativ del. Den kvantitativa delen bestod av empiri i form av hållbarhetsrapporter inhämtade från undersökningsobjekten.

Nespresso - Ett koncept att sträva efter

Background: Nespresso is a part of the Nestlé group and was founded in 1986, in the liaison of the revolutionary new method of brewing coffee. The idea was that everyone should be able to brew themselves a cup of espresso that would taste as if a professional barista had done it. Nespresso has now turned in to a new coffee culture. From the beginning Nespresso only sold their products via their club, Nespresso Club, but in year 2000 they opened their first store in Paris. The first store in Sweden opened year 2006 in Stockholm, followed by one in Malmö year 2012.

Möte och bemötande : handläggarnas känslor i deras profession

The focus of this research is to investigate how the client's emotions can affect the social worker and how the social worker manages these feelings in order to make the right decisions. We have used a qualitative approach in our investigation. We have interviewed six social workers at social welfare bureaux in southern Sweden. Our theories are ?Nai?ve Theory? and ?Affect Theory?.

Är egenföretagande en riskfaktor för alkoholmissbruk?: en studie om egenföretagande och dess villkor kan vara riskfaktorer för alkoholmissbruk

The aim of this essay was to obtain an understanding about company owners thinking about the connection between having an own company, and the risks for an alcoholic abuse. The risk factor I was researching was stress, alcoholic culture, accessibility and rehabilitation.I have interviewed five owners of small companies, two women and three men, which represents four different kinds of branches. The theories I used in analysing the empirical findings where the theories of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and culture perspective.I have found that the main stress factors for company owners where the economical stress and great load of work. The stress was also related to the fact that company owners of small companies often were alone with all the responsibility and problems.Women did not use alcohol very often as a tool to reduce stress. If individuals were using alcohol to reduce their stress, it also had to deal with their ability of coping and also what channels they had for coping..

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