

13977 Uppsatser om Consumer social responsibility - Sida 45 av 932

KOMMUNIKATION I FÖRÄNDRING : en uppsats om den nya reklamen, reklamundvikandet och de trender som påverkar reklambranschen

Purpose/Aim: The aim of this paper is to find out how the new media landscape and new communication channels is altering how companies and organizations can reach out with their messages. The aim is also to shine light on the different trends within advertising today and also to discuss the Tivo-effect ie. that consumers are doing whatever possible to avoid advertisements.Material/ Method: I have used a qualitative research method where I have interviewed a number of people working in advertising in Sweden. The paper also includes material from books, article and various websites.Main results: In order for advertising agencies to create successful advertisement and to generate positive associations around a certain brand, it?s crucial that the advertisement is relevant for the target group.

Penningtvättslagen : Revisorns inställning och tillämpning

Linnéuniversitetet Kalmar Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper  Arbetets art:                   D-uppsats, 15 hp                                                                           Lärarprogrammet                                      Samhällsutveckling med ett internationellt perspektiv Titel:                              Hur sker implementering av förebyggande arbete gällande hiv och aids?  Författare:                      Nina Svenman Handledare:                   Gunnar Hansson ABSTRACT This study analyzes the prevention of HIV and AIDS around the region of Pretoria in South Africa. The study's starting point is the cultural, economic, social and health which is relevant when different levels of society affirms. The aim has been the basis of the representation levels of society discern what is valued and given priority as well as the measures and the strategies used in implementation. The empirical data underlying the study is qualitative studies with respondents from a university, a hospital, a school, the Swedish Embassy and an organization in order to create an image of different levels in society means to implement preventive measures on HIV and AIDS to their citizens. The result demonstrates that there are clear shortcomings in its implementation guidance on prevention measures for HIV and AIDS as lack of resources is based.

Varumärkesbyggande genom Sponsring : Risker och Möjligheter med Co-Branding

The essay deals with the subject about branding and the communicative process that entails between businesses and consumers. The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of the opportunities and risks of brand building through sponsorship and Co-Branding. This descriptive analysis is made by highlighting the partnership between two strong brands in the Swedish market, Åbro & AIK, and how internal and external associations related to their impact on brand equity. The study has led to the conclusion that the sponsorship should be seen as synonymous with Co-branding, ie. a synergy between two or more brands.

Socialarbetare : professionell medmänniska eller byråkrat?

The purpose of this study was to examine how social work professionals view their professional role and how they think about the concept of social work. I also wanted to investigate what they believe characterize a professional social work. For the purposes of this study, I chose a qualitative approach in which I interviewed five people linked to the social work. The theories which I have assumed in the analysis of the results are power theory, organization theory and professional theory. The results of this study show that the respondents believe that a professional social work is performed by someone who has training and experience in the field.

Hållbart samhälle, hållbart liv : Om konstruktioner av ideal och problem kring social hållbarhet ur ett landsbygds- och äldreperspektiv

Social sustainability is often regarded as a solution to social problems in general. In this study, on the contrary, social sustainability is conceived as a socially constructed concept and the result of a certain way of looking at the world, the human being and the ideal society. The study centers around Kinda municipality in the southern region of Östergötland and a few of its elder inhabitants. What meaning and substance social sustainability is contained with as well as the effects that are produced by these conceptualizations is explored and analyzed. Also, the study examines the encounter between political policy?s and judgments on the one hand and the experiences and preferences held by the municipality?s elder inhabitants on the other..

En undersökning av olika insamlingssystem för matavfall och deras effekter på renhållningsarbetarnas arbetsmiljö

En ökad efterfrågan på biogas har lett till att matavfallsinsamlingen i Sverige ökar, då detta är en god råvara för produktion av biogas. Det finns flera olika insamlingssystem att välja bland, alla med sina för- respektive nackdelar. Beroende på vilket insamlingssystem som implementeras, får detta konsekvenser för hur renhållningsarbetarnas arbetsmiljö blir. Vad renhållningsarbetarna själva anser vara viktiga aspekter för en god arbetsmiljö samt hur dessa aspekter påverkas av de olika insamlingssystemen har hittills varit okänt. Genom systemanalys innehållandes fallstudier, Corporate Social Responsibility-analys (CSR) och skapandet av Casual Loop Diagrams (CLD) har problematiken undersökts i detta arbete.

Fildelare-en social bandit i vår tid

We examined why file sharing is such a widespread phenomenon and what drives the persons that using file sharing, and what consequences it has on their consuming and ownership. We reached our goal by interviewing ten people who download files, using a qualitative method. We present the internet community where sharing files, copyright and the IPRED law are important ingredients for how the new generation consumer?s patterns look like. Today you can travel all over the world with a push on a button in just a few seconds.

Din dator sponsrar krig : En kritisk diskursanalys av Apples och Hewlett Packards hållbarhetsrapporter

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Apple och HP, genom att kommunicera sina SR-initiativ i sina hållbarhetsrapporter, legitimerar sin verksamhet för sina intressenter. Metod och material: Kritisk diskursanalys av Apples och HPs hållbarhetsrapporter. Huvudresultat: Apple och HP legitimerar sin verksamhet i sina hållbarhetsrapporter, genom att anpassa det språk och ordval som används. De ordval som görs ger direkta konsekvenser för hur företagen framställs i sammanhanget och påverkar hur de fråntar sig ansvaret av sin verksamhet..

Intensiv beteendeterapi för förskolebarn med autism : En studie om pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta med intensiv beteendeterapi i förskolan

This study investigates educators? experience of Intensive Behavioral Therapy (IBT) for preschool children diagnosed with autism. The aim is to examine, from the educators? perspective, how useful this method has been, what difference it made for the children with autism that took part in this training and also how the educators? have been able to organize and implement the method. The study is based on 6 semi-structured interviews and 29 surveys.

Konsumenternas köpvanor inom olika försäljningskanaler : Skillnader mellan konsumenter som handlar i fysiska butiker, onlinebutiker samt inom brick and click

In Sweden today, the consumers have the opportunity to use the different sales channels; physical store, online store and brick and click, a combination of both. For the past decade, the use of ecommerce has spread tremendously and the fashion industry is one of the top three industries in this category. This, together with the growth of technology, have created new opportunities for consumers during their online shopping. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between consumers who use physical store, online store or both. This study aims to look into consumers' shopping habits within these sales channels and factors that are affecting them.

Tager ni detta ansvar- i nöd och lust? En studie om hur en integrerad CSR-strategi skapar gemensamma värden

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) innebär att ett företag ska ta ansvar för hur de påverkar samhället, ur såväl miljömässigt, etiskt, socialt samt ekonomiskt perspektiv. Sedan 1950-talet har begreppet socialt ansvar uppmärksammats och etablerats inom företagsvärlden. Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka om CSR som strategi kan vara ett verktyg för ett hållbart företagande och om CSR kan ge en långsiktig lönsamhet på marknaden. För att kunna skapa en förståelse kring komplexiteten inom CSR samt analysera empirin utgår vi från Carrolls CSR-pyramid som en grundläggande modell för att därefter byggas på med den utvecklade tre-stegsmodellen. Vidare ges en genomgång av Lucas teori om strategisk miljöledning för att slutligen presentera Mintzbergs organisationsteori för att visa hur olika verksamheter kan se ut.

-Omanligt kan man säga... : Socionomstuderande mäns perspektiv på yrke, karriär, status och att tillhöra en könsminoritet

The purpose of this study was to enlighten the views of male social work students on; the social work profession, social work status and their career options. Also, the study aimed at getting these students angles of approach on the fact that they, being men, are a minority group within the profession of social work. Some of the main questions were: Why does not social work as a profession seem to attract men? What about the status of the profession of social work? What were the thoughts of male social work students about this? What advantages or disadvantages did they recognise, being a minority in the profession? The method used in this study was doing separate interviews. All of the interviewed students were convinced that they had a better chance of getting a job.

Bättre ut : En kvalitativ studie ur klientperspektiv om frigivning.

The purpose of this study is to from a client point of view study the release process. The first issue is which positive and negative aspects on the release situations that are revealed trough the interviews. The second issue is which changes that are needed to improve the conditions for the release work to be crime preventive. The study has been performed by means of qualitative interviews with clients, and one person with a long professional experience of treatment of offenders. The results show that the release work has generally not been successful.

Konstverksamhet på folkbibliotek med utgångspunkt i statliga kulturpolitiska direktiv

This master thesis is about art activity in the public library. The essay takes its starting point from Government cultural political directives and my purpose has been to study how these are followed up in the municipal level. My survey takes place at the main library of Flen in the county of Södermanland. What I am looking for is, what the art activity looks like, what is decided regarding it and what the strategies are. Furthermore I look into how library visitors understand and participate in the art activity.

Digital signage i butikshyllan - Kan interaktivitet skapa ytterligare en dimension av påverkan vid köpbeslutet

Interactive media is constantly increasing in our surroundings and with the innovation of touch-screens, two-way communication with screens has become part of our daily life. Still, this well known way of process information is not often seen in the in-store environment of grocery retailing. Here, interactive media is an unestablished field where empirical studies are invisible within the academic world. The lack of knowledge in which effect interactive digital signage has is one of the barriers of investing in this marketing solution in-store. The main purpose of this study is to examine and describe the effects of interactive digital signage at shelf within grocery retailing.

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